~*~* July Sunbeams *~*~43 Babies Here So Far!!! 25 Boys / 18 Girls

Hey ladies I know j just took over this thread but I'm having a rough tone recovering and adjusting to being home...would anyone like to take over

I don't mind doing it, though I guess we're all be in the same position soon! I can work off the spreadsheet just to keep it updated for everyone.

Hope you're ok tlh xx

Do you know I can pass it over to you?

I'm starting to feel a little better..I had an amazing labor and birth but the next day I got sick and Friday morning the nurse overdosed me on pain mess and I couldn't function or see straight yet they still sent me home like that...my in laws were supposed to stay and help out but ended up leaving 15 minutes after we got home so that didn't help..my hormones and emotions are totally out of whack and I just want to feel normal again! The lack of sleep isn't helping either

On a lighter note...is anyone formula feeding? If so how often do you feed your baby? I know they say every 4 hours but my little one acts starving two hours later sometimes so we just feed her..shes 9.5lbs so I feel like she may need to eat more sometimes!

I am breast feeding and topping up with formula. Dr said let him eat as much as he wants right now.
On a lighter note...is anyone formula feeding? If so how often do you feed your baby? I know they say every 4 hours but my little one acts starving two hours later sometimes so we just feed her..shes 9.5lbs so I feel like she may need to eat more sometimes!

we are formula feeding now. LO is taking 4oz every 3-4 hours. if she is giving you cues of hunger then feed her.babies dont all follow the 3-4 hour schedule even on formula. sometimes LO is hungry 2 hours after she eats so we give her a couple more oz and then shes happy. As long as she isnt spitting it back up then you arent over feeding her :) my LO is also 9.5lbs and i do think they eat more than say a 6-7 lb baby
Congrats to all the ladies on their babies! Having a newborn keeps me pretty busy and we have had weddings, etc so I haven't been on much!

But again, I will share this, because my son is pretty much the cutest:


  • 2013-07-14 12.15.48.jpg
    2013-07-14 12.15.48.jpg
    23.5 KB · Views: 5
gorgeous pic counting!

I agree with the others, at this young age, i'd say feed babies when they give you the cues :).

afm,...watch this space, not 100% sure yet but think i'm in early labour! got backache and uncomfortable tightenings every 5-10mins or so. I text my midwife and her reply was 'excellent, I thought the sweep might get things going earlier'...funny how they don't tell you that at the time! lol. off to have a bath and early night and see what happens xxx
Tonya, how is the combi feeding going? I'm considering it, I exclusively bf jack but I'm wondering whether its entirely practical this time having a baby constantly on the breast with a toddler to run after too.
Does he get nipple confusion? What bottles are you using?
I didn't get on with pumping last time so don't think I can do that!
Good luck Caro!

Kaths I did a little combi feeding before I decided to go straight formula and she did just fine with it no confusion or anything we have the tommee tippie bottles. That was part of my decision to go straight formula though because it wasn't working out with having my toddler to chase after. And she always seemed to need something right as I would latch baby to feed.
I am finding the baby so uncomfortable tonight :( it feels like he is trying to claw his way out of me :(. It's quite painful tbh.
Hey ladies I know j just took over this thread but I'm having a rough tone recovering and adjusting to being home...would anyone like to take over

I don't mind doing it, though I guess we're all be in the same position soon! I can work off the spreadsheet just to keep it updated for everyone.

Hope you're ok tlh xx

Do you know I can pass it over to you?

I'm starting to feel a little better..I had an amazing labor and birth but the next day I got sick and Friday morning the nurse overdosed me on pain mess and I couldn't function or see straight yet they still sent me home like that...my in laws were supposed to stay and help out but ended up leaving 15 minutes after we got home so that didn't help..my hormones and emotions are totally out of whack and I just want to feel normal again! The lack of sleep isn't helping either

On a lighter note...is anyone formula feeding? If so how often do you feed your baby? I know they say every 4 hours but my little one acts starving two hours later sometimes so we just feed her..shes 9.5lbs so I feel like she may need to eat more sometimes!

Hi, I think you have to contact admin to get it changed?
Glad you are feeling a little better. I can't believe the nurse overdosed you, that's terrible! Is it in your notes? I would put in a complaint.
And not very helpful of your in laws! Maybe they thought they were going to get in the way or was it prearranged they would stay and help. If it was that's terrible that they left.
I didn't formula feed but I would say if they are hungry then feed them, sometimes babies cluster feed through growth spurts and I guess that goes for formula as well as breast. Maybe ask your health visitor or midwife for advice.
Remember mummy knows best though so go with your instincts... Which isn't always
what it says on the tin! :hugs:

Thanks ill contact them!

As for my in laws they were supposed to come up to watch my older daughter while I
delivered the baby...my husband called them at 10 and at 3 he still wasn't at the hospital
I called him and he said his parents hadn't even left yet when they love 4 hours away I ended up being alone when I delivered her because my husband couldn't leave our daughter..they left theirs house 4 hours after I delivered because they wanted to sleep before they made the drive...I'm really upset because I had bought them a 50 dollar gift card for coming to help and its to a place we'll never eat at. I didn't give it to them because they pretty much came for a two day visit and left..when they're daughter had a baby they stayed for over a week and cooked and cleaned and everything so my husband is upset too.
Thanks proud, that's good to know! How is life with a newborn and toddler? :wacko:

Panda, it is painful isn't it, I've been getting my bladder kicked the last few days and a foot protruding right out my side.. Won't be long and then we'd probably miss it!

Tlh that's awful of your in laws, I would be so livid if they didn't leave on time, I bet you and your DH feel so let down :hugs:

Still no news here! Sweep this morning so hoping that kicks something off.

Hope all you ladies with newborns are getting on ok x
Our Ethan is two weeks old today. We took him to the doctor for his first visit and he has already gained about 700 grams! He proceeded to projectile vomit all over the doctor lounge so she has requested an ultrasound on his tummy to rule out anything suspect.
I have to have a blood test to check my iron etc and then we will go back next week for a follow up appointment.
Today we went to the Medicare office to sort out his enrollment and when I went in and took my number waited in the chairs then finally got served the lady asked where the form was...umm yeah we left it at home! So DH had to go back to the house to find it and then line up all over again! Took about an hour longer than planned and Ethan was so hungry and crying and my nipple has been painful so I decided to top him up with some formula. I wonder if that is what he threw up in the doctors office??
I really had hoped to bf exclusively but don't think it is going as well as I hoped...mix feeding is just as hard though cause he guzzles it too quickly and then spits it back up. At least with the bfeeding he keeps it down mostly. I tried expressing some milk today and got about 25mls only :( sad.
Morning all,

Not been on for a while as it's been a busy weekend with a wedding and visitors. Ellie has also been on a growth spurt so lots of feeding and not much sleep here.

Congratulations to all on their new babies :) Lovely to see all the new arrivals.

To all those awaiting inductions - Best of luck, hope all goes well and your LO arrive soon x x

TLH - So sorry to hear about your in-laws, cant believe they were so unhelpful for you :hugs:

libbysmum - Hope all goes well at Ethans check ups. Sorry that feeding is problematic, not really sure what to suggest. May be speak to your dr for some advice or a BF councillor ?
Kaths it can be challenging at times that's for sure! But it's also awesome to see how well dd1 has taken to her :) for the most part she absolutely loves her. My toddle has been acting up a little but I think that's more terrible twos than anything else :haha:

Libby that's great that Ethan is gaining weight :) sorry breastfeeding isn't going like you hoped. Hopefully you get it sorted out if that's what you are wanting :)

Sue good luck with your induction today!( I think it's today :haha: ) Can't wait to see a picture of Millie!

We are doing good here. Sinc switching to formula I have a much more content baby and a lot more time for dd1. I'm a happier less stressed mommy and I think that's the most important thing for our family.
Hello ladies! Can I jump in! I'm 1 day overdue now! :-/.
Have a sweep booked for Wednesday but am hoping to have popped before then! (Wishful thinking no doubt)!
My first little one was 2 weeks early so this wait is not fun! I e been expecting baby to make an appearance for ages!!
Just had a read through the last 20 pages or so! Congrats to all the ladies who have had there babies and hope others are not waiting too long!
Proud my toddler has been acting out more than usual..she's been helpful with bringing me diapers and wipes throwing things away holding the bottle and what not but if she gets told no about anything she throws a temper tantrum...I think shes wanting more one on one attention from me which ks hard to do right now
Hey girls! Still no sleep in the Smith household! well none for me that is! He's sleeping well now.. so technically I should be sleeping but it's the middle of the day. He seems to cluster feed ALL night. I think tonight I'm going to sleep on the sofa and move him to the rock n play. The co-sleeper is not working for us yet. He won't sleep in it and with my c-section I can't lift him in and out easily. Wound up co-sleeping last night without meaning too so almost gave myself a heart attack. good thing my body DOESN'T move when in bed with a baby!

Question: We're exclusively breastfeeding and he's not even getting a pacifier... that said... what are your opinions a special...'during nappy change time only' pacifier? He's typical in that he hates being changed. I'm not good at it yet.... changing boys is SO different from girls and I just know I'm about to get peed on the whole time so I'm clumsy and awkward. His crying just makes everything 10x harder. Do you think giving him one during changes would confuse him? I almost always nurse him directly after a change anyway so I don't think taking it back away would be a problem.

I also feel like I'd be a hypocrite if I gave him one.. but honestly I don't think anything is really black and white and I don't want to shoot myself in the foot for some imagined "pride"

So.. weird idea.. or okay? I'd love your thoughts. (and if you have any tips for changing boys I'd love to hear those as well!)
Proud my toddler has been acting out more than usual..she's been helpful with bringing me diapers and wipes throwing things away holding the bottle and what not but if she gets told no about anything she throws a temper tantrum...I think shes wanting more one on one attention from me which ks hard to do right now

Yeah - my little girl is definitely not getting enough sleep and is way more emotional. Doesn't understand why I can't pick her up etc etc. She woke up with a big canker sore on her mouth this morning where she'd chewed on it in her sleep. Definitely manifested stress. I think we're going to need to schedule some special one on one time with her pretty soon.
Hey girls! Still no sleep in the Smith household! well none for me that is! He's sleeping well now.. so technically I should be sleeping but it's the middle of the day. He seems to cluster feed ALL night. I think tonight I'm going to sleep on the sofa and move him to the rock n play. The co-sleeper is not working for us yet. He won't sleep in it and with my c-section I can't lift him in and out easily. Wound up co-sleeping last night without meaning too so almost gave myself a heart attack. good thing my body DOESN'T move when in bed with a baby!

Question: We're exclusively breastfeeding and he's not even getting a pacifier... that said... what are your opinions a special...'during nappy change time only' pacifier? He's typical in that he hates being changed. I'm not good at it yet.... changing boys is SO different from girls and I just know I'm about to get peed on the whole time so I'm clumsy and awkward. His crying just makes everything 10x harder. Do you think giving him one during changes would confuse him? I almost always nurse him directly after a change anyway so I don't think taking it back away would be a problem.

I also feel like I'd be a hypocrite if I gave him one.. but honestly I don't think anything is really black and white and I don't want to shoot myself in the foot for some imagined "pride"

So.. weird idea.. or okay? I'd love your thoughts. (and if you have any tips for changing boys I'd love to hear those as well!)

I see no issue with giving the pacifier. Travis was given a pacifier in the NICU and he has not grown attached to it, we try to give it to him when he's upset and he spits it out.

I also need tips for changing boys, I'm being peed on all the time!
Tips for changing boys, get everything ready beforehand and do it as quickly as you can :haha:
You can see when they're about to wee, they draw their tummies in.. You'll get pro at it, whip it off and another straight on haha..

I can't see a problem with a pacifier for changing, you have nothing to prove to anyone.. Just do what you think is right and what you need to do to get through the rough times! :hugs:
Boys nappy changing ... open nappy, let cold air hit him, close it quick :haha: then you should have got the wee out the way :rofl:

I will be back in a few weeks saying I can't get them done :haha:

As for dummy I think if you are keeping it to just one time of the day I don't see an issue with it.
Oh and another thing I know it's obvious but I've done it a few times , make sure their winky doesn't get caught and is pointed downwards into the padded bit of the nappy (hold winky with thumb and Velcro sides quickly)... if you do it in a rush and it's a bit off centre there may be a problem...I saw a fountain coming out of jacks nappy the other day :blush:
(Probably applys to you in a few months time when they're a bit older but thought I'd mention it :haha:)

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