~*~* July Sunbeams *~*~43 Babies Here So Far!!! 25 Boys / 18 Girls

Hi everyone

Nice to see so many newcomers and those who were here before me progressing well since I last posted.

Just wondering what cravings, if any, you guys are having ? I can't get enough of orange juice !

Hi everyone

Nice to see so many newcomers and those who were here before me progressing well since I last posted.

Just wondering what cravings, if any, you guys are having ? I can't get enough of orange juice !


chicken! lol and crackers with butter. i have gone off sweets and chocolate, i normally have a really sweet tooth and live of sweets, but not at the moment!
chicken! lol and crackers with butter. i have gone off sweets and chocolate, i normally have a really sweet tooth and live of sweets, but not at the moment!


Yeah I can't get enough of sweet things right now but OJ seems to be the love of my life currently lol
Hi everyone

Nice to see so many newcomers and those who were here before me progressing well since I last posted.

Just wondering what cravings, if any, you guys are having ? I can't get enough of orange juice !


I work at a candy shop.. was nibbling on chocolate all last night during my shift. that needs to STOP as I've already noticed I'm bloating a bit haha (never happens during af, so I can definitely feel it now). I'll have to start bringing a handful of healthy snacks with me.
I'm pretty much eating anything though.. i'm hungry all the time. nervous about gaining a lot of weight! :wacko:
Hey ladies. Haven't been on here for a few days as have been letting it all sink in. I really need some advice though...

I'm making myself ill with worry. I know it's normal to worry about miscarriage in first trimester, but I think my anxiety levels are out of control. I can't stop myself from buying tests and agonizing over whether the line is getting darker. I'm spending hours and hours googling miscarriage stats and reading posts from the poor ladies that have had them. I feel like I'm going to go insane.

I thought going to the doctor would help, but she didn't even do a urine or blood test to confirm. I don't get to see the midwife until 8 weeks (i'm only 4+2 now) and even then, I don't think they actually do anything to confirm, like a scan, or listen to heartbeat.

I can't go on like this for another 2 months waiting for the first scan. I'm terrified I'll get there and they won't see a baby. I know these are all normal fears to have, but it's taking over my life. I can't concentrate at work at all. I don't have many (if any) symptoms which isn't helping the worry.

I found out my SIL is also pregnant and we're due the same day, which is the most amazing news ever. She's so calm and happy, I wish I could be the same. We knew we were both trying and were hoping so much to get pregnant the same month, but conceiving on the same day (we both got pos opk the same day!) feels like winning the lottery TWICE. Now I feel like for us both to have good outcomes will be like needing to win the lottery a third time... impossible.

What's wrong with me? I'm desperate for some advice :cry: I'm extremely lucky to be pregnant, so I feel awful that I'm not enjoying it.
Hi everyone, I found out yesterday at 12 dpo and I already have very strong lines :-) many people in the pregnancy test section think its twins :-) Im due 8th July. Im excited, I'm due for my 6 week scan in just over a week because of a previous ectopic but so far I feel so much better then last time, so hopefully all is well.
Hey ladies. Haven't been on here for a few days as have been letting it all sink in. I really need some advice though...

I'm making myself ill with worry. I know it's normal to worry about miscarriage in first trimester, but I think my anxiety levels are out of control. I can't stop myself from buying tests and agonizing over whether the line is getting darker. I'm spending hours and hours googling miscarriage stats and reading posts from the poor ladies that have had them. I feel like I'm going to go insane.

I thought going to the doctor would help, but she didn't even do a urine or blood test to confirm. I don't get to see the midwife until 8 weeks (i'm only 4+2 now) and even then, I don't think they actually do anything to confirm, like a scan, or listen to heartbeat.

I can't go on like this for another 2 months waiting for the first scan. I'm terrified I'll get there and they won't see a baby. I know these are all normal fears to have, but it's taking over my life. I can't concentrate at work at all. I don't have many (if any) symptoms which isn't helping the worry.

I found out my SIL is also pregnant and we're due the same day, which is the most amazing news ever. She's so calm and happy, I wish I could be the same. We knew we were both trying and were hoping so much to get pregnant the same month, but conceiving on the same day (we both got pos opk the same day!) feels like winning the lottery TWICE. Now I feel like for us both to have good outcomes will be like needing to win the lottery a third time... impossible.

What's wrong with me? I'm desperate for some advice :cry: I'm extremely lucky to be pregnant, so I feel awful that I'm not enjoying it.

I feel exactly the same about mc and scans etc.
the only thing stopping me thinking about it all the time is my toddler keeping me busy otherwise I'd be going mad!
Maybe try and keep busy? I know 1st tri is hard!
Hey ladies. Haven't been on here for a few days as have been letting it all sink in. I really need some advice though...

I'm making myself ill with worry. I know it's normal to worry about miscarriage in first trimester, but I think my anxiety levels are out of control. I can't stop myself from buying tests and agonizing over whether the line is getting darker. I'm spending hours and hours googling miscarriage stats and reading posts from the poor ladies that have had them. I feel like I'm going to go insane.

I thought going to the doctor would help, but she didn't even do a urine or blood test to confirm. I don't get to see the midwife until 8 weeks (i'm only 4+2 now) and even then, I don't think they actually do anything to confirm, like a scan, or listen to heartbeat.

I can't go on like this for another 2 months waiting for the first scan. I'm terrified I'll get there and they won't see a baby. I know these are all normal fears to have, but it's taking over my life. I can't concentrate at work at all. I don't have many (if any) symptoms which isn't helping the worry.

I found out my SIL is also pregnant and we're due the same day, which is the most amazing news ever. She's so calm and happy, I wish I could be the same. We knew we were both trying and were hoping so much to get pregnant the same month, but conceiving on the same day (we both got pos opk the same day!) feels like winning the lottery TWICE. Now I feel like for us both to have good outcomes will be like needing to win the lottery a third time... impossible.

What's wrong with me? I'm desperate for some advice :cry: I'm extremely lucky to be pregnant, so I feel awful that I'm not enjoying it.

That sounds rubbish MrsMcP - so sorry you feel this way :hugs:

Have you spoken to your doc about how you feel? Perhaps they could refer you to a counselor so you can talk about your worries? I've had non-pregnancy-related anxiety before and its horrible. I didn't get help for it and it was awful. I wouldn't want you to go down that road.

Other than that I'm sure other ladies (and me!) are around for you to talk to to help alleviate the fear!

You won't have many symptoms just yet and some people don't get them for quite a while, so don't worry!

Maybe try to keep yourself busy as much as you can - it will help the time go faster and take your mind off things. Also - DON'T GOOGLE! It scared the sh*t out of me and made me freak out - its not worth it! xx
Hey ladies. Haven't been on here for a few days as have been letting it all sink in. I really need some advice though...

I'm making myself ill with worry. I know it's normal to worry about miscarriage in first trimester, but I think my anxiety levels are out of control. I can't stop myself from buying tests and agonizing over whether the line is getting darker. I'm spending hours and hours googling miscarriage stats and reading posts from the poor ladies that have had them. I feel like I'm going to go insane.

I thought going to the doctor would help, but she didn't even do a urine or blood test to confirm. I don't get to see the midwife until 8 weeks (i'm only 4+2 now) and even then, I don't think they actually do anything to confirm, like a scan, or listen to heartbeat.

I can't go on like this for another 2 months waiting for the first scan. I'm terrified I'll get there and they won't see a baby. I know these are all normal fears to have, but it's taking over my life. I can't concentrate at work at all. I don't have many (if any) symptoms which isn't helping the worry.

I found out my SIL is also pregnant and we're due the same day, which is the most amazing news ever. She's so calm and happy, I wish I could be the same. We knew we were both trying and were hoping so much to get pregnant the same month, but conceiving on the same day (we both got pos opk the same day!) feels like winning the lottery TWICE. Now I feel like for us both to have good outcomes will be like needing to win the lottery a third time... impossible.

What's wrong with me? I'm desperate for some advice :cry: I'm extremely lucky to be pregnant, so I feel awful that I'm not enjoying it.

It is not abnormal to worry about having a miscarriage at all. Im pretty sure everyone does. I totally googled stats etc. and did the whole symptom thing. maybe your SIL just naturally calm. The important thing is to get control over the anxiety now before it gets out of hand. Believe me, once you get over this hump there will be a ton of other things to constantly worry about. You are going to have a baby, and the things to worry about are endless as children grow.

Maybe you will always have to be considerate about putting yourself in a relaxing environment. When i was TTC'ing the first time, everytime i worried about not getting pregnant i thought of a song in my head. I also found yoga helped (im totally not the hippy kind either!)
Thanks ladies. I do really appreciate your understanding and advice. I'm trying so hard to relax. I'm thinking about going to the doctor and being honest about how I feel, but we'll see.

I'm also thinking about paying for a private early scan at about 7-8 weeks. Do you think that's a good idea or not? They're not as expensive as I thought they'd be and DH seems to think it might be a good idea if it might put my mind at rest. Is 7 weeks too early to do it? I know a lot of ladies say that 6 weeks is a little early xxx
Hi everyone, I found out yesterday at 12 dpo and I already have very strong lines :-) many people in the pregnancy test section think its twins :-) Im due 8th July. Im excited, I'm due for my 6 week scan in just over a week because of a previous ectopic but so far I feel so much better then last time, so hopefully all is well.

hey sparkles
so glad to see youve come to join us!! yes u did have very stronge lines for being 12dpo it could possibly be twins:-) you'll find out when u go for ur 6week scan good luck to you fx that everything is fine and you have a H&H 9months
Thanks ladies. I do really appreciate your understanding and advice. I'm trying so hard to relax. I'm thinking about going to the doctor and being honest about how I feel, but we'll see.

I'm also thinking about paying for a private early scan at about 7-8 weeks. Do you think that's a good idea or not? They're not as expensive as I thought they'd be and DH seems to think it might be a good idea if it might put my mind at rest. Is 7 weeks too early to do it? I know a lot of ladies say that 6 weeks is a little early xxx

Hi, I am doing this if I'm not given an early scan by Doctor.

There's a baby vision near me and it's £75, which I think is a bargain

I think if it will put your mind at ease the cost is not important. Xx
Hi Ladies, i just found out on Halloween that I have a faint BFP. I am still waiting for my beta to confirm it. Mine was IVF and this was a frozen embryo cycle for me. I would love to join you ladies in here.
At the moment , I m down with cold and a runny nose. I will be on later to catch up on this thread.
Hi Ladies!! I just got my BFP like 30 minutes ago!!! I'm so excited!! I guess, by my lmp, I'll be due around July 11th, which is great. The 14th is my brother-in-law's birthday! And today is my husband's birthday!!! He is goin to be so excited when I tell him the news. I'm about to go buy him a birthday present! It's goin to be a bib that says I love Daddy and I'm goin to out it in a birthday bag with the test! I hope this is a good sticky bean! This is the first time I have ever been pregnant! so we will see. H&H 9 months to all of us!!!!
Hi Ladies!! I just got my BFP like 30 minutes ago!!! I'm so excited!! I guess, by my lmp, I'll be due around July 11th, which is great. The 14th is my brother-in-law's birthday! And today is my husband's birthday!!! He is goin to be so excited when I tell him the news. I'm about to go buy him a birthday present! It's goin to be a bib that says I love Daddy and I'm goin to out it in a birthday bag with the test! I hope this is a good sticky bean! This is the first time I have ever been pregnant! so we will see. H&H 9 months to all of us!!!!

What a fabulous birthday present !!!! I hope you have a great evening announcing it to him ! X
Hi everyone, after some help. I am a few days late for af and I am wondering, what did your cm look like when you were first pregnant? I haven't had much but today I have some cm with a hint of yellow in it. Do you think this is me away to get af or has anyone when pregnant had this. I am never late.
Hi everyone, after some help. I am a few days late for af and I am wondering, what did your cm look like when you were first pregnant? I haven't had much but today I have some cm with a hint of yellow in it. Do you think this is me away to get af or has anyone when pregnant had this. I am never late.

Only way to know is test! But got BFP on Sunday. Since then I've had a fair bit of creamy cm (maybe slightly yellow?) Good luck x
Hi everyone

Nice to see so many newcomers and those who were here before me progressing well since I last posted.

Just wondering what cravings, if any, you guys are having ? I can't get enough of orange juice !


Salads! And more salads. And ice cold water. This is my first pregnancy and needless to say I'm so excited these are my cravings so far! And ginger ale has never tasted as good. :happydance::happydance:

If you'd like to add the July Sunbeams banner to your siggy ~ the code and instructions are on page 37 ~ post 362 :flow:

sophandrusco & honeycheeks ~ Let me know when you have an EDD worked out so I can add you both to the front page due date list! :flower: :thumbup:

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