My husband has been a real jerk tonight

he's on internship in another state right now and we found out I am pregnant the day before he left. He's been such a jerk about having to make the necessary changes needed since we're having a baby when we weren't expecting to be ttc till next spring. He's suppose to be out of state again for internship when the baby is due. All he cares about is what others will think of us being pregnant while we're still in school. He doesn't want to ask any favors to have his internship place changed so he can be closer to home for when the baby is born.

I just don't understand why he's not being supportive. All he keeps saying is how we werent suppose to be pregnant now and we were suppose to do this/that. I'm just tired of him complaining about it

no it wasn't the most ideal time but I'm not going to be upset that I'm pregnant. This baby is a blessing and I don't know why he can't see that.

I've just been crying since I got off the phone with him.
Now he's texting me saying he's sorry and he wants to be there for me and our family. He just wants stability. He's not being fair to me