~*~* July Sunbeams *~*~43 Babies Here So Far!!! 25 Boys / 18 Girls

The first trimester seems like it's going slow but to be honest, some of us are already half way there!!! I can't believe that tomorrow I'll have known for 2 weeks that I'm pregnant!!!

I'm still having a lot of back pain when I wake up. I put a pillow between my legs but apparently last night I got so hot I threw it across the room because that's where it was when I woke up this morning! LOL! I remember DS waking me up last night around 1:15am and I was like just go back to bed! I am sleeping almost all night long. OH said I woke up when he got home and told him I was going to bite his nose off. LOL!!! The other day he told me I woke up and said "HAHAHAHAHA! Caught you!" while he was trying to eat. HAHA! I don't remember any of that!!!

jj you are right! and once you hit the 2nd trimester it goes by fast and then of course when u are ready to pop and just ready to get the baby out it goes by so slow!! i just wish the morning sickness would go away for me i can barely brush my teeth without throwing up sometimes i feel like buying some gum and just keeping my breath fresh intill i feel better lol and then i keep waking up in the middle of the night craving apple sauce i really em thinking im having alittle girl because with my son i had no morning sickness and my boobs didnt hurt and i craved salty food but this pregnancy im just loving sweet stuff ive been on this BBQ chicken wing kick/apple sauce and snickers!!

hey ladies,
so i just called my OBGYN office to see what they do the first appointment because you know ever doctors office is different!!!! i found out they do blood work right in the office which is good that i dont got to run here there and everywhere the time i need blood taken.
however, they don't do ultrasound in the office but the hospital is actually next door to there office not only is it the hospital ill be having the baby at but they do ultrasound there too so im so happy after i see the doctor i will be making my appointment for my scan AHHH YAY
I started having some heavy spotting yesterday. Had a transvaginal u/s and didn't see anything, although my OB thinks it could still be too early. Waiting until tomorrow to get a 2nd beta hcg to see how it's trending. I'm praying it's just bean getting more cozy in there, but I'm starting to lose hope. :cry: Please say a prayer for me!
I started having some heavy spotting yesterday. Had a transvaginal u/s and didn't see anything, although my OB thinks it could still be too early. Waiting until tomorrow to get a 2nd beta hcg to see how it's trending. I'm praying it's just bean getting more cozy in there, but I'm starting to lose hope. :cry: Please say a prayer for me!

Will keep you in my thoughts hun! Fingers crossed for a great beta result! :hugs:
Question about my beta: it was 11000 yesterday. I freaked out because everyone else's seems WAY lower! But now I see it's a different measurement system. So I guess it's more 1100. It doubled every 31 hours the first time, and then every 42 hours. Should I worry that it's slowing down? Why is there so much to worry about?
I started having some heavy spotting yesterday. Had a transvaginal u/s and didn't see anything, although my OB thinks it could still be too early. Waiting until tomorrow to get a 2nd beta hcg to see how it's trending. I'm praying it's just bean getting more cozy in there, but I'm starting to lose hope. :cry: Please say a prayer for me!

:hugs: Keeping you in my thoughts. I hope everything is just fine and it's your bean snuggling in :hugs:
Hows everyone feeling?! I hit six Weeks yesterday and feel awful! The non stop sickness started Sunday, im finding it hard to eat anything, hope these next 6-8 wks go by so I can be rid of the nausea. Ive got quite the belly already its ridiculous! Im wondering if my husband is going to notice when he returns :D. Im having an extremelyhard time stayimg awake during the day but I cant sleep at night. And no naps.for this lady as I do daycare...right now im tending to 5 boys 18mos-7 three of those being my own. Not to mention my two dogs (who are also mal lol)) I cant wait for dh to come home so I can get some sleep, there I something about that MaN that makes me sleep,like a rock, im so excited!!!
Sophiasmom, I missed your post, sorry hun!
Just to reassure you, 5 weeks is SO EARLY (I'm same as you!) :thumbup:
Spotting is normal apparently and I bet your sweet little is just snuggling in to get as close to mummy as possible. Now be sure to rest and drink lots of water.
Sticky dust to you hun... I know, this is super scary...
I started having some heavy spotting yesterday. Had a transvaginal u/s and didn't see anything, although my OB thinks it could still be too early. Waiting until tomorrow to get a 2nd beta hcg to see how it's trending. I'm praying it's just bean getting more cozy in there, but I'm starting to lose hope. :cry: Please say a prayer for me!

im sure everything is fine sophiasmom your probably just earlyer then u thought u were i know when i had my transvag u/s done about week week 1/2 ago they didnt see nothing and my hcg levels were real low but since then they have went up!!! so im sure its just bean getting cozy in there i will say a big pray for you and the rest of the ladies spotting,you know my one friend bleed till she was like 6month so she didnt even know she was pregnant because she was having reg like period bleeding but come to find out she was and her babyboy just turn one this year i go to the drs thursday and em hoping my levels are still going up and they can see something on a u.s now i know with my son it was 6weeks before i saw something on my us
The hCG hormone starts to be released into the woman's blood stream soon after the baby implants into the lining of her uterus at about 8 to 12 days after conception. The hCG blood level will initially start off very low (5 mIU/ml), but then rapidly increase, doubling every 2 to 3 days, so that within a few days, to a week or so the hCG level becomes high enough to be detected in the woman's urine, at about 50 to 80 mIU/ml. Once this level is achieved, a urine pregnancy test will show as being 'positive'.

Normal hCG levels vary widely between different women and in different pregnancies for the same woman. Be very careful when trying to 'interpret the numbers'. During the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, the level itself is NOT as important, as is, how much it is rising every few days.

Some normal pregnancies will have quite low hCG levels and still progress, ending in the birth of a healthy baby. The best way to confirm if a pregnancy is progressing is to repeat with a blood test in 2 to 3 days time, and perhaps again 2 to 3 days after that. This is aimed at seeing if the hCG level is rising adequately

The following table is a guide to what hCG levels can be during pregnancy.
For those of you who are interested, or are having hCG monitoring, here are the suggested reference ranges for a single baby pregnancy. As you can see the range of normal levels is very wide. hCG levels can be 30 to 50% higher than for a single baby pregnancy, in twin and multiple gestations.

Weeks of pregnancy
after last menstrual period

Days after conception

Approximate hCG levels
for single baby pregnancy (mIU/ml)

Week 3


0 to 5

Week 4

14 (next period due)

5 to 430

Week 5


180 to 7400

Week 6


1,100 to 56,500

Weeks 7 to 8

35 to 42

7,600 to 230,000

Weeks 9 to 12

49 to 70

25,300 to 290,000

Weeks 13 to 16

77 to 100

14,000 to 243,000

Weeks 17 to 24

4,000 to 165,000

Weeks 25 to birth of baby

3,200 to 90,000

4 to 6 weeks after birth

Less than 5

These should be used as a guide only.
hCG levels double approximately every 48 hours during early normal pregnancy. It reaches a peak at about 10 week of gestation (since last menstrual period). At which time the average hCG levels in samples is around 60,000 mIU/ml. There is a very big variation in individual hCG concentrations. At this time, the extremes of normal levels are approximately 10,000 to 250,000 mIU/ml.

In the next 10 weeks (10 to 20 weeks of gestation), hCG levels decline, reaching a average concentration of about 15,000 mIU/ml. Again, wide variation is found among individuals, concentrations ranging from 3,000 to 90,000 mIU/ml. The hCG concentrations remains at around this level, and with this variation from this time until term (20 to 40 weeks of gestation).

If you have any concerns you should always discuss your results with your Doctor.

this well help under HCG LEVELS LIL BETTER
Early low level hCG Problems

It is only in the last ten years or so that it has been possible to carefuly monitor pregnancies in the first half of the first trimester. The early monitoring, if used properly can reassure women during uncertain times and prevent dangerous complications. Pregnancies that will miscarry and ectopic (tubal) pregnancies are likely to show lower levels and slower rises, but often have normal levels initially. Sometimes it takes three or more tests for hCG levels, at least 48 hours apart to get an idea how a pregnancy is progressing.

A single hCG value doesn't give enough information about the health or viability of the pregnancy. Within the first 2 - 4 weeks after fertilization, hCG usually doubles every 48 - 72 hours. That usually corresponds to hCG levels below 1200 mIU/ml. From 1200 - 6000, the hCG usually takes 72-96 hours to double. Above 6000 mIU/ml, the hCG often takes over four days to double. So, the rate of increase in hCG levels normally varies as a pregnancy progresses. hCG that does not double every two to three days does not necessarily indicate a problem with the pregnancy. Some normal pregnancies will have quite low levels of hCG, and result in perfect babies.

Once the hCG levels are above 1000 - 1500 mIU/ml, vaginal sonography usually identifies the presence of an intrauterine pregnancy. At that point an ectopic pregnancy is effectively ruled out. Once the pregnancy is visible on ultrasound, further hCG testing is less reliable than ultrasound for monitoring a pregnancy, as the variations in hCG levels are frequently misleading and cause unnecessary worry.

Since normal levels of hCG can vary tremendously, after 5-6 weeks of pregnancy, sonogram findings are much more predictive of pregnancy outcome than are hCG levels. Once the gestational sac is seen, most doctors will monitor with ultrasounds rather than drawing bloods for hCG tests.

Subsequent monitoring with ultrasound should reveal normal growth of the gestational sac, and the development of a fetal heartbeat by 6 to 7 weeks gestation (6-7 weeks after LMP). Once fetal activity has been detected by ultrasound, the chance of miscarriage is usually less than 10%.

If your home pregnancy test is positive and then a few days later your period arrives. Your period may be heavier than you're used to, which may mean your pregnancy has been lost. Experts estimate that about 20 to 30 per cent of all pregnancies end in miscarriage, so unfortunately this is very common.

It is only since pregnancy tests became so sensitive that people have realised how often early miscarriages can happen. In the past, these very early losses might not even have been noticed, and the woman would never have known she had been pregnant.
wow lots of chat in here since i popped in yesterday!

sophia hope everything is ok hun :hugs:

i'm already feeling ever so slightly queezy, it didn't properly kick in until around 6wks last time, was hoping it'd be easier this time :dohh:

Hows everyone feeling?! I hit six Weeks yesterday and feel awful! The non stop sickness started Sunday, im finding it hard to eat anything, hope these next 6-8 wks go by so I can be rid of the nausea. Ive got quite the belly already its ridiculous! Im wondering if my husband is going to notice when he returns :D. Im having an extremelyhard time stayimg awake during the day but I cant sleep at night. And no naps.for this lady as I do daycare...right now im tending to 5 boys 18mos-7 three of those being my own. Not to mention my two dogs (who are also mal lol)) I cant wait for dh to come home so I can get some sleep, there I something about that MaN that makes me sleep,like a rock, im so excited!!!

congrats on finally hitting the six week mark! i found a Due Date calculator on here that not only goes by your LMP but also how many CD your period is! which mine are never the same but there is some month that they run 35days then anything and the last few months i was trying they were 35 so i put in 9/21 and 35cd and it gave me a due date of july 5th and 5weeks and somedays instead of june 28th and being almost 7weeks because my hcg levels just werent matching up and when i had my first u/s done 2weeks ago if i wa due 6/28 i wouldve been 5weeks and been able to see something so im glad that is making alittle more sencents to me then then of june date however im so scared when it is time to get another u,s done we wont see nothing :-( i hope not def feel 100% prego i also have morning sickness real bad and can barely keep my eyes open matter fact im tired now im glad my jeans still r fitting fine but i dont think my bras are too well n my boobs r already to big as it is 38DDD
Hey all!

:hugs: sofia'smom, hope everything's okay

Feeling pretty nauseous today. I really hope this isn't the start of ms; I have a vacation planned this weekend with dh and my sister.
well doctor ordered a formal ultrasound for thursday (in 2 days) we will make sure everything going good and to approx see how many. 1 or 2 maybe more who knows. I'm sick right now so that really bites but ill have my appt in 2 days and 4 hrs.. and its an hr long thorough ultrasound. then ob appt Thursday the 15th. hope everything is ok and that we will be able to see clearly
Saw my midwife today and arranged my booking appointment :) !!

Hope everyone is doing ok today & feeling good(ish) if the MS has set in.

Loving this journey!! :) <3
well doctor ordered a formal ultrasound for thursday (in 2 days) we will make sure everything going good and to approx see how many. 1 or 2 maybe more who knows. I'm sick right now so that really bites but ill have my appt in 2 days and 4 hrs.. and its an hr long thorough ultrasound. then ob appt Thursday the 15th. hope everything is ok and that we will be able to see clearly

Glad to hear you're going to be able to get a peek to make sure all is ok in there! :hugs:
Hi everyone, hope you are all doing well

@ luminescent - Hope everything is OK, sending you lots of hugs and good wishes. :hugs:

@ ilovehim - Good to hear everythings so close together. Love the grapics, very cute. No cravings here yet.

@ mummyclo - I'm fine with gettig to sleep but our cats keeping waking me up in the early hours. Suppose its good practice!

@ 01k204 - Congratulations!

@ sophiasmom - so sorry to hear that - sending you lots of best wishes and will keep you in my thoughts. :hugs:

@ oneandtwo - congratulations on the six week mark! Hope the sickness gets better soon, sounds like you have a lot on your plate.

@ mouse_chicky - Hope MS doesnt get in the way of your holiday.

@serenity9712 - Good luck for the ultrasound, hope it all goes well.

I rang the midwife today and have my booking appointment for the 3rd December. I agree with lots of you on here, this bit seems to be taking ages and time is going so slowly! I still dont have any symptoms so am looking forward to having a scan to make it feel real.

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