~*~* July Sunbeams *~*~43 Babies Here So Far!!! 25 Boys / 18 Girls

Does anyone in the states have any ideas where to buy inexpensive maternity jeans? My baby bloat is already making all of mine uncomfortably tight!

I saw online that motherhood maternity is having a sale. Plus target has some nice maternity clothes. Good luck! I need some too! I'm already pudging out :dohh:
Does anyone in the states have any ideas where to buy inexpensive maternity jeans? My baby bloat is already making all of mine uncomfortably tight!

I saw online that motherhood maternity is having a sale. Plus target has some nice maternity clothes. Good luck! I need some too! I'm already pudging out :dohh:

Try Old Navy? They usually have some.
Does anyone in the states have any ideas where to buy inexpensive maternity jeans? My baby bloat is already making all of mine uncomfortably tight!

I saw online that motherhood maternity is having a sale. Plus target has some nice maternity clothes. Good luck! I need some too! I'm already pudging out :dohh:

I just don't understand how we're all feeling soo pudgy so fast! It's crazy! The scale definitely isn't my friend right now and all I want to wear are my yoga pants! I don't remember it being like this with my last one! (Kinda excited to be in America this time around though because there's sooo many more places to buy maternity wear!)
Does anyone in the states have any ideas where to buy inexpensive maternity jeans? My baby bloat is already making all of mine uncomfortably tight!

I saw online that motherhood maternity is having a sale. Plus target has some nice maternity clothes. Good luck! I need some too! I'm already pudging out :dohh:

I just don't understand how we're all feeling soo pudgy so fast! It's crazy! The scale definitely isn't my friend right now and all I want to wear are my yoga pants! I don't remember it being like this with my last one! (Kinda excited to be in America this time around though because there's sooo many more places to buy maternity wear!)

I know, I'm not even 5 weeks and I can't button my jeans. I just hope I don't gain too much weight this pregnancy. I already needed to lose weight before I found out I was pregnant. Oh well, I'll have time to lose it. Plus I'm planning on walking throughout the pregnancy and attempting to eat as healthy as possible.
Does anyone in the states have any ideas where to buy inexpensive maternity jeans? My baby bloat is already making all of mine uncomfortably tight!

I saw online that motherhood maternity is having a sale. Plus target has some nice maternity clothes. Good luck! I need some too! I'm already pudging out :dohh:

I just don't understand how we're all feeling soo pudgy so fast! It's crazy! The scale definitely isn't my friend right now and all I want to wear are my yoga pants! I don't remember it being like this with my last one! (Kinda excited to be in America this time around though because there's sooo many more places to buy maternity wear!)

I know, I'm not even 5 weeks and I can't button my jeans. I just hope I don't gain too much weight this pregnancy. I already needed to lose weight before I found out I was pregnant. Oh well, I'll have time to lose it. Plus I'm planning on walking throughout the pregnancy and attempting to eat as healthy as possible.

Have you considered belly belts? I got a set with my last pregnancy and theyre pretty useful as you can just extend the pants etc you already own instead of having to buy maternity ones. I pudged up a fair bit with my first and put on over 8kg in the first trimester. Took me forever to shed after she was born.
"Wreck It Ralph" was really cute! DS got a little bored in the end but maybe cause it is so late already. It was 9pm when we got out of there.

Does anyone else get cramping after walking so much? I want to exercise but I can't do the cardio I normally do. But even during Halloween walking around with DS, I was cramping and so tired and it wasn't even an hour of walking! How can I get my exercise in when I feel a cramp coming on I stop immediately. It can be a sharp pain or just gradually come on. I really try to pay attention to it so I don't over do it.
Thanks for the suggestion ladies, I couldn't believe what a tiny selection of maternity wear they had at my Kohl's and Target..Kohl's had two little racks! I'm going to check out Motherhood Maternity and my sister said JcPenny's has their Duo brand that's pretty affordable. Old Navy has a nice selection but apparently it's only available online?
when i was pregnant with my son i went to burlington coat factor i got jeans and tops and all that really cheap i was paying like $9.99 for a pair of jeans and $4.99 for my tops i think im just going to rock sweats for the winter but ill deff be getting some cute clothes for spring and summer umm also jc penny has really nice clothes walmart kmart is cheap too but if u got a burlington coat factor id try there asap they got a online site too and they also have a BIG BABY SECTION i love it there they got roca wear apple bottom baby phat polo all that for the babys!!! i know how yall feel with the gettng puggy ive alway been a thicker woman especially after my son i think im going to give brestfeeding a try this time again because i tryed with my son but i just didnt have no milk coming out even after pumping all the time but it helps u lose weight im glad im having a summr baby thou because we will def be out with the stoller walking everywhere so mommy can sweat her butt off and lose weight i hope my boobie dont get ne bigger i know u all r like WHAT but yeah i already wear a 38ddd and have trouble findng bras now as it is i can't believe we have 83bumps for july im so happy for everyone before we know it we will all be MOMMYS <3 i already got name picked out haha nebody else
When I was pregnant with DS I got my clothes from Sears! They had a clearance rack that all kinds of cute stuff and for real cheap! I know that was 9 years ago, but I am going to go look again!!
"Wreck It Ralph" was really cute! DS got a little bored in the end but maybe cause it is so late already. It was 9pm when we got out of there.

Does anyone else get cramping after walking so much? I want to exercise but I can't do the cardio I normally do. But even during Halloween walking around with DS, I was cramping and so tired and it wasn't even an hour of walking! How can I get my exercise in when I feel a cramp coming on I stop immediately. It can be a sharp pain or just gradually come on. I really try to pay attention to it so I don't over do it.

hey i havent been having ne cramping and i was fine walking my ds around halloween even know we didnt go to alot of house but thats because he wasnt feeling to good i think you should just relax and take an easy intil u get out the first tri just to be on the safe side i hope u start feeling alittle better i know ive been soooooooo tired lately its been crazi thats all i do is sleep nemore i heard yoga is good during pregnancy idk im going to looking into maybe going to the ymca they have a indoor pool and swimming but my DS keeps me on my feet too i keep asking myself can i do two kids can i can i can i lol i know i can thoug
Hi Ladies,

I've been running around all day today first thing this morning went to our WIC Office here in Hawaii. Which is so worth it I recommend those who haven't been to WIC go as soon as they can :D. After that I went to the doctor's for my check up and got an ultra sound it was such an amazing feeling. My levels went from (10/26/12) 330 to (11/2/12) 5,648. How is everyone feeling this weekend? I'm still super tired I want to curl up and sleep the rest of my weekend.
Does anyone in the states have any ideas where to buy inexpensive maternity jeans? My baby bloat is already making all of mine uncomfortably tight!

I saw online that motherhood maternity is having a sale. Plus target has some nice maternity clothes. Good luck! I need some too! I'm already pudging out :dohh:

I just don't understand how we're all feeling soo pudgy so fast! It's crazy! The scale definitely isn't my friend right now and all I want to wear are my yoga pants! I don't remember it being like this with my last one! (Kinda excited to be in America this time around though because there's sooo many more places to buy maternity wear!)

I know, I'm not even 5 weeks and I can't button my jeans. I just hope I don't gain too much weight this pregnancy. I already needed to lose weight before I found out I was pregnant. Oh well, I'll have time to lose it. Plus I'm planning on walking throughout the pregnancy and attempting to eat as healthy as possible.

hey june
i just seen ur earning ur nursing degree that is soo coool! im going to be a medical assistance i can't wait i was thinking about going for my nuring degree if i can get threw this first good luck and im proud of you:-)
Hello Ladies!!,
Im am so excited for everyone! Im glad we can all talk and be like a family:flower:
Im still in shock that Im pregnant! I feel like im jus faking it :nope: I know itll be alot better once i get my first apponintment on the 28th AND get that little bump(: For some reason I think im carrying two little ones in my belly!
Hi Ladies,

I've been running around all day today first thing this morning went to our WIC Office here in Hawaii. Which is so worth it I recommend those who haven't been to WIC go as soon as they can :D. After that I went to the doctor's for my check up and got an ultra sound it was such an amazing feeling. My levels went from (10/26/12) 330 to (11/2/12) 5,648. How is everyone feeling this weekend? I'm still super tired I want to curl up and sleep the rest of my weekend.

wow levels are going up super good girl i go to my wic next week on the 7th then the doctors the 8th i cant wait to get my levels checked again i know they going up but i think im earlyer then according to my LMP i think when i got my blood took on 10.26 they were like only 21.3 and yesterday it was 509.3 def not as high as your but the doctor said not to worry im probaby just early
Hi Ladies,

I've been running around all day today first thing this morning went to our WIC Office here in Hawaii. Which is so worth it I recommend those who haven't been to WIC go as soon as they can :D. After that I went to the doctor's for my check up and got an ultra sound it was such an amazing feeling. My levels went from (10/26/12) 330 to (11/2/12) 5,648. How is everyone feeling this weekend? I'm still super tired I want to curl up and sleep the rest of my weekend.

wow levels are going up super good girl i go to my wic next week on the 7th then the doctors the 8th i cant wait to get my levels checked again i know they going up but i think im earlyer then according to my LMP i think when i got my blood took on 10.26 they were like only 21.3 and yesterday it was 509.3 def not as high as your but the doctor said not to worry im probaby just early

That's so true hun don't worry my due date is July 2, 2013 maybe your due date isn't June when will they be able to actually tell you your accurate due date?
How do you all keep up with these threads?! They move so fast!! I go to the 'last unread post' and am already like 20 pages behind...holy cow!!

Anyway, nice to see so many others feeling like crap already heh. I am only getting nauseated when im too hungry. which apparently is like every hour!! I cannot stop eating, its crazy. im also exhausted, and having some crazy mood swings. I cant believe how different this pregnancy is already from my other sticky ones.

anyone started with the vivid dreams yet?! I've had multiple dreams (i call them nightmares, really) that we are expecting twins, and it STRESSES me out to think of it. from the risk cause I have trouble carrying, to the delivery to my husband not being home during the birth and first few months of life, to having FIVE children. I m SO nervous for my scan and still have 2 weeks to wait!
How do you all keep up with these threads?! They move so fast!! I go to the 'last unread post' and am already like 20 pages behind...holy cow!!

Anyway, nice to see so many others feeling like crap already heh. I am only getting nauseated when im too hungry. which apparently is like every hour!! I cannot stop eating, its crazy. im also exhausted, and having some crazy mood swings. I cant believe how different this pregnancy is already from my other sticky ones.

anyone started with the vivid dreams yet?! I've had multiple dreams (i call them nightmares, really) that we are expecting twins, and it STRESSES me out to think of it. from the risk cause I have trouble carrying, to the delivery to my husband not being home during the birth and first few months of life, to having FIVE children. I m SO nervous for my scan and still have 2 weeks to wait!

Awww I don't think I get enough sleep to dream! I have dreamed about twins but that was in my last pregnancy....at the first scan that was the first question I had...it was only one though! I know my childhood friend is expecting twins in February. It would be funny if we all had twins!
My DH's parents were both twins plus I am over 35 so the likelihood is higher. But I don't know as I would think you would have severe:dohh: morning sickness and stuff which doesn't sound appealing.
Hi Ladies,

I've been running around all day today first thing this morning went to our WIC Office here in Hawaii. Which is so worth it I recommend those who haven't been to WIC go as soon as they can :D. After that I went to the doctor's for my check up and got an ultra sound it was such an amazing feeling. My levels went from (10/26/12) 330 to (11/2/12) 5,648. How is everyone feeling this weekend? I'm still super tired I want to curl up and sleep the rest of my weekend.

wow levels are going up super good girl i go to my wic next week on the 7th then the doctors the 8th i cant wait to get my levels checked again i know they going up but i think im earlyer then according to my LMP i think when i got my blood took on 10.26 they were like only 21.3 and yesterday it was 509.3 def not as high as your but the doctor said not to worry im probaby just early

That's so true hun don't worry my due date is July 2, 2013 maybe your due date isn't June when will they be able to actually tell you your accurate due date?

well when i had my first u/s done i had just found out i was pregnant last friday and it was to early to see nething but the er doctor said its normal for my levels and yesterday they just did they levels hcglevels.png here is what i got from the hospital it tell ur week and levels so let see it say 3-4weeks 500-10,000miu/ml so your probably right im probably not due in june i have irreg periods sometimes there 28 sometimes there 35!! i go see my doctor this friday so ill feel alot better once i see her and she'll probably send me for a u/s which they should be able to see something because im more then likey 4weeks and then 5-6weeks is 1,000-50,000 so if ur levels double everyday then my levels today should be 1,000 something right idk im not worried as long as they go up and not down!:hugs:
Hi Ladies,

I've been running around all day today first thing this morning went to our WIC Office here in Hawaii. Which is so worth it I recommend those who haven't been to WIC go as soon as they can :D. After that I went to the doctor's for my check up and got an ultra sound it was such an amazing feeling. My levels went from (10/26/12) 330 to (11/2/12) 5,648. How is everyone feeling this weekend? I'm still super tired I want to curl up and sleep the rest of my weekend.

wow levels are going up super good girl i go to my wic next week on the 7th then the doctors the 8th i cant wait to get my levels checked again i know they going up but i think im earlyer then according to my LMP i think when i got my blood took on 10.26 they were like only 21.3 and yesterday it was 509.3 def not as high as your but the doctor said not to worry im probaby just early

That's so true hun don't worry my due date is July 2, 2013 maybe your due date isn't June when will they be able to actually tell you your accurate due date?

well when i had my first u/s done i had just found out i was pregnant last friday and it was to early to see nething but the er doctor said its normal for my levels and yesterday they just did they levels View attachment 507733 here is what i got from the hospital it tell ur week and levels so let see it say 3-4weeks 500-10,000miu/ml so your probably right im probably not due in june i have irreg periods sometimes there 28 sometimes there 35!! i go see my doctor this friday so ill feel alot better once i see her and she'll probably send me for a u/s which they should be able to see something because im more then likey 4weeks and then 5-6weeks is 1,000-50,000 so if ur levels double everyday then my levels today should be 1,000 something right idk im not worried as long as they go up and not down!:hugs:

Oh okay I see hunn, and the picture looks about right :D Oh yeah having irregular periods could through it off be be time, that sounds good on getting sent for an ultrasound at 4 weeks they won't be able to see much of anything 5 weeks all you get to see is this what I got in my picture I tried to put up hope you can see it. Don't get me wrong I loved it I couldn't stop smiling just to see my baby is growing :D Good Luck with everything and I'm sure you will get to see your little one sooner than later.:hugs:


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They don't even tell me my levels..I guess they just assume you're pregnant unless there are major signs you may not be. It is sad cause with our 2nd we lost the baby around 7wks but didn't find out that there was no heartbeat until I had bad spotting and went for a scan around 11 and a half weeks...I wish they would give more blood tests in the early weeks so you know if the levels are increasing or not would save a lot of heartache.

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