~*~* July Sunbeams *~*~43 Babies Here So Far!!! 25 Boys / 18 Girls

Hey ladies I know j just took over this thread but I'm having a rough tone recovering and adjusting to being home...would anyone like to take over
Don't worry yourself over it tlh. Everyone can update the spreadsheet on their own until someone decides they have enough free time to manage this thread. I can barely write this post as I'm trying to patiently wait for the drug lady! Can't believe how much a c section actually hurts, and with nursing on demand I think I've had about 2 hours of sleep since Gabriel was born x
Congrats on the new babies! Crazy that my little princess will be 2 weeks old already tomorrow :)


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Spreadsheet updated!

27 Sunbeams here - 11 not so patiently waiting ;)

Alice - OMG that is so intense! I would be so scared!

Hubs has taken notes from Gabe's birth but neither of us have had a chance to write anything up yet. The basics are just that I went into labour the morning of our planned c-section, so I had 3 hours of horrible contractions before they wheeled me into the OR. Platelets were technically too low for a spinal 94 rather than over 100, but I had a really lovely anaesthologist who was willing to try a spinal. He said if he could find a soft spot, I could hold still, and he could get it on the first try then we could avoid the GA. Worst part of the section was smelling the burning flesh when I was getting sealed up!!

oooh lovely nurse just brought me more Percocet. lol

Gabe has been spitting up more than Jessica ever did (they say it's because he didn't get that squeeze coming out the birth canal and still has amniotic fluid in his belly) so I'm having to stay awake and stare at him while hubs catches some zzzs. (We're stupidly paranoid!) I'm supposed to get to go to sleep in a couple of hours.

So yeah, real birth story to come later. C- sections SUCK. Hurts to move!!!
Hey ladies I know j just took over this thread but I'm having a rough tone recovering and adjusting to being home...would anyone like to take over

I don't mind doing it, though I guess we're all be in the same position soon! I can work off the spreadsheet just to keep it updated for everyone.

Hope you're ok tlh xx
Ooo becca, sounds so painful. I remember laying a wake all night cos jack was very mucasy from the birth and was snuffling alot. You do get very paranoid don't you. Hope you get some sleep soon.

How's Jessica? He's she managed to come in and see you? You must be missing her so much x
Congrats on the new arrivals!

I'm fast heading into the overdue club too :-/, seems most people are avoiding it, u lucky things ;-)

Caro if it makes you feel any better i'm two days overdue now :(

Feeling very jealous of all these beautiful babies and want mine here now! Hopefully she will be done cooking soon!

Here is a quick version of my birth story.
I worked all day on Monday (I work at the hospital) 8-4. I was having some cramps all day, they were like period pains.
I left work at 4pm my car was in the shop so I had a friend drop me off at the dealership. I told my friend not to wait that if the car was not ready I would have them shuttle me home.

Rather embarrassing!
I called friends of mine that live close by to pick me up and I went directly to the hospital. My contractions started really bad as soon as my water broke, there was no time in between. I called my husband to meet me at the hospital.
When we got to L&D they assured me that this was my first baby and I would have lots of time. They registered me and left me in a waiting room to wait my turn!! I couldn't handle the contractions so they took me in at about 5 and I was 4 cm.
I was able to get an epidural around 6 and the doctor checked and said i was 9cm!!! they slowed down the labour to allow more time for antibiotics and the baby came at 9:43 pm.

Travis spent a few days in the NICU because I was strep B+ and the labour was so short I didn't have enough antibiotics. I also had a fever during delivery and he had a slight fever too. Poor little guy could not regulate his breathing because of cord compression.

Over all things went really fast everyone at the hospital were fabulous to me. We got to come home on Thursday morning and he is doing great.
BeccaMichelle i had a section 2 weeks ago and was shocked at the pain too! No one told me it wud be near impossible to get out of bed. Anyway 2 weeks on and i can get out of bed now- finally! Just take all the pain meds they offer. i didnt and paid the price when i felt the real pain!

Congrats to everyone on ur babies and best wishes to all still waiting. Xxx
Hi Sunbeams :flower:

My yellow bump turned into a PINK baby :wohoo:!!! I was indeed in labour on Monday when I last posted. Started contractions at 5:30pm, went to the hospital at 9:30pm and was 5cm, laboured in the tub until after midnight and our darling Jasmine Jane was born at 12:52am on July 9th weighing in at 7lb 9oz and 21 inches long! WOW!

The period from transition to birth was extremely shocking and difficult :( I had a really hard time, but am healing. My girl is so perfect though, I love her to bits!

I will hopefully have a chance to catch up with everyone - I'm sure there have been beautiful babes born since I have been on, so huge congrats to everyone!
Congrats Floating!! Great news, sounds like it happened pretty quickly!
wow tonya, sounds like you had a proper 'tv' moment labour :haha:. So glad everything worked out in the end!

congrats floating :D xxx
Congrats to all the new mommies!!!!
Ive been MIA here for a while. Hard time being home with DD and not much other adult interaction. Ive been trying to get as much done at home to clean and such bit DD has been a stinker! She keeps dumping out drawers of toys and not listenong at all.
Also my mom isnt returning my phone calls(called her 12 times the other day... i needed to talk) and now im so pissed i dont even want to call her if i go into labor
Wow babies springing up everywhere now! Welcome to the world baby girls, surely it should be a boy next :winkwink:
Due date today... And nothing. I feels so weird looking at my ticker and seeing due date! Argh you wait so long for this day and it's finally here! :happydance:
Congrats floating :)

Missfox I would be upset too! Sorry your going stir crazy. I know how it is having the only person to talk to day in and day out being a toddler :haha:
Hi all :) mind if I join this thread? Bit late in the pregnancy but I'm 2 days over due with my second bub (my first, my daughter, was born at 40+3 about a year ago!) and the waiting is driving me insane!
Last time my labour with Evie started randomly, I got into bed one night and my waters broke, contractions started and 5.5 hours later she was born (planned home birth). Im hoping this will be similar but I am VERY impatient!

Have had v low level period pains, aches and back ache with Braxton hicks for the past 2 days, and today started losing what I think is just mucous plug (lots and lots of snot :) sorry for tmi!) since midday, and still am. No blood though.
Just timing my braxtons now to see if theres any rhythm to them.
I am in the very lucky position to have a midwife for a mother, who delivered my daughter last time :) if I get desperate I may ask her to do a sweep in the next few days! It's really bloody hot and I don't know if I can cope much longer! Sorry to rant!
Anyone in a similar state of pregnancy impatient ness? xxx
Hi belle, of course you can join us...oh yes there's a few impatient mummy's to be here!

It's my due date today and not feeling anything. I went 10 days over with my son jack so I'm expecting the same. I have got a sweep booked for Monday though. I've heard they are more efficient with second babies so hoping that's right! It's been sooo hot hasn't it, more difficult to relax and stay cool with another child to look after aswell.

Lucky you having a mum as a midwife, that's lovely! Do you know what you are having this time? Sounds like you could be on your way, losing plug and Braxton hicks :thumbup:

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