~*~* July Sunbeams *~*~43 Babies Here So Far!!! 25 Boys / 18 Girls


OMG!!!! Y'all!! I'm ready to smack my MIL!!! Coltyn was so fussy yesterday and today and all he wants to do is be latched on and stay there, falls asleep, I lay him down and it starts over again. Well he is being the same way again today. My MIL just stopped by. I told DH if she tells me to give her a bottle I'm going to smack her! So here I am, just took him off my breast before she walked in the door. He was fine for the first few mins and then started getting fussy. She immediately says oh, he's hungry! When was the last time he ate? I said no he's not hungry and I just took him off the breast right before you walked in. He had eaten off both breasts along with about 5 oz out of a bottle. So I KNOW he's not hungry! I walked out of the room and she's like aww he's still hungry!! NO WOMAN HE'S NOT!!!! I think he's gassy. But she is relentless! Then the one time I took him over there for her to watch him, she doesn't even wake him up to eat and it had been a couple hours since I had fed him and told her she needed to wake him up to feed him at a certain time. I even had DH text her to tell her. So when we got back, she said he wouldn't wake up to eat so she didn't feed him. She had watched the boys for 6 hours! That means it had been 8 since he ate!! I took him from her and put the bottle in his mouth and he immediately woke up and ate. I guess she just wanted him to sleep the whole time and not take a chance of him being fussy if he woke up and ate. But it just really irks me!!! Sorry, had to rant! They thought I got on the computer to do my homework and I had to fuss first. LOL! Thanks for listening, feel better since I got it out. :)
Argh JJSMOM it's frustrating isn't it. I get the opposite from my mum as George is constantly feeding at the moment, she keeps making comments about him being on the boob constantly. It was 3 hous this morning but needs must hey.. IJust wish people would shut up, we know what were doing!!

I can't believe she didn't feed him, that's REALLY bad considering you text as well I betit was just because he was blissfully asleep and she didnt want him crying!
I hate when people act like they know about your kid than you do or when they tell you how yo raise them...I tell everyone that comes by if they do that kn my house they'll be asked to leave
Well..Me and Joey have thrush, which is probably part of the reason he has been so miserable. Noticed some white dots on his tongue and within a few hours it was spreading all over his mouth. :dohh: It also started spreading to his bum. I knew it was possible we would get it due to strep B antibiotics, but still not impressed. :nope:

I also received the group B antibiotics... And my nipples have been aching so badly, and suddenly it hurts to latch him when I thought we had the whole latching thing down. What did your thrush feel like when it was coming on?

And there is a clogged milk duct (i think) that just wont go away no matter how much I hand express and massage it while he is eating. I am so sleep deprived. I should be sleeping but i'm so overtired that I am puttering around on the internet..

Sounds like it could be thrush in your breasts :(. Mine feel kind of burning on the actual nipple and some pain after he is done nursing, as well as some itching. I don't have very sensitive breasts though, I think if I did there would be much more pain. The big give away that LO had thrush was a few white dots on his tongue. I always heard that thrush in a baby was a coating or big patches of white but LO just had a few very small dots that multiplied. I'd look for that in his tongue and on the inside of his lips. I'd say mother's instinct was the biggest give away. I felt something wasn't right with us, and it wasn't.
Yes Kath, it's very frustrating! She took him outside and sat with him. He finally dozed off for her but now she's leaving and I put him back down,he's already fussing a bit. I'm afraid he might be a bit cold too as it's been cooler today and yesterday but he keeps kicking his blanket off. He hates being swaddled too. He'd rather have his arms out.

TLH, I wish I could tell her how it is, but when I've tried she gives me attitude and I dont want to have any conflicts between us.
Hi girls!! Im in labor! 3-4 cm, 80% effaced and -2 station
Woohoo MissFox! :happydance: Good luck!!

Husband and I just had a glass of Johnny Walker Blue...so delicious! It was our joint Mother's/ Father's day gift to ourselves :) Pumped 10 oz of milk earlier while watching Netflix, felt like a cow lol, but good to go for the next 2-3 hours if she needs a feed :) My family will be here any minute, I'm sure they'll want to feed her. :D
Good luck MissFox, i was thinking it was about time we had some more babies here!
Looking forward to an update x
Good luck MissFox! Hoping for a swift and easy labour! :D

Counting - Thrush is the worst! I had it with Jessica. Jessie didn't get it and I only had it in one boob but it was still excruciating. I was able to call up the midwife and get a prescription for a cream without even going in. It should clear up pretty fast as long as you remember to treat both of you. I really did start to dread feeding her and would sob about how I felt like a horrible mother because I felt that way. Started treatment and poof, good as new. Poor little boy though.. that's got to make it a million times worse. :( Hope it clears up for you both really quickly!

motherearth23 - it definitely could be the start of thrush. one thing I really noticed was how much my boob would ache just climbing the stairs. Like a sharp pain radiating through the breast.

JJsmom - MIL's can't live with them... wouldn't have husbands without them *hugs* Rage all you like!

Vankiwi - congratulations! ps. get a belly band/binder or recovery pants if you don't already have something. Those c-sections are a beast!!!

caro103 - that's a lot like what happened with us last time. We just weren't getting any sleep unless we were sleeping together. Started falling asleep and it made me nervous so I had to commit to co-sleeping and do it safely rather than doing it accidentally. We're trying harder to get this one used to his own space so he's in rock n play a lot... refuses to sleep in the cosleeper of course. We have been co-sleeping because he adores sleeping in our bed, passes out so quickly, but my 3 year keeps coming in and if she's in here then he HAS to be in the rock n play. I refuse to chance them being in the same bed together.

Libbysmum - that is ridiculous! Does your lease not have any protection for you built in?

Gabriel had a blocked tear duct yesterday. Really freaked me out. Reminded me of the little barn kittens I'd take care of when I was little whose eyes would be caked shut from infection etc. It was yellow and goopy and after his naps the lashes were glued together. I called the pediatrician and the nurse just said to keep it clean with sterile water and cotton balls and to massage the tear duct a few times a day. The internet implied that it could take weeks to clear up. A friend told me to try breast milk.. I put a couple drops on my finger before doing the tear duct massage a couple times and you know what? This morning when we got up there was NO sign of the blocked duct. His eye looks perfect! I don't know for sure that it was the breast milk.. maybe it just spontaneously healed.. but definitely worth sharing!
Becca thanks for the tips! I've also heard about the breast milk trick, it must work! Magic stuff!

What's everyone's thoughts of giving a pacifier for sleep if you're breastfeeding? I don't want to stuff up the breastfeeding but there is pretty much zero sleep going on from about 9pm at night until about 9am in the morning - just fussing and feeding! Argh! She loves sucking though and will suck on her hand or my finger for comfort... Thoughts?
Vankiwi - Millie has the occasional dummy and I first gave it her a two days old. She has the MAM brand, FSID approved. No nipple confusion here but the her latch has been perfect since her first feed.

She uses it for less than ten mins then spits it out, if she's still sucking after ten mins I know she might be a bit hungry still so I offer the other boob. But 9/10 she's asleep within mins of a suck on the dummy......yet would chomp away on my nips for hours if I let her!!
I tried with George, he also would suck on the nips for hours, and having another LO i cant really sit there for hours with baby attached.. He hasn't taken to the dummy yet though but it's worth a go i think. We also have the MAM ones x
becca-breastmilk is amazing! not only can it help with clogged tear ducts, it helps with pink eye (WAY better than antibiotics), diaper.rash, ear infecfions, skin rashes, it helps soothe and heal cracked.sore nipples. Researchers even.recently discovered that one of the components of human breastmil is basically able to weaken MRSA and makes it receptive to a wider range.of antibiotics.

goodluck missfox!!

congrats to all the new mommas :)

wonderful birth story kath

I know,there was,talk of thrush, cant remember who spoke of it? Mina got it very,bad,at a week old and i,got it in my breast, thry gave me the med for it i took it and,the,pain was gone in hours. they said shr had it vrry bad in her mouth her tongue was completely caked, and it was gone in about 3 days with the nystatin. I don't know if your still having trouble administering but if.you.put it inside.their cheek way.in the bsck and give it slowly it takes much better! Hope it gets better for you soon

afm-Miss Mina is 5 weeks old today, finally started to cry a bit, but not a ton during the day. shes,,a,quiet thing. She did, however start the random.crying near bedtime for no reason. took me a few.days but i discovered if i put her in the ring sling before she starts crying and keeper there til bed it stops the crying session from happening. odd, cause if i hold her, she cries, and if i swaddle her, she cries. but for some reason loves the sling.

she smiles, a lot! and has laughed a couple times, shes getting very good at holding her head up as well. Shes such a fantastic baby :) we're all getting on very well and dh should be home to meet her soonish, only a couple more months hopefully!

I am feeling a little sad this is our last baby. I told dh if we were wealthy, and had a different lifestyle I'd want more kids his reply? "i haven't evrn met the,last one, and your talking about more??" lol! Alas, we are both due to be sterilized, i dont want to raise kids forever either we said none past 25 and well, we're 27 so thats it! its just weird.,REALLY trying to take her all in and enjoy every second.
Has anyone heard anything about the jj cole agility wraps? I have a carrier now and lo hates it..I think I sold my moby but thought it was a pain anyway..the agility wrap is supposed to be more breathable than the moby so less chance of overheating and it slips on like a tshirt compared to the wrapping process
omg my baby is just laid on my lap and every couple of minutes farts :rofl:...maybe we won't have trapped gas issues tonight ;)

re. the dummies, I resorted to one last night, didn't want too and going to use is as little as I can as my 2yr old is addicted to his, was meant to be only just for sleep and he sneeks getting it whenever he can now! anyways it did help Edward a little, meant we could sleep next to each other rather than him on top of me, so at least we're co-sleeping more safely now!

congrats on the birth of baby ruby sam!! shes gorgeous :D

oh tmi but anyone else suddenly go back to fairly large clots (cherry tomato sized) 2wks pp when they'd practically stopped bleeding? I have been more active today but was rather shocked when went to the loo :blush:
I had my sweep today, have had a bleed and some more cramps throughout the day.


I am still waiting.

I got another sweep Tuesday and booked in to be induced on Wednesday. Getting fed up :(
Aww panda! You are almost there! Nipple stimulation really helped me.

My baby girl was born 7lb11oz and 19 3/4 in long on 7/28/13 at 12:07am after 8ish hours of "active" labor with almost 3 hours of pushing.
Kind of neat(to me anyway)

Then and now:


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Aww panda! You are almost there! Nipple stimulation really helped me.

My baby girl was born 7lb11oz and 19 3/4 in long on 7/28/13 at 12:07am after 8ish hours of "active" labor with almost 3 hours of pushing.

Congrats...Pictures soon I hope!

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