~*~* July Sunbeams *~*~43 Babies Here So Far!!! 25 Boys / 18 Girls

sooo glad you all are co-sleeping too and upright at that. Makes me feel way more 'normal' as I know if you told the health visitor I'd get 'told off' :dohh:

sooo hope something happens soon for you panda!! there must be several ladies still waiting though as there's a fair few names with edd's for the end of the month!

kaths how big was George?

ooop gotta go, munchkin is stirring :) xx
Caro, he was 10lbs 11oz (4.840 kilos)

Look at the size of him, he was 10lbs at last weigh in at 3 days old. Little chubster :haha:
No wonder I was in agony in the last few months with him laying on my back and pelvis!

I never tell people I co sleep, my mum commented today as I left stuff in the Moses basket overnight so he obviously hadn't been in it and she made a snotty comment. I'm even worse I'm sleeping on the sofa but I remove all cushions and make sure he can't roll etc I feel better knowing he's on me and we both sleep better for it.
My Dr lectures me about letting Charlotte sleep in a swing. I don't care though. My oldest slept on one of the breast feeding pillows until she was almost 1..I feel like some things you don't have to do by the books you just have to use your judgement especially right now when we'll do anything for sleep
Well..Me and Joey have thrush, which is probably part of the reason he has been so miserable. Noticed some white dots on his tongue and within a few hours it was spreading all over his mouth. :dohh: It also started spreading to his bum. I knew it was possible we would get it due to strep B antibiotics, but still not impressed. :nope:
Hope u get thrush under control quickly counting, I got that from antibiotics first time, ouch!!

Thanks ladies, so good to know we all break the rules. We had a half decent night cos I just went with the flow! Don't feel nearly so dead at 6am! Could def do with a bit more sleep but can function :).

Kath, wow he's Soo chunky, hehe! Makes my 7lb11.5 baby look like a weed :haha:
Damn antibiotics...I had a bit of thrush with Ethan with my first dose of antibiotics...I wouldn't be at all surprised if it happens again with this lot I am taking now. I had an ultra sound Friday as they think I have some infection in my uterus. I told my Dr I didn't want to do the transvaginal scan as I still have stitches down there and am worried it will cause another infection by poking about...she was great and said she totally was on the same page and we would postpone it unless I get any weird smells or heavy bleeds or high temperatures. So I was happy with that...sick to death of them all prodding my body and poking in Iv's etc...over it.
I stopped taking the stronger pain killers too as they were making Ethan really sleepy.
I will take him to be weighed on Tuesday if I can get the car from DH.
Oh did I mention we have to move house again? The owner of this rental property is apparently moving back in September! I was so annoyed to hear of this as we just moved in a few months ago and I wouldn't have bothered signing the lease if I had known her plans. So I am informed yesterday we had some builders or something coming by to check the laundry and bathroom for something and I get talking to the dude and he says the lady is demolishing the house entirely! I was like "oh really that isn't what we were told" So yeah...if she is pulling the place down I don't see what the point of us having to spend OUR money on getting the carpets cleaned and roach/spider spraying at the end of the lease . Seems like a waste of time and money.
Libbys :hugs: How terrible of the landlady not mentioning her plans to you! Hopefully this means you'll find an even better house at a better price though I can not believe you have to move again so quickly. :/
Oh no libbys :-(, we moves around the same time as u and I cannot imagine moving again so fast! That's really mean of her :-( xx
Oh no Libbys that is rubbish :hugs:

I am sitting down eating biscuits I just had a dizzy spell while I was in the garden, Havent had one of them for a while. So I have come in and eaten some biscuits and drank some water. I only had wheatabix for breakfast so I am wondering if its low blood sugar. and also I have done loads of cleaning and haven't really sat down.
Zoe Annabel born 10.49pm July 25th :cloud9: 8lb6oz and a whopping 54cm long! After being at 10cm from 3hrs and pushing not going anywhere due to her position and head size I had an emergency c section!

Congratulations on your little girl! Lovely name, look forward to seeing pixs :happydance::flower:

congrats vankiwi! hope recovery goes smoothly, enjoy every moment with her, its flying by sooo quick!

panda, I so hope you're in full blown labour now!!

yay for weight gain motherearth!

We're still struggling with trapped wind here, but did get some half decent sleep last night by breaking all the rules and falling asleep with him on me :/, sooo didn't mean to but it gets to a point where you just suddenly wake up and like an hour has passed and he's still on my chest, oops! Not had barely any awake time today either so I might be in trouble tonight :/.

Ladies in the uk when did your health visitor come out to do the hearing test? We've finally heard from ours and they're doing it Monday but he'll be 2 weeks old by then! then test apparently has to be done at the latest by 2 weeks old so they're cutting it a little fine!

In our area they do the hearing check at the hospital so its done days after birth.

I never intended to co-sleep with ellie but like you I keep dozing off with her anyway. She has similar issues with trapped wind too. I think that you need to do what works for you & your lo. Less tired/stressed mum = less tired stressed baby.

Still nothing to report :( still waiting.

Bloody midwife didn't show up either :(

Oh well maybe tonight something will happen

Fingers crossed for you.

Congrats vankiwi

Just got back from Kyleighs one month appt she's is growing like a weed now weighing 11lbs6oz and 22.5in :)

What great news!

Hi, all we've had quite a settled few days, George is feeding really well and my milk has come in. He seems to have long sessions of cluster feeding which is really sore but then sleeps loads, so it's swings and roundabouts.

I find it really funny reading your baby weight updates. Most aren't even at George's birth weight yet and are several weeks older. I have such a little fatty!!
He's so cute though, I can't stop looking at him! :cloud9:

And also I've been sleeping with George he won't go in his basket but neither did jack and I get lots more sleep sleeping upright with him, I can't spend hours on end settling him I'd rather sleep especially with jack to contend with through the day as well

Good to hear all is going well. I'd stick with what works too, with baby & toddler you need all the sleep you can get!

Caro, he was 10lbs 11oz (4.840 kilos)
View attachment 649035

Look at the size of him, he was 10lbs at last weigh in at 3 days old. Little chubster :haha:
No wonder I was in agony in the last few months with him laying on my back and pelvis!

I never tell people I co sleep, my mum commented today as I left stuff in the Moses basket overnight so he obviously hadn't been in it and she made a snotty comment. I'm even worse I'm sleeping on the sofa but I remove all cushions and make sure he can't roll etc I feel better knowing he's on me and we both sleep better for it.

I never intended to co-sleep with ellie but like you I keep dozing off with her anyway. I think that you need to do what works for you & your lo. Less tired/stressed mum = less tired stressed baby.

Well..Me and Joey have thrush, which is probably part of the reason he has been so miserable. Noticed some white dots on his tongue and within a few hours it was spreading all over his mouth. :dohh: It also started spreading to his bum. I knew it was possible we would get it due to strep B antibiotics, but still not impressed. :nope:
Hope you are both better soon x x

Damn antibiotics...I had a bit of thrush with Ethan with my first dose of antibiotics...I wouldn't be at all surprised if it happens again with this lot I am taking now. I had an ultra sound Friday as they think I have some infection in my uterus. I told my Dr I didn't want to do the transvaginal scan as I still have stitches down there and am worried it will cause another infection by poking about...she was great and said she totally was on the same page and we would postpone it unless I get any weird smells or heavy bleeds or high temperatures. So I was happy with that...sick to death of them all prodding my body and poking in Iv's etc...over it.
I stopped taking the stronger pain killers too as they were making Ethan really sleepy.
I will take him to be weighed on Tuesday if I can get the car from DH.
Oh did I mention we have to move house again? The owner of this rental property is apparently moving back in September! I was so annoyed to hear of this as we just moved in a few months ago and I wouldn't have bothered signing the lease if I had known her plans. So I am informed yesterday we had some builders or something coming by to check the laundry and bathroom for something and I get talking to the dude and he says the lady is demolishing the house entirely! I was like "oh really that isn't what we were told" So yeah...if she is pulling the place down I don't see what the point of us having to spend OUR money on getting the carpets cleaned and roach/spider spraying at the end of the lease . Seems like a waste of time and money.

Sorry you are having such a rough time :hugs: Cant believe your landlord didnt tell you they were going to knock the house down! I wouldn't b inclined to pay to clean the carpets either.

Oh no Libbys that is rubbish :hugs:

I am sitting down eating biscuits I just had a dizzy spell while I was in the garden, Havent had one of them for a while. So I have come in and eaten some biscuits and drank some water. I only had wheatabix for breakfast so I am wondering if its low blood sugar. and also I have done loads of cleaning and haven't really sat down.

Sounds like you may have overdone it. Hopefully a rest and bite to eat will make you feel better x
Congrats to all the new babies, my due date is today! Starting to get impatient :(
So Joey slept ok but keeps unlatching and relatching every 2 minutes and crying. He also spits out the nystatin, clamps his mouth shut when I try to squirt it in and then stares at me accusingly and wobbles his bottom pouty lip. My poor baby. It's decided. Thrush is hell.
Hello everyone, ive just written my birth story if anyone wants a read :flower:

Aww counting :( I am sorry you both are suffering....poor angel not wanting the medicine. I hope it's a quick easy recovery for you both X
I need away to make my back ache go away :cry: all day and it wont shift. Have tried walking, ball, sitting forward, all fours
hope your back feels better soon pink :)

lovely birth story kath, sounds so similar to mine! esp with your waters going right at the end and it wasn't until you described it feeling like a big wee that that's exactly how it felt to me too! though it blooming hurt just before they went...though that might have been his head, lol.

hope your better soon counting :hugs: xx
Well..Me and Joey have thrush, which is probably part of the reason he has been so miserable. Noticed some white dots on his tongue and within a few hours it was spreading all over his mouth. :dohh: It also started spreading to his bum. I knew it was possible we would get it due to strep B antibiotics, but still not impressed. :nope:

I also received the group B antibiotics... And my nipples have been aching so badly, and suddenly it hurts to latch him when I thought we had the whole latching thing down. What did your thrush feel like when it was coming on?

And there is a clogged milk duct (i think) that just wont go away no matter how much I hand express and massage it while he is eating. I am so sleep deprived. I should be sleeping but i'm so overtired that I am puttering around on the internet..

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