~*~* July Sunbeams *~*~43 Babies Here So Far!!! 25 Boys / 18 Girls

Sorry lumi that it's not increasing as well as you want, but hopefully all will be okay and it's just slow starting. Will be chcking in for your ultrasound results! :hugs:

Congrats mara! That's so exciting. :D

Welcome and congrats Tink80, Iceprincess, goddess25 and MissFox! :happydance:

Definitely got fingers firmly crossed for you, mummyclo! I'm sure you'll be fine. :hugs: Microscopic clots are much much better than big ones!

Medipea, how cute! I want a bump! Like other ladies have been saying, I am also slightly on the bigger side so I don't think I'll show for a while! :nope:

Also, I am so jealous of all the tall mamas in here! I feel like a dwarf! :haha:

Sorry you're beginning to get MS, myra. But it's good that you have the "reassurance" of it now! I wonder if I will get some too, since I'm about a day or 2 behind you?

I weighed myself today and I have put on a total of 1lb since finding out about this pregnancy, which is amazing because I have been eating like a pig, really. :blush: Am determined to stop eating so much from today as I'm really worried about being weighed at my MW appointment!

My MW appointment is at 3 today, will update you ladies when I get back. :thumbup:
I hope I can join you all. I found out this past Sunday I am expecting and my EDD based on my calculations is July 20th. I have irregular cycles so I based it off of my opk, so it could definately change.
Mummyclo - I have my fingers AND toes crossed for you! :hugs:

Thanks ladies for your comments on bumps. I thought it was just wishful thinking. I had been gyming a lot before my BFP so I had a flat stomach - it's really obvious I'm PG!!

I just found out my DH and his bro were 12 pound babies! My dad was a 13-pounder. HEEEEEEEEEELLLLPPPPPP!
congratulations to the new ladies

and hope all is will mummyclo!
Had my Midwife booking appoitment today!

She did my bloods and is putting through my consultant referral
dazed- congrats and welcome H&H 9months

hopefor- ur so lucky that u got alittle bump going on with ur flat stomach, i just got jelly rolls & stretch marks from when i was pregnant with my son:-( i never had a flat stomach but i never had a single stretch mark neither until i was about 6months pregnant but it was so worth it, i even tried rubbing my belly with everything i could but you'll probaly get luck & get none.
Oh wow 12 & 13pd babys was ur dad & dh c-sections?! i sure hope so because i would never wanna have a baby that big the natural weight! goodluck to u
dazed- congrats and welcome H&H 9months

hopefor- ur so lucky that u got alittle bump going on with ur flat stomach, i just got jelly rolls & stretch marks from when i was pregnant with my son:-( i never had a flat stomach but i never had a single stretch mark neither until i was about 6months pregnant but it was so worth it, i even tried rubbing my belly with everything i could but you'll probaly get luck & get none.
Oh wow 12 & 13pd babys was ur dad & dh c-sections?! i sure hope so because i would never wanna have a baby that big the natural weight! goodluck to u

I'm not that lucky! I already have stretch marks from when I was bigger. I lost 2.5 stone over spring and summer this year coz of trouble TTC. Only had a flat stomach for about a month!

All 3 babies were born au naturelle - no C-section. Apparently they come out faster if they're bigger! I hope that's right!
Hi everyone!!!

Welcome to our new BFP's! H&H 9 months, it's so nice to see the 2nd half of July starting to fill up :)

AFM~ We reached blueberry today!!! EEP!!! Puking has kicked in full force at about 5 pm every night...Oh joy...I'm not sure if I mean that sarcastically or not.
My princess is getting so adorable in her big sister role already. She cuddles up next to me, puts her hand on my belly, and just snuggles, kisses, and puts her mouth on my belly and talks to the baby. I'm instructed to plug me ears when she does this, as she's telling her baby brother or sister secrets :) I LOVE IT!! I did get to hear her lecture the bean last night though. It was amusing. My princess heard me throw up for the first time, and she asked if I was sick. I explained to her that babies growing in mommies bellies sometimes make mommy's get sick, and that she even did it to me a few times.
and here's what she said,

"You can't start being naughty for mommy now or she's going to give you a time out, and if you keep it up you'll be grounded, and then you will have to stay in there longer, and I really don't want that, it's going to take you long enough to come out already. Please stop being naughty, I want to meet you."

Which made me cry, and then giggle uncontrollably. She's so excited, yet so worried. I wonder if she is whispering to the baby to stay where he/she is supposed to. She knows about my m/c in June thanks to my mother (long angry story) and her poor little heart broke. Sometimes her hand on my belly constantly drives me a little nuts (I admit it) but whatever it takes to reassure her that so far baby is doing great I will deal with. She ask all the time if the baby is doing good.
Mummyclo hope everything is ok :hugs:

I'm also very bloated, I can't do my work trousers up! My stomach is also wobbley and covered in stretch marks from baby no1. I had just lost my 3 stone of weight and then got pregnant again :dohh::haha: determined to not o overboard on the food this time. Easier said than done though..

12&13 lb babies made my eyes water! But your right bigger babies are meant to be easier ...they're helped by gravity lol.
Have any of you tried lollipops for the nausea? sour apple blow pops.are.a life saver for me right now! i just throw them away when i get to the gum part :) my nausea disappears! its awesome :)

i have a belly, i know not all of it is boating as it is popped out in the morning upon waking, as i bloated up during the day i get bigger. by nighttime i look 15-17wks pregnant lol! we still haven't told our sons they are going to be big brothers again, we're worried about them spilling the beans to family!!
Welcome to all the new ladies a H&H 9 months to you.

Well I had my first booking prenatal appointing today. I saw the nurse and she checked my urine and offered me the flu jab and also gave me a leaflet about whopping caugh that you get about 32 weeks. I am not feeling to get the flu jab but she was pretty persistent she did do my blood pressure also all is well from that side.
Then saw the dr who gave me forms so I can get free perscriptions now till baby is 1 and free dentist. Also said I will get a letter about my scan which will be week 12 -14 so still a wait for me. My bloods will be done on Monday.
The last week the nausea is serious and I was physically sick last night. However I generally been managing it pretty well. As long as my little bean growing well I will deal with whatever lol.
well i finally made my appointment for my scan it is monday the 19th at 2pm,i cant wait:) i just pray my baby is ok! im so worried that theres not going to be nothing there:-( but then again im sure everything is well because of how sick ive been getting & how sore my boobs have been.
ijust text hubby and told him when my appointment was,i really em hoping he'll be able to make it because i really dont wanna have to go by myself! you know i didnt make this baby alone right?!?!? i know he has to work but i dont think it would hurt getting off alittle early,everyone else at his work is always calling out or leaving early so why cant he?! wish me luck

hopeforfuture- congrats on the weight lose! atleast you know it paid off:) and every pound you gain from here until july will be so worth it because you are no longer eating for one but for TWO!
wow the sound of 12-13pds heck even a 10pd baby make my who ha ha hurt just thinking about it,maybe you'll be the lucky one and have a nice little 6-7pd baby.
my son was 6pd 6oz 19 1/2inch long and i felt no pain at all but thats mostly because the epidural worked wonders! thank god for them but i wish u the best of luck with everything:)

oneandtwo-thank you so very much for suggestion about the sour pops,i will look into them for sure:) have u ever heard of the lollipops they sell at motherhood? i think their called pregger pops i used them for my son but i didnt have much sickness with him as i em with this baby but maybe ill pick some of them up or if someone else does before me lemme know if they still work
Hello Ladies,
My name is Medea! I am due on 07/06 with my first!!!!!
Please add me!!
Oh how did I not see this thread before?

I'm Nat, I'm due with my 4th approximately 8th July 2013.
Medea & alice welcome ladies!! congrats H&H 9months to you both

alice-im also due july 8th!!!
Medea & alice welcome ladies!! congrats H&H 9months to you both

alice-im also due july 8th!!!

I don't for the life of me expect him/her to be on time though lol. My first was 18 days overdue, my second 15 days overdue, and my third 10 days overdue.

Let's just say I'm due in July haha
Ohh girls... You've got me thinking about how big this baby might be now... I'm 5ft7 and was 9lb8 when I was born. My hubby is 6ft7!!!! an he was also 9lb when he was born!! This could be a large one!!!
Hello and congrats to so many fabulous ladies!

I'm 36 and due with my 1st on July 11th!

Looking forward to the journey with all of you!

Hello and congrats to so many fabulous ladies!

I'm 36 and due with my 1st on July 11th!

Looking forward to the journey with all of you!


Hi beachgal this is my first too I am due around the 4th July.

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