June Angel Baby Mommas Hoping for Rainbows!!

Ah man! I am sorry Jasmine. I hope it is just a bit too early!
Jasmine: I think you are still in it. Prolactin simply translated from Latin means "for milk", so the hormone simply causes you to produce milk. No, I can't get anything from my nipples (yes, I did try last night). Sorry if my pp was confusing. I never even got anything while pregnant, so for me it is not a sign. I've had seven very negative opk's in a row, so who knows when I will o. Maybe never at this rate! If I were you Jasmine, I wouldn't count myself just yet.
I missed the nipple! Lol.

Vegas, of course I'll be your Valentine too!

Jasmine, I'm just as confused as you are over here. Hopefully it's just too early!

So I'm 14dpo today. Got FRERs yesterday, yesterday got a BFN. Used a cheapie this morning, another BFN. AF is late, it's never late unless I'm pg, so I'm confused. First time pg I didn't get a BFP until AF was 2 days late, but seeing how quickly that ended... has me worried!

I guess I won't be giving OH the BFP for vday either :(

Just a few minutes ago the VP at my office was telling us his niece just lost her baby, at 6 months pg. He told us how she had a service and just broke down at the casket... I teared up. So sad.

I do have some good news. OH and I went back to the old house to clean up and pack up some more. I left before he did and as I was pulling into the driveway of the new house, I got a call from our old neighbor. He found Gracie! I called OH and he was about 20 minutes from the old house, so he turned around and went to get her. She's acting suuuuper sweet and lovey and happy, not at all how she was acting before she disappeared. So happy to have her back and acting like her old self!

I just spent way too much time making this for you ladies :)
Stef: hooray on finding Gracie! What does she think about the new cat? Such sad news about your vp's niece. I can't even imagine losing a baby that far along. I hope she will get her rainbow soon as well. Sorry you are still negative, but since you've gotten bfp's late before that just may be how your body works. Also, sometimes implantation takes a while and I don't think hCG is produced until that happens.
Thanks Vegas, I hate these last few days of the tww, I think it has the ability to turn a perfectly sane woman mad but then I've never been perfectly sane, thanks for the encouraging words though, I hope I'm still in it!

Stef, sorry to hear you're in the same boat as me, hope we both get good news! so happy that you got your Gracie back, now you have three cats hehe! My heart goes out to the lady who lost her baby that is truly awful, no casket should be that small. Thanks for the valentines card too, what is everyone up to? OH is making a curry and well watch a film, not terribly exciting I know but we're happy in each others company no matter what we do! I bought Eva a huge teddy bear, she is after all the other love of my life!

Vegas, hope you get your positive opk real soon and I absolutely cannot wait till you can start ttc!

Hope you're okay today Meli, any symptoms? X
Thanks for checking your nipple Vegas btw lol! It is definitely a symptom for me which is why I'm finding bfns hard to accept! aAhhh is that all lactic means, makes sense x
Tonight will be spent cleaning up the house for my in-laws visit tomorrow. We will be eating leftovers. Pretty boring v-day. I did dh a card and some chocolates and I bought a book for Charlotte (since she will get plenty of candy at school). Pretty slow at work today, hence all the posting on my part.

Jasmine: sanity is entirely overrated. There is no such thing as a sane woman trying to ttc. I believe some sort of animal instinct takes over and then with all these tests available the mad scientist in us all comes out. Whatever, it passes the time.

Wellllllllllllllll, I didn’t get a chance to go to church last night after all...I had my weekly Costco trip and picked up a chicken pot pie for dinner (I’ve been craving one since I saw a Marie Callendar’s commercial last week lol). I didn’t notice until I got home that it takes 1hour and 15 min to cook! By the time we got to church, we were 30 min late and people were already going home. I meant to go, I really did! But, isn’t there a saying that goes “the road to hell is paved with good intentions” or something like that. I feel so guilty!! Nothing like a Catholic school education, from preschool all the way through the first 2 years of college, to do that to ya! Sigh….I’ll keep it a secret and won’t mention to my mom that I didn’t make it to church after all…

I did end up picking up red velvet cupcakes from Costco and gave them to my office friends this morning. I agree your new office mates would prob think you were a little odd, were you to have done the same lol! Oh, I also bought 3 ridiculously adorable little girl summer outfits from Costco. They were only $6 each and were so cute, I just had to have them!!! I’ll keep my receipt, Costco has a pretty lenient return policy so I can always return them at later date or gift them to someone in future…

I feel your frustration with your opks, but at least a faint line is better than no line, right? I guess you’ll just have to keep testing. PS, I lol at the thought of you trying to squeeze milk out!


So glad Gracie is back!! Yay! :happydance: I think vegas makes a good point--you’ve gotten late bfp’s before so that may just be how your body works. Like you said, af is still late, and that’s not typical for you! Stay positive !!!!! :dust:

That is so so sad news about your vp’s niece…there but for the grace of God, go all of us...

Thanks so much for your Vday wishes and card. It’s beautiful! I need to learn how to do cool stuff like that.


I still think you’re pg; I don’t care that the lines are faint. It would be too much of a coincidence for you to have those milky nipples, high temps, creamy cm, and not be pg. Not to mention the results of your crafty little experiment with the water. That would really, really, really be a cruel joke. I’m sure tmo’s lines will be darker! :dust:

I know what you mean about prob being able to get more sleep if you had another baby, I’ve woken up at 3am and not been able to go back to sleep until 30 min before I have to get ready for work the last 2 nights, all these thoughts in my head, driving me crazy!! It’s between anxiousness for temping/charting, and another health scare I had yesterday (it’s since been resolved, will explain more in a bit--I just didn’t want to share it yesterday since I wasn’t sure what was going on, didn’t want you guys to say “oh no, here comes the drama queen again” lol)

No real symptoms to report, per se, but last night when we BD’d it felt weird, like he was touching my cervix or something? It felt the same as when we BD while I’m wearing the softcup. I actually got so distracted halfway through, wondering, "did I leave a softcup up there? OH NO! I’ve left a softcup in me for 1 whole week!! What is wrong with me--how could I do such a thing?? Maybe that’s what caused my supposed ‘health scare’" (detailed below). I couldn’t wait for him to finish so I could run and check and thankfully, no softcup causing that weird feeling. I know the cervix changes position constantly, and have felt the same feeling before, but I’ve just never paid attention as to what CD it was. It’s probably just normal cervix behavior and not a sign.

Btw, what time was it over there, when you posted about an hour ago?


My medical group has a website where patients can log in and see all their health info and stats. I logged in yesterday morning and saw a new entry under my “Active Conditions”: Malignant cervical neoplasm. WTF!!??? I just had my pap smear done last week..so you know my mind was racing!! I called my dr office, of course they said they had to take a msg and wouldn’t give me any info, so I emailed my dr and breathlessly awaited her response. I was practically having panic attacks all day yesterday!!

Well, she responded last night at almost midnight (and I received her msg when I arrived to my office this morning). Not to worry-pap is negative, nothing wrong, it’s just a billing code that was a data entry error by her staff!! OMG I was so relieved.

So, I just paid a traffic ticket that I received in October. We were on our way to visit MIL to give her the good news in person that I was pg. DH and I were having such a great conversation, I was so distracted, DH’s car is so smooth you can’t even tell that you’re speeding. next thing I know, the California Highway Patrol was on my a** and pulled me over. Stupid stupid ticket. I was clocked at 85 mph in a 65mph zone. Court fees were $458, plus another $20 for traffic school. OUCH OUCH OUCH OUCH OUCH OUCH!!!! When I got the ticket, I tried not to be bummed about it, and just thought “Oh well, at least we’re on our way to deliver good news”. Now that I’ve paid it, it’s like rubbing salt in the wound, and brought up memories of that happy day, and my current reality. IT JUST SUCKS. Oh, and further irony! I am the most cautious, old lady driver you have ever met!! I truly am-even DH agrees with that statement. More ironic is that 16 mos before that ticket, I had another speeding ticket (clocked at 89 mph in a 65 mph zone). Another huge fine was paid then. Oh yah, some more irony, 1 year ago, I paid a ticket that was attributed to me in error, supposedly my car had run a red light, picture was taken by the red light cameras, by the time I got the letter in the mail, I had no chance to dispute it, was told to just pay it and apply to the court to get my refund. I just paid to avoid a warrant, stupid $386 ticket that didn’t even belong to me (it was confirmed that it wasn’t me, although I knew it from the start!). Have I gotten my money back? No, of course not, I’ve been trying since to get that money back, keep getting the run around, I don’t think it’s ever going to happen.

So, to recap, in the last 18 mos, I’ve wasted $1244 on 3 stupid stupid tickets, one of which didn’t even belong to me!!

Rant over. Thanks for listening. I'm over the stupid tickets. Just paid it so I'm trying to be grateful that the fine is no longer hanging over my head. Today I’m having my CD21 progesterone blood test done..hope to have the results early next week. FX for good results!!
Stef: hooray on finding Gracie! What does she think about the new cat? Such sad news about your vp's niece. I can't even imagine losing a baby that far along. I hope she will get her rainbow soon as well. Sorry you are still negative, but since you've gotten bfp's late before that just may be how your body works. Also, sometimes implantation takes a while and I don't think hCG is produced until that happens.

She hasn't really had a chance to get a feel for the new cat yet, Capone has been too busy following him around making him uncomfortable, lol. OH sent pics of them together today though, looks like they MIGHT be starting to get along better... FX.

I'm hoping it's just a late implanter! I'm figuring since I o'd a day late I might get af a day late (have never had that happen but I suppose it's possible), but still no signs of it... so FX there too!

Stef, sorry to hear you're in the same boat as me, hope we both get good news! so happy that you got your Gracie back, now you have three cats hehe! My heart goes out to the lady who lost her baby that is truly awful, no casket should be that small. Thanks for the valentines card too, what is everyone up to? OH is making a curry and well watch a film, not terribly exciting I know but we're happy in each others company no matter what we do! I bought Eva a huge teddy bear, she is after all the other love of my life!

I feel like a crazy cat lady! I know OH does, too, lol. Trying to give attention to all three last night was crazy! We've got the one who was missing for 8 1/2 days that we want to smother and love on who is exploring her new home for the first time, the one who's been with us the whole time and was starting to get used to getting all of the attention, then the one who has only been with us for a day and is still nervous and wanting a lot of attention to adjust to everything. It was cat crazy!

I'm not sure what we're doing, probably relaxing (I hope!). I do know OH is cooking dinner, he bought a huge steak the store had for V-day (huge because it's meant to be shared, even has a Happy Valentine's Day sticker on the package), so yay! Then I have a sexy outfit to play with (as long as af stays far far away!).

Tonight will be spent cleaning up the house for my in-laws visit tomorrow. We will be eating leftovers. Pretty boring v-day. I did dh a card and some chocolates and I bought a book for Charlotte (since she will get plenty of candy at school). Pretty slow at work today, hence all the posting on my part.

Jasmine: sanity is entirely overrated. There is no such thing as a sane woman trying to ttc. I believe some sort of animal instinct takes over and then with all these tests available the mad scientist in us all comes out. Whatever, it passes the time.

I've never really seen much excitement in Vday myself, I want love expressed to me every day, but I'll take the special treatment if I can get it, lol.

And I completely agree with sanity being overrated, especially when TTC.


So glad Gracie is back!! Yay! :happydance: I think vegas makes a good point--you’ve gotten late bfp’s before so that may just be how your body works. Like you said, af is still late, and that’s not typical for you! Stay positive !!!!! :dust:

That is so so sad news about your vp’s niece…there but for the grace of God, go all of us...

Thanks so much for your Vday wishes and card. It’s beautiful! I need to learn how to do cool stuff like that.

I'm glad too! I about peed myself with excitement when I got the phone call.

Yep, I'm hoping it's just going to be a late shower BFP!

And yeah, I didn't know what to say about his niece... I never told them about my second mc (they knew about the first and were very understanding and caring) and it just made me sad. Poor woman.

I made it in Photoshop :) Looked up graphics for ideas and made it based on a card I saw.

That totally sucks about your tickets, I hope you get the money back on that one that wasn't yours. I've never gotten a ticket myself (!) but my car is cursed (Seriously! Maybe I'll tell those stories some other time, lol) and a bunch of my friends have gotten tickets driving it.

Also, I'm glad that was a coding error! I would've been freaking out too!

"Cat crazy" made me lol! I could just picture last night's scene with all 3 kitties. I think we're all crazy, in between "cat craziness" and "ttc craziness" sigh..
thanks for the tip. I've gotta learn photoshop!
I have a lot of crazy going on lately!

I used to (and still sometimes do) design websites so I've used Photoshop A LOT.
Meli: no one wants to see the word malignant on their medical records. Thank goodness it was an error. Just what you needed with everything else that is going on! I'm interested in hearing the results of your 21 day labs. Let us know what they discover. Also, you've got me beat; I only went through 12 years of Catholic education.

Stef: I love Photoshop, too bad the program is so darn expensive!
Hey vegas,

So you can understand the joys of catholic school. In high school, I actually went to an all-girls school. It even has “convent” as part of the name lol!! Of course, I hated it growing up, and as an adult, I am not the most faithfully practicing Catholic, and I don’t agree with all the church has done (pedophile cover-ups, etc), BUT I do appreciate the rituals, and church service. There’s something to be said about rituals. As an adult, I can totally appreciate the sacrifice my parents went through, to put myself and 2 brothers through catholic school.
Meli: I went to an all-girls high school too! DH went to the all-boys HS. There is a lot I don't like about the church, like the stuff you mentioned, but there is a lot of good there too.

Good news for me; today's OPK looked almost positive. Finally! Unlike the rest of you this means either no bd'ing or using protection. Not the Valentine's my dh would like, but that is just the way it is as I don't want to take the risk. Hope you all have a wonderful Valentine's evening.
Stef, I am so happy Gracie is back!!! Thanks for the card!! It is more than dh got me!

Vegas, sorry no nookie on vday for you. Glad you got an almost positive though, hope it gets darker tomorrow and your temps confirm o soon.

Meli, Wow!! That is quite a sum of money! I am glad it was just an error that got figured out!! You should have told us! We wouldn't think you were a whiner!

Jasmine, ttc certainly turns me even crazier!!

Hope you all are having a relaxing vday. All I got for valentine's day were three piles of cat throw up:sick:
Vegas, yay for an almost positive opk!

Angel, aww that sucks! Does he need a swift kick in the butt from us? OH didn't get me anything really either, but that was the plan since he just got my engagement ring. He's also making me dinner and cleaned up a lot while I was at work today, so it's good :)

So it looks like I'm out this month. Think af is here. Very light bleeding but accompanied by some mild cramps and bad lower back pain :( Knowing I'm out this month has made me miserable this evening. Been down and grumpy
Ah man Stef, I am really sorry. I know it doesn't help, but I know you will get it next month!
Sorry Stef, that's rubbish, I hate the witch, if it makes you feel better I think she's on her way for me, just got a bfn on a cheapie and now a clear blue digital!

Still have a high temp though, I think I might have ovulated later and missed it, boooo, I'm miserable too!

Congrats on the positive opk Vegas, don't worry I didn't get to bd anyway on valentines night, oh didn't seem interested surprise surprise! X
Btw Meli isn't temp taking anxiety the worst, I wake up about 5 times early morning then worry that I've messed it up!

I don’t know about you, but when I went to elementary school, about 75% of the teachers were nuns. I don’t even think that’s the case anymore in the U.S.

Yay for the pos opk! Finally! I’m hope you have a great weekend with the in laws visiting :winkwink: !! I love having company, but dread it at the same time. I hate having to clean madly before they come, then cleaning again when they leave lol! DH has wanted to hire a maid for a few years now, but I’ve resisted so far. First off, I’m such a control freak!! I don’t like the thought of someone being in my home, all up in my business (if they wanted to lol!). I feel like, we don’t have a huge unmanageable home, it’s totally reasonable and doable for me/us to handle. As long as DH isn’t ridiculously demanding about having a perfect, squeaky clean house each and every day, then we’re good! But if he ever changes, and starts being more demanding, welllllllllll then, Houston, we’ve got a problem. I think that I may change my mind if I ever have a baby, I may need some help then, but I doubt it.


So sorry DH didn’t spoil you. Knowing how men think, he was prob thinking, “Well, I got her pg, that’s her Vday gift” lol. MEN! Sigh……..

Jasmine and Stef,

NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I’m so sorry to hear that af is on her way/or will be soon. Stupid b*****!!

My heart hurts for you both! I’m really upset--I was truly truly so convinced this month was it for both you guys!! What with all those symptoms, esp the leaking nipples, this is so unfair!!! This ttc crap freakin’ stinks!!! Now I'm feeling depressed along with you guys!! Lately, I've been looking back fondly at when I first ttc and got pg. I wasn't symptom spotting, I tested a day after af was due becuase I had forgotten, and wasnt even expecting anything! I WISH I COULD BE THE SAME PERSON THAT I WAS THEN. Ignorance is truly bliss.

Jasmine,I see on your chart that you also use opk’s with temping? How/why do you think you missed your o?


Yesterday I went to do the progesterone blood test and the needle hurt so bad. Today the area around the pinprick is noticeably swollen and bruised. With all the blood tests I’ve had to do these last few months, I can’t remember any of them looking/hurting like this one. I guess that’s what happens when you’re the last patient right before closing time lol!

so my v-day was ok, I picked up dinner from El Pollo Loco (our fav!). Nothing special, since DH has been spending lots of $ on the house stuff, we agreed to not buy each other gifts for Vday. His xmas gift to me was pretty extravagant--he bought me a dyson vacuum (which I asked for, btw, b4 someone thinks he’s an a-hole for such a gift lol) so I have no problem laying off of spending more money. We didn’t even BD last night, we were both so exhausted, fine with me lol! I think I’ll stop and pick up a carrot cake (his fav) on the way home tonite and surprise him with a belated vday treat.

Today I am 8dpo, my cycle temps are still pretty much the same as last month’s temps, today’s temp (98.40) is almost exactly the same as last month’s 8dpo (98.37). Oh well…..

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