~*~* July Sunbeams *~*~43 Babies Here So Far!!! 25 Boys / 18 Girls

alicecooper - whoa! lol how does DH feel about your 'promotion'?

he's totally fine about it lol. As long as I don't promote myself to an escort, which is something I'd never do lol.

He sits just out of view when I'm on cam so he knows what's going on, and he can see it's all fake - like yes okay I'm whacking out a great big dildo and going for it on cam, but as soon as the person leaves, I stop.

But by this time DH is turned on because he's heard me fake all the moaning and groaning haha (and men are suckers for that lol), so it's actually ended up enhancing our sex life because then we go up to bed and he's all like "mmm I liked hearing you moaning and groaning"


And I think he kinda gets a kick out of the fact that these guys are admiring his wife, but I'm his wife, and nobody else gets to touch me lol.

Honestly it's the money that's the incentive though. I had a 35 minute cam session yesterday "entertaining" some guy, and made £70.

Just remembering exactly how BIG your baby bump is at the moment! That's got to be weird! :)
alicecooper - whoa! lol how does DH feel about your 'promotion'?

he's totally fine about it lol. As long as I don't promote myself to an escort, which is something I'd never do lol.

He sits just out of view when I'm on cam so he knows what's going on, and he can see it's all fake - like yes okay I'm whacking out a great big dildo and going for it on cam, but as soon as the person leaves, I stop.

But by this time DH is turned on because he's heard me fake all the moaning and groaning haha (and men are suckers for that lol), so it's actually ended up enhancing our sex life because then we go up to bed and he's all like "mmm I liked hearing you moaning and groaning"


And I think he kinda gets a kick out of the fact that these guys are admiring his wife, but I'm his wife, and nobody else gets to touch me lol.

Honestly it's the money that's the incentive though. I had a 35 minute cam session yesterday "entertaining" some guy, and made £70.

Just remembering exactly how BIG your baby bump is at the moment! That's got to be weird! :)

haha yeah it is but you'd be amazed how many guys have pregnancy fetishes
You know I never understood that ^^^ dh says it turns guys on cause they know they can't knock you up :dohh: :haha:
You know I never understood that ^^^ dh says it turns guys on cause they know they can't knock you up :dohh: :haha:

some guys say it's because it's the ultimate sign of femininity - after all, you can't get a pregnant bloke lol.

There's this one guy though who I've done a few pictures and videos for, and he's got a really weird take on it. He's obsessed with expanding, and stretching. He bought me some nylon tights and a leotard and he wanted me to make him lots of pictures in these tights and leotard because he loves the idea of them stretching over my bump. And the idea of my bump itself being so big, he says, makes him feel almost weak and submissive in comparison.

His ultimate fantasy is absolutely bizarre though. He would love for a woman to be making love with a man, and then some how "reverse birth" him through her vagina, so he literally gets sucked up her vagina, and her womb opens up to accommodate him, and produces amniotic fluid around him to nourish him whilst he's inside there. So she literally has suddenly gained a pregnant belly with a fully grown man inside.
And then he'd want to have witnessed this happening (to some other guy), and for him then to have sex with the woman whilst she's in this state.


It takes all kinds of bizarre people to make a world lol

So basically he's paid me a fair amount of money to see pictures like this :


whatever floats his boat I guess haha
Hm. So lost my mucus plug this evening after some heavy-ish bleeding earlier today. No contractions or anything, and I've bled throughout the pregnancy so the hospital says stick around home and wait and see if anything happens. I'm still figuring that baby will end up being late since I know loosing your plug doesn't really mean anything is getting started! Kinda freaked out that it might mean things will get started soon, because LO isn't quite done cooking yet. I did shove some things together for a hospital bag for myself just in case. Baby's bag has been packed for a while already.
:rofl: I am dying over here!!

We have installed the car seat base and don't have much for the hospital bag left. The hospital here provides nearly everything so it's just clothing for us, an outfit for Aisling, and stuff to make us comfortable/things to do during the stay.

Here is my 36+1 photo...

Nothing new to report really. Braxton-Hicks/cramps still come and go, lots of pressure in my pelvis though I don't appear to have dropped. Just trying so hard to be patient but I am so excited to meet her :)
counting - don't worry chica your LO may well hang on for a few more weeks x

breadsticks - lovely bump hun :)
counting - don't worry chica your LO may well hang on for a few more weeks x

I fully expect him to go overdue, lol. Just to throw us all for a loop after the crazy pregnancy I've had. DH and my Mom think he will come a little early though.
OMG!!! I suddenly have these contractions coming often, just started timing and boy are they uncomfortable....DH and I had sex about 3 hours ago then we went to Walmart and I just lied down on the couch and all of a sudden WHAM!!!!
When I had DS1 9 1/2 yrs ago, I even asked them for a second kit of maternity pads and what not! They just charged the insurance for them! They charge the insurance for everything in that room so you might as well take it when they give it to you!

Good luck counting!!!

Appointment tomorrow!! Cant wait to hear good news, I hope! I'm hoping my doc will sign me off work as my ankles are swelling up so bad! My manager told me today to "not take this the wrong way, but you look like you're about to go!" Meaning that I looked so tired which I am and how swollen my ankles are and what not. She told me to take my rings off and put them on a necklace since my fingers are swelling a bit and if I have to have emergency surgery, they will want them off and if they can't come off, they will cut them off. I don't want my new wedding band and my engagement ring cut off! SO! they will come off in the morning or after my shower tonight and go on a necklace until Coltyn's born.
OMG!!! I suddenly have these contractions coming often, just started timing and boy are they uncomfortable....DH and I had sex about 3 hours ago then we went to Walmart and I just lied down on the couch and all of a sudden WHAM!!!!

Jjs here it is standard for them to write you off at 36 weeks. Just flat out say it though. I would still be working if I didn't.
Alice, thanks! :)

June, how are you? Good luck and keep us updated! :D

JJs, I haven't been able to wear my wedding ring for a while now :( I did get a very nice necklace from Kohl's, they had a huge sale last month. So I've been wearing my ring on that...I'll be so glad when I can wear it on my finger again!
I'm still at home. Don't want to go in with another false alarm. For the past 2- 2 1/2 hours they've been about 7-8 min apart and pretty strong. But for the last 30 min they seem to have slowed again.
I don't have much in my hospital bag either cause as mentioned they provide everything in the US. My biggest thing is travel sized soaps and shampoos cause I'm picky and my own towel! I hate the thought of using a hospital towel just kinda creeps me out :haha: and the boppy pillow is a must! I need to put our bags all together in one room so when it happens I'm not having to instruct dh on what he has to grab

i bought a travel set from target that came with deodorant, shampoo, conditioner, lotion, toothbrush, toothpaste and a comb for like 5 dollars i was super excited because it actually had stuff in it that i use and not just cheap crap that noone likes..i plan on packing bags tomorrow and putting them and the carseat in the hall closet so hubby will know where everything is to grab!

sorry I have been rubbish again ladies.

Had a shit MW appointment, :cry:

What's up? :flower: X

The think I have the start of Pre E and bump is dropping down the scale :nope: He has been ahead since 16 weeks, all of a sudden he is now spot on, which is 3/4 weeks behind what he was last time :(

And they think I have a urine infection. I hope it was just a case of a bad appointment, I have another on Friday as I have to see another MW about my BMI to see if I have put too much weight on. So everything will be rechecked then.

hope things go ok for you friday!!

Been reading through the last 10+ pages the last couple nights. Can't remember everything but congrats on the new arrivals! Can't believe how close everyone else is! I have a very low riding baby and non stop pain in my cervix. I keep expecting my water to break when I stand because it always makes me have a contraction. Too early though.
US ladies make sure you clean out your hospital room of the supplies too! They don't use any of what they leave in the room for you for any other birth if it is left behind. Take all the diapers and all the maternity pads and the maternity undies if you can handle them. It is so nice to jot have to worry about ruining the ones you have and just throw away the disposables they provide. Also if you are nursing you can ask if they have nipple cream. They brought me two tubes of lasinoh cream that were travel size and so convenient for my diaper bag.

with my daughter i packed some of the stuff from my room in my bag throughout my stay so they'd restock and i could get more :haha: i figure if insurance is paying for it i pay them so im getting my moneys worth!!

Hm. So lost my mucus plug this evening after some heavy-ish bleeding earlier today. No contractions or anything, and I've bled throughout the pregnancy so the hospital says stick around home and wait and see if anything happens. I'm still figuring that baby will end up being late since I know loosing your plug doesn't really mean anything is getting started! Kinda freaked out that it might mean things will get started soon, because LO isn't quite done cooking yet. I did shove some things together for a hospital bag for myself just in case. Baby's bag has been packed for a while already.

i had my daughter 2 weeks after losing my mucus plug..im sure its different with everyone but hopefully you have another couple weeks so you'll at least be at term

When I had DS1 9 1/2 yrs ago, I even asked them for a second kit of maternity pads and what not! They just charged the insurance for them! They charge the insurance for everything in that room so you might as well take it when they give it to you!

Good luck counting!!!

Appointment tomorrow!! Cant wait to hear good news, I hope! I'm hoping my doc will sign me off work as my ankles are swelling up so bad! My manager told me today to "not take this the wrong way, but you look like you're about to go!" Meaning that I looked so tired which I am and how swollen my ankles are and what not. She told me to take my rings off and put them on a necklace since my fingers are swelling a bit and if I have to have emergency surgery, they will want them off and if they can't come off, they will cut them off. I don't want my new wedding band and my engagement ring cut off! SO! they will come off in the morning or after my shower tonight and go on a necklace until Coltyn's born.

my wedding set has been too big since i got them last year and i went somewhere to look at sizing them. my hands havent swelled too much but rings fit slightly better than before. the jeweler tried talking me into getting them sized now and i told him no because i dont want to take them off if i start swelling more and who knows what size my finger will be after everything!

afm i have work off tomorrow to go to my 34 week appt. i;m hoping they'll fill out my leave paperwork so i can turn it into work since i'm wanting to stop in 3 weeks!

i dont remember if i mentioned my dad and stepmom were going to watch my daughter when i went into labor but they never answer their phones when i call so my husband's parents are going to drive in from 4 hours away to watch her and we'll just pray he has time to get to the hospital in time for the birth..well today on facebook my status was something about how baby is due in 40 days and i should probably start packing my bag. my stepmom commented on it "dont forget to pack madelyn's bag for when she stays with us" i havent had a chance to tell them they weren't watching her anymore because i haven't gotten a hold of them. so i text my dad and told him my in laws would watch her and all he said was "we had cartoons recorded on the tv for her" i tried calling them both after work and my call was rejected...i dont feel like im being wrong for wanting someone reliable and reachable to watch my kid!
MissFox, I plan on asking her about taking off now. I was training someone to do my job and he's been doing pretty well for working there not even a week! LOL! He only had yesterday and today complete with me, and 2 other days he had 1/2 days with me so hopefully he'll do well! I typed him up a checklist on what to do basically so he can make sure he does what's on it. Even if I don't get pay while I'm off, at least I have short term disability!! I'd be screwed if I didn't!

Breadsticks, my DH got me a necklace from Kohl's for Valentines day so I might take the charm off that put them on there. I'd hate for something to happen to them!

Is anyone else starting to get nervous? I started feeling that way this morning!
started to lose my plug tonight, no bloody show so it could still be a ways off. but its good amounts so im hoping it means something, this weekend perhaps?

im not nervous at all, just ready to start the next phase of all this. delivery is one of my "countdown" items on my list til dh gets home, and happens to be the next on the list so im hoping its not too far off :)
In Australia it really depends on the hospital...With Libby they provided me with a half dozen sanitary pads for myself and about 10 nappies for her... They also provided bunny rugs for her while in the hospital but most of the other things we had to bring from home. As we were there for over 5 days it ended up being a huge amount of stuff by the time we left and came home again...not to mention all the presents/cards/flowers from friends and family...eeek!
Wow, this thread got busy all of a sudden!

Hope everyone is doing well. Have 3 baby related events this week. 36 week check up and everything was fine. MW said that other than baby weight, I don't appear to have gained weight which was nice to hear. Baby measurements are all fine and there is a good strong heartbeat. NCT class on Tuesday which was fun, getting to practice nappies & baby slings. Went to a local cafe with other mums today to have a demonstration of washable nappies. That was pretty useful, getting a better idea of what you need, what the different brands are and the differences between the fabrics. We have a breast feeding session on Thursday, and then thats it for antennal classes.

Tomorrow will be my last day of work! I am really looking forward to some time off. Hopefully, I can even start getting thing organised, so packing hospital bag, sorting out what baby things we have and working out how to use our pram.

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