~*~* July Sunbeams *~*~43 Babies Here So Far!!! 25 Boys / 18 Girls

trying to toilet train the DD...She was dry after nap-time but refused to sit on the potty. We had to go out for the blood test so put the nappy on and of course she did a pee in it while we were out...right now she is sitting on my lap with her naked little bottom...hope I don't live to regret this!

We're also in potty training fun. DS knows about the candy and will half pee, get the candy then go back and do the rest to try and get another candy. Sneaky bugger

im so glad i dont gotta worry about that no more! but my dad potty train my DS he always just used to let my son come in the bathroom with him and i guess my son just learn from watching him he only sat down to poop never to pee lol so proud of my little man!! poor thing used to have so much trouble pooping thou no matter what we gave him his poop used to come out like a BRICK with blood all in it and when i wiped his lil butt butt id wiped blood im so glad he hasnt had to go threw that for a few years now
Congrats to our new BFPs!!!!

Sophiasmom, I pray everything will work out with your little bean and that it is just settling in and getting nice and comfy!!! :hugs:

I tried to call my doc today to see what all happens at my first appt but no one answered so off to trying again tomorrow! LOL! I got so stressed out tonight after work. I tried to go vote and went to three different voting places as I wasn't entirely sure where to vote and the second place told me finally. Turns out they never changed my address last year when I moved and changed my address on my license and asked them to change it with registering to vote but they never did. Needless to say it was on the other side of town and I had 10 mins to get there! I was 1 min late and they treated me like I was stupid and it was my fault that my address wasn't changed. I broke down and wanted to scream but I just cried on my walk back as my abdomen was starting to cramp. One minute is all it took for me to not get to vote. I think this stuff is so stupid! Sorry about bringing up the voting thing but it really made me mad and made me not want to vote again! This was going to be my first time voting.

aww poor thing!!! i was going to vote this year too but i lost my ID and havent got a new one yet
My husband has been a real jerk tonight :( he's on internship in another state right now and we found out I am pregnant the day before he left. He's been such a jerk about having to make the necessary changes needed since we're having a baby when we weren't expecting to be ttc till next spring. He's suppose to be out of state again for internship when the baby is due. All he cares about is what others will think of us being pregnant while we're still in school. He doesn't want to ask any favors to have his internship place changed so he can be closer to home for when the baby is born. :cry: I just don't understand why he's not being supportive. All he keeps saying is how we werent suppose to be pregnant now and we were suppose to do this/that. I'm just tired of him complaining about it :cry: no it wasn't the most ideal time but I'm not going to be upset that I'm pregnant. This baby is a blessing and I don't know why he can't see that. :cry: I've just been crying since I got off the phone with him. :cry:

Now he's texting me saying he's sorry and he wants to be there for me and our family. He just wants stability. He's not being fair to me :(

aww it will be ok im sure he is just stressed out because he wants to be able to take care of you and the kids i personally dont think no time is ever the best time for a baby,even though me and dh been ttc for 2 years i was hoping to finishen up school but like you said this is a blessing because we didnt think it was going to happen we thought we might of had to wait till i was done school and had a job so that we could afford the fertiliy treatments so im so blessed we didnt have to turn wait for that it really sucks that something thats us as woman are suppost to be doing on our own and some of us just cant do it or it just takes such a long time i just em so thankful that dreams do come true
i have 3 kids and have had 5 miscarriages and this is 9th pregnancy. were automatically high risk. and we were trying for 3 YEARS!.my kids now are 8 yr old boy skyler, 6 yr old girl leecia (pronounced lee-see-ah), and almost 5 yr old girl makayla.

we are having an early scan to make sure all is well and because high risk for multiples this time. i have very quick deliveries. were taking 5 hrs beginning to end. my middle daughter was 45 mins. i had all 3 of mine all vaginal and natural and unless I'm forced to have a c section this will be all natural too. no needles for me!. for those who haven't ever had a baby... not to scare you but if your not having morning sickness or symptoms enjoy it. pregnancy is hard. your body is stretched and so many changes it can be brutal and unforgetable... my pregnancies weren't easy but weren't hard. i almost had my middle one at 17weeks along. labor and delivery is yes a wonderful experience and an amount of joy and love you've never experienced. but it is also the most pain you'll ever experience if your going all natural with no medication. its no easy process but the second your baby will be in your arms all the pain is gone!. sorry i had to get that out there. it just seems that some come off that pregnancy is all about amazing stuff and easy peasy when they haven't even had a child yet. the creation of life is h ard on the body even if it was made to make babies. and its just as hard to raise a child right. ok vent done. sorry didn't mean to take it out on y'all was just frustrated

AMEN to that!! i was lucky to just get headach with my first pregnancy boobs never hurt never felt sick and never even was this tired DH told me he think its a little girl but who knows because every pregnancy is different. When i had my son i was very lucky as i got my epidural worked wonders but before i got it I WAS IN SOOOOOOOO MUCH PAIN!!! the only thing i felt with my son is very very small contractions so im hoping maybe ill get lucky this time around!! also so sorry to hear about ur loses:-( that is just so sad and dont be sorri were all pregnant frustrated and going crazy:hugs:
So sorry, junemomma. :hugs: He'll snap out of it.

I'm going to need advice from you all next month as I'll be trying to potty train dd over Christmas break. Should be fun. :haha:
so ladies i was over my moms picking up DS because he been out with my dad all day and i over her my mom talking to her friend on the phone and telling her she "thinks" my sister is pregnant again im like WHAT im like she pregnant again mom i said thats crazy im sorri ladies but me and my sister dont get along and never have she wont even let me see her son he is 15months old and ive seen him one time:-( its a shame your husband is a sex offender and you leave her son home with him but wont let your own flesh and blood not only that but she had to get 10 sitches in her lip when she was pregnant from her WONDERFUL HUBBY!! and let me not get started on what else he had put her threw i feel sorry for her in a way but then i dont because she has no respect for me at all and she just paid 3,000 to get him out of jail plus he is on probation plus he got other charges pending agaisnt him i hope she know that he going to get time and you know what i hope he does he has made threaths agaisnt my 77yr old grandmother he screw my mom out of money and my dad he beats on her he doesnt do nothing for my sister child or his other kids when they first got married the state took her taxes for his childsupport from a child he has by a different woman so all the money she worked hard for got took from her its just shockes me sorry ladies im like in WOW right now and my mom is going to be in even more wow when she find out im pregnant but i think she will be more happier for me then my sister well i gotta go to bed good night ladies<3
So tired this morning :(
DH had a lumbar puncture yesterday and now has back ache so he can't to anything and I'm looking after him whilst he's in bed. DS was up at 5 as was I!
Plus I have a sore throte today :cry:
Today can't go quick enough!
Hey ladies how are you all? I've not been on here in a while. I did another
Clear blue test just to be sure and yep I deffo am pregnant. 5 weeks and 3 days today. I still need to book my midwife appointment :/

Hey ladies how are you all? I've not been on here in a while. I did another
Clear blue test just to be sure and yep I deffo am pregnant. 5 weeks and 3 days today. I still need to book my midwife appointment :/


sound like me, I've not even got a Dr appt until i'm nearly 6wks :haha:, from last time i know i'll book the midwife appt there and then though and they see for booking around 8wks here so that'll be fine :) x
Hey ladies how are you all? I've not been on here in a while. I did another
Clear blue test just to be sure and yep I deffo am pregnant. 5 weeks and 3 days today. I still need to book my midwife appointment :/


sound like me, I've not even got a Dr appt until i'm nearly 6wks :haha:, from last time i know i'll book the midwife appt there and then though and they see for booking around 8wks here so that'll be fine :) x

i know it sucks waiting but think of it this way if they send u for a scan ull b able to see something also i was wondering what tume was it in the uk? its almost 5am here is there a time diff
ugh i fee so crappy this morning hubby had to leave for work at 3am because he gotta drive like 2hous alway for a job! im sooooo cold right now i forgot that i open our bathroom window last nigh cause dh made it stink really bad and i wasnt about to smell that everytime i had to pee. i went in there with my face cover real good , the spary i shouldve really made him do it but he had went right to bed he was so tired he went into work at 3am and didnt get off till 7pm poor thing he on call this week
Ladies!! I had the scan! I am walking on cloud nine!!! :happydance:

We had to go transvaginal (obviously) and the sonographer started off by lecturing me, telling me that she's disappointed GPs refer people so early as the likelihood of seeing something is so slim, and basically made me feel like crap. It was as if I'd asked for an early scan as I was a bit silly, not that I'd had miscarriages and was bleeding or anything!! :growlmad:

However, within seconds, she found the sac, which had a cute little yolk ring in there, and a little bean with a beating heart!! I have never seen such an adorable little flicker and it was so amazingly exciting! I almost cried. :cloud9:

Secondly.. I have to go back in 2 weeks and 2 days. She located an area beneath the baby and to the right that looked to be some kind of haemorrhage which could explain the bleeding and why I bleed more if I stand for longer periods of time.

The other reason I have to go back in 2 weeks and 2 days... We saw a SECOND fetal pole in there, which could mean an identical twin!!!!!!!!!! It was really unclear and she wasn't able to find a heartbeat, but there was definitely SOMETHING there and she wants to check next scan. I am so excited!!

Definitely happy! We are measuring 5 1/2 weeks which is basically bang on! :cloud9::cloud9::cloud9::happydance::happydance::happydance:

But also.. A little worried. Bleeding is a bit heavier since the vaginal scan. Ladies that have had one done - is this normal?? :haha: Nothing will stop me worrying lmao!!


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WOW whig thats incredible!!!! congrats i cant wait for my scan now and i cant wait to see if you have 2 in there!!! :happydance:
Thank you ladies for your support!! :) and letting me vent! Hopefully my DH will realize I am very hormonal right now and he needs to stop complaining about the bad timing of this baby.

Whigfield- that's such great news!! Possible twins, wow!! I can't wait to find out if it's twins indeed!! Cute little bean piccie!!! :)
So tired this morning :(
DH had a lumbar puncture yesterday and now has back ache so he can't to anything and I'm looking after him whilst he's in bed. DS was up at 5 as was I!
Plus I have a sore throte today :cry:
Today can't go quick enough!

Sorry you feel poorly today! :( I know what it's like to be up early too. I woke up at 4am and couldn't go back to sleep and now it's time to get up and get ready for work. Very sweet of you to take care of your hubby while he's having pain! Hope both of you feel better soon!!!
Whigfield!! That's a wonderful pic of your bean!!! Possible twins?!?! That's amazing as well!!! Glad you got to see the heartbeat and that your little bean was sitting snug!! :hugs:
So exciting, whigfield- I popped on here hoping to see good news from you. Your post made a big smile break out on my face. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!:dance:
Ladies!! I had the scan! I am walking on cloud nine!!! :happydance:

We had to go transvaginal (obviously) and the sonographer started off by lecturing me, telling me that she's disappointed GPs refer people so early as the likelihood of seeing something is so slim, and basically made me feel like crap. It was as if I'd asked for an early scan as I was a bit silly, not that I'd had miscarriages and was bleeding or anything!! :growlmad:

However, within seconds, she found the sac, which had a cute little yolk ring in there, and a little bean with a beating heart!! I have never seen such an adorable little flicker and it was so amazingly exciting! I almost cried. :cloud9:

Secondly.. I have to go back in 2 weeks and 2 days. She located an area beneath the baby and to the right that looked to be some kind of haemorrhage which could explain the bleeding and why I bleed more if I stand for longer periods of time.

The other reason I have to go back in 2 weeks and 2 days... We saw a SECOND fetal pole in there, which could mean an identical twin!!!!!!!!!! It was really unclear and she wasn't able to find a heartbeat, but there was definitely SOMETHING there and she wants to check next scan. I am so excited!!

Definitely happy! We are measuring 5 1/2 weeks which is basically bang on! :cloud9::cloud9::cloud9::happydance::happydance::happydance:

But also.. A little worried. Bleeding is a bit heavier since the vaginal scan. Ladies that have had one done - is this normal?? :haha: Nothing will stop me worrying lmao!!

omg that sounds the the best news ever!!!! im so happy for u and TWINS WOW that is crazy and i think its normal that ur bleeding alil bit more you know just like last night me and dh had sex and this morning when i woke up i wipe just a tiny tiny tiny bit of brown i was about to run to the er but there was barely nething there and i go to the doctors tomorrow so im just going to hold out because when i go for my scan i wanna try to hold off as much as i can because i wanna make sure i can see something i keep gettin freaked out that im going to not be able to see something or my baby isnt going to have a heartbeat my dh said i need to just relax everything is going to be fine easy for him to SAY!!!:wacko:

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