Hi Lovely Ladies
Sorry I haven't been on for a few days but, with OH not at work and my DD not had a chance. Have just caught up and what alot to catch up on! So sorry to all those that the horrible olehag has got alot of us. We need to
her down so she doesn't visit any of us again.
Wendy - I hate the EPU been there twice myself in the past and they aren't the most helpful I even had a very heavily pregnant nurse dealing with me which I thought was highly insensitive as did my OH! I so hope the spotting stops soon and the NTNP works for you.
Jodes - And on top of everything else a lump! At least you are getting it looked at. A very scary time and I have my fx for you and will be thinking of you on Thurs hun.
Sewergrrl - I am sofor you I have my fx that you get the biggest fatest
AFM - I have been feeling AFish, (.)(.) very sensitive/tender, bloated, gassy, light cramps(which have gone off now)and, been peeing loads more frequently than normal! Think I will cave and test this Sat.
Hoping the horribleleaves us all alone very soon and heres :babydust::babydust: for all of us and
Thanks lovely i know i'm hoping it's nothing serious but you just assume the worse because it's a lump and with me feeling terrible this past week it just makes me nervous. I will keep you posted

Lets hope when you test on sat it's a big massive