~*~* July Sunbeams *~*~43 Babies Here So Far!!! 25 Boys / 18 Girls

We can just copy and paste the info from the front page with the current active members and then add in new people as they arrive. That way we don't have 900 pages + to scroll through if we're looking to find something.

Unless you guys would prefer to move the whole thread. Seems like it might be nice to start over with all the active girl though.

That's a good point I didn't even think of that. Ill follow to a new thread or stay in this one I'm not picky :haha:
I didn't think about that either...I don't care if we stay here or create a new one either
We can just copy and paste the info from the front page with the current active members and then add in new people as they arrive. That way we don't have 900 pages + to scroll through if we're looking to find something.

Unless you guys would prefer to move the whole thread. Seems like it might be nice to start over with all the active girl though.

That's a good point I didn't even think of that. Ill follow to a new thread or stay in this one I'm not picky :haha:

I didn't think about that either...I don't care if we stay here or create a new one either

LOL I've been thinking about starting the new thread just tryng to decide if I want that kind of responsibility! :D
LOL me again! (can you tell I have a sleeping baby on me?)

Love this.

BTW is any one doing any cool week by week or monthly baby shots? I briefly toyed with doing one of those 1 second a day video clip deals then I realized I didn't take any video the first week... but I had a photo everyday so I might try "Gabriel's 1st Year" and do a picture of every day.... much easier now that my phone has a good camera on it and don't have to run to find the camera to take pictures.
I was think of doing a special monthly photo I take so many pictures of her though its crazy lol everyone makes comments on me being obsessed with my kids and I have I admit I'm very guilty of this :flower:

Kyleigh has her 1 month appt tomorrow and I can't wait to see how much she has grown.

She was 9lbs1oz 20.5in at birth, 9lbs9oz 21.5in at 2 weeks so it'll be fun to see her growth :) I say she's a good 10-11lbs
I am not sure whether something might be happening?? I have had some bad cramps since yesterday, starting in my back round to my front. Feels like I got a really upset stomach, but haven't.

In the night after i got up for a wee, when I got back into bed the cramps started again and now this morning.

It again feels like I have a real upset stomach and it starts in my back and around to the front of my stomach. It sorts of feels like he is pushing out when it gets to stomach. I haven't had like a tightening like I read that starts at the top of uterus and comes down.

Wish I just knew if this was the start?

I am seeing the midwife at some point today, she never told me a time which is annoying :(
Panda, that is how it felt to me, I thought I had to go to the bathroom! I could time the cramps, predict when a new one would start, feel it build and then lessen. My stomach did not go super hard like I expected so I was sort of in denial that it was real labor. The real test for me was I hopped in the shower and it soothed the contractions but did not change the frequency or intensity. I quickly had to get out though because labor was so fast for me and the pain progressed rapidly.

Good luck, I hope this is the start of labor for you!
We went to our second pediatrician appointment today. Does anyone else absolutely adore their child's doctor? She is just the nicest lady I've ever met, and she sees eye to eye with me on all the issues I feel strongly about. I am so happy since I was prepared to try out a few different pediatricians until we found a good fit.
Anyways, my boy is growing fast! He was 9lbs7.2oz at birth. 8lb10oz when we came home 3 days after birth. 5 days post-birth he weighed 8lb10.5oz. But then yesterday at age 1 week 1 day, he weighed 9lb,4oz! They said at this rate, they estimate he will weigh about 20lbs by age 4 months. Wowzers. <3 I'm so in love.
How is everyone else doing?
Breadsticks - I do hope it is the start. Getting a bit fed up now of waiting. To meet my little man :) and I so want to have a natural labour and not be induced.

Plus I want to catch up with the rest of you guys and talk about my baby not about signs of labour lol :D I am jealous
Mother Earth glad your LO is growing well :) my dd1 was 21lbs at 6 months she was such a rolly polley it's was super cute.

Panda goodluck hope it's the start of things for you
Zoe Annabel born 10.49pm July 25th :cloud9: 8lb6oz and a whopping 54cm long! After being at 10cm from 3hrs and pushing not going anywhere due to her position and head size I had an emergency c section!
congrats vankiwi! hope recovery goes smoothly, enjoy every moment with her, its flying by sooo quick!

panda, I so hope you're in full blown labour now!!

yay for weight gain motherearth!

We're still struggling with trapped wind here, but did get some half decent sleep last night by breaking all the rules and falling asleep with him on me :/, sooo didn't mean to but it gets to a point where you just suddenly wake up and like an hour has passed and he's still on my chest, oops! Not had barely any awake time today either so I might be in trouble tonight :/.

Ladies in the uk when did your health visitor come out to do the hearing test? We've finally heard from ours and they're doing it Monday but he'll be 2 weeks old by then! then test apparently has to be done at the latest by 2 weeks old so they're cutting it a little fine!
caro103, don't feel bad my son sleeps on me every night, and has since birth. It's the only way he will sleep. I put a belly band around my chest and tuck him inside with just his head out above, and lay in a semi reclined position. He has also had really upset belly lately, and the only way I can comfort him is breastfeeding him frequently and cuddling him, which would be a PITA if he was sleeping in his bassinet.(If it is the only way for you to catch a bit of sleep, they say it's better to just plan to do it, and do it safely. Hope LO feels better soon)
I have updated the spread sheet :) to make it a bit easier for when Kath can update the front page again x

Has anyone heard from Belle or Nicki ?

Good luck Panda x
I have updated the spread sheet :) to make it a bit easier for when Kath can update the front page again x

Has anyone heard from Belle or Nicki ?

Good luck Panda x

Aw thank you so much, I just realised I haven't even been on since leaving hospital I will update when I have 2 hands free :haha:
I hope everything is ok with everyone, I need to catch up
Still nothing to report :( still waiting.

Bloody midwife didn't show up either :(

Oh well maybe tonight something will happen
Congrats vankiwi

Just got back from Kyleighs one month appt she's is growing like a weed now weighing 11lbs6oz and 22.5in :)
Hi, all we've had quite a settled few days, George is feeding really well and my milk has come in. He seems to have long sessions of cluster feeding which is really sore but then sleeps loads, so it's swings and roundabouts.

I find it really funny reading your baby weight updates. Most aren't even at George's birth weight yet and are several weeks older. I have such a little fatty!!
He's so cute though, I can't stop looking at him! :cloud9:

And also I've been sleeping with George he won't go in his basket but neither did jack and I get lots more sleep sleeping upright with him, I can't spend hours on end settling him I'd rather sleep especially with jack to contend with through the day as well

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