~*~* July Sunbeams *~*~43 Babies Here So Far!!! 25 Boys / 18 Girls

:hugs: alice, really hope he settles soon for you!

hmm I just been trying to settle Edward for ages, finally gave him to DH and he fell asleep almost immediately :dohh:. Then he put him down (told him not to, but he didn't listen) so he woke up again, but he's just quiet and staring at DH now as he eats chocolate...swear he's already wondering why he's not getting any :rofl:
Thanks for all the replies on the colic ladies. :thumbup: Im defo going to look into the milk allergy as this sounds like it could eb it as he is also very congested all the time and i think this would happen with an allergy as well. he is going fo rhis six week check on Tuesday so will ask the doc then.

Ive put his dummy in and it seems to be helping. I had taken it away a couple of weks ago when we got thrush but hopefully it will help and wont cause thrush

Glad you have an appointment coming up to talk w doc about things. Also with reflux babies sound congested a lot too.
Alice :hugs:

Myra - Walgreens is out of stock. I haven't been into CVS yet but it doesn't show up on their website at all...
I also checked their website and didn't finding but the one cvs store I went to here carries it. Haven't checked other cvs's to know if its a standard product. Good luck!! I also read in reviews that Costco will special order. Can Walgreens get more? . Do you have one near you? Let me know how you make out.
Hey ladies haven't been able to keep up with this thread 100% the girls keep me pretty busy lol just thought I would share the link to my journal in case anyone wants to follow. I update in there periodically

thanks for the hugs ladies. He really was having a major grizzly day yesterday! Goodness knows why. He's still a bit grumpy today but not as bad as yesterday.

Yesterday he literally was screaming, fussing and crying ALLLL afternoon from about 5pm until 1am with only very brief 5-10 minute pauses where he'd drop off to sleep and then wake back up wailing again.
The only time he stopped was when I fed him, but then he'd eat too much and end up throwing it all back up again, so I had to just say enough is enough at that point.

Just one of those things I guess. At one point I was out the front dealing with my other kids (bring their bikes back to the house and so on), and DH had to just put Nathan down in his bouncer and go stand out in the back garden with the door shut for a few minutes to get away from the noise.

I guess we should be used to it given that it's our fourth kid, but it's the perpetual noise it makes your head hurt!

Anybody else feel like the weeks are going by so quickly?!
yeah weeks are flying by! sooo scary...slow down time!
How much awake time do your LOs have each day, and what are thier sleeping patterns like? Just curious about what's usual for babies this age. Connor is almost 4 months since he was so way but developmentally/physiologically 6 weeks old based on his due date
How much awake time do your LOs have each day, and what are thier sleeping patterns like? Just curious about what's usual for babies this age. Connor is almost 4 months since he was so way but developmentally/physiologically 6 weeks old based on his due date

hmm okay well yesterday was just weird, but NORMALLY :

Nathan wakes up about 9.30am and is awake for most of the morning with just short 10-15 minute intermittent naps.

Then at about 5pm or thereabouts he drops off to a longer sleep and wakes up about 8.30pm

Then it's just intermittent naps (as it was in the morning) until about 12.30am

Then he goes back to sleep again for the night, and more or less just dream feeds during the night.
we have awake time from about 4pm-6ish, other than that he still sleeps on/off for most of the day, usually a bit of awake time 6am ish, but he's only 4wks old so still sleepy xx
Kyleigh usually wakes around 8am and stays awake till about 10. then she will nap from around 10ish till 1 or so. then from there she is awake on and off till about 5. and then she goes back to sleep around 7:30-8pm and is down for the night
I know this is going to sound strange, but what do you do with your little one when they are awake?
Charlie is awake from about 7am till 10 till I take him to the stables so I cAn do my horse, he falls asleep in the car, he wakes for a quick feed whilst at yard. Wakes again for a feed around dinner, has an awake time mid afternoon. Sleeps again when at sTables again at tea time. Then awake time from 6 till 9, then he just wakes for 2 feeds during the night.

When he is awake I pull faces at him and talk nonsense at him. He does tummy time and he has dangly toys on his Moses basket that he likes to bat about.
I know this is going to sound strange, but what do you do with your little one when they are awake?

Nurse him, mostly:haha:. Other than that we do cuddles, I talk to him, read him books, sing him songs, He likes to float around in the big bathtub with me and " swim", sometimes I try him on a play mat with hanging toys(not that into it yet), I take pictures of him, LOL! We don't do much tummy time as he has good head control because he sleeps on his belly(on my chest) and gets carried in a wrap a lot, which is equivalent. Sometimes we do a little bit though. Sometimes I sit him up on my lap and he likes to quietly look around at things. He is very alert and enjoys taking the world in.
Ellie has no set pattern at all at the moment - apart from to grizzle and scream from 4 till 12. Today she started screaming at lunch time too :( I keep telling myself it has to get better.. Not really sure how much awake alert time she has at the moment. Whilst she only wakes up 2 or 3 times during the night, it takes about an hour at least to settle her back down.

When she is awake, I sing daft tunes to her and play with some of her toys. I have a couple of picture books that I show her too (just picture of patterns). It is hard to tell if she is really interested in anything much at the moment though.
does anyone cloth diaper? I have been thinking about possibly switching but I know absolutely nothing. how do they work? how many do you need? how do you wash them? if anyone could basically give me a run down on the topic I would very greatful lol
Hi guys, just a quick update. Ollie had his 6 wk checkup and wss diagnosed with reflux and an allergy either dairy or hayfever. Doc prescribed infant gaviscon and for d first time ever he is asleep in his own cot without having fed or screamed for 5 hours straight! I have never been able to put him down and walk away without him waking and screaming. I cant believe i have not figured that that wasnt normal out sooner!

I cloth diaper. I dont find it too much work i wash the nappies once per day and have a good 3 day supply. I have fitteds and wraps. There r different types but i dont have ecperience wiyh them all.

The natural parenting forum on here has good tips and loadsa ladies there can tell u everything.
ProudArmyWife - definitely check out the natural parenting section. They're fluff butt addicts over there. Seriously!! They will be happy to guide you. :) I spent some time over there with my first.. but I'm a causal cloth user... ie when they matched her outfits... lol so I'm not the best person to give advice.

Myra - finally found the Gerber drops! Walgreens got them in and hubs picked them up for me tonight. Haven't used them yet though. Excited. :)

I've decided that Gabriel definitely doesn't have a diary allergy. He doesn't cry unconsolably. His poops are normally yellow (other than after his heb B jag yesterday when they went a tad greeny/brown.) He does have baby acne but no crazy rashes... HOWEVER, that said I do believe he has a sensitivity to the milk protein unaltered. Does that make sense? I can eat pizza and he's fine. If I have a bowl of cereal, a glass of milk or half in half in my decaf coffee he's spewing like Mt. Saint Baby. The last 3 times I've had straight milk he's done this... the doctor wasn't concerned because it's not really more than 2 tablespoons at a time (which actually feels like quite a lot while cascading down your top) and he's gaining weight. So I'm just going to cut milk out of my diet and see if we can stem the baby spew tide. So thankful it's not a straight out allergy though. I don't know what I would do if I had to eliminate all dairy from my diet... I'd lose my mind.. granted I'd probably be able to drop these stubborn 30lbs too.... ;)
I used cloth full time with oliver. I will be back in the morning to help :) just give me a gentle reminder :p

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