~*~* July Sunbeams *~*~43 Babies Here So Far!!! 25 Boys / 18 Girls

Congratulations janey211, BeccaMichelle, bumski, Miss Bellum & wantababybad2! Hope we all have a H&H 9 months! :flower:

JJsmom - I totally agree with the back pains!! I'm so uncomfortable in bed & my lower back aches every single morning now. I'm sleeping with a cushion between my legs to try ease it a little. I didn't think back pain would be an issue until way later in the pregnancy!!

JP19 - It's so great that your husband will be around for the first few weeks. I'm thrilled to be having a baby in the summer too. My birthday is in the summer & I always liked that & our winters here (Ireland) have been bad for the past while so I'm glad not to be rushing to hospital in labour in icy conditions or snow.

junemomma09 - I'm with you on your plan! Keeping up the walking (the dog is very grateful) & trying to eat well now that I'm responsible for more than just myself.

abagailb14 - I don't really have morning sickness yet either. Maybe a very slight amount but nothing major. There are people that don't get it at all so I wouldn't worry about it :hugs: And good luck at the ultrasound! I'll be getting my first the day before :happydance:

Karry we are due on the 1st too...you can be my bump buddy :)

YAY! :happydance: I'm guessing I'll get a more accurate date at the scan on Tuesday so that may change...

:sex:I guess the month of October is a good one for:sex:


I just don't understand how we're all feeling soo pudgy so fast! It's crazy! The scale definitely isn't my friend right now

I was out shopping today & got handed a leaflet with an offer for Spanx :blush:

i sleep with a pillow between my legs at night for my back and also it stops me from peeing every hour of the hour lol i hate trying to see and having to get up so does DH because everytime i get up so does he ru ok where ru lol :-D such a good hubby just worried i jsut cant get over how freaking tired ive been its like as soon as i wake up im ready to go back to bed!!

ive actually lost some weight but that was like a few weeks ago when i got weigh im sure ive gain a pound or few not only that but this is my 2nd one so im thinking i might start showing faster:dohh::dohh:

i would also say that there was a pregnancy bug going around for the month of october and 89 of us got it yay!!!!:flower:
Hello everyone, yet another one to join the group!

Got my BFP on 30/10/12 and due date is about 5th July.

Not many symptoms at this stage, so guess I should make the most of it. I am very excited and very scared!

WELCOME!!!:happydance::happydance: and congrats Have a H&H 9months i guess they bring us to 90 baby bumps for july this is crazi ladies!!

i also can't believe he got like what 84 pages now either! i love talking it up with everyone y'all are so sweet<3:hugs:
We're stuck on a girl's name, but have a boy's name picked out. We really like Hunter James for a boy as it will fit nicely with our surname. It might not be everyone's choice but we like it. :haha:

As for a girl.. Have a middle name and everything, but not a first. So hard!

My friend just became an Auntie to a Hunter! :) great name, I really like it.

I agree with you, boys name Ive had for ages, girls name I think I'll change each week until I see her (if its a her!) :)

i also em a auntie to a Hunter congrats!!!
How do you all keep up with these threads?! They move so fast!! I go to the 'last unread post' and am already like 20 pages behind...holy cow!!

Anyway, nice to see so many others feeling like crap already heh. I am only getting nauseated when im too hungry. which apparently is like every hour!! I cannot stop eating, its crazy. im also exhausted, and having some crazy mood swings. I cant believe how different this pregnancy is already from my other sticky ones.

anyone started with the vivid dreams yet?! I've had multiple dreams (i call them nightmares, really) that we are expecting twins, and it STRESSES me out to think of it. from the risk cause I have trouble carrying, to the delivery to my husband not being home during the birth and first few months of life, to having FIVE children. I m SO nervous for my scan and still have 2 weeks to wait!

I know how you feel! im nervous too about having twins. DS was a preemie and i had obstetric cholestasis, so with twins my symptoms would be worse.

I guess we would deal with it!!!
Hope everyone's doing well today! I'm starting to get nervous about telling people when the time comes. I hadn't mentioned it here yet, but I'm only 20. And while I'm extremely excited and ready for this, I don't know what my mom will say. I am even nervous about telling OH-- I was planning to wait until a doc confirms it which should be within a week. We were not ttc but not preventing either. He's 24 and I know he wants kids but as I am in college it's probably not the best timing. More scared of what my mom will say, although I know everything will turn out for the best eventually. Sorry for the rambling, it's just becoming more real that I will have to address this soon. Any other young moms or moms-to-be here with advice?
misshastings and Sue88 i love love the name darcy!!!

wantababybad2 you are so cute! i remember what its like the first time, its hard to keep it a secret! enjoy it!

JJsmomits not bad to not have a name picked out. we felt pressured last time to tell the names we were thinking of, and some people gave very negative opinions....so i guess it will save you from that!

Im not feeling sick yet, i have really bad cramping at night that i dont remember before, but it seems like a lot of you ladies are complaining of that as well. I didnt not get sick until week 6 last time, but it lasted till week 18. And it was ALL DAY sickness. I hope it doesn't happen like that this time!!
How do you all keep up with these threads?! They move so fast!! I go to the 'last unread post' and am already like 20 pages behind...holy cow!!

Anyway, nice to see so many others feeling like crap already heh. I am only getting nauseated when im too hungry. which apparently is like every hour!! I cannot stop eating, its crazy. im also exhausted, and having some crazy mood swings. I cant believe how different this pregnancy is already from my other sticky ones.

anyone started with the vivid dreams yet?! I've had multiple dreams (i call them nightmares, really) that we are expecting twins, and it STRESSES me out to think of it. from the risk cause I have trouble carrying, to the delivery to my husband not being home during the birth and first few months of life, to having FIVE children. I m SO nervous for my scan and still have 2 weeks to wait!

I know how you feel! im nervous too about having twins. DS was a preemie and i had obstetric cholestasis, so with twins my symptoms would be worse.

I guess we would deal with it!!!

that would suck! I only have isses with irritable uterus and constant contractions so my activity gets SO limited during pregnancy, it just sucks. I weigh less than 100 lbs and really dont think I could successfully carry twins, which scares me cause I dont want to lose anymore babies :/ but you are right, we will deal if it comes to that! I really hope I am just being paranoid about it though :) I did start looking up other girl names today though, just in case we need two haha! I am hoping SO much that its a girl! (we have three sons :) )
misshastings and Sue88 i love love the name darcy!!!

wantababybad2 you are so cute! i remember what its like the first time, its hard to keep it a secret! enjoy it!

JJsmomits not bad to not have a name picked out. we felt pressured last time to tell the names we were thinking of, and some people gave very negative opinions....so i guess it will save you from that!

Im not feeling sick yet, i have really bad cramping at night that i dont remember before, but it seems like a lot of you ladies are complaining of that as well. I didnt not get sick until week 6 last time, but it lasted till week 18. And it was ALL DAY sickness. I hope it doesn't happen like that this time!!

the cramping could be due to gas as well. My bloated gas stuff is always at its worst by the time bedtime rolls around! I go from having a very small pouch in the AM to looking 5 months pregnant in the pm
I love seeing everyone's potential baby names! We have had ours picked out for a very long time :)

Boy: Jonathan Michael
Girl: Aisling Meara

We also spent all day telling our families (my husband is from a very large family so it was a lot of phone calls!)...it was wonderful! We really didn't want to wait and everyone is very excited. :D

I'm also very excited about getting an extra hour of sleep tonight ;)
Hope everyone's doing well today! I'm starting to get nervous about telling people when the time comes. I hadn't mentioned it here yet, but I'm only 20. And while I'm extremely excited and ready for this, I don't know what my mom will say. I am even nervous about telling OH-- I was planning to wait until a doc confirms it which should be within a week. We were not ttc but not preventing either. He's 24 and I know he wants kids but as I am in college it's probably not the best timing. More scared of what my mom will say, although I know everything will turn out for the best eventually. Sorry for the rambling, it's just becoming more real that I will have to address this soon. Any other young moms or moms-to-be here with advice?

i was 18 when i got pregnant with my son and 19 when i had him! so i totally understand what your going threw, atleast your OH is doing something ith his life because my son father wasn doing nothing and then to top it off when i told him i was pregnant he busted out the A word and told me he didnt want nomore kids because he already had two but i just want feelig that and it really hurt me because we werent just a fing or a one night stand we was together since i wa 15yrs old so for him to leave me high and dry just killed me but im so happy he did because when my son turn a yr old me and Dh had started dating, and i was so happy becaue i had the biggest crush on him for th longest time i just didnt think he like me and not only that but he had someone and so did I at the time i was always real close to him and his sisters. matter of fact me n his older sister was pregnant at the sametime and she help me out alot with baby things!!:-) anyways like i was saying dh has been in my son and my life since he was one he has done everything nd so much more for us we got married in 2010 and are still going stronge his baby will be our first baby together and im still young im only 24 and he wil be 29 nexts month things get ruff and i dont think there ever is a right time for a baby but i know you can do it i was a young mom and my son turn out great he just turn 5 on oct 14th is in pre*k can ride a bike roller blade knows his abc can count till like 30 heck maybe even more and even reads alittle bit!!
now as far as my mom acted about my son she wasn't to hot on the issue but was there at the hospital when i had him held my legs in the air cut the cord n lots more but my moms not the nicest person out there you know look at it this way once you have the baby your mom will change if she not for it now but im sure she will be happy for you:-) thats good that you wanna confirm first but as soon as you do sit down n have a talk with OH first & then Mom wish you the best of luck and welcome you to july sunbeams wishig u a H&H 9months sweetie feel free to message me at anytime kk:hugs:
It took me a while to catch up... I am glad everyone is thinking of names even in the back of their minds as it makes the first trimester so much nicer and more real...I mean we go weeks and weeks without even seeing a doctor sometimes I guess I get nervous that this whole pregnant thing isn't real but today I got exhausted walking my toddler up the block to the grocery store...had to ask the hubby to push the stroller cause I just felt so weak!
I have a feeling this might be a boy cause I don't feel hungry at all and with my DD all I did was eat...which was terrible cause I gained so much weight! Be careful you ladies who want to eat that this doesn't happen to you! I think I put on about 8kg in my first trimester with her...I didn't eat much the last trimester cause I had terrible heartburn- so bad to the point I couldn't physically lay flat or I would vomit.
Congratulations to all the newbies. I went to the doctors yesterday and she took a test which came out negative but said it might be because it was evening urine sorry about TMI, as I bought clearblue plus in a 2 pack I am going to wait another week and use the other test and test again. I took the morning HPT (with my BFP still showing) to the doctors and she classed that as my positive and has booked me in for another appointment in 3 weeks time, by then I will be 7 weeks prego. I havn't had any food cravings yet or felt any symptoms apart from Tender Boobs, I think because its my 1st baby im just thinking of negative thoughts and the internet doesn't make it any better. I am only 4 weeks 1 day and already making excuses why I cant drink, me and my OH want to wait until we have seen the doctor until we start telling people because I just dont want to Jinx it.

*********** Baby Dust To All ***********
Oh yes and I agree- I don't think there is a "right" time to have a baby or that someone should wait til they can afford a baby...that's just an excuse people say to feel better about not having kids. Just my opinion. I look around and think people who have kids make do...sure not everyone can afford the $900 stroller but what is wrong with the 2nd hand $30 stroller? A baby doesn't care as long as it gets a nice walk in it from time to time. We got most of our DD's things hand-me-downs from friends and family I hardly had to buy her anything new and the things she got looked practically new even if they had been worn a couple of times before.
Oh yes and I agree- I don't think there is a "right" time to have a baby or that someone should wait til they can afford a baby...that's just an excuse people say to feel better about not having kids. Just my opinion. I look around and think people who have kids make do...sure not everyone can afford the $900 stroller but what is wrong with the 2nd hand $30 stroller? A baby doesn't care as long as it gets a nice walk in it from time to time. We got most of our DD's things hand-me-downs from friends and family I hardly had to buy her anything new and the things she got looked practically new even if they had been worn a couple of times before.

I completely agree. I'm actually surprised after everyone tells you how expensive children are, how not expensive you can make things by shopping around, kijiji, swap and buys, ect. And ya babies don't care and if you choose wisely you can get some like new stuff.

I'm so bummed lately. Before we found out for sure we were pregnant, I was talking to my mom and she has this habit of asking if I'm pregnant. We were talking about how she video taped my sons birth and she says "Your not pregnant again, are you? I hope." This made me so sad. My husband and I really want a big family and we've tried for all of our children, none were accidents. Why can't she just be happy.
Today she came over and she touches my belly and again she asks. "You're not pregnant again are you?" I'm getting to the point where if I didn't have to tell her I might just go the 9 months in silence. Anyone experience similar experiences with family? What did you to?
3rdbabybump - I don't know how long OH plans on telling his mom. When he was telling them that he proposed, the first question out of his stepdad's mouth was "Is she pregnant?" He said no, she said WHEW! and said ok let's get your mom. Now that I am I'm afraid of how she'll react. Before he asked me to marry him I asked him how he planned on telling his mom if we finally do end up pregnant, he said he might wait until we're in the hospital with the baby in our arms before calling her. I haven't seen her in 10 months so I guess it could work but with the Holidays and the fact I'll be 8 months pregnant at my wedding, I don't see how she could miss it!!
3rdbabybump - I don't know how long OH plans on telling his mom. When he was telling them that he proposed, the first question out of his stepdad's mouth was "Is she pregnant?" He said no, she said WHEW! and said ok let's get your mom. Now that I am I'm afraid of how she'll react. Before he asked me to marry him I asked him how he planned on telling his mom if we finally do end up pregnant, he said he might wait until we're in the hospital with the baby in our arms before calling her. I haven't seen her in 10 months so I guess it could work but with the Holidays and the fact I'll be 8 months pregnant at my wedding, I don't see how she could miss it!!

Thanks for the story JJsmom, that made be feel a bit better. Maybe you could wear a VERY slimming wedding dress :)

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