June Angel Baby Mommas Hoping for Rainbows!!

I guess we will all find out in December. We will all be so anxious to find out!!
Jen: well, you know I love surprises! Everyone thought Grace was going to be a boy, so you really can't tell until they are here (or you cheat with the ultrasound).

Stef: huge congrats on the wedding. It looked like such a sweet wedding and you looked beautiful.

Angel: other than the car incident how are you enjoying your new house? I know you must be so happy to be all moved in.

Meli: I can't believe you already have almost 200 coming to Xzavier's party. That's as big or bigger than some weddings! He is going to love all that attention.

Jas: did you do anything special for your birthday? How are your sweet girls?

Afm: we are leaving for a child-free vacation this morning. Of course I've yet to pack. Ben's parents flew in to watch the girls. I'm going to miss them tons, but we'll be back Saturday. Grace has been sleeping all night for the past few weeks (though she sometimes wants a bit to drink around 5:00am before falling back asleep), so I'm hoping she'll take it easy on my MIL. Charlotte should be fine. Well I'm off to pack.
Hey girls:

Had my first appointment with the regular ob today. I was referred back from the fertility clinic. Was just expecting to go in for the initial check in (answering a million questions, blood requisitions, etc.) but they ended up doing the NT scan. Baby was bouncing around, kicking its legs, rubbing its face with its hand. It was really cute. I felt bad that Corrie didn't come with me. We didn't expect they would do an ultrasound today.

Of course it was amazing to see the baby. It was moving around lots, and was so much bigger than last time. It actually looked like a baby this time. Last time my coworker said it looked like a seahorse!!

They won't have the actual results back from the NT scan for awhile. I have to get some blood taken and then they do an integrated risk calculation using the combined scan and blood results. The doctor did say that they normally want to see a measurement of less than 3. The baby's measurement was 1.1. So the doctor said that was really good. The fact that she was so positive does make me worry a bit less as my risk for downs and other chromosomal abnormalities is higher due to my age.

The baby was measuring 11w2 (which is right on track). They did an abdominal scan rather than a transvag (which is what I had both other times) and I have heard that sometimes the measurements between the two types vary since the abdominal is less accurate when the baby is still small. So I was happy it was still measuring right on track. The heartbeat was 164 (it was 163 last time).

All in all I am very encouraged. Everything seems to be going perfectly. I am starting to believe this might finally be our rainbow!!

Vegas - Your trip looked wonderful. From your Facebook posts it looks like you had an amazing time. Hope you feel recharged!!

Angel - Hope you are all settled in the new house.

Hope everyone is doing well.
Vegas, hope your vacation was great and that Grace did okay. We are liking the new house. Still working on tons of projects, but it is coming along. Still doesn't feel like our house yet.

Jenk, that is great that you got a surprise ultrasound. I bet Corrie was super jealous! Also great that it looks like all the measurements are good. Have you gotten the rest of the results yet?
Thanks Angel!!

I haven't gotten any results yet. My doctor said they would contact me if there were any concerns. Otherwise they just go over the results at my next appointment (which is June 27). So hopefully I don't hear anything.
Jen, so excited for you! Any pics to share from the ultrasound?

Angel, we know about a new house not feeling like your house... it took us awhile to get there!

Vegas, hope you had fun on vacation!

Meli, can't wait to hear more about Xzavier's party!

Jas, how have you guys been doing?

AFM, been busy and stressed out lately... trying so hard to find a replacement for one of my jobs... it's stressing me out WAY more than it should. Why is it so hard to replace just $1200 a month? It gets 10x harder when it has to be work from home... daycare is too expensive here for anything else, and there's no one close to babysit for us...

Idk if you guys know this, but I have braces on my top teeth. Well a couple months ago we found out that the back teeth are having a root issue. The pressure from the braces was causing root resorption (where the root is disappearing). So we had to take the braces off the back teeth, which leaves nothing for the braces to anchor from to pull the front teeth back. To fix that, we had to put an implant in the roof of my mouth, like a metal screw (crazy sounding, I know). Then they attach this arch thingy to that that expands to teeth on the sides that it gets glued to. So I had that for a bit. Well last week, that broke, so every time I chewed or bumped the roof of my mouth, that implant wiggled and hurt like hell. I went in Friday to get it fixed, but there was some swelling. My ortho called me yesterday, he had apparently been thinking about it all weekend and was worried about it being infected, so I had to go in this morning. He removed everything and I have to get it put back in... again. My mouth kills right now :( I also have to go for more X-rays to check the roots on the front of my teeth because they are having problems, too. If the problem is getting worse, I'll have to have everything taken off and basically give up... after 4 1/2 years (crazy!) and $8500 invested. I'm stressing out about it because it took me years to work up the courage to start all this and now I might not get the results I spent years of pain and tons of money on...

Ok I'm done bitching...

Anyway. Sienna is a little mover. She scoots all over now. She'll be crawling any day, I'm sure. Gets up on her hands and knees and rocks back and forth. We took her down to Blake's mom's yesterday and she had her first experience in the pool. She LOVED it! We spent quite awhile in there and only got out because I had to pee. I have pics, just need to get Blake to send them from his phone.

She's loving every food we've tried, even peas. We're making her food at home, so that might be part of why she's not being picky yet. *fingers crossed*

Not much else going on... just trying to stop stressing.

Hope everyone is doing well! Miss you ladies!
Just realized I didn't say a word about the wedding. So when our anniversary came up, we were going to get our marriage license and just do something small. We figured we'd been engaged for so long and still hadn't even chosen a date, so we'll just do it last minute. Very us, lol. Well our anniversary was on Good Friday, so the place was closed. He ended up taking a couple days off from work at the end of the month, and we decided to go get our license then. On April 30th we decided to do the wedding on May 11th (Mother's Day). We were just going to do it at his mom's as a surprise to everyone that was already there for Mother's Day, but we had to tell his mom. Of course, being his mom, she ended up starting to plan a bunch of stuff, inviting people, etc. Blake was pissed... he really liked the surprise wedding idea. Anyway, we were worried it would be huge and horrible... but it turned out way better than we expected. We spent more than we wanted to because with people coming we had to help get food, etc (his mom to pay for most everything since it was all her idea, lol), but it turned out beautifully. We had one of my closest friends perform the ceremony, which he wrote and was beautiful. We wrote our own vows. Blake even choked up a little at the end of his, aww. So it was good, and now we have that story to tell :) My family wasn't able to make it, but one of Blake's friends helped out and held a phone connected to Skype so my parents could watch.
I am freaking out. I woke up this morning to bleeding. It isn't very heavy (its probably only light spotting) but it is red. I haven't had any spotting or bleeding at all this pregnancy. Of course, now every little twinge and crampy thing I feel makes me more certain that something is wrong. I know I was feeling things before but I can't tell if they are worse now or it is my anxiety about something being wrong that makes it feel worse. Last night before bed I felt crappy and thought it was because I ate too much dairy yesterday.

I phoned my doctors office and was able to get an appointment for 9:20 (a little less than an hour from now). I am hoping that I will find out that everything is ok!! I know there are reasons that bleeding or spotting can happen and the baby can be ok. I keep trying to tell myself that but I can't help worry. I have started to feel better, symptom wise. Which I know is typical when you reach 2nd tri. But of course that makes me worry too!!

I'll update when I know anything more.
We heard the heartbeat. It was 150 and she found it immediately. That was reassuring. She saw blood but said my cervix was closed. She told me to take the rest of the day off and rest. Just heading home now.
Goodness Jen I know that must have been scary. I am so happy you got to hear the heartbeat! Are you still having any bleeding?

Stef, how is your mouth? I am sorry you are having so many issues. Also how is the job hunt. Is Sienna crawling yet. Emma can crawl, but she still chooses to lay back down and drag herself around. She is starting to pull up now. I forgot how stressful this part is, constantly scared or them falling.
Good to know they found the heartbeat quickly, Jen!

Angel, my mouth is much better. Hoping the X-rays I got show there aren't any further problems.

Yeah, Sienna is crawling. She's been getting up on hands and knees and moving forward just a little for a few weeks now (she preferred dragging herself around, too), and officially started crawling last week. She pulls herself up a lot, too. It's definitely scary! She's constantly toppling over. She's already trying to pull herself up on her feet... right now she's up on her knees trying to get at my laptop. She was just trying to get one of the cats on the couch, lol. I think she's going to be an early walker (Blake and I both started at 9 months).

She's developed a bad habit I need to figure out how to break... she has a super hard time falling asleep without a boob. Blake's mom watched her Saturday and we picker her up around 10:30 Saturday night. She told us Sienna refused to drink from a bottle and screaaaamed until she fell asleep around 7:30 and had just woken up again when we got there. Not sure how to break her of it...
The bleeding has completely stopped. It was really just spotting at the most. It started Monday (I saw it for the first time on Monday morning when I woke up) and it was completely done by Tuesday night. It was barely enough to get on a pantyliner. Still freaked me out though as it was red and I haven’t had any spotting since 13dpo (which would have just been implantation bleeding). Hopefully it is gone now and won’t come back. I have a doctor’s appointment next Friday. Hoping they will do an ultrasound (last time she said something about doing a second part to the NT scan which checked for spinal issues which I think is done by ultrasound). If not I will have to wait until July 24 when they do the anatomy scan (at 19 weeks!).

I can’t believe how big your babies are getting already. I can’t believe that they are already crawling and pulling themselves up. It seems like just last week that they were born!!

Angel – Are you all settled into your new house now?? Hopefully it is starting to feel more like home!!

Stef – So glad to hear some details about your wedding. Sounds amazing. So glad it all came together so well. Skype is the best invention ever. It is nice that your parents were able to participate even though they couldn’t be there!!

Glad to hear your mouth is feeling better. I had braces when I was younger. I can only imagine how painful what you described would have been. Hope there are no further issues on the xray and you can successfully finish off the long expensive process.

I wish I had some advice for you on the Sienna not sleeping without a boob issue. Kids can get so set in their ways. Lots of things for me to look forward to!!
Jen: so sorry you had a scare. Even sorrier that I am just now seeing it on BnB. If you ever need anything message me on FB. I'm always on there. I'm glad they found a good strong heartbeat. Soon you'll be getting kicks which will be especially reassuring. It's hard to relax and enjoy pregnancy at times.

Stef: I'm currently working on getting Grace to sleep without a bottle in her mouth. I weaned her from the boob when we went on vacation in May and since her Grammy and a bottle were her only option (and she was used to bottles from daycare) that part of the transition was easy. I've established a good bedtime routine and now I'm just taking the bottle out of her mouth before she's fully asleep. I then put her in her crib and tell her goodnight. Since she's 90% asleep already she just rolls over and falls asleep. Perhaps you try something similar and see if it works.

Angel: I can't believe Emma is crawling already. So exciting!

Afm: we are doing well. Our vacation was awesome. Love my children, but it's nice to get away. Despite weaning Grace I had enough freezer supply saved up to give her two bottles a day of EBM for an additional month, I'm now down to one bottle a day and will have it all used up by the end of next week. I'm happy I kept it going as long as I did. Grace just had her six month check-up and all is well. The only issue she has is some reflux that we are controlling with medicine.
Jen, so glad the bleeding is done! I can understand it freaking you out, but I'm glad it doesn't seem to have been anything serious.

I had braces when I was young, as well. That time I wimped out and my parents didn't convince me to keep them, so I didn't have them long. I guess it worked out, though; after my wisdom teeth came in (which didn't happen until my early 20s), all my teeth shifted, so even if I had finished the first time, I would have needed braces again anyway.

Vegas, I'm trying something like what you mentioned, but every time I pull her off before she's completely asleep she wakes right back up... I guess it'll just take some time... it doesn't bother me so much, it's just that I know it's hell for anyone who babysits her for us.

AFM, I think you guys all saw the video, but if not, Sienna is officially pulling herself up and getting onto her feet... already. I find that absolutely nuts. Toooooo early! I'm not ready!

Also, I have a big secret. Only Blake knows, and now you ladies.


Wasn't planned. Period was due yesterday and I wanted to check to be sure because Blake took today and tomorrow off and we were planning on relaxing, having some drinks, etc.

Took a test last month because my period was 4 days late, and it's never late. Last month I would have played the lotto had it been positive because I'm pretty sure we didn't even have sex the week I o'd. This month apparently we did... Anyway... I'm freaking out! Sienna will be 15 months when this one is due (Feb 25 based on last AF)... :wacko:
OMG Stef!!! That is so exciting!!! How are you feeling?? You will only be due a couple months after me. Have you processed it yet?? I can imagine it was a bit of a shock. Have you been NTNP?? Big huge congrats!! Are you going to wait to tell people?? I am honoured to be among the first to know. Ok.....I think I have asked enough questions now!! lol

Vegas - I can't wait to start feeing kicks!! I feel all kinds of twinges and things now but nothing I can identify as being the baby.

I am so glad you had an amazing vacation!! I think getting away and having some time alone together would just make you appreciate your kids more when you got home. From your FB pictures it looked like you had a great trip.

I am going to my grandparents 65th wedding anniversary party this weekend. I am looking forward to it. I am travelling up with my sister and her four boys and we are staying in a hotel with a waterslide. The boys are super excited. It will be a really fun weekend (but definitely not relaxing!!).

Hope you all have a good weekend!!
Stef, congrats again on the wedding. I am glad that it turned out so well. The pictures I saw looked beautiful!
That is great that Sienna is pulling up already! Emma did it at the very end of 7 months.
As for falling asleep with boob, Emma still does this too. For naps and bed. I usually have to remove my boob from her mouth and stick in her binky. It takes quite a while for her to fall into a deep enough sleep that she unlatches on her own. Carter fell asleep with something until he was two. First it was his bottles until he was one. Then it was his binky.

And CONGRATS on the new baby!!!!!! That is wonderful news! I am already having major baby fever so I will have to live through you!

Jen, I am happy the bleeding has stopped. We all know how scary that is!

Vegas, I am glad your vacation went well. That is great you had so much breast milk stored!
I hope Charlotte is feeling better. That is pretty awesome they will see you on the weekend!
That video of Grace eating was so cute!

AFM, things are going well here. The house is coming along. We have spent most of our working time on the outside. My garden is doing wonderful! I am so excited to get my first round of veggies from it! The only thing left to do in Emma's room is to finish painting her closet doors and hang them back up. Then I promise to get pictures! We are also working on shelves for Carter's room. Kind of like picture rails.
Carter is doing well. He has had a really tough past couple of months though. First he had some kind of virus that went to his hip. He never really was sick, but his leg and hip started hurting for some unknown reason. The figured it must have been that. Then he broke his thumb and got a concussion at the zoo. Then almost two weeks ago he got strep throat. He has had a rocky start to age 4, but he is still as happy and lovable as ever.
Emma is also doing well. She sleeps in her crib in her room for bed and all naps. With the change she went from 4 wake ups to 1-2. She is eating pretty well. We don't have a set meal routine for her though. I give her a bottle before bed and she only gets bottles at night. I kind of worry about my supply since I don't bf at night anymore, so I am scared to feed her too much solids during the day.
She crawls and pulls her self up now. She even cruises the furniture a bit. She can clap and we are close to waving I think. She still doesn't laugh much, but I think she is just a serious personality. As I said with Stef, I am getting serious baby fever. Every time I see a newborn or a baby bump or look back at old pictures of Emma I get sad that I won't have another. Not much else going on.
Jen, so far just feeling tired. Not sure if that's from Sienna being a butthead at night or a symptom or both, lol. Well we definitely weren't trying; I wanted two close, but not THIS close :haha: I'm totally freaking out about the crazy it's going to be... but I know they're going to love it when they're older. Haven't processed it yet! It totally doesn't feel real AT ALL. And yep, we're waiting to tell again. I want to wait until 12 weeks like we did last time, he wants to wait until we know if it's a boy or girl (last time we found out at 16 1/2 weeks). I don't think he realizes that I won't be able to physically hide it that long... Especially not with it being summer. I was showing a little with Sienna at that time, so I know it'll be more this time... and I'm starting off this time even tinier than last time (BFing brought me down to below pre-pg weight!), so ANY gain is going to be noticeable.

Hope you had fun this weekend! 65 years is AMAZING!

Angel, I have to do that with Sienna, too - replace boob with binky. I have it in my hand ready to go the entire time she's on the boob so it's ready because if I take too long she wakes right back up. The last few nights I've managed to get her to sleep without the boob, but I had to hold her the whole time, which is basically the same sort of problem... She won't fall asleep for Blake at all, unless she has to (I've only been out a few times when it was nap time), and then she cries herself to sleep. I'm glad to know it's not just her though... guess I may just have to wait it out. If it turns into just needing a binky, I'll be ok with that, I would just like her to be able to fall asleep without needing to be held.

Forget living THROUGH me, come live WITH me. I'm going to need extra help. :haha:

Make sure to get pics of both their rooms! You should get some of the outside of your house, too :) We want to work on ours pretty badly, but the guy who rehabbed the house before we bought it screwed something up out there (mulch comes right up to the house), so that needs to be removed and something done to it... I can't remember what it's called but apparently it's a lot of work. I want to plant things out there, but if I did, it would all need to be torn up to do that work, so it's pretty pointless, and we don't really have the extra $$$ to do that work now. Also, we've decided we either need to take out a loan to finish the basement or start searching for a new house soon... this one is going to be too small for all of us if the basement continues to go unused.

Poor Carter! He seems like he is handling all the bumps pretty well. And I'm glad Emma is sleeping better! We don't have an eating routine either. I'm in the same boat as you - worried about my supply. Apparently when pg and BFing, your supply goes down and starts to turn to colostrum in the second tri... I really don't want to have to supplement with formula...

Emma is starting to look like she's going to need a haircut soon already... I love it! Such a cutie.

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