~*~* July Sunbeams *~*~43 Babies Here So Far!!! 25 Boys / 18 Girls

Update...DD is feeling herself again but DH and I must have caught her germs...I started feeling ill last night and he started feeling ill this morning. I had to run to the loo about 4 times and only just made it...horrid germs! I was really worried I would go into early labor the pain in my belly was so bad.
oh libbysmum-that is awful! i hope it passes quickly for you, dont forget to drink lots!!
those of you with little ones at home what are you doing with them when you go into labor? all my family lives nearby but i dont trust my mom or sister to be alone with my DD. Originally my dad and stepmom were going to watch her but they want to be able to have a carseat so they can drive with her places and i dont feel comfortable with her being in a car with them. mainly because i dont know how either of them drive and my step mom has a history of having mini strokes. I dont want to be worried about my daughter while i'm in labor. I told my hubby that if he didnt mind after i push the baby out i want him to be home with our daughter and they can come visit as often as he wants but it would put my mind at ease. my dad and step mom were going to watch her from the time i go into labor until my hubby could get home but lately they never answer the phone when i call. i understand people get busy and what not but if i call a few times in a row (like when i went to the hospital last week) and no one answers or calls back i dont feel like i can count on them when i'm in labor. at this point i could go in labor at any time..i had my husband ask his parents to come down (they live 4 hours away) so i guess when i get admitted to the hospital they'll head down and he'll come to the hospital after they get here. i have a bad feeling i'm going to have this baby alone :(
Libbysmum - oh no... I hope you shake it really quickly. I can't imagine being sick this late in the game. I can barely deal with normal me pregnant... sick as well must be unbearable.

tlh97990 - I'm either calling my next door neighbor or dropping her off at a different friend's house until my mom can get here. Mom lives about 3 and half hours away so I plan on calling her as soon as things start happening, but then I trust my mom completely with my daughter. No way could I do labour without my hubby there. Hope you get something worked out that you're happy with!

oneandtwo - that's very zen of you. lol I on the other hand am not ready for him to be out at all but would really like to not be in pain constantly either... 37 weeks.. wow that IS soon! Crazyness!! :D

Sorry I've missed so much guys. I'm up visiting with my parents while hubby is on a business trip (told him he had to get me to my parents first if he needed to go away for a week!) Thankfully they've got a pool so we've been doing a lot of floating. Kinda essential at this point though as I am SO FREAKING SWOLLEN!!!!! Just typing this is distinctly painful. Carpal tunnel has truly set in now and lasts all day. Tried helping dad cut chicken today and my fingers went numb part way through and my wrist started aching like crazy. I wake up every hour our two at night when they go numb and my arms hurt up to my elbows. It's ridiculous and hard to deal with. I have to keep my hands completely flat and inline with my wrists or the numbness starts... and there go the fingers on my right hand!! guess it's time to stop typing. I'll try to check in more later but if you don't hear much from me - know that I'm still reading just too bloody incapacitated to respond!
Dd will be staying with my grandparents. Depending on what time of day/night it is they will either keep her here at home or she will go down there which she is very used to. Then later after I call and give them the okay they will bring her up to the hospital to see us and meet her new sister :) I'm very close with my family though and trust them completely with driving with her.
tlh, my friend is watching my boys at my home, she won't be traveling with them. my kids love her, and her two kids. i could not/would not have felt comfortable having them left with grandparents even if we were allowing family to come, other than my sisters. my sisters will leave the hospital after I've delivered and take care of the boys so my friend doesn't have to stay over night. my sisters aren't allowed to leave base with them, and even though my sons dont know them very well, my sisters adore them so i know they'll just be treated like perfect little puppies whike im in hospital.

I'd have a friend watch them if its possible? but to tell you the,trutg, if the hospital allowed it, and my husband was home they'd all be coming to hospital with us, we took our olders to hospital each time a younger was born, and it was fantastic :)
becca-do you have the wrist splints?? sounds like they could help, if you dont they sell the otc at most pharmacies. my mom wore them all the time before she had the surgery.
caro-ive thought of that, but all my labor signs have left (expect insane nesting) i just feel really good, emotionally. physically, not so much but its not bothering me lol
Thank you ladies...DH had aches all day and felt awful...he said if I felt as bad as he did I should call the hospital. He is so anxious about loosing this baby because of our other mc. I called the hospital and they said just to keep up the fluids and if I got worse to go to my regular GP in the morning. They said they didn't like people coming with vomiting bugs to hospital cause of cross infection...lol whatevs!
Managed a bit of toast and it stayed down...had some rice for dinner just avoiding dairy and anything remotely spicy. Am hoping the worst is over!
As for DD when I am in labor hopefully my mother will babysit. I had not thought about the car seat issue! I am glad you mentioned it! DH and I have one on laybuy that we will use for Libby and the new baby will go in her old seat as it's from birth-4 years. The new seat is from 6mths-8years so I am praying she wont grow too fast and be squished up in it. It was an extra $30 from the one we had planned to get but the government recalled it because it wasn't safe...talk about drama! Thankfully we still had it on laybuy and not purchased fully so they shop just swapped the $ over to the other seat for us. Such a relief!
ended up back in hospital with bleeding again last night :( Baby is ok so that's all that matters. Took 3 doctors to find my cervix tho!

Hope everyone is well xxx
i wish i trusted my family more but my mom is extremely overweight and my daughter's room is upstairs. my mom can't walk up a flight of stairs or get up and chase my daughter around. she's furious i wont let her watch her but if you cant get up and down you dont need to be watching a toddler! as for my dad i just became close with over the last year and a half i trust him and his wife with her but not necessarily over night. and my sister has a bit of drinking problem even though she thinks she doesnt so it worries me. id like to think she wouldnt drink around my daughter alone but you never know. im hoping i go into labor early in the morning when my daughter can be in daycare until my in laws make it in town!
ended up back in hospital with bleeding again last night :( Baby is ok so that's all that matters. Took 3 doctors to find my cervix tho!

Hope everyone is well xxx

How stressful to have this happen again :hugs: glad that the little guy is doing well though! Did they send you home or keep you for observation?
ended up back in hospital with bleeding again last night :( Baby is ok so that's all that matters. Took 3 doctors to find my cervix tho!

Hope everyone is well xxx

How stressful to have this happen again :hugs: glad that the little guy is doing well though! Did they send you home or keep you for observation?

They sent me home after doing a ctg etc. They said its coming from the outisde and cervix is still very high and closed x
Wow! This thread sure has grown since I've been on in April. I hope everyone is doing ok. I haven't read all the posts yet, but I will have to go back & read them. I'm just so excited to be 33 weeks today!!
Update...DD is feeling herself again but DH and I must have caught her germs...I started feeling ill last night and he started feeling ill this morning. I had to run to the loo about 4 times and only just made it...horrid germs! I was really worried I would go into early labor the pain in my belly was so bad.

:hugs: hope it passes soon, how nasty to be so sick and heavily pregnant :(

those of you with little ones at home what are you doing with them when you go into labor? all my family lives nearby but i dont trust my mom or sister to be alone with my DD. Originally my dad and stepmom were going to watch her but they want to be able to have a carseat so they can drive with her places and i dont feel comfortable with her being in a car with them. mainly because i dont know how either of them drive and my step mom has a history of having mini strokes. I dont want to be worried about my daughter while i'm in labor. I told my hubby that if he didnt mind after i push the baby out i want him to be home with our daughter and they can come visit as often as he wants but it would put my mind at ease. my dad and step mom were going to watch her from the time i go into labor until my hubby could get home but lately they never answer the phone when i call. i understand people get busy and what not but if i call a few times in a row (like when i went to the hospital last week) and no one answers or calls back i dont feel like i can count on them when i'm in labor. at this point i could go in labor at any time..i had my husband ask his parents to come down (they live 4 hours away) so i guess when i get admitted to the hospital they'll head down and he'll come to the hospital after they get here. i have a bad feeling i'm going to have this baby alone :(

good question!! I've got a few people who can hopefully help but all my family still works so no one retired or non working to 100% rely on :/, therefore best thing is baby could come at the wkend!! however if its nightime and it doesn't bother me having DS in the house then i'll let him just sleep and hopefully meet his brother/sister in the morning. But if its slowing labour then someone will have to take him! i'd 100% rely on my mum but she;s going to be the 2nd midwife for me, so kinda leave my step dad or FIL, hoping one of them might just be 'sick' from work if needed to help! if not last resort would be a good friend, however she'll be around 32wks pregnant herself by then so quite an ask really! hmmmm, hopefully you find someone, or baby takes a while so your in-laws can make it in time :)

Sorry I've missed so much guys. I'm up visiting with my parents while hubby is on a business trip (told him he had to get me to my parents first if he needed to go away for a week!) Thankfully they've got a pool so we've been doing a lot of floating. Kinda essential at this point though as I am SO FREAKING SWOLLEN!!!!! Just typing this is distinctly painful. Carpal tunnel has truly set in now and lasts all day. Tried helping dad cut chicken today and my fingers went numb part way through and my wrist started aching like crazy. I wake up every hour our two at night when they go numb and my arms hurt up to my elbows. It's ridiculous and hard to deal with. I have to keep my hands completely flat and inline with my wrists or the numbness starts... and there go the fingers on my right hand!! guess it's time to stop typing. I'll try to check in more later but if you don't hear much from me - know that I'm still reading just too bloody incapacitated to respond!

ouch :hugs:, def try the splints someone suggested, can just help you keep your wrists in alignment to prevent the swelling so much. And elevate as much as possible!

caro-ive thought of that, but all my labor signs have left (expect insane nesting) i just feel really good, emotionally. physically, not so much but its not bothering me lol

just enjoy it then hun ;) :D:D xx

ended up back in hospital with bleeding again last night :( Baby is ok so that's all that matters. Took 3 doctors to find my cervix tho!

Hope everyone is well xxx

oh no :(, so glad they've let you go now though and nothings happening labour wise! just a little bit longer though and we'll all be hoping this is it for each other!!

Wow! This thread sure has grown since I've been on in April. I hope everyone is doing ok. I haven't read all the posts yet, but I will have to go back & read them. I'm just so excited to be 33 weeks today!!

happy 33wks :D, 34wks for me today! time is going soooo fast, gulp!

had the wkend away with my DH this wkend, was really nice having some couple time :) and gave me some hope for Alex being away from us while I have this baby as he had a brilliant time at FIL's! fx;ed baby will come while FIL is able to take him :thumbup:
libbysmum, hope you feel better soon!! Being able to keep toast and fluids down will help a lot!

tlh, my son has went to be with grandma during this time. He'll come home after Coltyn is born.

Becca, wrist guards really help keep your hands in line. I have arthritis in my wrists and I have to use them quite often. They can be annoying but once it's in place for so long it will start calming down.

We finally made it home yesterday from our honeymoon. Had a massive scare because I was told my dog had run out of our yard and the in laws couldn't find him. I posted a listing on craigslist and had 2 phone calls stating he was at the pound. One however said he had a broken hip and had been hit by a car. I freaked out! Started calling his vet and another vet and trying to figure out if we could do surgery and how much it'd cost and all that good stuff. Well it turned out that my mother in law went to the pound yesterday while we were driving back and she said that he was there and perfectly fine. He was growling and very scared but that he was there. So we have to wait until they open tomorrow to get him. I can't wait!!! I miss my little guy and my son is asking about him already wanting to know if he was still here when we got home. I had to call him this morning to tell him no he wasn't but we know where he is and will have him first thing as soon as they open tomorrow! You could hear how sad he was and he said he missed us all already. If we had to put our dog down or have surgery on him, my son would have been devastated! There was a dog that looked just like him in the pound as well and that is the one I think had the broken hip. I just pray that my mother in law was right and that it was definitely our dog that was in there. My brother in law said it was definitely him and his attitude sounded like him. Wouldn't let anyone touch him or go near him. I just want my baby home! I hate the thought that he's in there alone and scared! He's very protective!

Next doc appt is Wed..will be 36 weeks!! Can't believe how close we are all getting!!
Went to the bakery to get some bread this morning...I just felt like yummy fresh baked bread. DD saw the flavoured milks in the fridge display so we had to get one of those too. She dropped my change under the car and I couldn't bend to get it so some lucky person is going to be about 20cents richer when they find it.
Pink...what a fright- glad it isn't a problem for the baby...take care and rest as much as you can.
I am feeling much better from my vomit bug...thank GOD! Now just battling a mild headache and normal pregnancy discomfort.
Thinking of buying some storage containers or a new dresser for the DD's bedroom cause her old one (we got off the side of the road years ago) is now falling apart.
Mmm fresh bread is amazing.

I cant do head aches they seem to just hang around!

It wont be long till we will be all counting down labour together! Scarey stuff!

I was thinking of starting to wash the baby clothes its all sorted into sizes but I want to get my bag packed so need to get some out... might as well do all of it !
Pink, I was thinking the same thing! I need to get clothes washed but I don't have a ton of them. But all together probably have one load. MIL asked if I had a diaper bag and I told her no, so she said she is going to get me one with Coltyn's name on it and full of stuff. She sure is spoiling this baby! LOL!
I have about 6 loads of clothes :blush: thats nb to 3-6 tho.

Thats lovely about MIL getting her a bag full of stuff! We got a box from my MIL today full of baby clothes :)

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