Congratulations to all the new mommies to be! Hope we all have a H&H 9 months
Sophiasmom &
CherryCorday - I am so sorry to hear what are you girls are going through. You are in my thoughts
JJsmom - That sucks about the mess up with your voting

And buying your own blood pressure cuff sounds like a great idea.
junemomma09 - I am so sorry about what you're going through with your hubby. I hope he comes around soon
whigfield - Possible twins?! How exciting! Glad things are going well for you.
ilovehim91810 - I'm glad everything is going well for you too! You must have been so worried.
donna noble - I so understand! I wish I could take first trimester off work too. If I could sleep through it all I would.
mummyclo - I wouldn't worry about the digi. My doctor said they're not the most reliable. And I know what you mean about the morning sickness. It sucks but it is reassuring. And I so want yorkshire pudding & gravy now!!
caro103 - We have told our parents & our brothers. They were all so happy! I was out shopping with Mam yesterday & had to keep stopping her from buying things for the baby! She was even trying to convince me to buy this beautiful little dress because it was only 3 but what if it's a boy!!

I told a friend too because she asked me to come visit her for the weekend of her birthday. I had to tell her because she was hoping I'd travel to the other end of the country for a mad night out which obviously I'm not going to be able to partake in. I know I could go & not drink but with the travel as well as the mad night out with only one person I'll know just sounds like a nightmare right now with the morning sickness & tiredness. She didn't seem excited at all. She said congratulations & that she was delighted for me but didn't ask how I was feeling, how far along I was, how my husband is, nothing. And hasn't texted me since

Have you told your families yet? Be sure to let us know how it goes!
serenity9712 - I can't believe there may be more twins for July! Wow! How exciting
JP19 - It's perfectly normal not to have symptoms or for them to come & go. It is so hard not telling people, isn't it??
Breadsticks - Your kitties sound so cute!
Lilboogie - I hope you feel better soon. I was pretty sick too. I had the flu before I tested & a stomach bug the week after.
alannadee - I think both mine are sore but one is bigger than the other!!
ilovehim91810 - My gums are pretty sore too. Thought it was just me!
Still tired & boobs are a little sore. The morning sickness is AWFUL. If it was contained to the morning it wouldn't be so bad but I have it ALL DAY. I'm counting the days until first trimester is over. I've been trying ginger biscuits, ginger ale, crackers. Nothing really helps for too long.