~*~* July Sunbeams *~*~43 Babies Here So Far!!! 25 Boys / 18 Girls

I've missed 12 pages, because my little boy decided to make an early appearance on July 8th at 9:43. He was 13 days early and weighed 8lbs 1oz. His name is Travis James.
I've missed 12 pages, because my little boy decided to make an early appearance on July 8th at 9:43. He was 13 days early and weighed 8lbs 1oz. His name is Travis James.

Congratulations on your little boy, would be lovely to see a picture when you have a few mins. Bet he took you by surprise? These babies are so unpredictable!
oneandtwo - haha I didn't notice Nathan was doing that lol

Nenna - aww she's so cute.

Tonya - congratulations!

I've written up Nathan's birth story :

Birth Story

name : Nathan James Gosney
Date of Birth : Wednesday 10th July 2013
Time of Birth : 4:01am
Weight : 10lbs 8oz (4750 grams)
Gestational Age : 41 weeks 6 days
Apgar scores : 9 and 9

Tuesday 9th July 2013

Approximately 10am : I arrived at the hospital for my induction.

10.15am : I gave a urine sample and was put on monitors for an hour to check my contractions and the baby's heartbeat.

11.15am : The midwife checked my cervix. She said it was very high and the baby's head still very high also.
She began the induction by inserting a prostin gel (capsule) on my cervix.
I was told that I would likely be given a second capsule at around 5.30pm.

2pm : After lunch and so on, Phil and I went for a walk around the hospital and meandered to the canteen so he could get a bite to eat.
I was feeling very sore after the induction so it was difficult to walk much.

3pm : We made our way back to the ward and I had a go at bouncing around on the birthing ball. Contractions coming more frequently now and getting more painful.

5.50pm approximately : I was put back on the monitors again for half an hour.
Contractions painful and regular but I was still coping with them.

6.20pm : My cervix was re-checked. Disappointing to learn that there was very little change from earlier, though the midwife did comment that my cervix was "ripe" but not even remotely dilated.
However she said that she was not going to administer another prostin gel (capsule) to my cervix because I was contracting regularly and she didn't want to over-stimulate my uterus, as this could cause distress to both me and the baby.

She advised me to try walking again or bouncing again on the birthing ball, or side-stepping up and down the stair-case.

7pm : Went for a little walk. Side-stepped 5 times up and down a staircase. Too painful to continue doing this any longer.

7.20pm : Returned to the ward and bounced on the birthing ball. Contractions painful but was still coping with them.

8.20pm approximately : Went for a short walk again incorporating some side-stepping on stair-cases.

8.40pm : Back to bouncing on the birthing ball.

9pm : The midwife tried to tell Phil to go home but he argued the point that I was clearly contracting regularly and in pain, so how was he supposed to deal with getting back to the hospital in the middle of the night if I went into active labour, given that he doesn't drive?
After much discussion, the decision was made to move me into a private room.

9.15pm : Bouncing on birthing ball in private room.

11.20pm : Contractions getting worse so I was re-examined. Disappointed to learn that my cervix was only half a centimetre dilated and the baby's head was still quite high. However encouraging to hear that my waters were bulging.
Midwife gave me a quick sweep of membranes whilst I was being examined.
I was advised to try lying in the bath to ease the contraction pains.

11.40pm : Tried the bath but it did nothing to help so I came out. In too much pain to continue on the birthing ball so I lay on the bed and suffered through the contractions.

Wednesday 10th July 2013

1am : Phil and I turned down the lights and tried to get a bit of sleep. Him on the pull out sofa-bed-chair next to my bed.

2.45am approximately : I had to wake Phil up to call the midwife for me as the pain was getting so intense now. Midwife came and checked my cervix. She said I was now 4-5 centimetres dilated and ready to be moved into the labour/delivery suite.

3am : Had to walk along the corridor to get from the ante-natal suite to the labour/delivery ward. Collapsed on the floor a couple of times along the way during some
really bad contractions. Had to take a vomit bowl with me as I was retching terribly.
Had to use the toilet before getting on the bed, but ended up collapsing on the bathroom floor and contracting there. So so painful.

3.10am : Managed to get onto the bed in the labour/delivery suite. Begged the midwife for an epidural. Was using gas and air at this point and not coping very well.

3.20am : Canula inserted into my wrist and fluid tube attached. The midwife who inserted it really cocked up putting it in, and blood was pouring down my arm. She had to try several times to get it in properly, and another midwife had to come and help her because she was just not getting it done properly.
This was all in preparation for me getting an epidural.

3.30am : I was told that a lady in the room next door was getting an epidural so I would have to wait 40 minutes for the anaesthetist.

For the next 28 minutes I was contracting hard and fast, just with the gas and air. I think I begged the midwife to kill me at one point!

3.58am : My waters broke with a huge gush - it was like an explosion. I still had knickers on! The second that happened I could feel the baby's head crowning. I was screaming "HELP ME! HE'S COMING!" at this point.
Phil and the midwife both tried to wrestle my knickers off me whilst I was making some sort of very loud dying yak type of noises.
I didn't have any control over my body. I wasn't consciously pushing. My body was just doing whatever the hell it wanted to do. Never felt pain like it in my life.

4.01am : Nathan was born. Oh God the relief was just amazing. You never really appreciate how nice it is NOT to be in pain, until you've just gone through the worst pain in your life!

And that was that. He was out. Very cute and healthy.

I was checked to see if I needed stitches but I didn't. There was just a small skin tear but no muscle damage.
wow alice...slow start but once you got going impressive!!

Congrats tonya!!

I had the weirdest dream/nightmare last night...I had the baby at home but for some reason only a friend was here. Then when baby was born my friend declared it was a boy...but took him away...then came back and was like, errr, I think it might be a girl actually. Anyway we couldn't work it out :wacko:...fx'ed that doesn't become reality :rofl:
oneandtwo - haha I didn't notice Nathan was doing that lol

Nenna - aww she's so cute.

Tonya - congratulations!

I've written up Nathan's birth story :

Birth Story

name : Nathan James Gosney
Date of Birth : Wednesday 10th July 2013
Time of Birth : 4:01am
Weight : 10lbs 8oz (4750 grams)
Gestational Age : 41 weeks 6 days
Apgar scores : 9 and 9

Tuesday 9th July 2013

Approximately 10am : I arrived at the hospital for my induction.

10.15am : I gave a urine sample and was put on monitors for an hour to check my contractions and the baby's heartbeat.

11.15am : The midwife checked my cervix. She said it was very high and the baby's head still very high also.
She began the induction by inserting a prostin gel (capsule) on my cervix.
I was told that I would likely be given a second capsule at around 5.30pm.

2pm : After lunch and so on, Phil and I went for a walk around the hospital and meandered to the canteen so he could get a bite to eat.
I was feeling very sore after the induction so it was difficult to walk much.

3pm : We made our way back to the ward and I had a go at bouncing around on the birthing ball. Contractions coming more frequently now and getting more painful.

5.50pm approximately : I was put back on the monitors again for half an hour.
Contractions painful and regular but I was still coping with them.

6.20pm : My cervix was re-checked. Disappointing to learn that there was very little change from earlier, though the midwife did comment that my cervix was "ripe" but not even remotely dilated.
However she said that she was not going to administer another prostin gel (capsule) to my cervix because I was contracting regularly and she didn't want to over-stimulate my uterus, as this could cause distress to both me and the baby.

She advised me to try walking again or bouncing again on the birthing ball, or side-stepping up and down the stair-case.

7pm : Went for a little walk. Side-stepped 5 times up and down a staircase. Too painful to continue doing this any longer.

7.20pm : Returned to the ward and bounced on the birthing ball. Contractions painful but was still coping with them.

8.20pm approximately : Went for a short walk again incorporating some side-stepping on stair-cases.

8.40pm : Back to bouncing on the birthing ball.

9pm : The midwife tried to tell Phil to go home but he argued the point that I was clearly contracting regularly and in pain, so how was he supposed to deal with getting back to the hospital in the middle of the night if I went into active labour, given that he doesn't drive?
After much discussion, the decision was made to move me into a private room.

9.15pm : Bouncing on birthing ball in private room.

11.20pm : Contractions getting worse so I was re-examined. Disappointed to learn that my cervix was only half a centimetre dilated and the baby's head was still quite high. However encouraging to hear that my waters were bulging.
Midwife gave me a quick sweep of membranes whilst I was being examined.
I was advised to try lying in the bath to ease the contraction pains.

11.40pm : Tried the bath but it did nothing to help so I came out. In too much pain to continue on the birthing ball so I lay on the bed and suffered through the contractions.

Wednesday 10th July 2013

1am : Phil and I turned down the lights and tried to get a bit of sleep. Him on the pull out sofa-bed-chair next to my bed.

2.45am approximately : I had to wake Phil up to call the midwife for me as the pain was getting so intense now. Midwife came and checked my cervix. She said I was now 4-5 centimetres dilated and ready to be moved into the labour/delivery suite.

3am : Had to walk along the corridor to get from the ante-natal suite to the labour/delivery ward. Collapsed on the floor a couple of times along the way during some
really bad contractions. Had to take a vomit bowl with me as I was retching terribly.
Had to use the toilet before getting on the bed, but ended up collapsing on the bathroom floor and contracting there. So so painful.

3.10am : Managed to get onto the bed in the labour/delivery suite. Begged the midwife for an epidural. Was using gas and air at this point and not coping very well.

3.20am : Canula inserted into my wrist and fluid tube attached. The midwife who inserted it really cocked up putting it in, and blood was pouring down my arm. She had to try several times to get it in properly, and another midwife had to come and help her because she was just not getting it done properly.
This was all in preparation for me getting an epidural.

3.30am : I was told that a lady in the room next door was getting an epidural so I would have to wait 40 minutes for the anaesthetist.

For the next 28 minutes I was contracting hard and fast, just with the gas and air. I think I begged the midwife to kill me at one point!

3.58am : My waters broke with a huge gush - it was like an explosion. I still had knickers on! The second that happened I could feel the baby's head crowning. I was screaming "HELP ME! HE'S COMING!" at this point.
Phil and the midwife both tried to wrestle my knickers off me whilst I was making some sort of very loud dying yak type of noises.
I didn't have any control over my body. I wasn't consciously pushing. My body was just doing whatever the hell it wanted to do. Never felt pain like it in my life.

4.01am : Nathan was born. Oh God the relief was just amazing. You never really appreciate how nice it is NOT to be in pain, until you've just gone through the worst pain in your life!

And that was that. He was out. Very cute and healthy.

I was checked to see if I needed stitches but I didn't. There was just a small skin tear but no muscle damage.

Oh dear.. dying yak noises. Is it okay that I laughed really hard at that? I am imagining the noises I'll be making during labor and that sounds likely.

Congrats on the fast birth and not having to get stitches!
Ooh, make that 19 already here!

My beautiful daughter Roseanna Elise was born on 5th July, happy and healthy. Here's a piccy:


  • roseanna8.jpg
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Evening all hope everyone is well.

Took Ellie to meet Anon's past & present work colleagues today and it was lovely to see how everyone made a big fuss of her. She was really well behaved too which was a relief as I was worried in case she started to scream.

Ellie doesn't cry much but when she does, she is a screamer! She is very high pitched, and so far has been likened to an eagle descending, a Nazegul and a drill! It does make me a bit nervous about being out in public with her as I dread being that parent with the screaming kid.

We settled on a name finally.... Allison Grace

We got to come home yesterday and Miss Allie is settling in nicely. She has great breast feeding instincts. The OH and I just keep staring at her, both because she is gorgeous and because we're not quite sure what to do with her! :winkwink:

Here are some pictures:

Aww, what a gorgeous girl! Lovely name too. Glad all is going well. It does sometime feel strange doesn't it!

had our two week check, babe is 8lbs 8oz and 21in long.gained a lbs and grew an inch both in height and head circumference! she's gonna be a tubby like her youngest big brother! she's too easy, still weirds me out but im adjusting to it! shes far too quiet!!

Alice, since no one else said anything...is little nathan flipping off the camera?? lol thats what it looks like!!

Good to hear all is going well. Make the most of the quiet, it might not last!

I've missed 12 pages, because my little boy decided to make an early appearance on July 8th at 9:43. He was 13 days early and weighed 8lbs 1oz. His name is Travis James.

Congratulations on the birth of your boy! Lovely name :thumbup::happydance:

Ooh, make that 19 already here!

My beautiful daughter Roseanna Elise was born on 5th July, happy and healthy. Here's a piccy:

Congratulations! what a cutie, lovely name :flower::thumbup:
After a manic week I thought I would let you know I had my baby boy Harry Daniel on 4th July, I was 39 weeks 3 days and he weighed 7lbs
Awww all these lovely babies arriving!
Well it's my due date tomorrow, and no signs here.

Miss bellum, don't worry about a screaming baby.. I used to worry about that too but Once they get a bit older you tend to Develop the 'sod it' attitude as the screaming / tantrums get a lot worse and you have to have nerves of steel :haha:

I'm hoping for a quiet one this time [-o<
After a manic week I thought I would let you know I had my baby boy Harry Daniel on 4th July, I was 39 weeks 3 days and he weighed 7lbs

congrats sparkles :) we had our babies on the same day :) my little girl lily rose weighed 7lb 7

Yay to all these babies!! Congratulations all x x

My new plan: induction on Monday.

Yay to all these babies!! Congratulations all x x

My new plan: induction on Monday.

hey sue,,, ur one if the main reasons I keep hanging round 3rd tri haha, hurry up and have baby ;) good luck x
:) can you believe she's just far too comfy! She'll not enjoy being hufted out come Monday!

Not long now, hope sweet little Lily is still doing great x x
Wow sue little Millie is a stubborn one huh. If she doesn't come before I hope the induction goes smoothly on Monday
So I just had delicious, spicy, authentic Indian food! It was great, and I'm actually having some contractions right now. I'd heard the old wives tale of spicy food putting women into labor, but now I have my fingers crossed that it is true! I'm so ready to have this baby on the outside of me now. Wow, some of these contractions are making me pause a moment and breathe. Please let this turn into real labor, not another realistic false labor episode. <3 :flower:

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