~*~* July Sunbeams *~*~43 Babies Here So Far!!! 25 Boys / 18 Girls

Congrats Miss Hastings!!

Sue, Millie is gorgeous! I love those mittens!! Coltyn's hands are too big and the mittens they sell over here that I've found don't even cover his hands completely.

Caro, glad your milk came in!! Happy babies are good babies!
My yellow bump turned blue on the 19th, via elective c section... Lewis Norman Pitt, 7 pound 11... A nice surprise after my dd was born 12 months ago weighing 10 pound 8!!
Totally enjoyed the birth....
My LOs umbilical cord fell off yesterday but her belly button didn't look right..I took her to the Dr today and she has an umbilical granuloma. They had to cauterize her belly button I almost passed out watching! Hopefully that dries it up otherwise she has to have it done again next week
I've updated the first page of our two new babies today, little Darcy-Marie and Lewis.

Misshastings .. Can you let me know the weight if you want me to add it and pitty how many weeks and days were you?


Tlh, I've never heard of it but doesn't sound pleasant... Do I dare google it?
Poor you having to watch, hope it heals and she doesn't have to have it done again! :hugs:
I had my sweep today at 12 pm, She said my cervix was posterior but she managed to bring it forward and performed the sweep. I had 1 spot of blood after it. Then a couple of hours later I had some brown stained mucus and have been having more every time I go to the toilet. Is this my mucus plug? Or least bits of it. Could it be the start of something?

I have also had a few sharp twinges and it was hurting earlier when I got up quick in my lower abdomen. I haven't really had any cramps though.
I had my sweep today at 12 pm, She said my cervix was posterior but she managed to bring it forward and performed the sweep. I had 1 spot of blood after it. Then a couple of hours later I had some brown stained mucus and have been having more every time I go to the toilet. Is this my mucus plug? Or least bits of it. Could it be the start of something?

I have also had a few sharp twinges and it was hurting earlier when I got up quick in my lower abdomen. I haven't really had any cramps though.

It could be bits of your plug yes, I had my sweep thursday and have lost bits of plug today too and also getting the twinges.. Neither is a sign of imminent labour though just have to sit it out and wait.

Fingers crossed for us hey :thumbup:
Sounds like it might have worked to me panda!! Good luck :-(

Tlh, ouch! Your poor bubba!

Congrats pitty!!

My little man hasn't poo'ed in over 24 hours and despite being day 4todsy were yet to have changing colour in poo :-/, hope he goes overnight or could mean his second trip out ever is to the hospital :-/
Aww I wish it was a sign of imminent labour :) suppose we will have to be patient and wait :D

The baby at the moment feels like he is trying to crawl out again, I hate this feeling. It is so odd. Wonder what they are doing in there to get that sensation?
Sounds like it might have worked to me panda!! Good luck :-(

Tlh, ouch! Your poor bubba!

Congrats pitty!!

My little man hasn't poo'ed in over 24 hours and despite being day 4todsy were yet to have changing colour in poo :-/, hope he goes overnight or could mean his second trip out ever is to the hospital :-/

Come on little man poo!! Though thinking back, I'm sure jack didnt poo every day! Try not to worry too much. Sending pooing vibes :hugs:
Aww I wish it was a sign of imminent labour :) suppose we will have to be patient and wait :D

The baby at the moment feels like he is trying to crawl out again, I hate this feeling. It is so odd. Wonder what they are doing in there to get that sensation?

My little man has been quiet today, he has moved but not the real jabby movements!
I guess they are so short of space, even them trying to stretch a leg or move their arms are going to feel like they are trying to escape to us lol.
Sounds like it might have worked to me panda!! Good luck :-(

Tlh, ouch! Your poor bubba!

Congrats pitty!!

My little man hasn't poo'ed in over 24 hours and despite being day 4todsy were yet to have changing colour in poo :-/, hope he goes overnight or could mean his second trip out ever is to the hospital :-/

Have you tried stimulating with a rental thermometer? I don't think not going in 24 hours is to serious. Unless your doctor told you it was. With makenzie she got very constipated her first week didn't go for 4 days and the. Had an explosion on day 5 when she did go. Filled 4 diapers at once :dohh: it was awful. Hope your LO goes soon :)
Just had a sweep! Starting to seem a bit real now... We'll see if it does anything!
Sounds like it might have worked to me panda!! Good luck :-(

Tlh, ouch! Your poor bubba!

Congrats pitty!!

My little man hasn't poo'ed in over 24 hours and despite being day 4todsy were yet to have changing colour in poo :-/, hope he goes overnight or could mean his second trip out ever is to the hospital :-/

Are you breastfeeding? My son (on day 4!) didn't poop for almost 48 hours(from evening day 3 I believe till day 5 afternoon). We went to the doctor and he told us that sometimes it takes breastfed babies digestive tracts a few days to adjust to the change over to milk. If they don't go within 3 or so days, then start to worry. When my son finally went he had a HUGE " transitional" (brownish not seedy yellow) poo. After that he had VERY regular, very large poops, 4-6+ a day, which is also VERY normal for a breastfed baby who is feeding well. I wish they would tell you these things! My nephew who is 4 months also had a delay between first poops and breastmilk poops of about 24 hours, but the books and everything you hear about says at least 3 dirty diapers a day by days 4-5, which isn't actually always the case in a healthy baby. He also had meconium until the transitional, and no mustard yellow poo until about day 6.


Ladies, Joey has been spitting up A LOT. I mean also in volume, it seems like he is bringing back up a huge amount after almost every feed. He has hiccups after he eats and I'm pretty sure that is what is causing it. Tried not moving him after he eats but he still seems to spit up even an hour after the feed is done- which means just before the next feed starts. Not sure what is going on. Last Tuesday he had made it back to birth weight(11 days old), not sure how much he has gained since the spitting up started in full force.
Do you think maybe something you are eating isn't agreeing with him? Or possibly reflux?
I don`t think it`s anything I have eaten. It always seems like he gets a horrible bout of hiccups and then the milk comes back up.:shrug: He had hiccups really bad before he was born too, so they aren`t new, but obviously now they are causing him to bring back up his milk after he nurses.
Thanks Kath and counting you've made me feel loads better!! By now Alex was pooing during and.after.osy feeds! Though he's still good at going now and I'd also been given.antibiotics for an infection by.now which prob irritated him. I've also just remembered bfed babies in particular use more of the milk, very little wastage like us adultts have as its all good stuff, so I guess less rubbish to expel??

Anyway he'll have his day 5weigh in and.check up tomorrow so Fx'ed he's gone by then or at least got decent weight still! I reckon he's lost, u can see it in his face but hopefully within the 10%!

Counting, spit up is a whole New world to me! Again Alex never did it, but Eddie is regularly even ages after a feed. But joeys looking like its the whole feed? It's prob not but maybe get his weight checked again/call health visitor? Id not be too worried tbh so long as he's still gaining, I know many of my friends babies puked everywhere and were fine in the long term, just meant wherever baby went so did a sick cloth :haha: xx
Counting, Aisling is the same! She started spitting up a lot more this week. We had her 2 week checkup and the pediatrician said that because she is gaining well she is not concerned. She said that it most likely has to do with having a fast letdown. When she eats she just guzzles milk and much of it gets everywhere lol. She gets the hiccups often and if it happens right after she eats it is guaranteed she will spit up a bit. The Dr recommended keeping her upright for a little while after feedings.

Aisling did really well at her appointment :) She now weighs 7lbs 10oz (up 17oz since last Monday).

Congratulations to the families with new little babies! And good luck to the ladies patiently waiting ;)
caro - Gabe's poop only started getting yellow yesterday and that was a week. He only pooped once today and that was super yellow. Everything I've read says that some babies poop multiple times a day and some only a few times a week.

counting - I'm not sure how much is too much on the spit up front but we're dealing with it too! Jessica very rarely spit up and this little boy does it all the time! He gets hiccups a lot too but honestly.. I think he might just be stuffing himself. I'm never telling him no when he asks to feed so I'm wondering if he's just gorging a bit and then what doesn't fit comes back up. Sometimes it's the thicker spit up consistency but often you can tell it's just milk that didn't fit in his tiny belly.
Sounds like it might have worked to me panda!! Good luck :-(

Tlh, ouch! Your poor bubba!

Congrats pitty!!

My little man hasn't poo'ed in over 24 hours and despite being day 4todsy were yet to have changing colour in poo :-/, hope he goes overnight or could mean his second trip out ever is to the hospital :-/

Are you breastfeeding? My son (on day 4!) didn't poop for almost 48 hours(from evening day 3 I believe till day 5 afternoon). We went to the doctor and he told us that sometimes it takes breastfed babies digestive tracts a few days to adjust to the change over to milk. If they don't go within 3 or so days, then start to worry. When my son finally went he had a HUGE " transitional" (brownish not seedy yellow) poo. After that he had VERY regular, very large poops, 4-6+ a day, which is also VERY normal for a breastfed baby who is feeding well. I wish they would tell you these things! My nephew who is 4 months also had a delay between first poops and breastmilk poops of about 24 hours, but the books and everything you hear about says at least 3 dirty diapers a day by days 4-5, which isn't actually always the case in a healthy baby. He also had meconium until the transitional, and no mustard yellow poo until about day 6.


Ladies, Joey has been spitting up A LOT. I mean also in volume, it seems like he is bringing back up a huge amount after almost every feed. He has hiccups after he eats and I'm pretty sure that is what is causing it. Tried not moving him after he eats but he still seems to spit up even an hour after the feed is done- which means just before the next feed starts. Not sure what is going on. Last Tuesday he had made it back to birth weight(11 days old), not sure how much he has gained since the spitting up started in full force.

Coltyn spits up a lot as well. His doc isn't worried as he's gained almost 2 pounds in 2.5 weeks. I was talking to my sis who breastfed my nephew and she stated that what they spit up seems like a lot but in all actuality it isn't. She said when she had a breastfeeding class that the lactation consultant told her if you dump half an ounce of milk out on the counter it is going to make an awful mess! She said it isn't nearly as much as half an ounce.

I felt so stupid today! I have been freezing all my milk that's extra and had a ton to put into a second ziplock bag and into the deep freeze. I put all of them in baggies and took DS1 to lunch. Came back to realize I never put them in the deep freeze and left them on the counter!!! So now I'm trying to pump a little extra and get more to put in the freezer and use that milk up so it doesn't go bad!
All this talk of poo and sick, this is what our lives have come to again! :haha:

It is worrying though, when jacks poo turned yellow with bits in I was horrified haha but it's totally normal.
He wasn't an overly sicky baby so cant help you girls there, all I know is reflux causes alot of sick, usually looks gloopy. If its just milk as long as they aren't loosing lots of weight again don't worry...
Just wait ill be here in a week or two panicking about the same thing!!

JJSmom I've done the same thing with bags of breast milk. Annoying isn't it! Takes so long to do... I used to feel quite proud of my growing stash but then I ended up not using half of it! :dohh:

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