~*~* July Sunbeams *~*~43 Babies Here So Far!!! 25 Boys / 18 Girls

lol thanks

it's hardly wordsworth or anything, I was just bored and it popped out haha.

now why can't that baby pop out the same way? :p
I love the poem alice!

Mw went well. Now its just go to appointments and wait and see how over due he goes. Any bets lol
I'm deflated :-(

Appointment was fine, BP good, wee fine.

SFH measuring 39cm which is off the chart, and baby not near engaged. MW wants to ring hospital to get their advice, she might want me to see a consultant as she would have expected baby to make at least some movement into my pelvis.

Don't know what to expect now, just have to wait for her to ring me :cry:
Pink glad your appt went well

Sue I'm sorry :hugs: maybe Millie is just one of those stubborn ones that won't engage until your in labor. Hope you get good news
Sue, Oliver wasn't engaged until labour, I don't see why she feels she has to move?

I know it must make you feel rubbish at the moment but once they have had a look they might be able to help :hugs:
Yeah last week when I asked if it was a problem she said no, but now she's concerned :shrug: I think it's all a combination of the late breech too.

That's good to know though Pink thanks! :flower: I'm just hoping she's stubborn and there's not a reason she can't go down.
also... I have a dodgy pelvis and he went down and come out fine :haha:

This time monster is putting his head in already! only 1/5th but hey its something :rofl:
Floating - Glad you liked it. :) I've told him he'll need to write one up again this time. There's no point in me even trying. Not a chance I'll remember things at all. I'm pretty sure my nutty husband actually had a piece paper he was scribbling times on during my labour!! :haha:

Libbysmum - nothing wrong with a sticky brownie!! Just get a spoon and dig in!! bah now I WANT a brownie too. :( No chance your OH could work from home? I think that's what my hubs plans to do. Well actually they're giving him 2 weeks paid off and leading up to the baby he's going to work from home just incase I go into labour.

Pink - jealous! I'd love to sleep through! Jessa woke up three times last night!! The final time was around 5:30 and she came in saying she was cold and was coughing so I let her stay with us. Then about an hour later I was wide awake with restless legs! (I think it's the steroids)

Sue - Sometimes I forget how different it was to be pregnant without a toddler... a nap... sounds LUSH! lol go enjoy for me too! ... CHRISTMAS :saywhat: LOL you're incredible. we don't even have a sofa chosen and the baby is due in less than 2 weeks! Oh and I saw buy yourself something post maternity pretty from JL and get the toys from amazon. MUCH better priced there. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Tidlo-Frui...sr_1_21?s=kids&ie=UTF8&qid=1372173236&sr=1-21 Jessica loved the wooden puzzles.

caro103 - I think I missed a post about your jaw somewhere. Mine's been popping when I yawn. Very annoying/uncomfortable but I was just chalking it up to all the relaxin in my body too. Hope yours improves after birth!

Kaths - we adore our wood toys around here too, that said. We got this one for J on her first birthday https://www.amazon.co.uk/Playskool-...8&qid=1372173420&sr=1-20&keywords=ball+popper and she STILL loves it. Almost $35 dollars cheaper in America than the UK though...

Alice - impressive! I could barely focus long enough to read it let alone write anything. Hence why my blog sits un-updated!! :blush:

AFM: Had my OB appt this morning. Blood pressure back up at 130/80 but they're not worried. I'd actually LOST 2lbs so that's pretty cool. Keeping me beneath that 200lb mark nicely. lol

Went from the nurse to the doctor and she was all... "time to get undressed" and I'm all "my notes say I've declined pelvic exams" She looks at it, and says no... everyone has to have them after 37 weeks. I try to reassure her that the doctor said it was fine, she tells me I can fight with the doctor about it then and goes to leave me on my own but the doctor was actually in the hall and corrects her. Says as long as I've had my strep B test then it's not necessary and he's happy to not do it. Nurse looks confused. I'm pleased. They shut the door and I hear him telling her that in Britain it's standard practice not to and the nurse replies with... well that's where she's from (she had just asked me where my tank top was from... I said Debnhams... in the UK) I think she went on to ask him why and his response was a rather odd "they just don't car about it" I don't think he meant to be rude like british docs don't care. But just that they find them unnecessary and he was trying to get her to go away.

All in all he was very nice to me when he came in. Said the heartbeat sounded like a boy and asked what it was. I replied Boy. When he was looking for the heartbeat though he commented that the baby was quite high. I said I suffered no delusions that this baby would be early. He said you never know. Apparently it doesn't really take any time to engage. I remember Jessa not actually engaging until labour. So never fear gals. If you're baby isn't down there yet... it doesn't take long!

So now I'm going to go try to measure out the space for the sofa and see if we can't get a new one ordered tonight.

Hope you gals have great day - baby dust to all of you hopefuls!!! oh and this is me https://www.facebook.com/RebeccaMichelleSmith if any of you have a desire to follow my ramblings...

EDIT: wow... look how chatty I can get when the steroids take the edge off the carpal tunnel!!! hahaha maybe I will be able to update my blog soon!
wow that nurse sounds like a night mare!

She was the same one that lectured me about not bringing my notes with me to the office a few weeks ago (even though they HAVE them) I'd brought Jessa with me and she even involved my 3 year old. Asking - you know how you get a sticker at school when you're good? Well no sticker for mommy. Ridiculous. Then the next week when they had me in, my notes (that they keep) were actually at their other office! She's lucky I had a different nurse that morning or I would have felt inclined to lecture her right back. How dare she make me feel bad for not bringing 3 little pages with my BP and weight on it when they couldn't even manage to have my actual file in! meh!
Ew she sounds like a nightmare!!!

I didn't like her from the "time to get undressed" comment. That really is a nice way to make someone feel comfortable about getting your lady bits out. NOT :dohh:
HEY I am typing in the dark as it is only 2 in the morning here. Was having bad cramps so thought I would get out the wheat pack and sit on my ball a while. Love the poem Alice...classic cause that is just how we feel in our last few weeks...made me giggle.

Becca I sent a friend request. Nurse sounds like a nutter...They don't do the internal exams here in Australia either...I was told if I go to 40 plus weeks they may decide to take a look to see what's happening. Glad you stood your ground.

I was hoping these cramps are early labor but it could just be gas from the curry I ate for dinner?
sue_88 - Sorry your appointment didn't go so well. Hopefully the MW will come back to you soon with more info.

Beccamichelle - The nurse sounds pretty horrible! I have sent you a friend request too :)
HEY I am typing in the dark as it is only 2 in the morning here. Was having bad cramps so thought I would get out the wheat pack and sit on my ball a while. Love the poem Alice...classic cause that is just how we feel in our last few weeks...made me giggle.

Becca I sent a friend request. Nurse sounds like a nutter...They don't do the internal exams here in Australia either...I was told if I go to 40 plus weeks they may decide to take a look to see what's happening. Glad you stood your ground.

I was hoping these cramps are early labor but it could just be gas from the curry I ate for dinner?

It just doesn't make any sense. Unless you're keen to know if you're dilated. Which matters naught to me because often it means nothing and would just get me all worked up. More chance of introducing infection etc etc. My first internal in the UK was post 40 weeks and that was to do the sweep.

Definitely get on that ball if you're getting cramps. Make the most of them! Doing squats in general is supposed to be helpful too.

Mark asked if I wanted Indian for dinner the other night... I looked at him like he was crazy and reminded him that we're trying to get the baby to WAIT not come now. :p

bah guys!! between FB, BnB and co-sleeper problems! (back ordered! ARGH!) I've gotten absolutely nothing accomplished and I'm supposed to get J from preschool in 30 minutes... oops.
Look what I made for the boot of my car........it's when the wheels come off the pram & they're all manky! Quite impressed!! Just sliced the base off the Baby Swing box, and the top half of the box I donated to Button as a new toy!! Haha


So... my last midwife appointment I took the swab test for Group B strep. Today at my appointment, they told me I did test positive and will have to have antibiotics in labor via an IV. I'm crushed. Before this, they told me I would not need any IV or injections or anything because I am low risk. Now I will need an IV every 4 hours that I am at the hospital that take 30 minutes to drip. :cry: I am worried about the stress and anxiety that will come from this, as I do not do well in a hospital setting whatsover anyways. And needles/IVs really scare me. HELP.

Anyone else in the same boat with the +GBA?? Anyone had it in a prior pregnancy? If so, how did it go. I'm starting to panic.
Slowest diaper bag ever... *laughs*

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Jun 21, 2013 09:14 OGDEN, UT DEPARTURE SCAN
Jun 21, 2013 06:43 OGDEN, UT ORIGIN SCAN

estimate Thursday..... that's what I get from buying from the west coast and living on the east coast...

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