~*~* July Sunbeams *~*~43 Babies Here So Far!!! 25 Boys / 18 Girls

Lol. I really like Aliannah Jade and Auden Have, but I'm saving those for twins. Lol.
Hi Ladies,

I've been running around all day today first thing this morning went to our WIC Office here in Hawaii. Which is so worth it I recommend those who haven't been to WIC go as soon as they can :D. After that I went to the doctor's for my check up and got an ultra sound it was such an amazing feeling. My levels went from (10/26/12) 330 to (11/2/12) 5,648. How is everyone feeling this weekend? I'm still super tired I want to curl up and sleep the rest of my weekend.

What fantastic levels! Yay for you!!! :happydance:
We're stuck on a girl's name, but have a boy's name picked out. We really like Hunter James for a boy as it will fit nicely with our surname. It might not be everyone's choice but we like it. :haha:

As for a girl.. Have a middle name and everything, but not a first. So hard!
I just had a glass of Milo and now I feel ill...so ill. Not nice :( I wrote a list of different names I liked...we both like Sophie or Zoe...even though they're really popular we love their meanings but my DH wants to wait til we find out the gender at 20wks before we lock in on a name. We also need a name that will sound nice with our DD and with our last name. I am a teacher by occupation so there seems a pile of names on my NOT IN A MILLION YEARS list.

Im a teacher too, and i have a list of 'no' names!! lol
We are trying not to think of names this time round or get to excited with our previous loses. Once i get to 12 weeks then i will start thinking of names.

Still havent heard anything off midwife to see if they are going to offer me early scans. :nope:
Might book a private one in a couple of weeks.

Another teacher here, so another long list of no-names. :haha: I had a really mean kid last year and was put off the name Chris, but I think Christopher may still be an option for a middle name.

I hope you get your early scan.
Is anyone else crazy bloated??? It's so uncomfortable!

And Im always hungry, but I dont feel sick yet so Im making the most of being hungry for a couple of weeks lol
We're stuck on a girl's name, but have a boy's name picked out. We really like Hunter James for a boy as it will fit nicely with our surname. It might not be everyone's choice but we like it. :haha:

As for a girl.. Have a middle name and everything, but not a first. So hard!

My friend just became an Auntie to a Hunter! :) great name, I really like it.

I agree with you, boys name Ive had for ages, girls name I think I'll change each week until I see her (if its a her!) :)
Is anyone else crazy bloated??? It's so uncomfortable!

And Im always hungry, but I dont feel sick yet so Im making the most of being hungry for a couple of weeks lol

Exactly the same here :thumbup:
Yeah, the bloat's getting bad. I want to take a pic for almost 5 weeks but I don't want the bloat to make it look exaggerated.

I love hearing everyone's names.
So far ours are:
Girl: Kelly Amara, Claire Dannielle
Boy: Tobias Christopher, Thomas Alan
Hi Ladies,

I've been running around all day today first thing this morning went to our WIC Office here in Hawaii. Which is so worth it I recommend those who haven't been to WIC go as soon as they can :D. After that I went to the doctor's for my check up and got an ultra sound it was such an amazing feeling. My levels went from (10/26/12) 330 to (11/2/12) 5,648. How is everyone feeling this weekend? I'm still super tired I want to curl up and sleep the rest of my weekend.

wow levels are going up super good girl i go to my wic next week on the 7th then the doctors the 8th i cant wait to get my levels checked again i know they going up but i think im earlyer then according to my LMP i think when i got my blood took on 10.26 they were like only 21.3 and yesterday it was 509.3 def not as high as your but the doctor said not to worry im probaby just early

That's so true hun don't worry my due date is July 2, 2013 maybe your due date isn't June when will they be able to actually tell you your accurate due date?

well when i had my first u/s done i had just found out i was pregnant last friday and it was to early to see nething but the er doctor said its normal for my levels and yesterday they just did they levels View attachment 507733 here is what i got from the hospital it tell ur week and levels so let see it say 3-4weeks 500-10,000miu/ml so your probably right im probably not due in june i have irreg periods sometimes there 28 sometimes there 35!! i go see my doctor this friday so ill feel alot better once i see her and she'll probably send me for a u/s which they should be able to see something because im more then likey 4weeks and then 5-6weeks is 1,000-50,000 so if ur levels double everyday then my levels today should be 1,000 something right idk im not worried as long as they go up and not down!:hugs:

Oh okay I see hunn, and the picture looks about right :D Oh yeah having irregular periods could through it off be be time, that sounds good on getting sent for an ultrasound at 4 weeks they won't be able to see much of anything 5 weeks all you get to see is this what I got in my picture I tried to put up hope you can see it. Don't get me wrong I loved it I couldn't stop smiling just to see my baby is growing :D Good Luck with everything and I'm sure you will get to see your little one sooner than later.:hugs:

aww jj is that your baby? i know that baby is only so tiny but just to see that its really there ill feel so much better when i get my u/s done and theirs a baby in there because i think when i found out i was pregnant on the 25th of oct and then i went to the er the next day my hcg levels were the levels of 2-3weeks pregnant so now im probably 4weeks pregnant and then this coming up friday on the 8th i go for my first docts appointment and i should be about 5weeks so i know she going to send me for a scan and im going to make it for the following week so ill be about 6weeks seeing your levels jj kinda scares me and make me when to go to the hospital to get my levels check back out you think i went to the hosp on the 26 of oct and they were 24.3 then a few days ago on thursday i went to the doctors because my ear was hurting real bad well i went to the er and my levels were 509.3 so that sound right right? im just little earlyer right i think i O later like i said i got irreg periods so thats probably what is going on instead of being due the 28th of june i think im due like any where from july 4th-13th wish me luck ladies
Is anyone else crazy bloated??? It's so uncomfortable!

And Im always hungry, but I dont feel sick yet so Im making the most of being hungry for a couple of weeks lol

Be careful with that. I don't get morning sickness when I'm pregnant.
Is anyone else crazy bloated??? It's so uncomfortable!

And Im always hungry, but I dont feel sick yet so Im making the most of being hungry for a couple of weeks lol

Oh without a doubt, just want to eat everything!!
Also suffering from wind :-(
Is anyone else crazy bloated??? It's so uncomfortable!

And Im always hungry, but I dont feel sick yet so Im making the most of being hungry for a couple of weeks lol

Exactly the same here :thumbup:

im there with you ladies, hungry all the time and then after im done eatting i alwas feel like im going to POP my stomach be hurting so bad like right now idk how i just ate all tha freaking food. For breakfest i had 3 donuts then my ds on a bowling league and we get a big pizza and frys and its the only tme of week i drink soda but ds didn want that so i got a platter with nachos wings eggs rolls and moz sticks and a order of frys and i didn't reallu touch it there but just now i smashed just about everything and my belly hurts so ba im just so bloated and now i feel like alls want to do is SLEEP, this sleeping all of the time is hurting me with school so bad because everytime im ready to do it i get really really tired like right now mattr fact its nap time ttyl have a GOOD WEEKEN LADIS<3
I'm hungry too! But just can't eat much. I eat slow so I don't over stuff myself! I did that though when we went and got my garlic breadsticks. HAHA! It was sooo good! My tummy is very bloated too! It hurts to wear my tight jeans so had to get some that were a little stretchy. Feels much better now!
Hello everyone, yet another one to join the group!

Got my BFP on 30/10/12 and due date is about 5th July.

Not many symptoms at this stage, so guess I should make the most of it. I am very excited and very scared!
Congratulations janey211, BeccaMichelle, bumski, Miss Bellum & wantababybad2! Hope we all have a H&H 9 months! :flower:

JJsmom - I totally agree with the back pains!! I'm so uncomfortable in bed & my lower back aches every single morning now. I'm sleeping with a cushion between my legs to try ease it a little. I didn't think back pain would be an issue until way later in the pregnancy!!

JP19 - It's so great that your husband will be around for the first few weeks. I'm thrilled to be having a baby in the summer too. My birthday is in the summer & I always liked that & our winters here (Ireland) have been bad for the past while so I'm glad not to be rushing to hospital in labour in icy conditions or snow.

junemomma09 - I'm with you on your plan! Keeping up the walking (the dog is very grateful) & trying to eat well now that I'm responsible for more than just myself.

abagailb14 - I don't really have morning sickness yet either. Maybe a very slight amount but nothing major. There are people that don't get it at all so I wouldn't worry about it :hugs: And good luck at the ultrasound! I'll be getting my first the day before :happydance:

Karry we are due on the 1st too...you can be my bump buddy :)

YAY! :happydance: I'm guessing I'll get a more accurate date at the scan on Tuesday so that may change...

:sex:I guess the month of October is a good one for:sex:


I just don't understand how we're all feeling soo pudgy so fast! It's crazy! The scale definitely isn't my friend right now

I was out shopping today & got handed a leaflet with an offer for Spanx :blush:
Karry - I'm going to get a body pillow. I told OH that since he isn't always snuggled up to me at night I need the body pillow to help me stay on my side so my back and tummy don't hurt too much.

I took a nap today and it's been hard for me to get back up! I'm still so tired! I think DS kept coming in and waking me up. LOL! He just kept wanting kisses. I think he just wanted to get on his computer. HAHA! Now I'm starving again! Of course I guess I did eat 5 hrs ago. I'm not wanting to cook now either. I cooked all the time before but now I'm just so tired and just don't feel like cooking.
I'm the same with the cooking. I'm finding I can eat but the smells while cooking aren't doing me any favours...
Does anyone in the states have any ideas where to buy inexpensive maternity jeans? My baby bloat is already making all of mine uncomfortably tight!

I saw online that motherhood maternity is having a sale. Plus target has some nice maternity clothes. Good luck! I need some too! I'm already pudging out :dohh:

I just don't understand how we're all feeling soo pudgy so fast! It's crazy! The scale definitely isn't my friend right now and all I want to wear are my yoga pants! I don't remember it being like this with my last one! (Kinda excited to be in America this time around though because there's sooo many more places to buy maternity wear!)

I know, I'm not even 5 weeks and I can't button my jeans. I just hope I don't gain too much weight this pregnancy. I already needed to lose weight before I found out I was pregnant. Oh well, I'll have time to lose it. Plus I'm planning on walking throughout the pregnancy and attempting to eat as healthy as possible.

hey june
i just seen ur earning ur nursing degree that is soo coool! im going to be a medical assistance i can't wait i was thinking about going for my nuring degree if i can get threw this first good luck and im proud of you:-)

Thanks Hun!!! I work at a hospital prn but I practically work full time hours. Fortunately I finish school and take my NCLEX before baby will be due so all I have to wait for is baby to come and go back to work. I'm going to put in transfer paperwork with the hospital I work for in a nursing position in April. Hopefully they'll be able to hold a position till the end of my maternity leave. They don't know I'm pregnant yet as I'm not past my 90 days probation. I'm thinking of telling them in December. Good luck with you MA schooling. :)

wow thats cool i hope i can get threw school i actually just got my high school diploma like 3months ago i was so proud of my self after being out of school for so long and then going back when i was 24yrs old but the thing that matters is that i went back,idk what id do if my DH wouldnt have gave me the support he did and even would try to help me with my homework and stuff such a good hubby but i also o alot to my mother because she help pay for it. i think they'll hold your position nurses are indemand now days anything that has to do with medical and hospitals is in demand my aunt a nurse in the icu she been one for over 30yrs and she loves it plus she LOADED haha yeah i don't think id tell them intill ur 90days is up because even tho by law they can't let u go just because your pregnant some places will and make up something else but best of luck to you and thanks a couple of my friends have done it and they make good money and still have enough time for their familys matter fact they have alot more times because they got a 8-4 9-5 off on weekends job so i cant wait<3:hugs:

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