June Angel Baby Mommas Hoping for Rainbows!!

Jen:omg! I'm so excited for you. Those tests all look good and strong. Spotting in the first tri is pretty common. I'm not sure why, but I'm praying that this is your rainbow who you get to meet this Christmas. I'll say some prayers for you. Please try not to worry and just enjoy being pregnant!
Jen, congratulations! i can understand why you are nervous but as the ladies have said spotting is pretty common. I used to spot when I was ovulating sometimes and I had a bit of spotting in early pregnancy too! Keeping everything crossed for you and can't wait to hear about your husband's reaction! Praying for your Christmas rainbow x x x
Thanks so much girls. You are all so great. I really appreciate the prayers and the reassurances.

The spotting is really inconsistent. It went away again. As long as it doesn’t progress into actual bleeding I will try not to worry too much about it. It still hasn’t sunk in yet. I have my HCG blood test tomorrow and will talk to my doctor’s office. Last time I went in and got the blood drawn on my way to work and they called me before noon with the results. They said if I got a positive test they would schedule an early scan at about 6-7 weeks. Since I was medicated they like to check early for multiples.

I didn’t do any more tests today. I figured I would wait until tomorrow. By then they should be getting darker.

My husband was really excited. I think he was quite surprised. He just got a big grin on his face when I told him. I wish I could be as excited as him. He doesn’t have the same worries that I do. I am going to try really hard not to worry and just enjoy being pregnant. Worrying will not prevent something from happening if it is going to happen. There is no point in worrying unless there is an actual problem to worry about (easier said than done though).

Jasmine – I meant to comment yesterday, you said you were feeding Violet Astrid. Does that mean you decided on the name change? I think that is such a pretty name. Plus you can still call her Asti as a nickname!!

Jen, so excited for you! Well done! Good luck for tomorrow too, update us, we'll be thinking of you!

Yes, went ahead with the name change, got the birth certificate through yesterday so she's officially Violet Astrid Wren now! Wow, what a title! Yes, definitely we have the best of both worlds now, I have been really emotional about it but I know and even DH says it was totally the right thing to do! She's a so a Violet!

xx x xxx
Jen: hope your test went well today. How would you feel if you ended up with multiples? Keep us posted!
I am glad the spotting doesn't seem to be amounting to anything. Of course Vegas is right and that spotting is very common. Looking forward to hearing about your results. Still so excited for you!!!!:happydance:
Vegas – If it was twins I would be ok. If it was more than twins I would freak out. I have always thought it would be pretty amazing to have twins. It would be an insane amount of work but it has been so hard for us to get pregnant the idea of having two kids at once and not having to go through the whole fertility treatment thing again is very appealing. We really do want to have two kids. I know that multiples are higher risk. So it is probably safer to just have one. But I think I would be ok with twins. Likely this is because I have no kids and I don’t realize how hard it would be. But I also wouldn’t know any different since I have never had one. If we had ended up having to do IVF we would have taken the risk of twins and implanted two embryo's.

Jasmine – So glad you decided on the name change. Now Shane can get his tattoo and it won’t have the wrong name on it if you decided to change it later on. Violet is such a cute name and you really always thought of her as Violet before she was born. Since it was causing you so much anxiety I think you would have regretted it if you didn’t change it.

Does anyone have any fun plans for the weekend??
So I got the blood test confirmation. My HCG was 116. They have booked me for an ultrasound on April 25. I was surprised that it was so soon but I guess that would already be 7 weeks. I think I will be able to fully believe that I am pregnant after that scan. Last time the 7 week scan was where I found out that there was a problem. If I can pass that point I will feel so much better about everything. (At least I think I will…I will probably still find something to worry about).

The spotting is completely gone. Maybe it was just implantation bleeding. The timing fits with that.

I got some other really good news today. While I was waiting to get my blood test my sister called me. She is in Ontario right now finishing up her program to become a midwife. She wrote her last exams yesterday (other than the big comprehensive exam that she writes in May). I am not sure if I mentioned that her kids and husband stayed in Saskatchewan while she completed her last year of school. They did her first two years with all of them in Ontario. She was able to come home and do her third year here and had to go back for the fourth year. It has been a really tough year (being away from her 4 boys but also extremely tough on the marriage). She left last April and got to come home for the month of August and the month of December. It looked like she wasn’t going to be able to get a job here in Saskatchewan. They really wanted her and the program could really use more midwives as a lot of the people who ask for midwives get turned away. The problem was funding. The government here has put a big freeze on spending in the health region (even though midwives actually save them money compared to a birth with an OB).

She had an offer from her clinic in Ontario but was reluctant to accept it until she knew 100% that she couldn’t get a job here. They were starting to put a lot of pressure on her to accept as they need to fill the position with someone else if she didn’t want it. It was a major stress that she might have to take a job in Ontario and either uproot her family again or work there with her family here. It is basically a paid 5th year of school. She can’t be fully licensed to practice until she does one year with supervision. So if she didn’t work then all of the schooling she had done would have been for nothing. She found out today that there will be a job for her here and they really want her. It is such a relief. My mom and dad have been really stressed (with her being gone they have had the kids a lot and there have been issues with her husband). The kids are going to be so excited that she is coming home to stay!!

We are going to tell my parents today about the pregnancy. My mom may have a heart attack as the two things she wanted most (my sister to get a job here so she could come back and me to finally get pregnant) have happened at basically the same time. When my sister told me the news about her job situation I couldn’t wait and had to tell her my news. She cried she was so happy.

It really is a good day!!!
Wonderful news! It will be great to have her family back together and to have her close for your pregnancy!
Angel - I know. It made me so happy when she told me. It made my news even better. I couldn't picture her not being around when we finally have a baby. She has wanted me to have kids forever. We are very close. It will be so much better with her here.

Thanks for all your prayers. They seem to be working!!

I am having a hard time focusing at work today. I really just want the afternoon to be over so I can go. I am not very productive today. An hour and ten minutes left.....Not sure if I will make it!!!
I am sure you would be the same at home. Feeling like you will burst out of your skin with excitement and hopefulness, looking at your tests and obsessing. At least at work there is hope of taking your mind off it.

It is kind of weird when guests are viewing this thread. Hello there quests!:hi:
We are going for supper with my parents. We are going to tell them. I am pretty excited for that. We are going to pop in at Corrie's parents after that. I guess leaving work just means its closer to that time. But yes its true. Distractions can be a good thing!!

I know lots of people wait to tell others about their pregnancy. After we had an early loss last time it was a bit awkward to have to tell people what happened but I found that I wanted to talk about it. It was so much on my mind that I felt extremely uncomfortable when people asked me how I was and I either had to pretend I was fine (when I wasn't) or tell them the whole story. So we will tell people now, hope for the best, and deal with it if things don't work out. We are both pretty close with our families so not telling them right away is not an option.

I have been pretty upfront with people about our fertility struggles. I will enjoy having some good news to tell people for a change.

It is a bit funny to think that other people read this thread. It has just been the six of us for so long that it seems funny that others would read it. To anyone else that is reading.....Hi Guests!!
Jen, how did it go telling your parents? I can def see your point about just being open about it.

Ladies, I need your help. Here is a preview of some of the things going in Emma's room. You can also see the fabric used on the glider and her bedding there to the left. I have no idea what color to paint the walls? I don't want just white, but I what it to be pretty neutral.

Angel - My parents were really excited. It was a lot of news for them to handle in one day. They were already really excited about my sister being able to come back. My mom has been stressed. It was nice to overwhelm her with good news for a change!! Corrie's parents were excited too.

Hmm....as for color. I would suggest a pale yellow. It would pick up on a color in the flowers and would be cheery. Pale blue might also be nice (but it isn't very girly). My room growing up was pale blue. I loved it although my parents thought it made my room look a bit like an ice cube. Yellow is more sunny so its a warmer color. What were you thinking??

Hope everyone had a good weekend!! I went with my parents and my two youngest nephews to the bear zoo on Saturday (its just the regular zoo but my youngest nephew always calls it the bear zoo). It was pretty muddy and icy but we had fun. Its finally starting to warm up here. Maybe spring has arrived!!
Jen, love the siggy! So happy for you! Wow, I bet it was a lovely day for them! My Eva was due December 15th and she arrived on the 10th x

Angel, I'm really thinking pale grey would look amazing with those colours plus it's in fashion (grey) everyone's going mad for it on blogs and in interior mags! I love all that stuff!
Jen: love that your due date is 12-13-14! The day after Grace's b-day. How are you feeling?

Angel: I think I agree with Middy about a pale grey. Let me think about it more. I have color wheels for sherwin-Williams and Benjamin Moore so I'll look for inspiration there.

Afm: last night was Grace's first night in her crib in her nursery. I slept on the bed in her room and she did great! The only issue is that she isn't quite sleeping through yet. Although I've been giving her a bottle before I go to bed at 10:30 she still wakes almost every night at some point between 2:30-3:30. All she wants us a quick feed and she's right back to sleep. This is fine while I am breastfeeding, but I need to wean her by May (Ben and I are going on a trip without them) and don't want to deal with bottles in the middle of the night. Any suggestions? Is anyone's baby sleeping through?
Vegas - I never even noticed that. 12-13-14 is a very cool due date!! Too bad it is very unlikely the baby will have that as their birthday. From what I hear first babies are usually late. My sister's birthday is 12-20 and my nephew's birthday is 12-11. My sister is sure that this baby will be closer to her birthday than my nephew's.

Middy - There are so many December birthdays. It was the one month I would have avoided having as a due date month if we hadn't been trying for so long. At this point we are just so happy to be pregnant we don't care when the baby is born!! Maybe I will have a birthday twin for Eva.

I am feeling extremely tired. By the time I get home from work I feel like I could just go to bed (and I am usually a night owl). Feeling slightly nauseous. Like a low grade nausea most of the time that gets worse if I am hungry. My boob soreness fluctuates, sometimes it is quite bad sometimes I barely notice it. I definitely think that taking the progesterone this time has made my symptoms worse. I don't remember feeling nausea at all last time. I know it is still quite early for that. Taking my progesterone pills at night really upsets my stomach (they never bothered my stomach when I took them in my tww).

I am feeling really optimistic about this pregnancy. I am quite impatient to go for my scan. April 25 can't come soon enough. I just really want to see a heartbeat since last time I didn't get to see one. I think I will feel so much better if I can see that!! It was weird, last time I was pregnant I really didn't feel like it was real. I really do feel that I knew from the start that something wasn't quite right. This time feels totally different.

Angel - Did you decide about the paint color? You will have to post photo's once it is all done!! I also like Middy and Vegas's suggestion of a light grey.

Does anyone have anything fun planned for the weekend?? My splurge group is going to start up again. We are having our first get together tomorrow night. I am looking forward to it. We are also going for supper for our nephew's birthday. Other than that will likely have a quiet weekend. All I want to do is go home and sleep after work!!

Hope everyone is doing well. We haven't heard from Stef or Meli for awhile now. At least we can see from Facebook that they are doing well. I hope they pop in here soon.
Jen, I am glad you had a good time at the zoo and that telling your parents went well, as we knew it would!
I am very happy that you are feeling positive this pregnancy. I think all of us felt that something wasn't quite right with our angels. And YAY for symptoms. You ultrasound is the same day as my closing! It will be a wonderful day!!!

Vegas, I am glad Grace did well in her bed. Emma isn't sleeping through yet at all. She still wakes 3-5 times. She is killing me!

I haven't chosen a color yet. I like the pale yellow or the color of the book page with the carriage in one of the frames. I also like the light gray. I am wanting to do Carter's room gray, so it may make it easier to do both.
Omg I missed so much! Congrats Jen!!! I'm SO excited for you! Can't wait for your scan.

Jas, glad you went ahead with the name change since it was bothering you so much. I still love the name Violet :)

Angel, I like the idea of pale yellow personally. Yay for the house! How's the process going?

Vegas, I'd like to say Sienna sleeps through the night and give tips, but she sort of gave up o that... I do let her put herself back to sleep if she wakes up, though, as long as she isn't crying. Before I went in for any noise and she got into the habit of wanting to nuse every time. It seems to be working *fingers crossed*

AFM, just been super busy. Between two work from home jobs, Sienna, trying to help my friend get a book ready for publishing, keeping up with the housework, etc., been stressing out pretty bad. Sienna hates naps... takes awhile to get her to sleep then it lasts 30-45 minutes at most, which leaves me very little time to get things done. At night she's been going to sleep, waking up the same 30-45 minutes later, then taking hours to get back to sleep, very often screaming her head off. It seems to be gas or reflux, but even once medicine kicks in, she doesn't want to go back to sleep. Then she wakes up every 3-5 hours. The last few nights have been a little better, so I'm hoping it stays that way.

She's realized she can get around the living room by rolling back to front, front to back and so on, which is pretty funny to watch. She's also started scooting pretty good, so I've been putting her on her tummy and putting her favorite toys out of her reach. She always manages to make her way to them.

Other than that, not a whole lot else going on! Just trying to keep sane. Been feeling crazy overwhelmed. Finding it hard to get myself out of bed in the morning, doesn't seem to matter if I got a lot of sleep the night before. Really wish I could leave the one job that I started days before she was born... it would relieve SO much stress and I would feel so much better, but we just can't afford to not have that income coming in.

Anyway, I miss you ladies! Sorry I haven't been on in awhile... going to work on getting on more.

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