Hello ladies just back from the most crappiest doctors ever to be put on this earth.
Firstly my doctor took a look at my lump and said i have a cyst and it would go away on it's own accord. Relief is an understatment but if i have a cyst don't i need anti-bi?
Secondly because my appointment wasn't rountine (booked an emergency appointment)she couldn't discuss the MC's in detail and said i would have to book another appointment which is in 2 weeks time on the 30th July. However she did give me some advice and that MC's happen all the time and there's not much they can do. And because i only went to the hospital 1 out of 3 times it is higly unlikely i would get a referral for tests as they like it to be on record that you've attended hospital. I only went the once when i was 8 weeks. But in my defence i did ring the hosptial when i was 5+ weeks straight after my 1st MC and they said there was no need to come into hosptial as it will all happen naturally which it did. And my 3rd was a chemical which they don't class as an MC. I will still keep my appointment for the 30th (need to go anyway for meds that i'm on) and speak to another doctor and get their opinion but it seems highly unlikely i will get referred for tests.
I don't understand that! Isn't it a waste of time to make you come back. Well now you know to always go to the hospital which is just ridiculous (expensive and a waste of time). Are you supposed to keep you + HPT to prove you were pregnant as well? Sorry - don't mean to vent and I know you are frustrated. And I am frustrated for you!
On the cyst - my co-worker has them and they are hormone related. So she gets them every month and then they go away. Hers are really painful and has had a few of them removed. Hope that helps...