~*~* July Sunbeams *~*~43 Babies Here So Far!!! 25 Boys / 18 Girls

So many congratulations due!! Congratulations to all the new sunbeams & hope we all have a H&H 9 months :flower:

And I am so so sorry to hear about your losses Lovn.sunshine, Photogmommy & mildred81 I can't imagine what you're going through :hugs:

JJsmom - I've been talking to my little baby too!!! Mostly telling them to stay put! :haha: And I keep referring to "them" or "they" so maybe subconsciously I know we're having twins! :haha: Doubtful as there are none on either side. And I too am trying to eat healthy when I can manage to eat at all. Figured the little the baby is getting should be good stuff.

junemomma09 - I've been sick too. I had a bad flu the week before I got my BFP & then ended up in the out of hours doctor last night with a stomach bug (I thought it was morning sickness!). I've been signed off work for a few days but I'm so worried about the baby - that's a lot to have been through when they're still so teeny! But they made it through the flu so hopefully they'll make it through this too. Hope you feel better soon :hugs: Good luck on the 29th!

HopeforFuture - I'm the same. Staying away from anything remotely dangerous! I don't even think I'll go to the work Christmas party (I've only worked there a couple of months anyways). If I could stay on bed rest for the next few months I would!

Googling should be banned for pregnant ladies!!!

My doctor warned me to stay away from "Dr. Google"!!

JP19 - I don't really have any symptoms either. It is a bit worrying but I'm sure we'll catch up soon!

barbara-moira - Same! I feel like every time I got to the bathroom & don't have any spotting I feel like it's a little victory!

serenity9712 - Hope all is ok. Thinking of you :hugs:

MrsLuLu - I would imagine it's a case of the sooner the better with the cream. I must start myself!


How long have you been TTC? 15 months or thereabouts
what are would you like GIRL or BOY? Either! DH would love a boy & I would love a girl but would be delighted with either.
what symptoms are you having? Hard to know as I've been sick with a stomach bug so I can't really differentiate between what is related to the pregnancy & what is the illness. Hopefully the little baby is ok in there!

I don't really have many symptoms. As above it's hard to decide what's what but I'm particularly gassy & very tired all of a sudden (after a hard day of doing nothing). Get to make my first appointment tomorrow morning which I'm really excited about! :happydance:
About the lotion and bio oil thing, I found Palmers shea cocoa butter to be great with my 1st pregnancy, and I didn't get that many stretch marks. Except after the bump was gone, I had tons on my inner thighs that I hadn't noticed. :blush: So I'll cover all my bases this time.
Best of luck ILoveHim! I know that must be difficult to quit smoking, but you are doing a great thing for your baby!

I have my first OB appt Nov 13. I'm a little nervous bc the implantation bleeding (that I initially thought was an early light period) lasted about 4 days, and doc wants to make sure everything is ok. I've been testing daily, and the lines keep getting darker, but I really hope that everything is fine. I've lost one before (at 16 wks..missed m/c from 14 wks) and I pray that we don't ever have to go through that again :nope: The good thing is that DD is a nice distraction from the worry! She's such a good baby!

On another note, it's so great seeing all the July babies on here!! Congrats to everyone and a H&H 9 months to everyone!

thanks girl its always great having support on here! im sorri about your m/c but alittle bit of spotting is normal i spotted with my son if u feel like there is a problem id go to the hospital to the er and get it checked out i actually went to the hospital last friday when i got my :bfp: because i just didnt believe that i was really pregnant and they said my hcg level was like 21.4 and today i was back at the hospital because my ear has been hurting so bad so i fig while i was there id get them to do my blood work again and i got very good NEWS my HCG levels are now 509.3 they did a ultrasound but doctor said its to early to see anything which sucks big time because i would just feel alot better but i know in another week or so will be able to see something atleast i know my hcg levels are going up how they should plus doc did a coochie check and said everything looks ok up there lol i had open up my whoo whoo like that and plus it hurts!! lol but u gotta get used to ur legs in the air when ur preggers
So many congratulations due!! Congratulations to all the new sunbeams & hope we all have a H&H 9 months :flower:

And I am so so sorry to hear about your losses Lovn.sunshine, Photogmommy & mildred81 I can't imagine what you're going through :hugs:

JJsmom - I've been talking to my little baby too!!! Mostly telling them to stay put! :haha: And I keep referring to "them" or "they" so maybe subconsciously I know we're having twins! :haha: Doubtful as there are none on either side. And I too am trying to eat healthy when I can manage to eat at all. Figured the little the baby is getting should be good stuff.

junemomma09 - I've been sick too. I had a bad flu the week before I got my BFP & then ended up in the out of hours doctor last night with a stomach bug (I thought it was morning sickness!). I've been signed off work for a few days but I'm so worried about the baby - that's a lot to have been through when they're still so teeny! But they made it through the flu so hopefully they'll make it through this too. Hope you feel better soon :hugs: Good luck on the 29th!

HopeforFuture - I'm the same. Staying away from anything remotely dangerous! I don't even think I'll go to the work Christmas party (I've only worked there a couple of months anyways). If I could stay on bed rest for the next few months I would!

Googling should be banned for pregnant ladies!!!

My doctor warned me to stay away from "Dr. Google"!!

JP19 - I don't really have any symptoms either. It is a bit worrying but I'm sure we'll catch up soon!

barbara-moira - Same! I feel like every time I got to the bathroom & don't have any spotting I feel like it's a little victory!

serenity9712 - Hope all is ok. Thinking of you :hugs:

MrsLuLu - I would imagine it's a case of the sooner the better with the cream. I must start myself!


How long have you been TTC? 15 months or thereabouts
what are would you like GIRL or BOY? Either! DH would love a boy & I would love a girl but would be delighted with either.
what symptoms are you having? Hard to know as I've been sick with a stomach bug so I can't really differentiate between what is related to the pregnancy & what is the illness. Hopefully the little baby is ok in there!

I don't really have many symptoms. As above it's hard to decide what's what but I'm particularly gassy & very tired all of a sudden (after a hard day of doing nothing). Get to make my first appointment tomorrow morning which I'm really excited about! :happydance:

i hope u feel better my DH just got over a stomach bug poor thing butt was glued to the toliet while his head was in the trash can!! he couldnt stop pooping poor things butt was on fire LMAO!! im glad u can make ur first appointment tomorrow i made mine monday i think it was no it was tuesday because we got hit with SANDY but my area didnt get hit too bad so glad power didnt go out because i had all the kids here well my son lives with us and then dh 5kids i let them come over netime they wants i love em little rug rats i see the dr next friday and i also made a wic appointment too because while ur pregnant u can get free milk eggs cheese peanut butter and a few other stuff
hey ladies for those of u first time mommys i just wanted to tell yall about the wic program i know they have it in the US the UK and other places idk but the wic program helps you with formal when ur baby is born because it can be very very costly and when ur preggers u get milk eggs cheese peanut butter ceral and some other stuff totally worth it so please ladies go check it out see if u have it and call and make a appointment totally worth it now if u make to much u might not be able to get it but its worth a try good luck
It's crazy how much more uncomfortable a pelvic exam is when you're pregnant.
About the lotion and bio oil thing, I found Palmers shea cocoa butter to be great with my 1st pregnancy, and I didn't get that many stretch marks. Except after the bump was gone, I had tons on my inner thighs that I hadn't noticed. :blush: So I'll cover all my bases this time.

nothing help me when i was prego with my son i lubed my belly up with everything and still got lots and lots of marks but i got them for a very good reason and there only on my belly not everywhere so works for me goodluck:hugs:
ok so my appt yesterday. the np thinks its a developing milk duct but isnt certain. i have a referral for an ultrasound of my boob.

another question who has had hcg levels taken, what days past ovulation and has ANY had progesterone levels checked yet.

i had mine done at

CD 21 7dpo ( progesterone 29.9)
cd 27 13dpo hcg 46.2 progesterone 62

cd 29 15 dpo hcg 132

i want to compare because i have a feeling mines twins. we had 4 follicles that could have ovulated and or eggs the split. I'm uncertain if its multiples or singleton. its driving me nuts and don't have ultrasound ob appt for 2 more weeks.
So how many July moms are delivering alone? this will be the first time Dh will not be here for a birth and won't be returning for 2-4 months after the lo is born. im not nervous but i am feeling very bad for him that he's going to miss it. he so loves his newborn babes :(

DH is working out of state (but is coming home until the city gets back to normal) now. I'm sure we'll be able to have him here for delivery though. I know he won't want to miss it. He was there when I delivered our daughter and was supposed to cut the cord, but the nurse ended up having to do it before I could finish delivering her, so I know he wants to do it this time.
Karry- thank you Hun! I'm feeling much better than I was. Just really congested now. I'm also exhausted. But I have a feeling I'd be exhausted anyway lol
I'm hoping I dont get MS too bad if not at all. I had hyperemesis gravidarum for 12 weeks with my daughter and morning nausea/vomiting at times with my son. So I'm hoping it steers clear for me this time :)
So how many July moms are delivering alone? this will be the first time Dh will not be here for a birth and won't be returning for 2-4 months after the lo is born. im not nervous but i am feeling very bad for him that he's going to miss it. he so loves his newborn babes :(

oneandtwo, I'll be delivering alone unless the baby(s) comes early. OH will be shipped off to basic training in either June or July. He won't know until he has completely signed up.

I'm definitely signing up for the WIC program and I have to sign up for medicaid too because my jobs insurance is just way to expensive!

Welcome to all the new BFP's!!! Congrats!!!
Serenity, that make sense, hope it is nothing serious :) I ate so much food today i said to dh, I wonder it's twins I'm so dang hungry! I have a wic appt tomorrow which will be a huge help since dh barely works lately.
It's crazy how much more uncomfortable a pelvic exam is when you're pregnant.

MOUSE pelivc exams are always uncomfortable even when your not preggers lol!!!! i dont know why babys can't come out some where else lol like why cant your belly button open up instead of your who whozerz im so happy that with my son the epidural worked so GOOD the doctor who did it ROCKED matter of fact im going to try and see if he still works at the hospital where i had my son at 5yrs ago because when i go into labor i want him AGAIN i didnt feel nothing with my son it was the best
So how many July moms are delivering alone? this will be the first time Dh will not be here for a birth and won't be returning for 2-4 months after the lo is born. im not nervous but i am feeling very bad for him that he's going to miss it. he so loves his newborn babes :(

oneandtwo, I'll be delivering alone unless the baby(s) comes early. OH will be shipped off to basic training in either June or July. He won't know until he has completely signed up.

I'm definitely signing up for the WIC program and I have to sign up for medicaid too because my jobs insurance is just way to expensive!

Welcome to all the new BFP's!!! Congrats!!!

good jj im glad that you are taken the free help thats out there!! i did the wic program with my son and it help me out so so much being a single mommy then not having to buy all that formaul and i also have medical assistances you know i see it like this im not working right now but i have in the passed and my DH works every single day and bust his butt they take out ENOUGH TAXES in his freaking check every week and my mother and father both have worked all of their life too before they got sick so im not ashame to take the HELP hey anything free i can get from the goverment works for me because then hubby feels like the taxes they take out do help in the long run!!
ok so my appt yesterday. the np thinks its a developing milk duct but isnt certain. i have a referral for an ultrasound of my boob.

another question who has had hcg levels taken, what days past ovulation and has ANY had progesterone levels checked yet.

i had mine done at

CD 21 7dpo ( progesterone 29.9)
cd 27 13dpo hcg 46.2 progesterone 62

cd 29 15 dpo hcg 132

i want to compare because i have a feeling mines twins. we had 4 follicles that could have ovulated and or eggs the split. I'm uncertain if its multiples or singleton. its driving me nuts and don't have ultrasound ob appt for 2 more weeks.

i really wish i could help you with the how many dpo but this month i told myself im i wasnt doing noting i was going to keep busy relax and if that didnt work then it was time for a BREAK and then lucky for us after 2yrs of ttc we finally got our :bfp: alls i know is AF came sept 21st sometimes i got 28cds but sometimes they can last up to 35cd and since i wasnt temping or using opks or nothing this month i just know oct25th is when i got my bfp!! and i went to the hospital and got blood took it was 21.4 then today 11.8 it was 509.3 the doctor gave me my blood work sheet with the beta quant levels on it qnd it say week 0.2-1:5-50 miu/ml gestational week 1-2: 50-500miu/ml gesational week 2-3:100-5,000miu/ml gestatinal week 3-4:500-10,000miu/ml gestational week 4-5 1000-50,000 miu/ml gestational week 5-6:10,000-100,000 mu/ml gestational week 6-8:15,000-200,00 miu/ml gestationl week 8-12- 10,000-100,00miu/ml!!! so even know my ticker say ill be 6weeks tomrrow i think im more like 4weeks
Apparently because I am over 35 and on a low income I get the scans for free...except the 12wk one. That will cost me about $165 or something outrageous. We plan to get one around 8wks to see how the little bean is doing.
So how many July moms are delivering alone? this will be the first time Dh will not be here for a birth and won't be returning for 2-4 months after the lo is born. im not nervous but i am feeling very bad for him that he's going to miss it. he so loves his newborn babes :(

oneandtwo, I'll be delivering alone unless the baby(s) comes early. OH will be shipped off to basic training in either June or July. He won't know until he has completely signed up.

I'm definitely signing up for the WIC program and I have to sign up for medicaid too because my jobs insurance is just way to expensive!

Welcome to all the new BFP's!!! Congrats!!!

good jj im glad that you are taken the free help thats out there!! i did the wic program with my son and it help me out so so much being a single mommy then not having to buy all that formaul and i also have medical assistances you know i see it like this im not working right now but i have in the passed and my DH works every single day and bust his butt they take out ENOUGH TAXES in his freaking check every week and my mother and father both have worked all of their life too before they got sick so im not ashame to take the HELP hey anything free i can get from the goverment works for me because then hubby feels like the taxes they take out do help in the long run!!

I pay my taxes as well. I work for a trucking company and our insurance is $75 a week. If I want to pay my rent there is no way I can afford that. Once We're married next May and OH joins the military we'll be on tricare so I wont have to worry about no ins.
So how many July moms are delivering alone? this will be the first time Dh will not be here for a birth and won't be returning for 2-4 months after the lo is born. im not nervous but i am feeling very bad for him that he's going to miss it. he so loves his newborn babes :(

oneandtwo, I'll be delivering alone unless the baby(s) comes early. OH will be shipped off to basic training in either June or July. He won't know until he has completely signed up.

I'm definitely signing up for the WIC program and I have to sign up for medicaid too because my jobs insurance is just way to expensive!

Welcome to all the new BFP's!!! Congrats!!!

good jj im glad that you are taken the free help thats out there!! i did the wic program with my son and it help me out so so much being a single mommy then not having to buy all that formaul and i also have medical assistances you know i see it like this im not working right now but i have in the passed and my DH works every single day and bust his butt they take out ENOUGH TAXES in his freaking check every week and my mother and father both have worked all of their life too before they got sick so im not ashame to take the HELP hey anything free i can get from the goverment works for me because then hubby feels like the taxes they take out do help in the long run!!
You do realize if they didn't give out so much "free" stuff they wouldn't have to take out so much taxes. ;)
Not starting a debate but 'free' is not free, we paid into our jobs and had to collect unemployment after dh was retired from the military so I know how it goes :) but don't have an attitude of entitlement, everything we take now, our children pay for later. Just food for thought..mm..food.. :) lol
morning ladies!! :coffee: How is everyone feeling today?

Apart from feeling tired and tender boobs i dnt really have any other symptoms. :sleep:

I am trying to decide if i should book an early scan, it would have to be private as i dnt think i will be offered one on NHS.

I had a private scan at 8 weeks last time and it show that the baby was 2 weeks smaller than its dates and when i went back 2 weeks later it had died. suppose i was glad i paid for an early scan cos i found out that some thing was wrong. dnt know wheather just to wait untill 12 weeks???!!:wacko:

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