June Angel Baby Mommas Hoping for Rainbows!!

I can certainly see why you are so frustrated! I just looked at your temps and they still look good.:shrug: Hope something happens soon!
Haha cheers Meli! Still no af here, really felt like it was coming last night but it didn't high temp too, took a couple of cheapie tests, I think one showed a very faint bfp but I don't trust it as did another with water and that had an evap! I'm gonna carry on waiting it out although it's killing me!

The only thing I can think of if I'm not pg is that I od much later than I though so period isn't even due for a few days but I doubt the smiley opks would be that far off!

Very confused and frustrated just wish I knew either way now!

Hope everyone else is well x x x


FX FX FX FX!!!:dust::dust::

test again later on!!!

My mood has changed from depressed, back to excited!!!
Wow! I have a lot of catching up to do! I have just read everything and hope I don't forget anything I wanted to comment on since I had to start reading at page 18! lol!

I did see the leaky nipple post a while ago before it was deleted but didn't have the time to comment. I would go in and get your patuatery gland levels checked (I know I spelt it wrong). I had that before and got it tested because my mom has a benine tumor in hers... that gland is located at the base of your brain... mine didn't show anything. Everything was normal but it was still good to go and get it checked out....

Angel!!!! That is so exciting!!!!! Congrats!!!!

That is AMAZING you guys got your kitty back!!!! Crazy having 3 now though!!! My one can drive me crazy she is such an attention *****! Oh boy and she is very voicetress! lol... she is always meowing rather it is because she is wanting attention, she is happy, not happy, wanting something... all the time she is talking to us lol

I think it is jasmine and stef??? I hope your faint lines get darker!!!! FX for BFPs!!!!

I think that was everything... hopefully....

AFM- had my appt on wedn. was a little different. I denied that pap... where I just had one I dont need another... I have had 2 in the last 5 months and not because of any abnormalities... just becuase they wanted to.... the person I seen wasn't very happy with me denying it... she said she still had to do it to test for std's but I still told her no it is just me and my dh and she still tried to push for it but where I cramped all night after the last one they did with the last pregnancy I am refusing it... it was so bad I huddled in a ball and cried... it was like labor pains... so then after kind of argueing about it she said if you gave a urine sample today we can test for std's through that.... so that is what we settled for...

I have been extremely busy with work. Yesterday we had our monthly family date night :) It was a lot of fun! We celebrated a late vday and my bday early :) We went up to Seattle to the Seattle Metropolotain Police Museum, Pike Place Market, then drove down to Olympia/Lacey to Panora Breads for dinner (if you have one in your area I suggest you eating there :) ) then we went and seen Safe Harbor! It was a lot of fun! We left the house at 10 am and didn't get back til after 11 pm!!!! So much fun!

I am still feeling pretty sick... they gave me something for it but it seems to just make it worse.... UUUGgghhhh hopefully this symptom ends soon!!!!
Oh ya! I remember I wanted to say something to Meli!!! OMGoodness! I can't believe the ticket prices! Hopefully they can refund you soon for that one!!!! I have been pulled over by one deputy and 3 troopers luckly no ticket... but they have all been in my area and they all know my dh... he gets a lot of crap becuase of me... I think 4/5 times I have been pulled over was a bunch of bs though!!!! Lets just say one of them was I was on my way to work on a wedn night (worked fred meyer freight nights so I started at midnight and it was in tumwater so an hour away... I left my house at 11 on those nights) I was driving down my road, slightly wet... it had rained a little earlier in the day but has almost dried all the way... it was dark (we do have deer in the area), only going 6 over (which normally everyone goes 10-15 over), I see this trooper go by me, watched in my mirror and sure enough he flipped a u turn... then he gets up on me and turns on his lights... all I am thinking is you have got to be kidding me! He gets up to my car and starts asking me where I am going at this time... I say I am going to work ( I am in my uniform), he said there is no fred meyer open at this time of night. I said I know we do frieght at night. We have a load coming into my department tonight and we have to stock the shelves... once he realized he has no where else he could go with that he changes it to you know it is dark, the road is wet and there are a lot of deer out here... and I said yes, I am aware of that... then he goes I noticed a bear sticker on your car... where did you get it? I said my husband. According to my husband I am not aloud to just come out and say how I got it.... he then goes how did your husband get it and I say his work... he goes whats his name so I told him... he then states to me that I am going to give him a bad name if I don't start talking... so I said where he works and how exactly he got it. and then he tells me have a nice night... he didn't even go back and run my name or check any of my papers... he just kept quizzing me on everything...it was so wierd... my husband said that guy is an ass and people from his agency doesn't like him or his ways of doing things. luckly no tickets but some stupid bs....
I am feeling a little emotional today. You guys remember that my sil is pregnant, she is due two weeks before I was? I am pregnant again, I should be over the moon and I am, but I can't help but still get angry at her statuses. I hide each one that pops up so that I don't have to see it again. I still feel so angry with her for still being pregnant. And always think "that should be my baby!!!!!".
Sweetmomma, What a jerk for a cop. I guess I missed that, you oh is in law enforcement? Wow, yesterday's family date sounds like it was tons of fun!! I am glad you all enjoyed yourselves. I also can't blame you for denying the pap, if they try to give me one, I will decline it too. I had one done last August with the same dr, so I don't see any reason to do one during pregnancy when it is not necessary.
Angel I understand what you are meaning completely! Two of my close friends were due just after me and when they went into there ultrasounds I was so jealous and was thinking that should be me....
Yes my dh is a deputy... I am not sure what oh means... I know something hubby....
Yesterday was so much fun. Really long day and am really regretting it today lol got really sick last night and still feeling really yucky today... Safe harbor was a really good movie!
I am glad you enjoyed the movie, but sorry you are feeling yucky. OH means other half.
So what do you all think of this situation:
a teenage couple (the mom 19) get pregnant and give the baby up for adoption, then 5 months later they decide they want a baby and are trying.

I can't imagine how awful it would feel for the child they gave up if they ever looked for their parents only to find out that only 5 months after they weren't ready to have him/her they tried for another one. Anyway, that was in a thread I read today and it got me thinking.
Angel- that's sad in my eyes and you are right, that poor child... Hopefully it was adopted to an amazing family and they will all be extremely blessed to have eachother... As for the mom and dad maybe they realized they made a mistake but wasn't going to take the child away from the parents it knows??? Maybe they are trying to fill a void... Who knows but it is sad... Hopefully it doesn't result in an unhealthy pregnancy/childhood for that little one...
Hello guys,

I'm still hanging on in here but feeling very miserable :( No jokes today!

Sweetmomma, really glad you had a fun celebration for V day and your birthday and I hope your sickness subsides soon! I will get my nipple checked out if I come on this week, thanks for letting me know about that, best to be safe than sorry.

Angel, my sister had a baby like a week after I had my miscarriage and for a while I couldn't stop calling him Flynn which was what I was gonna call my angel! I was told I was going to have a boy by two different psychics (I do think I will but obviously just not that time) and I always felt like he was meant to be my baby boy but she is my sister so it's different and I love little MAXIMUS to pieces, of course I am jealous though! Sorry to hear you are feeling emotional about it, it's not supposed to be easy or simple I guess but you can at least focus on your new bean!

I'm practically going mental over here, no af as of yet and a few more faint bfps on cheapies but I don't trust them as they're not dark enough although some of them are coming up well within the time limit! yes, some I've done a fair few!)

I've been messing about with my temps and have decided to disregard the cd13 temp which was a made up one and it has now moved my 'o' date to cd18, this does not match up with my opks but the only thing I can think is that my body geared up to ovulate from cd13 and then did not until cd18 as I was still getting cheapie opk positives for a few days after the smileys went negative but at the time I didn't really pay attention!

So I am now thinking that instead of being 15dpo I am actually 10dpo, what do you guys think? Please help me! If I did ovulate on cd 18, I only had sex cd13, 14 and 15 what do think my chances are? I'm still getting milk leaking, cramping, hungry, very wet cm, backache, lightheaded, breathless but this could mean nothing! Please somebody try and shed some light for me, any opinions welcome! Oh my temps crashed a bit yesterday but still above the cover line and went up a tiny bit more this morning! My lp is normally 12 days max.

Another possibility - chemical pregnancy?

Hope everyone else is well, Stef, hope you're okay lovely and settling into your new house and getting ready for ttc again next month! I'm doing SMEP next month when af finally arrives! Meli, any symptoms? Vegas - you okay? x x x

*UPDATE* 2pm - spotting has started, at least something is happening more than likely af as have been cramping badly all morning! :( Sorry for the above ramble just thought I'd leave it on anyway x
I almost have too much to catch up on since I haven't been on in soo very long! I have not been doing all that great mentally. I think it is just like everything that was going good in my life took a huge nosedive and I'm having some difficulty dealing with it. I have just been wanting to sleep. But I am trying to make some changes. The biggest one, I have started a diet and exercise routine. I have not had solid foods for a week and over the past week every muscle I have has been sore! The upside is that I have lost 6 pounds even after adding muscle. I have lost 2 inches from my upper body, 1 from lower, 1 from thighs, and half inch from arms. I also picked up some work cleaning for the dentist office below our apartment. Once I decide what school I will be going to for nursing, we will figure out where we are going to live and be able to start looking before I start school probably in July. We are still ttc but I really think we missed it for this month:sad1:. Maybe next month. I have been spending this month trying to get myself together health wise. The doctor ran some tests on my thyroid which he thinks may be the cause of my severe cramping during af. He also checked some other stuff and I have been getting my teeth fixed and my eyes checked. I just haven't been very sociable lately. I went through this when my dad died too. It took me a good five years to pull out of it then. I hope this time is not as long. My cousin has recently announced that his wife is pregnant and already she is further along than I got. :cry: I've basically been throwing myself a pity party, party of one lol Now that I have posted, I can go back and read the twenty something pages of posts since I was last on!
Son of a *&^$%! I was just typing responses for like 15 minutes and accidentally closed my window. I give up on catching up. I had gotten to post #133 and had to stop because all you guys were making me hungry and I can't eat for another week. Then that happened GRRRRRR. Now I'm a little frustrated so I'm going to get off for now. Hopefully I will catch up soon.
Sweetmomma: sorry to hear you aren't feeling well, but it sounds like you had a nice weekend.

Angel: that is so sad about the couple wanting to have another child after giving one up. I'm sure their older child is in a very loving home, so I'm not going to feel bad for him/her.

Jasmine: so sorry the witch seems to have gotten you, I really thought this was your month. I understand the disappointment every AF brings and nothing but a BFP will make any difference. Hugs

Jenn: nice to hear from you! Congrats on the diet, you sound like you are very committed. Sorry you are still feeling down, but it is completely natural. We're here for you!

Meli/Stef: hi!

I spent the weekend celebrating Charlotte's b-day. We had a ton of fun, but it made me a bit sad knowing hers is the only birthday we will be celebrating this year. I believe I O'd on Friday so that is good. I also went in for my monthly blood draw and there is no hCG in my blood, so that is good news (ironically). Counting down the months until I can ttc again. Roll on April!
Hey Jennc, good to hear from you, ohh that's so annoying when you lose a huge message like that! I literally get fuming! Aww, hunny, I understand how you feel I am very uch an introvert when it comes to dealing with stuff and grieving! There is light at the end of the tunnel I promise you! You will be a mummy very soon and it looks like you know what you need to do in order to get yourself healthy and strong again! Try not to lose hope x

Hey Vegas, I'm glad Charlotte has had a lovely birthday! I too get sad the further along time goes the bigger the age gap for our girls to have siblings! I really hope we can get our bfps before June when the angels due dates would have been! Do you have any kind of plan of attack for April? AF got me today, so I am planning on preseed and the SMEP plan for next month, looking back at my charts it seems we are missing the ovulation day ever so slightly either way as we're only having sex, a couple of times rather than staggering it so I reckon the SMEP is a good place to start plus I'm also very excited to be doing the actual baby making, I'm gonna have fun next month! My ovulation date is all over the place, it ranges from 13 to 21, crazy! Hey, it's great news about your bloods and that you have ovulated!

So as I said, witch got me today, woooooo I mean boooooo, bad witch but I hated that limbo land so at least something has happened! Pretty horrible cramps but one thing I'm worried about is still how light my periods are, is anyone else having the same issue?
Jasmine and Stef,

NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I’m so sorry to hear that af is on her way/or will be soon. Stupid b*****!!

My heart hurts for you both! I’m really upset--I was truly truly so convinced this month was it for both you guys!! What with all those symptoms, esp the leaking nipples, this is so unfair!!! This ttc crap freakin’ stinks!!! Now I'm feeling depressed along with you guys!! Lately, I've been looking back fondly at when I first ttc and got pg. I wasn't symptom spotting, I tested a day after af was due becuase I had forgotten, and wasnt even expecting anything! I WISH I COULD BE THE SAME PERSON THAT I WAS THEN. Ignorance is truly bliss.

Oh how I wish I could go back to the pre-crazy ttc lady I was back then! No desperately waiting for af to end and o to come then BDing purposely for o then obsessing for 2 weeks... husfdhfuisdhui!

They just called with my numbers!!!! Last time my hcg was either 31 or 37, it is 94 now! I thought my progesterone was 19something last time, but it was actually 15something. Now it is 18! Everything looks great! I go back for more bloods Monday. I hope that is the last time for a while though. Giving bloods isn't going to prevent miscarriage. And while the reassurance is good, it is kind of a hassle to be going in all the time. In case you all don't know, I babysit full time another little boy 6 months younger than Carter. So anyway, I have to see if Jeff can stay with the boys, or like Monday, drag them both in with me.:wacko:
How crazy is it that I was more excited to tell you all the news than my own husband!?!

Also, am I the only one that doesn't listen to decimals or change? It's like I hear the first number and tune the rest out.:wacko:

And I think I am okay with adding the:bfp:

Yay!!! Added to my sig!

Stef: Sorry about AF :( Next month it will happen (or it could still happen in February just like your mom predicted).

She was saying I was going to have a BFP in Feb, but let's hope you're right anyway! :) I should o on the 28th.

That is AMAZING you guys got your kitty back!!!! Crazy having 3 now though!!! My one can drive me crazy she is such an attention *****! Oh boy and she is very voicetress! lol... she is always meowing rather it is because she is wanting attention, she is happy, not happy, wanting something... all the time she is talking to us lol

Our new one and Capone are talkers, too. And LOUD talkers. ALL the time, ALL night long. Gracie, the one who ran away that we just got back, has a super quiet meow.

AFM- had my appt on wedn. was a little different. I denied that pap... where I just had one I dont need another... I have had 2 in the last 5 months and not because of any abnormalities... just becuase they wanted to.... the person I seen wasn't very happy with me denying it... she said she still had to do it to test for std's but I still told her no it is just me and my dh and she still tried to push for it but where I cramped all night after the last one they did with the last pregnancy I am refusing it... it was so bad I huddled in a ball and cried... it was like labor pains... so then after kind of argueing about it she said if you gave a urine sample today we can test for std's through that.... so that is what we settled for...

I don't blame you for denying it. You would think she would have offered the urine option right away rather than arguing with you about it!

Hope everyone else is well, Stef, hope you're okay lovely and settling into your new house and getting ready for ttc again next month! I'm doing SMEP next month when af finally arrives! Meli, any symptoms? Vegas - you okay? x x x

*UPDATE* 2pm - spotting has started, at least something is happening more than likely af as have been cramping badly all morning! :( Sorry for the above ramble just thought I'd leave it on anyway x

Nooooooo :( That makes me sad, I was hoping for your BFP!

We're settling ok, still have a ton of unpacking to do. And we're MUCH lower on money than we had expected, not sure where it all went. :shrug:

Meli/Stef: hi!

I spent the weekend celebrating Charlotte's b-day. We had a ton of fun, but it made me a bit sad knowing hers is the only birthday we will be celebrating this year. I believe I O'd on Friday so that is good. I also went in for my monthly blood draw and there is no hCG in my blood, so that is good news (ironically). Counting down the months until I can ttc again. Roll on April!

Hi! :)

April is close!

AFM, still looking for another job. Already hating 2 hours of driving a day. Anyone know any legit work from home stuff or want to hire me to be your virtual assistant? Lol.

Also, I think I have a staph infection. :growlmad: I had a bug bite on my leg that I thought was a spider bite because it had the raw look I get from them. It seemed to be ok so I didn't go to a doc, but now I have a funky rash, super itchy bumps showing up. I thought it was from switching laundry detergents at first. The majority of them are on my legs, which is where the bite is, but there are some showing up elsewhere including my arms and some on my back. The itch was SO intense last night that I thought I was going to cry because it was so frustrating. I'm going to a walk in today to hopefully get it taken care of...

So our money issues may cause ttc to be put on hold even if I don't want it to. We had everything planned out to where we'd be good after everything being done for the house. Apparently we calculated wrong... like way wrong. We'll be ok if we're super careful, but we have no extra for anything. I'm losing my hopes for a 2013 baby :(
Hey Jennc, good to hear from you, ohh that's so annoying when you lose a huge message like that! I literally get fuming! Aww, hunny, I understand how you feel I am very uch an introvert when it comes to dealing with stuff and grieving! There is light at the end of the tunnel I promise you! You will be a mummy very soon and it looks like you know what you need to do in order to get yourself healthy and strong again! Try not to lose hope x

Hey Vegas, I'm glad Charlotte has had a lovely birthday! I too get sad the further along time goes the bigger the age gap for our girls to have siblings! I really hope we can get our bfps before June when the angels due dates would have been! Do you have any kind of plan of attack for April? AF got me today, so I am planning on preseed and the SMEP plan for next month, looking back at my charts it seems we are missing the ovulation day ever so slightly either way as we're only having sex, a couple of times rather than staggering it so I reckon the SMEP is a good place to start plus I'm also very excited to be doing the actual baby making, I'm gonna have fun next month! My ovulation date is all over the place, it ranges from 13 to 21, crazy! Hey, it's great news about your bloods and that you have ovulated!

So as I said, witch got me today, woooooo I mean boooooo, bad witch but I hated that limbo land so at least something has happened! Pretty horrible cramps but one thing I'm worried about is still how light my periods are, is anyone else having the same issue?

Booooo. My first after mc was light, second was HEAVY the entire time, this one has been pretty heavy but tapered off a lot quicker. I'm sure after a break from it today it'll come back again like it always does (way to mess with me, af witch!).
Sorry for message bombing on here but I know you ladies all understand a lot others don't...

I've been feeling really down lately. OH even noticed it. We have a new house, a new cat, found our other cat, recently engaged, beautiful engagement ring, a lot of good going on. I've just been really... bleh. I'm frustrated with my body, it's always throwing stupid shit (pardon my language) at me. Recurring BV since I met OH (my body doesn't agree with his swimmers throwing off the pH) that I try to deal with without antibiotics because those give me yeast infections (so there's that, too). The last one I got I took the antibiotics because it was from the mc and I didn't want it to develop into a uterine infection, antibiotics gave me the worst yeast infection I've ever had. And that was a second dose of antibiotics after ones for a UTI. All that plus the 2 mc's. And now the rash, whatever it may be. I just can't win with my body!

This last month we BD'd EXACTLY at the right times. The last two times we did, we got pregnant. Easy peasy. This time, nothing. Sounds crazy, I know, but I just can't help to worry since it was so easy the last two times.

husdifhusigfysgfuyds. That is all.
Stef: maybe the rash is stress induced. Try taking a benydryl before going to bed and put some hydrocortisone cream on it and perhaps some tea tree oil (it kills the infection if there is any). As for the yeast infections, I get those too. Try taking a probiotic vitamin or eating yogurt every day. Also I find it helps when I wash up after bd. Not great for ttc, but helps prevent infections. I think you will get pg once you are a little more settled into the new house. Between moving, the job stuff, losing and finding Gracie, etc., your body and mind had too much going on to conceive. It will happen!

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