~*~* July Sunbeams *~*~43 Babies Here So Far!!! 25 Boys / 18 Girls


long birth story!! i copied it feom another forum i posted on :) we're homr now and things are going well so far :)

Thursday I had a doc appt. I was more effaced (50_60%) and baby had dropped a bit but I was still not dilating more despite having stop and go labor contractions for days. She stripped my membranes she guessed baby probably weighed 7lbs 3-4oz (good guesser eh?!), that day we walked the mall and went to the farmers market and walked some more. Friday morning I was woken up by contractions, every 8 minutes after a few hours they increased to every 4 minutes, about an hour and a half into that, they stopped. It was crazy and I got frustrated that they stopped. Cleaned all that day, went to bed a little crampy but nothing unusual.

Saturday morning around 1am I was again, woken up by contractions they were more like 5minutes apart, but not too painful just sat in my room while everyone was sleeping and kinda dealt with them. Woke my sister up around 330 to let her know I was pretty sure I was in labor as they increased to every 2-4 min and were getting a bit difficult. Got in the shower, then got out emailed Dh's chief, Dh and texted my friend who was in charge of coming to watch the boys while I was on the hospital. Dicked around a few hours until they were 2-3 minutes apart consistently and couldnt walk normally through them. Had my friend come and we left for the hospital as soon as she got there.

Got to the hospital, was checked, she was -1 station, I was 4cm dilated and 80% effaced. So i was admitted that was at 0529. DH called around 7-8ish I think We hung out a while, my OB came in around 10-11am I was 6 cm dilated, 90% effaced and she was at a 0 station. Thought for sure she was coming soon and I was SO stoked because the contractions were still really manageable, they hurt but I got a break so it was fine in between them. I was checked again a couple hours later, no change. They mentioned breaking my water but left it up to me cause my doc knew I didnt want anything to augment. I was given time to think about what I wanted I decided to get the fentynol(sp?) shot to get some rest as I was SUPER tired and maybe see if resting helped progression , was able to rest for an hour or so. They checked again, Still no change, I told the nurse that I would agree to have my water broken. Told my sister I was a bit nervous to have my water broke as last time I allowed that, thats where the interventions started as it hurt super bad. Anyway had to wait til the doctor to come back from lunch, so we just hung out till then.

Around 1530-1545 ish doc came in and checked one more time for progression, still nothing. My water was broken close to 4. Immediately I got the MOST excrutiating contraction, I cant even describe I latched onto the side of the bed and started groaning still had the phone up to my head listening to casey talk me, he asked if I was okay I told him "I need an epidural I cant do this". doc heard me and said, are you sure. Just then I got another contraction, My sister coached me through that one I said yes epidural, and then next one came and I thought well i can do this, kris is helping me breathe and i was able to concentrate through the third contraction without screaming. Then the 4th came and I started feeling the need to push. They wanted to check me, I told the nurse not to touch me. I didnt handle the 4th one well as it was even more intense than the previous three Epi guy came and they said they had to check to see if i could get the epi. I was 8cm and fully effaced, apparently that was still time. He tried talking to me I cant even remember waht he was saying it lasted through two contractions, Casey was trying to say something, I threw the phone at the nurse. She told him he'd have to listen, I couldnt hold the phone anymore. My whole body was shaking because I was progressing so fast. During those two contractions someone said "those grunts sound like shes pushing" I still wouldnt let them check me, so they just opened my legs to see and said they NEEDED to check me. I was fully dilated, I FREAKED i started screaming that I didnt want to do this, it hurt too much, I couldnt do it. I had a hold of my sisters hand, I was scared out of my mind. One of the nurses tried to lift my leg up like a stirrup I told her not to touch me and I would NOT be lifting my leg like that, I screamed that it hurt and i wanted my legs down. They didnt break down my bed, I felt the "ring of fire" which was more like a ring of razorblades in my vag. I freaked was panicked I couldnt concentrate like I felt like I wanted to escape, it was crazy i went away while I was screaming and pushing. I pushed through a couple contractions and was having a hard time breathing through them. My sister and doctor being as amazing as they were kind of got me to zone in and said to me the baby HAD to come out, it was only coming out one way and I needed to concetrate my screaming into my pushing. I didnt consciously decide to do it, but something just changed I felt like a click or connection in my head, I grabbed both sides of the bed and bore down with more determination than I am pretty sure I have ever had before. I felt her head come, I honestly thought I would feel relief after that, there was none. There was a smaller burn and her shoulders came then the rest of her...OMG sweeeet relief!! She was immediatly handed to me, doc went to cut her cord and my amazing sister told her to stop, reminded her I wanted delayed clamping. The doctor thanked her for a reminder. I got to sit there with baby girl on my chest rubbing her, trying to get her to cry more and just being in complete awe of her. The cord was cut by my sister after the pulsing stopped, she had casey on the phone and said "you ready daddy?" Dh was able to be on the phone the whole time, He was a bit freaked pretty sure as I was EXTREMELY vocal, my throat hurt from screaming. But I got the phone after that, I let them take baby cause hubs really wanted to know birth weight etc. so he could announce the birth via Facebook. delivered the placenta, which felt gross**had to have two stitches, which also felt awful cause i wasnt numbed completely from the lido shots so I could feel the needles**

So from water breaking at 6cm to her birth was about a half hour she was born at 1629.*

She received none of the shots, and we said they could do the ointment as they said its a hassle to not get it. then they "forgot" to give it cause they wanted us to bond first**She latched on basically on her own within 30 min of being born and nursed for AN HOUR!*

She is the calmest baby ever, she doesnt even cry when hungry, just wakes up and slaps her lips and waits for me to feed her. She didnt cry from her foot stick either.*

As far as birthing naturally, I really am glad that there was no time for the epi as I really wanted to experience a natural birth. But I can honestly say that is something i NEVER want to experience again. The doc and nurses all said I was amazing and they could see the change in my face when i went from panicked to determined to get her out. Funny also, a little bit before my water was broken the nurse had mentioned that long natural labors are better because you have time to work through the contractions. short labors you have no time to adjust so its more chaotic. I TOTALLY get what she meant now! They all said it was a rollar coaster of a birth, and my sister was amazed and I am SO glad she was there, she was just freakishly wonderful and amazing I cannot imagine doing that without her. she was just gaaah I dont know amazing she was a great coach. all the nurses complimented her on how well she did and said she should be a doula, she is seriously thinking about doing it now. and I think she should, she was so comforting and soothing and wonderful.
Wow oneandtwo, what a gorgeous baby girl you have there! And thank you for your birth story. It did sound pretty hectic and fast at the end. I'm really glad your sister was there. I bet it was an amazing experience for her too!
Counting, I would get checked out. Have you swelling anywhere else? It can be a sign of pre eclampsia. I had pretty bad swelling in my feet with jack. I'm a size 6 shoe and had to buy size 9!!
Keep them raised as much as you can.
Didn't notice where you lived but I would call the midwife and get her to check your wee and blood pressure just in case x
Congrats oneandtwo! She is lovely!

I ended up going to hospital last night for an X-ray on my ankle to check it wasn't broken! Good news it isn't, just a really bad sprain. So gotta take it easy for a bit.
My mum is coming to do some decorating 2mora, so will have to sit and give instructions! Lol.
Great story Oneandtwo! You did great!! She's so cute :)

Pink - omg that sounds really scary! Do you suffer with migraines? Really hope you don't have another episode like that again. Hope you are feeling better.

Counting - how's the swelling? That sounded quite extreme, I've also heard if you can leave an imprint in your flesh it's best to call someone to be checked.

Alana - sorry your ankle was so painful you needed to get it xrayed! Lucky just a sprain, make sure you rest now then & order everyone about! :)
Haven't had one since I was 18 so 7 years ago! Its called a silent migraine or something you dont actually get the head ache. They were testing me for a stroke and spinal damage that was scarier than them saving they were going to get him out!

Just got home after over an hour and halves drive luckily oh was driving.
Oneandtwo she is beautiful!

Pink hope your feeling better

Counting did the swelling go down?

I just had a hormonal moment on Facebook went off on a tangent about the great formula breast feeding debate :dohh: I have several friends who are VERY pro breast feeding and post a million things a day about it and inadvertently make moms who formula feed feel like trash and it just worked my nerves this morning. I formula fed my first because of supply issues and I was devastated about it for months but she is now a perfectly healthy two year old. I plan to attempt breast feeding again but I will not be made to feel like a crap mom this time if it doesn't work out and we have to do formula again. I don't get why moms can't all just support one another instead we get so tangled up in little things like how each other chooses to feed out child it's just plain nuts to me!
Oneandtwo she is beautiful!

Pink hope your feeling better

Counting did the swelling go down?

I just had a hormonal moment on Facebook went off on a tangent about the great formula breast feeding debate :dohh: I have several friends who are VERY pro breast feeding and post a million things a day about it and inadvertently make moms who formula feed feel like trash and it just worked my nerves this morning. I formula fed my first because of supply issues and I was devastated about it for months but she is now a perfectly healthy two year old. I plan to attempt breast feeding again but I will not be made to feel like a crap mom this time if it doesn't work out and we have to do formula again. I don't get why moms can't all just support one another instead we get so tangled up in little things like how each other chooses to feed out child it's just plain nuts to me!

Agreed!! :thumbup:

I do try to stay out of the FF vs BF debates, as otherwise I would just go :wacko:

I will also be attempting Breastfeeding - I have a nutritional degree and spent many years studying it.....and I want to try it.

BUT I am the ONLY person in my family to ever attempt it!! I was FF fed, as were my two sisters, two cousins, and now my cousins daughter! And I am petrified that I wont get any support.

But if I need to switch to formula for any number of reasons that come up..........so be it ! It's not going to kill her, I'm pretty intelligient ( :haha: ), very healthy, as is my sister.....anecdotal evidence maybe but formula is just as perfect in raising healthy kids as breast milk.

All mummies (well, MOST mummies) in this world want exactly the same thing.....to raise happy healthy kids.....who cares how we go about it :baby::baby::baby:
oneandtwo - Congratulations on your little girl! She is absolutely beautiful. Thanks for sharing your birth story - you did amazingly well. Your sister was amazing, what a great partner. :happydance::flower: :)
It will be interesting to see if the supermoon did help anyone along the birth process - I had visions last night of lots of pregnant ladies rolling around howling at the moon! :haha:

Proud - I totally agree with you over the BF issue. Everyone mum just wants to do the best by their LO. I dont think it is ever helpful to criticise anyone else. There are lots of reasons why people cant or dont want to BF and its really unhelpful to stress people out by judging their choices. Every mum & baby are different and will need to make different choices to suit their needs best.

Sue - I dont have a lot of BF experience yet, only a few days, but if your area is anything like ours, there is a lot of support out there. In the hospital, they dont let you out until you are confident you can bf if that is your choice and presumably your MW will do likewise at your home birth. I have had 3 MW visits since coming home and at each one they are happy to help & advice on any BF issues that may arise. NCT have a helpline as well, which is very useful and open to anyone to use.

Me & Elle are both getting use to it, but are gradually finding our way. I am finding the key is to stay relaxed, just accepting that it does take time to get it right every time. If it is getting a bit stressful, then stop and give yourself a break. Also, it is a lot easier to follow the baby's lead. For the first few days, I was told by the MW that i had to wake her up to make sure she fed and this was where we really struggled. Like anyone, Elle does not like been woken up & things forced on her! Now we are back to feeding on demand, it is going much better.

Good luck when you start, I'm sure you will be fine - your family seem like they are very supportive so there is no reason to suppose they won't be over this.

I've send a FB friend request too - Leesa Jones
It will be interesting to see if the supermoon did help anyone along the birth process - I had visions last night of lots of pregnant ladies rolling around howling at the moon! :haha:

Proud - I totally agree with you over the BF issue. Everyone mum just wants to do the best by their LO. I dont think it is ever helpful to criticise anyone else. There are lots of reasons why people cant or dont want to BF and its really unhelpful to stress people out by judging their choices. Every mum & baby are different and will need to make different choices to suit their needs best.

Sue - I dont have a lot of BF experience yet, only a few days, but if your area is anything like ours, there is a lot of support out there. In the hospital, they dont let you out until you are confident you can bf if that is your choice and presumably your MW will do likewise at your home birth. I have had 3 MW visits since coming home and at each one they are happy to help & advice on any BF issues that may arise. NCT have a helpline as well, which is very useful and open to anyone to use.

Me & Elle are both getting use to it, but are gradually finding our way. I am finding the key is to stay relaxed, just accepting that it does take time to get it right every time. If it is getting a bit stressful, then stop and give yourself a break. Also, it is a lot easier to follow the baby's lead. For the first few days, I was told by the MW that i had to wake her up to make sure she fed and this was where we really struggled. Like anyone, Elle does not like been woken up & things forced on her! Now we are back to feeding on demand, it is going much better.

Good luck when you start, I'm sure you will be fine - your family seem like they are very supportive so there is no reason to suppose they won't be over this.

I've send a FB friend request too - Leesa Jones

Thank you for sharing :)

My midwife is a lactation consultant as well....I'm so blessed with her, so I know she'll be wonderful. And then the local baby group is als breastfeeding support so I will have that too.

My family just don't really understand the whole BF thing though, and think I can pump and they can feed or she'll be on Formula after 2/3 months. It's because they've not looked into it really.

Willing to play it all by Millie though! She's the star in all of this :D and what she wants - she gets! :baby:
Super *bloody* Moon did crap all for me!!!

After my bath, went to bed, slept lush and have woken today with bags of energy & not in an ounce of pain!! I don't even think I've had a cramp !!

:shrug: !!!!
ARGHH... It's 6am and I've been WIDE awake since 3:30 - so frustrated right now :growlmad: There is zero point in being awake. I already went pee three times and had a snack, now I've just succumb to the fact that I will be needing a big nap this afternoon.

No point in me being frustrated - I'm on leave and don't have anything planned but a babies and bellies group and some one on one time with DH... I just wanted to have a good nights rest :-[

Sorry for the whinge - going to catch up on all you lovely ladies now :flow:
there was a HUGE influx in patients in the hospitalSaturday night. the nurses said most of them went home!! i think the super moon thing is,a bit of a wives tale.

thanks everyone for the well wishes, our first night home went fantastic and shes nursing like crazy. as crazy as that birth was i feel so much better after it vs. my medicated ones!!

gl girls, i can't wait to see updates of everyones babies coming :"
Just been to the midwife.

Baby is only 1 fifth engaged. I think it's safe to say s/he is going to be fashionably late.

Heartbeat sounds fine.
My BP is fine (lowish but fine).
There was a trace of protein in my urine but they didn't say anything about that really.
They want me on iron tablets. UGH. I've been avoiding taking them because they make me really constipated.
I'm measuring 42 weeks (I'm actually 39+4, so 2 and a half weeks ahead).

And that's that really. MEH. No baby for me yet.
Sue - sounds like you are all set! I think when it comes to BF, best thing is just to leave it to the baby to lead the way :)

Floating - Hope you can get some sleep soon.

Alice - Good to hear all went well at the check up. I think if there is only a trace of protein and there hasn't been before, they don't worry about it. Keeping fingers crossed for you that your LO comes out on time.

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