~*~* July Sunbeams *~*~43 Babies Here So Far!!! 25 Boys / 18 Girls

Congrats Miss Bellum and good luck june!! Looks like the girls are starting to arrive! :happydance:
38+3 wk bump pic, hope it's my last!!


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Miss Bellum and Anon, congratulations on baby Eleanor! Can't wait to see pictures :)

June, so happy Emma is OK! I hope labor picks up for you soon :) Get some rest, sounds like you might need it tonight ;)

Sue, your organization is amazing! I hope Millie decides to come soon, seems like you are all ready to go!

Abagail, beautiful pic and bump! Fingers crossed it is your last :)

That's all I can remember lol, there were so many pages since I last looked! I had work today, all day meeting so it was relaxing and they ordered pizza for us. Delicious!

I was up all night with contractions again. It happens every night now! But nothing progresses...I will say that they are getting more painful as I get further along so I'm hoping that's a good sign.

After my meeting I came home and just HAD to clean. I swept, mopped, cleaned the kitchen/dishes, picked up the livingroom, vacuumed, and have the last load of laundry in the washer. I can barely move now :haha:

I have tomorrow off work, my 37 week appt is tomorrow afternoon :) And my last birthing class is tomorrow evening.
Awesome news June! Good luck! Hope she comes soon :)

Wish my LO would decide to grace us with her presence.

Oneandtwo I've never had the popping it doesn't sound very nice though
So my platelets were back below 100 at 95... bah. The hematologist wasn't keen to put me on steroids but the OB is super keen to get my platelets up over 100. I explained that I was totally on board with dealing with labour naturally but what scared me was having to have general anesthesia IF I needed a c-section. So what we decided on was a course of oral steroids. I'm to take them Sunday and Monday then have a CBC done on Tuesday to see how fast my body reacts to them. Then I can stop taking them until a few days before my due date OR if I feel labour is coming on in the next few days..

basically I could take them from now on but he says I'm going to HATE them. I'm going to feel sick, get hot flashes, put on weight.... his words were actually.. "you are going to put on a lot of weight and you will hate me, and it will be harder to lose afterwards." errr say what?!??! Do not like. So I'm playing it by ear and drinking lots of spinach shakes. Made stuffed shells tonight and filled them with spinach too. MUST remember to take all my vitamins from now on out.

My friends at the pool today were all freaked that I wasn't ready for baby... One of them is 34 weeks and was gobsmacked that I hadn't even washed the baby's clothes yet. lol I thought I was going to send her into early labour!!

So it's official. This little one is NOT allowed to come early. My friend who's watching Jessie for us when I go into labour is leaving for vacation for a week on Saturday and my mom is going to Kentucky to visit family for the exact same week. Since my support network is going to be away, no baby allowed! That said... I'm all achey in the back and the bump this evening and all I've been doing today is floating in the pool!!!! :dohh: stay put baby boy!!
June my midwife says coffee gets the baby heartrate up...they actually give it to neonatal babies to help with their breathing.
Congrats to Miss B! I love the name! Reminds me of Chipmunks but in a cute good way :) very sweet!
My DD kept me up with her nasal congestion...crying etc. Poor kid has a bad cold but wont wear socks or anything sensible! She has been quiet than usual playing with her jigsaw puzzles and watching tv so I been able to do 2 loads of laundry in between wiping her runny nose.
Becca...love the co-sleeper! Such a nice colour!
Sue...good to see the nappies drying in the sun...best thing for them. Unfortunately it is winter here so all mine have to go in the dryer or the house looks like a Chinese laundry!
Sometimes I feel so unprepared! I have no snacks or drinks or anything for my labor/delivery...:(
DD bit into a soap that I had at the back of her clothes drawers to keep it smelling nice...yuck! I don't know what she thought it was! I hope it didn't burn her mouth! I gave her some milk straight away and have since hidden the soap in the linen closet.
Well ladies I'm currently in laborious and delivery...been having cramping for about. 5Hours now...I'm hoping its a false alarm i need until July 1st! I also called everyone in my family and noone answered or called back I'm kind of upset by it
Proud, I'm with you! Come on, babies! :haha:

Becca, so sorry about your platelets! Praying they rise and little one stays put :) Like you, I am OK with the thought of no epidural but not for a C-section!

Libbys, your daughter is such a character lol, I wonder what she thought the soap was also! Hope her cold goes away soon so you can get some sleep :)

Tlh, thinking of you! Keep us updated...hang on baby, just another week and a half! :) Sorry about family not responding, I would be upset too! Lots of :hugs:
They said I have a Uri which is most likely causing the contractions and I'm a fingertips dilated so they're sending me home with an antibiotic
baby isnt posterior, per se but is lopsided shes got her head in a hip bone, thats probably what is causing the labor to start and stop. she gave me exercises to help move her. did them while she was here and she moved a bit so we're gonna do them tonight, gave me a,list of things to do to help prepare my body...she even offered to deliver me at home!! she said we can play the wholething by ear and if i wanted to stay home we'll have everything prepared or she'll accompany us to the hospital and act as doula!! im.so stoked she has 40yrs as a midwife. it put sooo much at ease to meet her. she said she felt like we were meant to meet. she's just so sweet!

tlh, sorry about the uti. im sure they told you but drink mounds of water to flush it all out! i got uti's a lot years ago, got so irritating but to t ppint i cpuld rid myself of them.without antibiotics.
yeah i have a history of UTI's and actually had surgery on my bladder when i was 18 to make sure it wasn't cancer..i had spots removed from my bladder and never had a UTI again til i was pregnant with my first daughter i had one..This is the third one i've had this pregnancy!! i'm hoping the antibiotic kicks in quick to make these contractions stop..i dont know how i'm going to work tomorrow if im still contracting..i cant even sleep right now!
Wow, congrats on Eleanor Miss B!!! I adore the name <3
You were only a day ahead of me - so crazy! I don't feel like this little baby is going to show up anytime soon.

I can't believe all these little Sun Beams showing up in June, cuties :D

I was so sick all week :( I had hideous coughing fits that tore my ribs on the sides to bits. It is so painful and they are tender to the touch, so lying down, laughing, sneezing, getting up and down...anything is just brutal. Brought me to tears! I was desperate for something to ease the coughing so that my ribs could get a break (plus I've got peanut kicking and stretching them out) but the doc said that is no safe cough suppressant. Just take Tylenol for the pain :nope:

Hopefully getting better soon, anyway.
My baby is back to back, so I should be doing some hands and knees action. I haven't had any nesting instinct yet either! I have increased discharge, but no loss of plug I'm sure. Just reg BH's.

DH is being a dear and reading a birth partner book - I've been wanting him to get a bit prepared and informed, so yay!

Have a nice night ladies and babies!
Floating your doc said no to robitussin? It's a category b drug and most doctors consider it safe. I had two colds back to back a couple weeks ago and would not have made it through without it.

Hope you get to feeling better
My doc and pharmacist said no to Robitussin when I was sick in second tri.
Doctors here don't give much for colds...other than panadol and old remedies like vapor rub and honey and lemon drinks. The most my friend was told to take was butter menthol lozenges.
As for UTI...apparently pro biotics are also good...lots of yogurt and cranberry juice!
My DD and DS2 have what I suspect to be a chest infection. They're so poorly, poor mites. I'm taking them to the docs this morning.
DS2 was in our bed at 5am this morning, totally burning up with temperature.

I feel awful for them, but at the same time I'm rather selfishly crying inside thinking I'm gonna catch this, and then I'm gonna go into labour, and I'm not gonna be able to cope :(
Thanks everyone for your congratulations on baby Eleanor!

Miss Bellum is still in the hospital - we decided it was for the best to take advantage of the army of NHS staff until she was steadier on her feet and confident about breastfeeding, changing and dressing baby, as once she leaves, apart from the odd health visit and support from friends and family, we'll mostly be on our own.

I've been trying to get chores done in preparation for their return home, but my brain is reduced to mush right now so it's going rather slowly. :blush:

I imagine she will want to give a full update and decide what pictures she wants to publish once she's back home, so I won't steal her thunder by posting any more details yet - save to say that with baby being 17 days early, to say we were woefully unprepared is probably the understatement of the year! :D

Best of luck to you June and tlh - hoping all goes well. Hope you get well soon floating!
Alice I totally get that...DD is stuffy and lethargic and I am having a hormonal melt down because she needs to sleep and is so congested it's like snot city here. I been dosing her up on panadol to try help her out but it's just made her bottom rashy and sore...packed on the nappy cream and hope it sorts itself out. I took a honey and lemon drink just to try and stay healthy cause I felt like all her germs were going to cling to me. DH was being really unsympathetic. I said for him to carry her to the cot and just let her cry for a few minutes so she can get the message that it is bed time cause other wise she pushes sleep with all kinds of distraction techniques. Then when I went to get her to comfort her he said he felt like the bad guy and he wanted to be the hero and go get her...well umm thanks for telling me I really wouldnt have bothered straining myself to get her if he truely wanted to be hero but seriously I doubt he would have settled her down to sleep probably more likely to stir her up and be all silly again. I said he could get up in the middle of the night if she wakes...be the hero then...he didn't seem to want to agree to that though LOL

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