Hi girls , hang in there googly

, I hate the wait too. Last cycle I was terrible !
Salimar , sound very hopeful . I didn't test pos for about a week post af , good luck.

Afm , well , I'm now in the terrible tww . Not officially on ff , but had my first temp rise after o dip so may have one more dance tonight for luck. Feeling good because if nothing else we certainly gave it a good shot .phew, What a sexfest , looking forward to a bit of a rest now.

The rest is up to mother nature , I'll be praying but no more temping for me. I found out last month it just made me obsessive and more stressy. Going to play it cool , and hope moving countries will give that witch the slip.
Take care everyone.
Ps sorry Jodes , yes I have two wee girls , the loves of my life. We always hoped for three this one would complete us it's likely to be the last . They are 5 and 3 . My beautiful first baby has a condition known as Dystonia which makes her muscles go into spasm. She's otherwise a very happy , normal wee
thing. It breaks our hearts regularly having to watch her struggle, but there's little we can do. She's getting worse , no treatment is working and I'm stealing myself for thoughts of surgery

but were a way off that yet. I do worry that I'll be able to give her the attention she needs with three children. I worry I'd let them all down. You would be good for advice on that one . I worry were being selfish , but also I feel siblings will be good for her too . Sorry ramble alert again