June Angel Baby Mommas Hoping for Rainbows!!

Yes Jen, how are you?

Stef, I hope Sienna is sleeping better. I sure know how you feel. Emma is a 30 minute napper too. Just this past week and a half she has had 2 one hour naps and 1 two hour nap, so maybe there is hope for us! I am sorry about the screaming at night. I know that must be super hard.
Are you considering looking for a new job that allows you to just have one job?

AFM, been super busy with new house stuff. We ended up choosing a linen color for Emma's walls. We close on Friday and are hoping to get some painting done Friday night while we still have the old carpet in. And then Saturday we have carpet being installed and then moving in. I am very excited, but dreading all the work entailed at the same time. And now Carter dropped my phone in the sink which has been the icing on this very long day!
Hey Girls:

Thanks for asking! I am doing ok. I definitely feel way more symptoms this time than last time (which I am taking as a good sign). I have been super tired, don't want to eat anything and feel super nauseous, my boobs have grown a bunch and they are still quite sore. I haven't thrown up at all though which is good.

I am excited/nervous for my scan tomorrow. I can't believe it is tomorrow. The last few weeks have really gone by quite fast. I had 5 day days off for Easter (my office was closed Friday and Monday and Tuesday is my regular day off). I had all four nephews for the day Monday. We did a tour of a few neighbourhood parks. It was a beautiful sunny day (although it was very wet and muddy). We had a lot of fun!!

I will definitely update you after my scan. If we can just see a nice strong heartbeat tomorrow I will be so relieved!! My appointment is at 11:50 so just before lunch. I have to somehow try to concentrate through a morning of work before I go. Corrie took the whole day off but since I had a 5 day weekend and the tax deadline is April 30 I have too much to do at work to take another day off right now.

Stef - So glad to hear from you! I hope Sienna has continued to sleep better for you. Being busy with work and baby plus lack of sleep would be enough to make anyone overwhelmed! I hope things get easier for you soon.

Angel - So excited about your move. It will be so amazing once everything is moved and unpacked and you can enjoy your new house!! Linen sounds like a nice color choice. Is that sort of like a grey?

Vegas and Jasmine - How are you guys doing??

Meli - Hope you come back to visit us soon!!
Oh and I meant to ask, Angel, did you get your phone working?? I hope the rice worked!!
I will pray super hard about your scan tomorrow. I just know it will be great!!!

Yes, the rice worked for a second time for me!! Yay!
Angel, hoping Sienna starts taking longer naps, too! Do you think Emma will continue that pattern?

I'm not really looking for another job. Well that's not entirely true, I'm keeping my eyes open for another work from home job, but it took me over a year to find this one, so my hopes aren't high. I am working with a friend (in addition to these two jobs!) on her new book / website for the book that is going to be published around the end of the year. Right now it's unpaid work... just hoping it makes a decent amount and she can start paying me soon.

Yay for the new house! Hope you post pictures :)

jen, sooo excited for your scan! Yay for good strong symptoms!

AFM, sleeping through the night seems a little hit or miss. May be getting better again... but she still falls asleep at night to wake up 30-45 minutes later, and sometimes it takes hours to get her back to sleep. This is before we go to bed, so it isn't that big of an issue, but still a pain.

So we're going to be meeting a new baby today. Blake's best friend's fiancé is in labor with their second, it should be any time now.
So I just finished typing up my post, hit send and my computer decided that it didn't want to connect to the internet. I copied the text so I wouldn't lose it but then had to reboot my computer. Didn't even think that by doing that the clipboard would delete what I had saved.....anyways....I will type again!!

My scan was amazing. The baby measured 7w1d (ahead!! yay!!). The heartbeat was 131. The clinic emailed me two pictures. I will try to upload them later. I get to go back in two weeks for another scan!! The doctor said everything looked great.

I didn't even realize how nervous I was until I was in that room looking at the screen waiting to hear what the doctor was going to say. When she said she saw the heartbeat I couldn't even talk. The nurse just handed me Kleenex!! I think I am still processing it.

I am not too sure how I will get through the next hour and a half of work. Needless to say I have not been very productive today.

I hope everyone is having a good Friday!! Thanks for all your prayers and positive thoughts. Six weeks down 34 to go.....how am I ever going to wait that long??!!
I am so happy for you Jen!!!! Such wonderful news!

I may not be on for a week until my internet gets set up. :(
Jen: hooray for the great scan!

Angel: congrats on the house!

Stef: sleep is tricky with these little ones. So what is your friend's book about?
Angel - Hope your moving/unpacking is going well. Looking forward to hearing about it when you get your internet set up in the new house!!

How is everyone doing?? Hope everyone is doing well!!

My symptoms continue to be strong. Really not feeling like eating much but still haven't thrown up. Fingers crossed that part of "morning sickness" stays away. The nausea is not fun but oddly reassures me that I am in fact really pregnant. What kind of symptoms did you girls have??

The sun is finally shining today. It was basically a blizzard the last couple mornings. Heavy wet snow and bad road conditions. You would never know it looking outside today. Hope it stays this way!!
Hi Jen:

Sorry you are nauseous. Mine was an all day thing until the end of first trimester. Reassuring, but a real pain too. I had a pretty easy pregnancy up until the end when my feet would swell and I couldn't sleep since Grace liked to move and stretch out as far as possible every night. You'll be there soon enough! When is your next scan? It's so much fun watching them grow. Truly amazing.

AFM: still trying to improve Grace's sleep. Last week she slept through from 7-7 four nights in a row, then the last three nights she's been up at 1:00am and 5:00am. Yuck! I'm also trying to stop bf'ing before we go on vacation (without the kids) on the 20th. Makes me sad, but she'll only nurse at night and I'm tired of pumping at work. It's been a good run.

Hope everyone else is doing well. Miss hearing daily updates from you all.
I finally got internet! We are almost all moved in. We still have to get the stuff in the storage unit and unpack all the playroom boxes. There was a delay in getting the playroom carpeted so that stuff is still packed. We are also about half way done fiximg the fence. I can't wait to be able to just send Carter and Peepers outside! Emma has been pretty fussy since moving. I don't know if it was just the change or if it's teething or something else. There are just two morw things to finish to finish her room!

Jen, sorry about the nausea. I only had it mildly, made tons worse with prenatals. I had to stop taking them. My worst symptom was heartburn. Awful, all day and night heartburn!

Vegas, Good luck with Grace's sleep. We are still up a minimum of twice a night but usually 3-4:( Good luck as well with stopping bf.

I miss hearing updates as well:(
Vegas - I hope Grace settles into a better sleep schedule. She teased you with a few good nights in a row to remind you what you are missing.
Something I can look forward too!! How is Charlotte doing??

My next scan is tomorrow morning. Its already been two weeks since we first saw the heartbeat. In some ways time really is going pretty fast so far. I am excited to see how much things have changed. I would say it is about 80% excitement and 20% worry. I can't seem to erase that bit of fear that we will find out things are not where they should be.

I am still having symptoms. I know that the intensity of symptoms can vary from day to day and sometimes things go away and get replaced by new symptoms. I still find myself worrying if I feel a bit better at some point during the day. Usually its when I feel a bit less nauseous. Typically the nausea then comes back with a vengeance a few hours later to reassure me.

Angel - Yay for internet!! Glad to hear you are all moved and getting settled in. You will have to post pictures of how Emma's room turned out after it is all finished. Hopefully Emma settles into the new house soon. How does Carter like it?? Everytime I see the name Peepers it makes me giggle. That is really a great name for a pet!!

So far no heartburn for me. My sister told me that she always got her terrible heartburn later in her pregnancies (in 2nd and 3rd tri). Heartburn was one of the only symptoms I had last time (that and sore boobs). I am hoping that it stays away this time!!

We are going away for the weekend. I have a conference in Calgary (about a 6 1/2 hour drive away from home) on Tuesday. Corrie and I are going to make a little vacation out of it. We will leave Saturday morning and come home Wednesday morning. It will be nice to get away for a bit!

My sister is finally home. She got home Tuesday. It is good to have her back!

My mom and I booked a trip for the end of the month. My aunt just released a new cd. She is having a cd launch concert on May 30. She has two other cd's and my mom and I have been to all of her launches so we are going to go to this one too. If any of you are interested in checking out her music you can listen on her website https://www.pamelajanegerrand.com/music/

So I am keeping busy!! Hope you all are doing well!! I agree with Vegas. I do miss hearing from everyone more often. I know how busy things get though. Especially for all of you with your babies (and some of you with preschoolers as well!!)
Scan this morning went well. Measuring 9w1d. Heartbeat was 163 (or 160.3 I can't remember). They are supposed to send me pics so it should say on the pic. My doctor said she is very reassured. Everything looked great. I have been referred back to the regular ob's office. My regular ob is on Maternity leave right now but will be back in July. I'll see another ob for the next couple appointments.

My next appointment is May 26. That will be like my first prenatal appointment (if I hadn't gone through fertility treatments). I will likely get my next ultrasound at 11-12 weeks (it will be the NT scan). I am considered higher risk for Down's or other chromosomal issues due to my age. Did any of you girls get the NT scan?
:happydance: That is wonderful!!! I know if feels so great to pass the time frame you made it to last time.
Jen: looks like everything is going great. If you believe the old wives tales that HB indicates it'll be a girl. What do you think you're having?
Angel - Yes passing the date of my previous loss did make me feel a lot better. I know that things are never 100% safe but I really do feel positive about this pregnancy. I think I am starting to believe it is real and that we really will have a baby in December.

Vegas - I really think it is a girl. I think that is a biased opinion though because I have always thought I would have a girl (or two girls). I think it is because I grew up with a sister and was more familiar with girls.

I also think I want it to be a girl because my sister has four boys, Corrie's sister has two boys (and one girl) and on my moms side out of the 13 grandchildren (my cousins and sisters kids) there are 11 boys and on my dads side out of six grandkids (my cousin's kids) there are four boys. My best friend (who is like a sister) has a boy, etc, etc!! There are so many boys it would be nice to have a little girl.

Mind you, having said that I would be very happy to have a boy as well!!

Most people who have an opinion about what they think the baby will be have said they think it will be a girl. Corrie's mom is convinced its a girl and so is one of my coworkers.

I guess we will find out in December. We don't plan to find out the gender ahead of time. It will be a nice surprise!!

Sounds like you had a nice trip home over the weekend!!
I also wanted to say big congrats to Stef!!!! The pictures of your wedding on Facebook were lovely!! Hope you are enjoying being a newlywed!!

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