~*~* July Sunbeams *~*~43 Babies Here So Far!!! 25 Boys / 18 Girls

Oh yes and I agree- I don't think there is a "right" time to have a baby or that someone should wait til they can afford a baby...that's just an excuse people say to feel better about not having kids. Just my opinion. I look around and think people who have kids make do...sure not everyone can afford the $900 stroller but what is wrong with the 2nd hand $30 stroller? A baby doesn't care as long as it gets a nice walk in it from time to time. We got most of our DD's things hand-me-downs from friends and family I hardly had to buy her anything new and the things she got looked practically new even if they had been worn a couple of times before.

I completely agree. I'm actually surprised after everyone tells you how expensive children are, how not expensive you can make things by shopping around, kijiji, swap and buys, ect. And ya babies don't care and if you choose wisely you can get some like new stuff.

I'm so bummed lately. Before we found out for sure we were pregnant, I was talking to my mom and she has this habit of asking if I'm pregnant. We were talking about how she video taped my sons birth and she says "Your not pregnant again, are you? I hope." This made me so sad. My husband and I really want a big family and we've tried for all of our children, none were accidents. Why can't she just be happy.
Today she came over and she touches my belly and again she asks. "You're not pregnant again are you?" I'm getting to the point where if I didn't have to tell her I might just go the 9 months in silence. Anyone experience similar experiences with family? What did you to?

hey 3rdbabybump
i totally agree with you about 2nd hand stuff i thought when i first got pregnant i didnt want nothing 2nd hand but then when i realized right how much stuff i needed i was more open to the ideal especailly since i had to go threw it by myself. im so blessed that this pregnancy i have my DH and im already looking in consignment shops ,you know babys grow out of things so fast and half the clothes you get they dont even wear ive found 2nd hand stuff with the tags still on it before i know i gave alot of new stuff away too! heck my son never used his high chair so i got that over my mother down her basement its got some dust on it from being down there but its BRAND NEW and weather i have a boy or a girl i will still be using it
just like i found some other things of his that i can use with this baby,also whats crazy is i was about to get rid of my son baby toys the day i found out that i was pregnant and now im so glad that i didn't because he has such nice things i also have all of his baby genuis dvds too ladies you have got to get some they are LIFE SAVERS BABY GENUIS!!!!

now on to the mom thing 3rd i totally get were your coming from i dont wanna tell my mother neither she came over my house one day and seen some of my baby making stuff like the opks preseed u know all that and she said to me u want another baby ru nuts,im like mom im 24yrs old married and MOVED OUT plus im in college right now you know for once in my life im doing good and its like no matter what i do she just doesnt care she always putting me down calling me names but yet she does everything for my sister i hate that i cant tell her nothing best of luck with everything i dont let my mother get me down and u shouldnt either your a grown woman and its your life just make sure you never do to your kids what she did to you be the BEST MOMMY YOU CAN BE:hugs::hugs:
Thanks ilovehim91810
I don't mean to portray my mom as a monster, she's really not. She does love her grandchildren. She did the same thing when I was pregnant with my daughter, we were walking in the mall, my son was 6 months at the time and she was like; "You're not pregnant again are you?" It's like she can't understand why we want our babies close together, even though my sister and I are 18 months apart. So if it's not how she would do things then it must not be the right way.
We went to the Dr today (Sunday) cause I had MORE spotting! Still nothing significant but scared the crap out of me and DH.
Doctor suggested blood tests to see what the levels are so we go back Monday for one test, Wednesday for the other and Friday for the results. Am praying it is NOT another MC! So nervously waiting...and more waiting...Praying the little baby is doing okay!
3rdbabybump - I don't know how long OH plans on telling his mom. When he was telling them that he proposed, the first question out of his stepdad's mouth was "Is she pregnant?" He said no, she said WHEW! and said ok let's get your mom. Now that I am I'm afraid of how she'll react. Before he asked me to marry him I asked him how he planned on telling his mom if we finally do end up pregnant, he said he might wait until we're in the hospital with the baby in our arms before calling her. I haven't seen her in 10 months so I guess it could work but with the Holidays and the fact I'll be 8 months pregnant at my wedding, I don't see how she could miss it!!

jjsmom- i wouldnt worry about her im sure she'll be happy and if not i wouldnt even worry about it don't let her mess up your specailly moment:hugs:
We went to the Dr today (Sunday) cause I had MORE spotting! Still nothing significant but scared the crap out of me and DH.
Doctor suggested blood tests to see what the levels are so we go back Monday for one test, Wednesday for the other and Friday for the results. Am praying it is NOT another MC! So nervously waiting...and more waiting...Praying the little baby is doing okay!

I'll keep my fingers crossed and pray for you and your baby. Keep us posted. You'll be on my mind all week now.
Anyone getting sickness yet??? I woke up about 2am here and now can't get back to sleep as I'm feeling really sick :-(
Anyone getting sickness yet??? I woke up about 2am here and now can't get back to sleep as I'm feeling really sick :-(

I only get slight nausea when I'm hungry. Did you try having a small snack? It might help your sick feeling and then you can get some sleep.
Hope everyone's doing well today! I'm starting to get nervous about telling people when the time comes. I hadn't mentioned it here yet, but I'm only 20. And while I'm extremely excited and ready for this, I don't know what my mom will say. I am even nervous about telling OH-- I was planning to wait until a doc confirms it which should be within a week. We were not ttc but not preventing either. He's 24 and I know he wants kids but as I am in college it's probably not the best timing. More scared of what my mom will say, although I know everything will turn out for the best eventually. Sorry for the rambling, it's just becoming more real that I will have to address this soon. Any other young moms or moms-to-be here with advice?

i was 18 when i got pregnant with my son and 19 when i had him! so i totally understand what your going threw, atleast your OH is doing something ith his life because my son father wasn doing nothing and then to top it off when i told him i was pregnant he busted out the A word and told me he didnt want nomore kids because he already had two but i just want feelig that and it really hurt me because we werent just a fing or a one night stand we was together since i wa 15yrs old so for him to leave me high and dry just killed me but im so happy he did because when my son turn a yr old me and Dh had started dating, and i was so happy becaue i had the biggest crush on him for th longest time i just didnt think he like me and not only that but he had someone and so did I at the time i was always real close to him and his sisters. matter of fact me n his older sister was pregnant at the sametime and she help me out alot with baby things!!:-) anyways like i was saying dh has been in my son and my life since he was one he has done everything nd so much more for us we got married in 2010 and are still going stronge his baby will be our first baby together and im still young im only 24 and he wil be 29 nexts month things get ruff and i dont think there ever is a right time for a baby but i know you can do it i was a young mom and my son turn out great he just turn 5 on oct 14th is in pre*k can ride a bike roller blade knows his abc can count till like 30 heck maybe even more and even reads alittle bit!!
now as far as my mom acted about my son she wasn't to hot on the issue but was there at the hospital when i had him held my legs in the air cut the cord n lots more but my moms not the nicest person out there you know look at it this way once you have the baby your mom will change if she not for it now but im sure she will be happy for you:-) thats good that you wanna confirm first but as soon as you do sit down n have a talk with OH first & then Mom wish you the best of luck and welcome you to july sunbeams wishig u a H&H 9months sweetie feel free to message me at anytime kk:hugs:

thanks so much for the encouragement. thinking about a baby is one thing and I know it will be wonderful and all worth it, but I'm just realizing that not everyone is going to be as happy as I am. my mom loves kids, she was a preschool teacher for years and I know she wants grandkids. it'll just be disappointment that I'm not married, still in school, etc. your son sounds just perfect, and I'm glad you found your dh! gives me hope that things will turn out well. I've made an appointment for monday..if things are still looking good I suppose it will be time to tell oh. so that will be a start
Oh yes and I agree- I don't think there is a "right" time to have a baby or that someone should wait til they can afford a baby...that's just an excuse people say to feel better about not having kids. Just my opinion. I look around and think people who have kids make do...sure not everyone can afford the $900 stroller but what is wrong with the 2nd hand $30 stroller? A baby doesn't care as long as it gets a nice walk in it from time to time. We got most of our DD's things hand-me-downs from friends and family I hardly had to buy her anything new and the things she got looked practically new even if they had been worn a couple of times before.

I completely agree. I'm actually surprised after everyone tells you how expensive children are, how not expensive you can make things by shopping around, kijiji, swap and buys, ect. And ya babies don't care and if you choose wisely you can get some like new stuff.

I'm so bummed lately. Before we found out for sure we were pregnant, I was talking to my mom and she has this habit of asking if I'm pregnant. We were talking about how she video taped my sons birth and she says "Your not pregnant again, are you? I hope." This made me so sad. My husband and I really want a big family and we've tried for all of our children, none were accidents. Why can't she just be happy.
Today she came over and she touches my belly and again she asks. "You're not pregnant again are you?" I'm getting to the point where if I didn't have to tell her I might just go the 9 months in silence. Anyone experience similar experiences with family? What did you to?

Yes, all four sets of parents are going to be disappointed! they wanted us to be done. after our third son. they project their experiences on us which i think are no where near the same. Our first three children were very planned, and we experience a lot of heartache to get them . Even though this baby wasnt planned we are still excited (now that the shock is going) My MIL always tells me I dont need more kids(none of hers were planned and she burned out and basically stopped raising her kids and let them run around like crazy people) and my dad doesnt like children and didnt want the ones he has, they are just a burden to him. so yes I know how you feel and it sucks. I do actually think my mom will be happy but she is mentally ill, so it kind of voids her opinion to me. We are not planning on telling until we know gender...and we arent even going to call! We are going to send announcements in the mail. thankfully we dont live anywhere near family so if there is a backlash we can simply ignore the phone calls!!

:hugs: I hope she takes it well when you do tell her the news!
We went to the Dr today (Sunday) cause I had MORE spotting! Still nothing significant but scared the crap out of me and DH.
Doctor suggested blood tests to see what the levels are so we go back Monday for one test, Wednesday for the other and Friday for the results. Am praying it is NOT another MC! So nervously waiting...and more waiting...Praying the little baby is doing okay!

Oh no!! *hugs* I'm so nervous for you. Hope it's nothing!!
Oh yes and I agree- I don't think there is a "right" time to have a baby or that someone should wait til they can afford a baby...that's just an excuse people say to feel better about not having kids. Just my opinion. I look around and think people who have kids make do...sure not everyone can afford the $900 stroller but what is wrong with the 2nd hand $30 stroller? A baby doesn't care as long as it gets a nice walk in it from time to time. We got most of our DD's things hand-me-downs from friends and family I hardly had to buy her anything new and the things she got looked practically new even if they had been worn a couple of times before.

I completely agree. I'm actually surprised after everyone tells you how expensive children are, how not expensive you can make things by shopping around, kijiji, swap and buys, ect. And ya babies don't care and if you choose wisely you can get some like new stuff.

I'm so bummed lately. Before we found out for sure we were pregnant, I was talking to my mom and she has this habit of asking if I'm pregnant. We were talking about how she video taped my sons birth and she says "Your not pregnant again, are you? I hope." This made me so sad. My husband and I really want a big family and we've tried for all of our children, none were accidents. Why can't she just be happy.
Today she came over and she touches my belly and again she asks. "You're not pregnant again are you?" I'm getting to the point where if I didn't have to tell her I might just go the 9 months in silence. Anyone experience similar experiences with family? What did you to?

Yes, all four sets of parents are going to be disappointed! they wanted us to be done. after our third son. they project their experiences on us which i think are no where near the same. Our first three children were very planned, and we experience a lot of heartache to get them . Even though this baby wasnt planned we are still excited (now that the shock is going) My MIL always tells me I dont need more kids(none of hers were planned and she burned out and basically stopped raising her kids and let them run around like crazy people) and my dad doesnt like children and didnt want the ones he has, they are just a burden to him. so yes I know how you feel and it sucks. I do actually think my mom will be happy but she is mentally ill, so it kind of voids her opinion to me. We are not planning on telling until we know gender...and we arent even going to call! We are going to send announcements in the mail. thankfully we dont live anywhere near family so if there is a backlash we can simply ignore the phone calls!!

:hugs: I hope she takes it well when you do tell her the news!

I'm sure she will and I'm just making a mountain out of a molehill it's funny how the grandparents think that our kids are their kids. I like my dads way of grandparenting, just have fun with them then give them back. He doesn't feel the need to pose his opinion on how I'm raising my kids on me at all. Leaves it all up to my mom :) I'd be nice if I could wait to tell them that long, but we live very close and I see them at least once a week. If I start showing as early as I've read you do with your 3rd baby I don't think I'm even gong to make it to 12 weeks.
I just have to say thanks ladies for the words of encouragement and the stories it's made my mood soo much better, I think I can actually go to sleep relaxed now. It feels so good to talk to people that understand and are just lovely.
Thanks ilovehim91810
I don't mean to portray my mom as a monster, she's really not. She does love her grandchildren. She did the same thing when I was pregnant with my daughter, we were walking in the mall, my son was 6 months at the time and she was like; "You're not pregnant again are you?" It's like she can't understand why we want our babies close together, even though my sister and I are 18 months apart. So if it's not how she would do things then it must not be the right way.

lol i wasnt trying to make her out as a monster either i understand where you are coming from and my mom loves my son very much to she just wasnt to thrilled when i told her i was pregnant at 18 and not married yet! and you know my mom didnt start getting mean intil she got sick she has alot wrong with her even has to go to number 2 in a bag thats hook onto her stomach so i know that she just in alot of pain and i know she loves me but i just wish she didnt say some of the things she does to me! im a good mother and a good wife now you know her marriage didnt work out either everyone not perfect and everyone makes mistakes now my son wasn't a mistake at ALL i dont know where id be without him he is my heart my soul the reason why i breathe and his father wasnt either because if not for him my son wouldnt be here he just wasnt my best choice but im 24yrs old married my son just turn 5 so i think ive done a good spacing job even know i understand what you mean about close my sister was born 1.14.87 and i was born 3.16.88 lol talk about back to back. i just think she wants me and my kids to have a better life then she gave to us or my grandmother gave to her but i think my mom did a good job i think she is a good mom i just think we are to much ALIKE and we both like to always be right:-)
Thanks ilovehim91810
I don't mean to portray my mom as a monster, she's really not. She does love her grandchildren. She did the same thing when I was pregnant with my daughter, we were walking in the mall, my son was 6 months at the time and she was like; "You're not pregnant again are you?" It's like she can't understand why we want our babies close together, even though my sister and I are 18 months apart. So if it's not how she would do things then it must not be the right way.

lol i wasnt trying to make her out as a monster either i understand where you are coming from and my mom loves my son very much to she just wasnt to thrilled when i told her i was pregnant at 18 and not married yet! and you know my mom didnt start getting mean intil she got sick she has alot wrong with her even has to go to number 2 in a bag thats hook onto her stomach so i know that she just in alot of pain and i know she loves me but i just wish she didnt say some of the things she does to me! im a good mother and a good wife now you know her marriage didnt work out either everyone not perfect and everyone makes mistakes now my son wasn't a mistake at ALL i dont know where id be without him he is my heart my soul the reason why i breathe and his father wasnt either because if not for him my son wouldnt be here he just wasnt my best choice but im 24yrs old married my son just turn 5 so i think ive done a good spacing job even know i understand what you mean about close my sister was born 1.14.87 and i was born 3.16.88 lol talk about back to back. i just think she wants me and my kids to have a better life then she gave to us or my grandmother gave to her but i think my mom did a good job i think she is a good mom i just think we are to much ALIKE and we both like to always be right:-)

I'm sorry I didn't mean to say you were portraying her look like a monster or anything, I just was reading back to what I said initially and didn't want to give a false impression that she was. I did really appreciate your story and words of encouragement. I've told myself many many times that I know my mom is a good mother and I do love her but I will NEVER do to my children a lot of what she does to us (my sister and my brother). And she really doesn't mean to come off that way but she does and it's hurtful even if she doesn't get it.

I guess that could be it that she just wants a better life for us than we got when we were little. We did struggle financially a lot when I was growing up. But you know that's not what I remember most about growing up, it's all the amazing experiences they gave us as a family that really didn't cost any money. That's why DH and I want to have a big family. We might not be able to buy our kids every little thing they want but that's not what's important anyways.
I find it so amazing at how small our little beans are and yet when I'm laying in bed, if I lay on my stomach or right now I'm bent over the computer in bed, it feels like I have a tennis ball in my pelvis. Crazy :wacko:
I find it so amazing at how small our little beans are and yet when I'm laying in bed, if I lay on my stomach or right now I'm bent over the computer in bed, it feels like I have a tennis ball in my pelvis. Crazy :wacko:

This is my 4th pregnancy--I had a miscarriage at 18 weeks in July--and I find that I already look pregnant! I`m wondering if it`s because this is my 4th....do you feel like you`ve shown earlier with each pregnancy, or about the same...
Thanks ilovehim91810
I don't mean to portray my mom as a monster, she's really not. She does love her grandchildren. She did the same thing when I was pregnant with my daughter, we were walking in the mall, my son was 6 months at the time and she was like; "You're not pregnant again are you?" It's like she can't understand why we want our babies close together, even though my sister and I are 18 months apart. So if it's not how she would do things then it must not be the right way.

lol i wasnt trying to make her out as a monster either i understand where you are coming from and my mom loves my son very much to she just wasnt to thrilled when i told her i was pregnant at 18 and not married yet! and you know my mom didnt start getting mean intil she got sick she has alot wrong with her even has to go to number 2 in a bag thats hook onto her stomach so i know that she just in alot of pain and i know she loves me but i just wish she didnt say some of the things she does to me! im a good mother and a good wife now you know her marriage didnt work out either everyone not perfect and everyone makes mistakes now my son wasn't a mistake at ALL i dont know where id be without him he is my heart my soul the reason why i breathe and his father wasnt either because if not for him my son wouldnt be here he just wasnt my best choice but im 24yrs old married my son just turn 5 so i think ive done a good spacing job even know i understand what you mean about close my sister was born 1.14.87 and i was born 3.16.88 lol talk about back to back. i just think she wants me and my kids to have a better life then she gave to us or my grandmother gave to her but i think my mom did a good job i think she is a good mom i just think we are to much ALIKE and we both like to always be right:-)

I'm sorry I didn't mean to say you were portraying her look like a monster or anything, I just was reading back to what I said initially and didn't want to give a false impression that she was. I did really appreciate your story and words of encouragement. I've told myself many many times that I know my mom is a good mother and I do love her but I will NEVER do to my children a lot of what she does to us (my sister and my brother). And she really doesn't mean to come off that way but she does and it's hurtful even if she doesn't get it.

I guess that could be it that she just wants a better life for us than we got when we were little. We did struggle financially a lot when I was growing up. But you know that's not what I remember most about growing up, it's all the amazing experiences they gave us as a family that really didn't cost any money. That's why DH and I want to have a big family. We might not be able to buy our kids every little thing they want but that's not what's important anyways.

wow 3rdbabybump you have said what ive been trying to get out!! i feel the total same way about my mom! and you know it was the same for me and my sister growing up we didnt have alot of money but my mom and dad would do anything to make us happy i remember my dad used to count pennys to get gas to get me to gymnastics because he knew it was my life and my mom was at all of my cheerleading comps even when we went to fl and tx, they were both at all my school trips which ment the world to me alot more then any money you know im so glad we all can help each other out on here!

my DH loves my boobs and is always touching them but they are starting to get so sore escpecailly my nipples its driving him crazy not touching but i had to say something i couldnt put up with the pain nemore!! im starting to feel alittle better about my doctors apt

my DH loves my boobs and is always touching them but they are starting to get so sore escpecailly my nipples its driving him crazy not touching but i had to say something i couldnt put up with the pain nemore!! im starting to feel alittle better about my doctors apt

Too Funny I remember with my first my nips were sooo sore and DH accidentally rubbed my chest and I gasped and hit him :) I'm not usually a violent person so it kind of took him aback. Also maybe TMI but with my first I had an incredible aversion to sex. Soo poor DH didn't get any for about 12 months. DD wasn't soo bad but this time again, I have no interest. Poor guy is soo sad.
Is anyone else crazy bloated??? It's so uncomfortable!

And Im always hungry, but I dont feel sick yet so Im making the most of being hungry for a couple of weeks lol

I am!! Lol. I feel like in already showing...lol. my belly feels hard from bloat...lol. I learned tonight that I can't cook or eat hamburger meat. The smell, look, and though makes me sick. And ketchup. I can't smell it either. Makes me gag.

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