~*~* July Sunbeams *~*~43 Babies Here So Far!!! 25 Boys / 18 Girls

if you want the nuceal (sorry terrible spelling!) test done, they have to have scanned you by 13+6days so they def usually do scan between xmas and new yr otherwise they'd have a terrible backlog and never catch up ;).

it is weird semi hoping for sickness. I didn't fancy any food tonight but that also happened with my son, so i really think sickness is right around the corner, sooo not looking forward to it though!!

8.30, think i might have a bath and go to bed :haha:

Good point about the backlog. Guess I will have to wait & see what the midwife says. I think I am going to have a bite to eat then sit down to watch some Farscape.

I'm the same hoping for Christmas period to save taking time off work, it would be easier.

It's not strange to want sickness I do at the hope of a baby girl lol. So I think I'm the strangest x

I'm hoping for a girl too :)
Miss Bellum do you have any children at the moment, I keep looking on the Internet at all this old wives tales. If you do this and that it's a girl and this and that for a boy lol. I got a strong feeling boy. I'm unsure of when I conceived but from memory I'm sure me and my partner did it a few days before the most fertile time. I did an ovulation calculator and it sai my most fertile day was the 14th. I know we did it on the 8th or 9th then a couple of days after that so I'm unsure really. I guess I just need to wait and see.

I'm excited for my 12 week scan have any of you heard of the 'nub theory' look it up on the Internet, it's very Interesting. Apparently the sonographer knows about this theory but try don't say anything until 20 weeks as its more definite then.
Just something for you to look at :) there are pictures as well that explain xx
Ok I just read that and I didn't make myself clear. Look up the 'nub theory' if it points up its a boy or forward for a girl. There are pictures to prove and it explains it all. You'll all be analysing your 12 week scans now. I know I will.:) you can also ask for a clear shot of the nub to help you determine. It's better to read about it than me trying to explain lol xx
Im curious about the nub theory! i didn't know about it with my other three and didn't get 12wknd ultrasound with my first two, is the nucleal(sp) scan an elective thing?
Congratulations to all the new pregnancies! Welcome! I hope you have easy pregnancies and wonderful births.
I am feeling more queasy this morning...it comes and goes, seems to be okay when I eat but that happened to me with my first and I gained a heck load of weight which I really don't want to do this time round. I had terrible issues with high blood pressure and was on medication etc
Trying to ease the ill feelings with ginger bears and trying to ignore it. I am off this morning to take the LO to playgroup. There is another mother there who is pregnant (12wks) so we usually have a chat - her LO is a few months older than mine.
had my second beta test today. hcg was 339 on friday and today only 645. they are a bit concerned and want me to come in thursday to do one more. it's rising, but I had 3 days for it to go up and it didn't even quite double. has anyone else had this happen? I'm no longer spotting today though, which I'm thankful for.
hey my july sunbeamerz! lol
welcome to all the new ladies who have got their :bfp: weather this maybe your first 2nd 3rd 4th 5th or 10th lol!
for the new comerz this will be me and my husbands first baby together we finally got our very first :bfp: on oct 25th after ttc for 2yrs! i have a 5yr old son name eric, i go back to see my midwife for a 2nd time on the 15th and she will also be sending me for a scan but they dont do them at the office so she will be giving me the paper and im gonna have to make a appointment! im going to try to make one on a saturday as dh works and normally a hour or 2 away so even if he took off early it probably wouldnt work so hopefully sat is our day ill be 6w 6d on saturday so will get to see the baby real good oh btw im due july 8th:) i really want a little girl since i have a boy hubby already has both so it doesnt matter to him he just wants a healthy baby and really thats all that matters but i really think its a girl im having alot of MS boobs are killing me im not just tired im SUPER tired my nipple area is getting real dark and ive been having headachs here and there so fingers cross oh and H&H 9months everyone
Girls, I've been away all weekend so it'll take me a while to catch up.

Just wanted to update that I'm bleeding and cramping today. We went to the ER and they did find a heartbeat, so we'll go to my ob tomorrow to see what's going on.

Congrats to new pregnancies and I hope everyone's feeling okay. :hugs:
Today the morning sickness came on! I ate carrots before going to work. Then I stopped and got me a bacon egg and cheese sandwich. Yeah I know not the best but hey it was good and I've been craving them. LOL! Then I ate more carrots and some raw broccoli for a snack at 10am. I stopped having the cramping so much today which was nice but I think it's because the morning sickness kicked in. LOL! At least with both I know baby is still growing in there!!!! YAY!!!!!! I of course have been feeling nauseous but today was the worst day so far!

Was a tough day at work. An employee got let go and another called in and said she can't come back until Thursday and one is out on maternity leave. We only have 8 people so that takes us down to 5 to do 8 peoples worth of work!!! Talk about crazy!!!!! Then go to pick up DS and find out the sitter needs to talk (this is never good for me and DS). He was rude to her today and that was a problem. It brought her to tears which of course then made me cry. As much as I want to enjoy every second of this pregnancy, I almost wish it was next summer so when I take off work I no longer have to have DS at daycare. He has multiple problems that we are working on and he goes through sitters like crazy! So I'm hoping this one will hold on for me because I wont be able to deal with the stress she presents to me while trying to make sure I take care of the LO in me too! OK, sorry about the rant. :) Hope everyone is doing well! Getting ready to read back through the posts I've missed since this morning.
so ladies ive decided that ive had enough of my mother and all her mental abuse!!!
i just left her house in tears as i told her that i do not want her in my LIFE intill she can learn to stop putting me down all the time:,-( it hurts me so bad that it has come to this but i duno what else to do ive tired to talk to her ive tryed to change my life ive tired everything that there was to do and i even tired to see if she go to therpy with me and she doesnt even wanna do that. i cant take her stress anymore especially now, its the worst feeling in the world not being able to talk to my mother i cant even tell her im pregnant because everytime i think im going to she say i really hope ur not pregnant and i say why would it be such a bad thing mom?! i said me and eddie are married got our own place he works im in school erics 5yrs old and in pre-k:-/ i just dont get why she cant be happy u know with my son she didnt even throw a baby shower but she did all of that for my sister and i found out she already planning her another shower REALLY?! :cry::cry::cry: em i wrong? should i have tried one last time i mean i cant even talk to her im sorry ladies i just had to VENT
Congrats to all the new BFPs!!!!! There are so many of us!! YAY!!!!!

Forgot to mention this in my previous post, but when I got to work this morning I was already pretty nauseous. Then I'm sitting at my desk and I hear someone throwing up in the bathroom. Lovely!!! I had to run to the other side of the building so I couldn't hear them. I get sick easily as it is when I hear others (other than my DS) getting sick so with me already being queasy I certainly didn't need to hear that!

Ilovehim, great news on your numbers!!!!!!

lumin, good luck and I hope for a sticky baby for you and all of us!!!!

whig, hopefully everything will be fine and it's just that section that you saw previously that is causing you to bleed. Not having the cramps is a good thing! It's horrible when you have a mc. I had one 12 years ago and I still remember it to this day. But I had to have a D&C and after that I've had the worst cramps during AF from then on out. I had never cramped before when AF came. Everything will be fine with your LO(s)!!
Sorry to hear that ilovehim. Hopefully she comes around. :( It's always bad when families have their moments but all families do! Just try not to stress out too much and try not to say too much you don't mean because of the hormones. :hugs:

lovn.sunshine, I wish you luck this cycle and hope you get your sticky bean!!!
so ladies ive decided that ive had enough of my mother and all her mental abuse!!!
i just left her house in tears as i told her that i do not want her in my LIFE intill she can learn to stop putting me down all the time:,-( it hurts me so bad that it has come to this but i duno what else to do ive tired to talk to her ive tryed to change my life ive tired everything that there was to do and i even tired to see if she go to therpy with me and she doesnt even wanna do that. i cant take her stress anymore especially now, its the worst feeling in the world not being able to talk to my mother i cant even tell her im pregnant because everytime i think im going to she say i really hope ur not pregnant and i say why would it be such a bad thing mom?! i said me and eddie are married got our own place he works im in school erics 5yrs old and in pre-k:-/ i just dont get why she cant be happy u know with my son she didnt even throw a baby shower but she did all of that for my sister and i found out she already planning her another shower REALLY?! :cry::cry::cry: em i wrong? should i have tried one last time i mean i cant even talk to her im sorry ladies i just had to VENT

I'm so sorry you are going through this with your mom. I hope things get better and she realizes that she's hurting you. Unfortunately I can say I know how you feel. My mother doesn't ever seem to be happy for me in anything that happens good in my life. She also seems to favor my sister, whom I don't get along with. If you want to talk PM me :)
thanks everyone! it means alot to have your support because i dont have much friends due to being screwed over so many times or as my mother would NOBODY WANTS TO BE MY FRIEND BECAUSE NO ONE CAN *STAND* ME!!!!

june-i really hope she realize it one day to! the sad thing is that she never used to be like this until she got on them dang PAIN KILLERS i mean i know she in pain and has alot going on with her but the things she says just kills me and its the same with my sister we dont get along at all she wont even let me see her son he 15months old and i seen him ONE time and thats because i stop by my mothers when he was there:-/ i mean its just bull crap that she can never be proud of me! i try so hard u know i got my high school diploma and now im in college plus i married a great guy who also adopoted my son.ugh i just wanna hear nikki im PROUD of you ur such a great mom and ur doing such a great job and then alls she does is talk crap about my husband trying to say how he a loser yeah he a loser but he works 6days a week pays all the bills plus takes care of his kids from his ex and my son and on top of all that even pays childsupport even thou we have the kids all the time then to top it off my sister husband is a sex offender and has child abuses charges when my sister was 7months pregnant he busted her lip open and she had to get like 10 sitches he always beats on her he out on a 30,000 bail right now he told my 77yr old grandmother that he was going to beat her up he wont let her around none of the family i mean and the list just keeps going on and on and ON!!! but my husband the LOSER right? ugh i just dont get life sometimes and i def think i will take u up on ur offer with the PM
thanks everyone! it means alot to have your support because i dont have much friends due to being screwed over so many times or as my mother would NOBODY WANTS TO BE MY FRIEND BECAUSE NO ONE CAN *STAND* ME!!!!

june-i really hope she realize it one day to! the sad thing is that she never used to be like this until she got on them dang PAIN KILLERS i mean i know she in pain and has alot going on with her but the things she says just kills me and its the same with my sister we dont get along at all she wont even let me see her son he 15months old and i seen him ONE time and thats because i stop by my mothers when he was there:-/ i mean its just bull crap that she can never be proud of me! i try so hard u know i got my high school diploma and now im in college plus i married a great guy who also adopoted my son.ugh i just wanna hear nikki im PROUD of you ur such a great mom and ur doing such a great job and then alls she does is talk crap about my husband trying to say how he a loser yeah he a loser but he works 6days a week pays all the bills plus takes care of his kids from his ex and my son and on top of all that even pays childsupport even thou we have the kids all the time then to top it off my sister husband is a sex offender and has child abuses charges when my sister was 7months pregnant he busted her lip open and she had to get like 10 sitches he always beats on her he out on a 30,000 bail right now he told my 77yr old grandmother that he was going to beat her up he wont let her around none of the family i mean and the list just keeps going on and on and ON!!! but my husband the LOSER right? ugh i just dont get life sometimes and i def think i will take u up on ur offer with the PM

No problem Hun, PM me anytime!
I definitely understand the double standard.
Hi everyone- I am back from playgroup and DD is sleeping for now. How do you do the multiquote thing? doesnt appear to be working for me.
((ilovehim)) I know it must be hard but just stay as calm as you can, last thing you need is to get stressed and you get sick. Unfortunately we can't choose family. And I don't think some people realize how serious pain killer addiction is. It can be worse than coke or heroin.

My husband is mad at me for being sick and not doing enough around the house. I dont think he cares about me or the baby.
Okay ladies, I know I don't post a whole lot, I do read though. I was wondering if anyone could help me out. Has anyone had NO morning sickness with previous pregnancies and then this time bang MS? I've has NO none nada MS with my previous 2 pregnancies, one boy and one girl. Then this one I've had dizzy spells and waves of nausea. And today all day nausea.
Okay ladies, I know I don't post a whole lot, I do read though. I was wondering if anyone could help me out. Has anyone had NO morning sickness with previous pregnancies and then this time bang MS? I've has NO none nada MS with my previous 2 pregnancies, one boy and one girl. Then this one I've had dizzy spells and waves of nausea. And today all day nausea.

I'm the exact opposite....had a little m/s with my daughter, had it baaaaaad for 7 months with my son, had it bad with the son I lost at 18 weeks the entire time, and this time I have nothing to speak of....weird, isn't it??
Okay ladies, I know I don't post a whole lot, I do read though. I was wondering if anyone could help me out. Has anyone had NO morning sickness with previous pregnancies and then this time bang MS? I've has NO none nada MS with my previous 2 pregnancies, one boy and one girl. Then this one I've had dizzy spells and waves of nausea. And today all day nausea.

I'm the exact opposite....had a little m/s with my daughter, had it baaaaaad for 7 months with my son, had it bad with the son I lost at 18 weeks the entire time, and this time I have nothing to speak of....weird, isn't it??

Well it might not be as weird as I thought, DS just threw up a couple of times. I'm really really hoping it's not the flu. We did get the shots.

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