June Angel Baby Mommas Hoping for Rainbows!!


So nice to hear from you! Sounds like you had a great weekend with the family, sorry to hear you are still feeling so sick!!

I think you made the right decision to deny the pap. Why risk it!! the nurse should have been the first to understand that!

I have a Panera by me, but have never been. I have to check it out!

Lucky for you getting breaks on your tickets. I couldn’t even try to attempt to *flirt* my way out of it since DH was with me both times!


Sorry to hear that you’re still feeling emotional. That’s totally normal—I feel that way, and I don’t even have anyone close to me that’s pg (just found out one cousin is pg, but I’m not close to her and only see her like once a year). For crying out loud-I get emotional when I hear another celebrity is pg (like they’re doing it to spite me, huh). I think (hope) that’s totally normal, if not, it might mean I’m turning into a bitter betty!


So sorry to hear of stupid AF coming. It sounds like you had a chemical. I know that no words I can say will make you feel better, only a bfp will make things better. It will happen soon!! It has to! SMEP sounds like a good plan, I think I will try that next month (at least for the 4-5 days before o and couple days after-IDK if I can commit to BD'd every other day for a whole month lol)!

I don’t know how you dealt with your sister having a baby a week after your mc. Wow…you are so strong!!! I don’t think I could have dealt with such a thing.

My periods have been lighter than usual since my mc. I still don’t know if that’s a good thing, or bad thing! I hope the results of my progesterone test will shed some light on this.


Wow, it sounds like you’re seriously making positive changes! I’m impressed! You said you haven’t eaten solid foods in 1 week? What diet are u doing? Liquids only?? Crazy~! There is no way in heck I could last on only liquids. You’ve obviously got some willpower, can u pls send some my way???!

I’m sorry you’re going through some issues right now. I understand that you went through the same type of behavior when you lost your father, but at least now, having gone through it before, you can now recognize it, and get help sooner rather than later. Stay strong, fight through it, and stay positive!!


Sounds like you guys had a great weekend! I can imagine the bittersweet feeling about this being the only bday for this year, but April will be here before you know it. That you finally o’d is awesome, and even MORE awesome are your blood draw results!


Scary stuff about the possible staph infection! Can’t mess around with that stuff. I hope they gave u some super strong meds to take care of that!

Sorry to hear about the budget issues. I know it’s hard!

You are right that you have so much going well for you, except, well, your bfp. I think vegas makes a legit point. Maybe you just had too much going on right now to get pg, too many stressors and changes. I know we would all rather our rainbows happen when the timing is best for our bodies to best support them, so they can have the best chance possible to be healthy. I’m sure you agree. Still doesnt make it any easier, because we want them NOW!

I feel for you and your commute! If taking the train wasn’t an option for me, I’d be in your same shoes!!

Btw, what does “husdifhusigfysgfuyds” mean? I googled it but nothing came up…


I have no symptoms at all. My back has been hurting here and there, but not a cramping type pain, just a sore type of pain. We had a busy weekend moving things around (had plantation shutters installed on Sat), vacuuming, sweeping and mopping. I literally was moving nonstop from morning to night on Sat & Sun and those chores will mess with my back, so I’m not reading much into that at all. Today we had off of work (Presidents day, I think?) so I just relaxed most of the day, at one point we (DH, myself, and our neighbor) went to check out a few tile stores and then went out to lunch.
My appetite has slightly changed, I’m less hungry now than I usually am around dinnertime, not by a huge amount, just enough for me to notice, which tells me it’s all in my head. Also havent been craving desserts/sweets, which is so unlike me cuz I have a huge sweet tooth, but I'm trying hard not to fall into the trap of thinking I'm pg when Im not, because I've had huge let downs before, as we all have....

IF my temps stay up tomorrow, I *may* allow myself a glimmer of hope, but I'm sure my temps will start falling tomorrow 11dpo, like they did last month, and then af will follow 2 days later...
I know in my area as long as you say sorry and so on and listen to their lecture they typically let you off with a warning.... oh is a deputy and most of them know him so I got off with a warning... Like I said though a lot of them were late at night so they were bored... Not really anything legit that they would have pulled me over for in the day.... Only one I would have understood completely understood and the trooper wasn't even from this area (we live by the state patrol academy so we get them from around the state doing their training and they can still pull anyone over....)
I am praying with this pregnancy the morning sickness doesn't last the whole pregnancy like it did with #2.... #1 it was 7 months!!!
Fyi.... I do read all the comments I just don't always respond... Typically too tired... Lol just wanted you all to know even if I am not commenting on everything doesn't mean I am not following what you all say... Night all! Hugs
Morning guys, witch is here in full flow for me now, massive temp drop this morning too! It's fine, I'm just looking forward to next month now, I am not letting it get away!

The good thing is I seem to be having a normal period now and last month was a 27 day cycle which is what it was always before the mc, I think my body is now telling me it is ready to try again and I can't wait! I want to get some preseed but it's soo expensive!

We're going to be doing the SMEP plan around moving house, which funnily enough is what happened when we conceived Eva, the exact same month, we moved house, we were dtd around packing boxes and we caught! If I catch next month, it will be the same star sign as Eva and the angel (when it was actually born) and it will be due like 2 days different to the date the angel was born, wouldn't that be weird if I had 3 little Sagittarius babies! I'm feeling very good about next month, I also know that it would be typical for both our children to have birthdays right before Christmas! Btw, I'm also annoyed with that psychic for saying I would catch in January and I'm not going again, harump.

Meli, I'm REALLY excited about your really high temp yesterday, look how high it went, wowsers, sorry I can't help it that's a big climb, I've a sneaky feeling you won't be needing SMEP plan next month, fx! Oh in case you do, you don't need to dtd every other day all month just start from cd8 until you get a positive opk, then three days in a row, miss a day then one last time! Trust me, we would never be able to do it every other day all month! Okay, I'm stalking your chart now, I'm really thinking this could be it!

Stef, I feel exactly the same hunny, the both other times I got pregnant I caught first time and I knew at the time I was lucky and that perhaps it was a bit too good to me true but you can't help feeling cheated by your body. I think it's obviously ttc that's getting you down, it's almost like until that happens we can't be happy about anything at all! I hope you don't have to put it on hold but obviously you need to do what's best for you! If it makes you feel any better, we have no money at all, no savings, rented house, rubbish car, no family support but it doesn't change the love we feel for our little girl, she's our world. We had even less when we had her, one bedroom rented flat etc etc, people have had children in slums and caves really all they need is love!

Have a good day everyone, I still think it's funny that you're all still in bed! x
Stef: maybe the rash is stress induced. Try taking a benydryl before going to bed and put some hydrocortisone cream on it and perhaps some tea tree oil (it kills the infection if there is any). As for the yeast infections, I get those too. Try taking a probiotic vitamin or eating yogurt every day. Also I find it helps when I wash up after bd. Not great for ttc, but helps prevent infections. I think you will get pg once you are a little more settled into the new house. Between moving, the job stuff, losing and finding Gracie, etc., your body and mind had too much going on to conceive. It will happen!

I tried responding last night on my phone, it crashed and I lost my whole message so I gave up! I ended up getting some tea tree oil to try it and save the walk in fee, it seems to be working! I washed with antibacterial soap, air dried, cleaned the spots with peroxide, air dried again, then used the tea tree oil. The original bite finally looks like it's drying up and the other marks were less itchy last night. I took one benadryl before bed, and it worked like a charm! Thank you for suggesting tea tree oil :)

I actually do take a probiotic - femdophilus. It seemed to be working great until we started bd'ing more around o time. I've been slacking on taking it during the move... have to start up again before af ends!

I hope you're right about the problem being all the stressors! I know it's crazy to worry so early, it was just so easy the last two times!

I have a Panera by me, but have never been. I have to check it out!

They're yum! A little pricey, but good. I love their chicken cobb salad, no cheese. The frontega chicken sandwich is really good, too.


Scary stuff about the possible staph infection! Can’t mess around with that stuff. I hope they gave u some super strong meds to take care of that!

Sorry to hear about the budget issues. I know it’s hard!

You are right that you have so much going well for you, except, well, your bfp. I think vegas makes a legit point. Maybe you just had too much going on right now to get pg, too many stressors and changes. I know we would all rather our rainbows happen when the timing is best for our bodies to best support them, so they can have the best chance possible to be healthy. I’m sure you agree. Still doesnt make it any easier, because we want them NOW!

I feel for you and your commute! If taking the train wasn’t an option for me, I’d be in your same shoes!!

Btw, what does “husdifhusigfysgfuyds” mean? I googled it but nothing came up…

I didn't end up going to the walk in, decided to try what vegas suggested, at least for a day, to save the walk in fees. It seems to be working, so as long as things don't start getting worse, I'm going to keep that up. If things get worse at all, then I'll go see someone about it. I just HATE taking antibiotics... always messes with my body, and I've taken SOOO many since the mc because of all the problems it caused.

You're right, I do want the timing to be right so everything goes well! I'm just seriously impatient... I want the timing to be right now! If nothing else, ttc is definitely trying to teach me patience.

I've been a huge slacker with work since moving because of the drive... did ok last week because OH was home to motivate me to get moving... but I took Friday off, was late to work yesterday, slept in and came in late today... they don't care because I chose my own schedule, as long as I do my hours it doesn't so much matter when they're done, but doing it often is going to look bad! I haven't even told them we've moved yet :wacko:

Lol, that was just me being frustrated and hitting the keys on the keyboard. No real meaning!


I have no symptoms at all. My back has been hurting here and there, but not a cramping type pain, just a sore type of pain. We had a busy weekend moving things around (had plantation shutters installed on Sat), vacuuming, sweeping and mopping. I literally was moving nonstop from morning to night on Sat & Sun and those chores will mess with my back, so I’m not reading much into that at all. Today we had off of work (Presidents day, I think?) so I just relaxed most of the day, at one point we (DH, myself, and our neighbor) went to check out a few tile stores and then went out to lunch.
My appetite has slightly changed, I’m less hungry now than I usually am around dinnertime, not by a huge amount, just enough for me to notice, which tells me it’s all in my head. Also havent been craving desserts/sweets, which is so unlike me cuz I have a huge sweet tooth, but I'm trying hard not to fall into the trap of thinking I'm pg when Im not, because I've had huge let downs before, as we all have....

IF my temps stay up tomorrow, I *may* allow myself a glimmer of hope, but I'm sure my temps will start falling tomorrow 11dpo, like they did last month, and then af will follow 2 days later...

I know the feeling of not wanting to get your hopes up too much, but I sure have my hopes up for you! If not this month, next month!

Morning guys, witch is here in full flow for me now, massive temp drop this morning too! It's fine, I'm just looking forward to next month now, I am not letting it get away!

The good thing is I seem to be having a normal period now and last month was a 27 day cycle which is what it was always before the mc, I think my body is now telling me it is ready to try again and I can't wait! I want to get some preseed but it's soo expensive!

I hope it's your body's way of saying it's ready for next month! That would explain why it didn't happen this month :)

Stef, I feel exactly the same hunny, the both other times I got pregnant I caught first time and I knew at the time I was lucky and that perhaps it was a bit too good to me true but you can't help feeling cheated by your body. I think it's obviously ttc that's getting you down, it's almost like until that happens we can't be happy about anything at all! I hope you don't have to put it on hold but obviously you need to do what's best for you! If it makes you feel any better, we have no money at all, no savings, rented house, rubbish car, no family support but it doesn't change the love we feel for our little girl, she's our world. We had even less when we had her, one bedroom rented flat etc etc, people have had children in slums and caves really all they need is love!

Have a good day everyone, I still think it's funny that you're all still in bed! x

I just feel like I'm not going to be excited about all the good until I'm pg, which stresses me out, which will make it harder to get pg. It's like a vicious cycle! I need to stop stressing out and just be happy, but I'm such a worrier. I know the money issue isn't as big as it seems right now, we always make it through whenever there's a problem, and this problem we sort of expected.

Well, here's to next month being our month!

We are already having our first problem with the house, grr. The drain thing in the basement where the washer / dryer go is plugged. Whenever the washing machine drains, the thing in the floor backs up and leaks into the basement. OH tried a fix last night so we're hoping it works, but I'm afraid to do laundry today!

I’ve only been pulled over once before these last 2 traffic stops, about 20 yrs ago, and as you’ve experienced, got away with just a warning (whew).

Omg! I didn’t know that your MS lasted the whole preg with #2, and 7 mos for #1! You must have lost lots of weight!! I hope you feel better really really soon…hope you got some rest this time.


You’ve got a good attitude and I think you’re right-getting back to your reg cycle is a good sign! Funny that you say you got pg with Eva while ‘dtd around packing boxes’ lol! That’s a funny visual! That would be awesome to have 3 Sagittarius babies!! You can never forget the dates lol.

Thanks for the positive vibes, but I got a BFN this morning.. BOO!!!Thanks for clarifying the info about the smep, we will def be doing that next month for sure! When do you anticipate your next o? FF says I will o Mar 8, possibly fertile starting Mar 5, but I will start using opks on Mar 3 just to make sure I don’t miss the egg again!!!

You make a good point when you told Stef “it's almost like until that happens we can't be happy about anything at all!” ugh I feel the same way and I hate it!!! Like Stef says, it’s a vicious cycle. I keep saying I will stop feeling this way, but hasn’t happened yet…I’m finally realizing that I can't stop myself from feeling this way, but I can be careful of how it manifests, e.g. I can control not taking it out on others (as in DH!). I’m sure you KWIM.

It also think it’s funny that we’re still in bed while your day is almost over!


So glad that the tea tree oil seems to be working! Woo hoo vegas for passing on that suggestion!!! FX that it keeps working for you.

I know what you mean about not being motivated at work, I’m the same way! I need to get my act together, have been daydreaming (anybody want to guess about what?) and have only been doing the bare minimum. I need to stop because all I’m doing is piling up the rest of the tasks, I will have to do them sooner or later and I only screw myself by doing that!

I hope OH’s fix works. sounds like he must be pretty handy to even attempt a fix!


I’m 12dpo today. My temp fell again this morning (after the spike 10dpo). Stupid me took an hpt this morning, and of course, bfn. It was an early test, supposedly 70% of women get their bfp on 12dpo using this test. I doubt I am one of the 30% of women who fall through the cracks. Oh well, at least this cycle I waited until 12dpo to test, not like last month where I started testing 8dpo. So that’s progress, right? Maybe one day, I will finally be able to wait to test until af is late (one can only hope). stupid witch will prob be here Thursday or Friday.
Hello Girls!!

Its been a busy couple of weeks. I've been reading posts on my phone but haven't turned my computer on for a long time so I haven't posted anything. I have so much to catch up on!!

Angel – Big huge gigantic congratulations to you!! I am so excited for you. I also added your bfp to my siggy. I can't wait to add more and more until we all have flashing bfp's by our names!! :) I know what you mean about feeling something was off with the m/c pregnancy. I felt the same way. For some reason when I went in to my early scan I was expecting that there was going to be a problem. I somehow knew that it wasn't going to stick. I sure hope I feel differently the next time. I am so glad you feel better about this one. I think that is a great sign that it will be a healthy 9 months for you!! Your numbers are great. You are off to a fantastic start!!

Stef – So glad that Gracie came home!! Lots of great things happening for you lately. New house, new ring, a new cat (and your Gracie came home). The next things will be a new job closer to home and of course a bfp!! That will make it all complete!! You will have to post a pic of your ring once you get it back. I'm sorry that af got you this month. I really do think that next month will be your month. I'm glad to hear that Vegas's remedy worked for you. Staph infections are scary!! I hope it goes away completely without need for further antibiotics!!

Meli – I am so glad you found out all of that information about the liver donation. It really does help to make you feel more confident in your decision. You can't sacrifice your future baby plans to donate. I am very grateful that you found that lady to give you the real information. It is so scary that they downplay the impact and consequences of a donation.

You aren't out this month yet!! I still have my fingers crossed for you!! I am really hoping that you are the next bfp for us to add!! I am also proud of you for waiting until 12dpo. I think you successfully kept our pact this month (to not test early).

I am interested to hear what your test results say. The progesterone test will confirm ovulation so it will be reassuring to know for sure that it happened (especially with what the doctor was saying about not knowing for sure if you are ovulating). The good news is that if you are not ovulating on your own for some reason there are fixes for that. I thought for sure I ovulated on my own last month (based on symptoms) but my progesterone test said I hadn't. That just meant this month I took the trigger shot to give my body that extra boost it obviously needs. Its just good to know what is going on so you can take the appropriate steps to deal with it!!

Jasmine – I'm glad to hear you had fun on your hen's weekend!! It is nice to just get away and have fun and forget about all this ttc business for a couple of days!! I'm so sorry this cycle has been so confusing for you. It is such an emotional rollercoaster as it is. Having to wait extra long with all those conflicting tests and symptoms must have made it so much harder. Big hugs to you!! I know what you mean about just wanting to know one way or the other. Limbo sucks!! It really is the hardest place to be!! I hope your next cycle is easier. On the positive side, yay for a more normal cycle!! I also think that next month will be your month!!

We tried SMEP last month. It gets a little tough by the end. After two weeks of every other day (since I wasn't getting a positive opk when I should have) it did get to be a bit of a chore. To be honest we didn't bd again for a long time after we stopped SMEP'ing. I hope you ovulate quickly so that it can stay fun for you!! I don't know how Angel did 15 days last cycle (in a shorter time period). That is very impressive!! I guess we did do 14 times in 2 weeks...but as I said...near the end it was not because we wanted to!! lol

Vegas – I am sure glad to live in Canada when I hear stories about hospital bills. I am very lucky not to have to worry about that!! Yay for a positive opk!! I just know you will have things figured out by the time you start ttc again. It will be April before we know it. Basically its only one more cycle until you will be there!!

Sweetmomma – I hope you feel better soon. Although I do think that ms is such a good sign of a healthy pregnancy. Your family day sounded like so much fun. That is a perfect way to celebrate something like Valentines day!!

Jennc – Glad to hear from you again. I am really sorry to hear you have been having such a tough time. Its great you have been taking steps to make things better for yourself. I hope that things get easier for you soon! It is so frustrating when your post disappears after you have put a bunch of time into it!! That has happened to me a few times. I knew this post was going to be a long one so I typed it out in word and I will just copy and paste it when I'm done. That way I can't click the wrong thing and make it disappear. There is no way I could go back and start this over once I got through 20 pages of posts!!

Whew!! That took me a long time. Once again I am going to say no more waiting so long between posting. The longer I go, the harder it is to catch up...and then I wait longer as its such a big job. Its a vicious cycle!!
AFM - Things have been pretty busy lately. Thanks for all of your encouragement and suggestions after my last post. I ended up getting through my meetings without a huge disaster although it was not very comfortable and I had to run to the bathroom every 45 mins or so. After all that I ended up getting stuck in Montreal (due to flight cancellations from a big snowstorm) for an extra day. I was very happy to get home!!

I am currently on cd16. When I went for tracking on Thursday cd11 they found a large follicle and a smaller one. Since we had a long weekend this week and they were closed Monday they wanted me to get my trigger shot before the weekend (since the big one was already 25.5 on friday). So I got my shot on Friday. That means I should have o'd in the last day or so. I can't test opk's because the trigger shot will give me false positives. I also can't test early (I have to wait for the hcg to get out of my system from the trigger). Last time I waited until almost 3 weeks post trigger before testing. I may test earlier this time to see how long it takes the hcg to get out of my system. I ordered more cheap tests online so as long as they get here in time I will use them.

It seemed like it happened way faster than I was expecting. I didn't think I would be getting a trigger until this week (like today or tomorrow). We bd'ed on the 14th (the night before the trigger). But then we only bd'ed on the 16th and the 18th. We really should have on the 17th as well. We were both super tired and I didn't tell my husband that we needed to and he thought we were good with every other day. I hope we didn't miss it because of that. We will bd tonight and tomorrow too just to be sure.

I am supposed to go for a day 23 blood test to make sure that the trigger actually made me ovulate. I am hopeful that this will work again (and that it will stick this time!!). I can't symptom spot as I get all kinds of symptoms due to the hcg from the shot. So its just a matter of waiting. Hopefully these next few weeks will go by as quickly as the last few have!!

Thanks for the pma…I know, I am truly grateful for the donor’s honesty, it had to be difficult for her to open up her life to an absolute stranger! You’re right, I did keep to our pact of not testing early! Woo hoo!! :happydance:

I also copy and paste to a word doc to respond to posts, because I've had some postings lost/erased also! I also learned the hard way to not delete the word doc until I go back to bnb to view/confirm my post actually did post.

:dust: Awesome news that you’re now in the TWW~!! FX FX :dust:
Vegas, I am glad you had a good weekend and the Charlotte's birthday went well. I know what you mean about it being bittersweet though. Carter's will be here in June.

Meli, when do you get your results back? I know you know your cycle better than all of us, but I am still holding out hope!

Jenn, I am sorry you have had a rough time lately. That is awesome that you have been so committed to getting healthier!

Jasmine, I am sorry af got you. I know we will be adding your bfp this cycle! Money does help, but you are right, love is the most important. There are lots of rich people with crappy, unfufilling (is that even a word), ungrateful lives.

Jenk, Glad to hear your meetings went okay and you are back home. I hope this cycle is it for you too!!!

Stef, I am glad to hear the tea tree oil is working. I also know what you mean about not being able to be fully content unless you are pregnant. So you are trying this cycle, right? FX! What a handy oh you have! Mine would never attempt to fix something like that!

Sweetmomma, I hope you ms doesn't last the whole pregnancy!!!

AFM, I am starting to feel a bit of nausea, but I also think I have some sinus stuff going on too. My ears have been hurting and I have had a headache just about everyday. I went in for labs today so I should hear back tomorrow. Carter is also sick. He had a cough all last week. Then he added a runny nose and then a fever to the mix. We thought he was all better by Sunday, then on Monday morning he woke up crying and saying his ear hurt. I took him to the doctor and he was diagnosed with his first ear infection. He has been SOOOO whiney!!! It has been exhausting!

Sorry to hear Carter isn’t feeling well. Yikes! I hope you don’t catch what he has-that would stink! Try to get lots of rest-your body needs it, not just for your rainbow, but to keep your defenses up and not catch Carter’s bug!


Of course I emailed my dr yesterday morning to ask her what CD21 results were. Her response last night was “Your results have come in. You did ovulate. Results will be mailed to you”. So I responded this morning “Can you at least tell me if the numbers are low, or normal? Or, if you can’t or aren’t able to discuss via email, can you at least post the lab values online and I will do my research and try to decipher what the values mean?”

I hope she gets back to me asap. I mean, really, would it have killed her to say “results are in, you did ovulate, numbers look normal, OR numbers are low but you will get more details in the mail”??

Or why can’t they post the results online on their patient portal?? They post everything else!! Trying not to get frustrated because at least I know that I DID ovulate (thanks to trusty FF hee hee!) but she had me doubting my body for a minute there.

This morning I still have creamy CM, normally by 13dpo my CM is nonexistent/ dry, but I will check CM again tonight. My temps went down again today, FF says af will be here on Sat, but I have a feeling she will get here early due to my dropping temps. I just hope/FX if she does get here, she will get here either today, or Friday, but DEFINITELY hopefully not tomorrow, because if she does get here tomorrow, it will throw off my CD3 testing and I may have to wait another cycle for those because lab is only open Mon-Fri, and if af comes tomorrow, then CD3 is Sunday and I’m screwed over getting answers for another cycle.

**UPDATE** Dr just responded to say "Progesterone results are 6.5 Those are normal, not low normal".
And my response to that is "We shall see what Dr. Google says about that lol"~!
Meli - My understanding of progesterone levels at day 21 (as long as you ovulated at day 14) is that 6.5 is on the low end. Did you take the test at 7dpo?? Different doctors use different criteria for what level shows ovulation but here are some that I've seen in my own reading:

1) normal ranges
•Female (mid-cycle): 5 to 20 ng/mL

2) By 7 days post ovulation your progesterone levels should ideally be more than 10 ng/ml, or more than 15ng/ml on a medicated cycle. If they are less than this it could indicate an anovulatory cycle or it could mean you ovulated slightly later than you thought. Even levels of over five can indicate some kind of ovulation, but this is not an ideal result.

3) Mid-luteal cycle progesterone - serum progesterone is tested one week before a period is expected (on day 21 of a 28 day menstrual cycle). Ovulation is indicated by a progesterone level greater than 20 nmol/l.

So needless to say it is a bit confusing. There seems to be quite a range of what is considered normal. I have had my levels checked quite a few times but they always just tell me yes or no to whether they think I ovulated. I am not sure what my actual numbers are. I am going to see my naturopath on Friday and I am going to ask her what she thinks. I am also going to find out what my actual numbers are. I always forget to ask as I am usually just disappointed that they tell me...."no...you didn't ovulate" by the time I hang up the phone I always kick myself and think why didn't I ask for the actual number!!

I think that there are people that ovulate but don't have a strong ovulation and this causes them to have more trouble getting pregnant. I would definitely look into that a bit further if I were you. If you are not ovulating strongly enough then something like Clomid or Femera may help. I have heard of a few people on here who ovulate on their own but due to a weaker ovulation their doctors prescribe clomid or femera. I truely hate taking medication and typically try my hardest to avoid it if at all possible but there are some circumstances where I am more open to additional help. This is definitely one of those circumstances for me.
Meli: you are cracking me up, "Dr. Google". At least you are getting a response even if it isn't thorough. Sorry that you don't think you caught this month, but you are still in good company. I fully expect to be the last one with a BFP seeing as I can't try for another cycle or two and the fact it took me 11 months the last time (yet only one cycle with Charlotte, so strange).

Jenk: Good to hear from you! Can't wait to see what the next few weeks bring. It us sort of nice that you can't symptom spot or test early. Looks like you got a lot of well-timed bd in. Of course it only takes once!

Angel: looks like it is starting to really feel real for you. That's great! Sorry you and Carter have felt unwell. Boo!

Forgive me for not responding to all as I'm on my phone again. Thinking about you all.
Hi Jenkb,

Thanks for all that research! I hadn’t gotten around to it yet since I’m at work. You ROCK!

Yes, I did take the test at 7dpo (not CD21, as the dr said). Ya know, the fact that I knew this (thanks to FF and bnb!) yet, my dr didn’t know enough to tell me to come 7dpo instead of CD21, worries me! I’m not feeling too secure in her knowledge atm. In all fairness, she’s an ob-gyn, not a fertility specialist (my insurance doesn’t cover infertility).

Although there is a range of what’s considered ‘normal’ I agree that 6.5 isn’t an ideal result, it’s totally at the low end of the range. I’ve even read that 3 indicates no ovulation, so how can 6.5 be normal, KWIM! I’m totally open to more help, but not sure if it’s gonna happen dr.wise.

I guess what I cannot wrap my head around is, why/how did my cycle get regular and back on track so quick after my mc, but progesterone is low? I guess all hormones are tied together and although my period may be right on time, the quality of the ovulating eggs may not be good.

Also, I’m thinking that maybe I didn’t have low progesterone before my mc, because if I did, how in the world did I get pg the first time?

So far it looks like I have 2 options to do this on my own: natural progesterone cream, or soy iflavones? I’m scared of the soy cuz I heard it can mess with your cycles, and my cycles are fine and I don’t want to mess with that. I heard with the progesterone you have to take it right after you ovulate, not before, because then you could delay the ovulation.

I do the same as you-kicking myself after hanging up the phone and wishing I had asked more questions!

Hi vegas!

Yah, I’m sure you know Dr Google can be many things: helpful, scary, time stealer, etc etc! Yes, being in good company with y’all during this ttc journey is the only bright spot. Don’t be too sure that you’ll be the last one with a bfp! Keeping careful track of your cycle, as you’ve been doing, and BD’ing at the right time is all you need.

Anybody have any thoughts on soy iflavones and my situation?
Meli: I'm not a big fan of soy in general (unless I'm eating edamame), but I do like what vitamin B6 has done (did do) for me. I believed I had/have a luteal phase defect, which is linked to low progesterone, so I take 50mg/day all cycle long. It lengthened my LP by three days and I got my BFP the third month I took it. The first month I took 100mg, but it delayed ovulation (which happens for me a whole week later than most people anyway), so I reduced the dosage. May or may not help your situation, but you may want to look into it.

^^Jenk, do you know anything about this? You seem pretty knowledgeable about all this ttc stuff. :)
Meli: I'm not a big fan of soy in general (unless I'm eating edamame), but I do like what vitamin B6 has done (did do) for me. I believed I had/have a luteal phase defect, which is linked to low progesterone, so I take 50mg/day all cycle long. It lengthened my LP by three days and I got my BFP the third month I took it. The first month I took 100mg, but it delayed ovulation (which happens for me a whole week later than most people anyway), so I reduced the dosage. May or may not help your situation, but you may want to look into it.

^^Jenk, do you know anything about this? You seem pretty knowledgeable about all this ttc stuff. :)


Thanks for the info! I will definitely look into B6.

Btw, this morning I was thinking of you when I had the thought "Boy, do I miss the days of catholic school and uniforms!!" Of course, I hated wearing uniforms, but now as an adult, I kind of miss them. Everyone wears the same thing, no stress about what to wear, no choices one has to make, the decisions are already made for you!
Meli: I completely agree about uniforms. Much cheaper than having to keep up with the trends too! When I went to college it was the first time I had ever been allowed to decide what to wear to school and I had to ask my roommate. Ha!
Hey Everyone,

Stef - How you feeling now? This af has been pretty tough for me emotionally I feel like I am grieving all over again for the lost baby. It has really hit home that it's not going to be as easy as I thought to get pg again and I hate that thought, I feel like I'm getting desperate now, I'm pining for it so much! I know you'll be feeling similar so I just wanted to say big hugs x Hope you got your house problems sorted too!

Meli - how are you, have you done anymore tests, how are you feeling? I hope you get your BFP but if you are out, we can encourage each other through the SMEP next month at least, if you are out that 10dpo spike was a bit nasty just like my leaking nipples which are still bloody well leaking btw, I'm sure I must have had a chemical with the late period and that, god knows! I love it 'Dr Google' too, so funny! I love having the internet it's great plaing doctor but stressful at time, I once diagnosed myself with HIV dont worry i got the all clear but thats another story for another day! x

jenkb123 - thanks I did have a fab time on the hen weekend and now oh is on the stag, 4 nights in Madrid they always have to outdo us girls!I am keeping everything crossed that you get your bfp this month too! x x

Angel, hope you're okay, I saw your personal thread and I hope you're not worrying too much, I really think it will be okay! Hang on in there x x

Vegas, I don't think you'll be the last one without a BFP, I think it will take me bloody ages to get pregnant! I still cant wait for you to try though!

Sweetmomma, how are you? Has the sickness subsided?

Jennc, hope yu are feeling a little brighter, massive hugs to you x x x

AFM, not much to report, OH has just left for Madrid, when he gets back on Monday he has to impregnate me and move house, no biggie! Have ordered some preseed, doing SMEP, moving house on Thursday, whooooo!

x x
Hi Jasmine,

Sorry to hear you’re down. I completely understand! :hug:

I’m feeling ok, temps dropped to my coverline today so the witch should be here tomorrow. FX she doesn’t come today and throw off my CD3 testing plans!!! :growlmad:

That 10dpo spike was nasty, wasn’t it? I have no idea what it was. Actually, I do know. It happened just to tease me. Just like last month’s spike at 7dpo really got me all excited!

I have been sleeping so bad the last couple of weeks between the temping and my racing mind. I have been so exhausted I cannot stand it. I’m thinking what I’ll do is something different next month- start temping CD5, keep temping until my o is confirmed, then stop temping from 1dpo-14dpo. That way I’ll be able to get better sleep and stop being so anxious to temp during the 2ww. I just bought some Fertileaid that I’ll start taking on CD1. I’m also planning to start using progesterone cream this cycle, and I read that it can cause some side effects that mimic pg, not looking forward to that!

Actually, scratch that, now that I think about it, I think I will keep temping throughout the 2ww next cycle, since I will be using the progesterone cream, wondering if I’ll see higher temps throughout the 2ww? I would be happy if it stopped my brown spotting during 2ww! I don’t care what my dr says--I am so convinced the brown spotting is indicator that I cannot get pg until the brown spotting ends.

OK, so if next cycle doesn’t give me my bfp, I will stop temping after o is confirmed.

So dr. google convinced you that you had hiv once, huh?! Now that’s extreme case scenario lol! I can imagine you in a tizzy until you realized it wasn’t true! Yup….gotta love Dr. Google.

So your OH will be spending 4 nights in Madrid??! Quite the jetsetter--first Las Vegas, then Madrid…must be nice!

Lots for you to look forward to-getting impregnated by OH, AND moving house! How exciting!!
I don't really know anything about soy isoflavones. I saw a thread in the TTC Groups and Discussions called Soy Isoflavones - Natures Clomid. I bet you could get some info from the ladies in that thread!!

I have heard that B6 can do great things. I've heard though that you shouldn't take it alone that it is best to take it in combination with other B vitamins.

Vegas do you take B6 alone or with other B Vitamins?? Do you take any other supplements??

I take a few different supplements that have been recommended for me by my Naturopath. I take something called 5MTHF which is folic acid (2000mcg), Advanced B Complex (which has a bunch of different B vitamins including B6), Vitamin D-1000 (3), and a Probiotic (3). In the first half of my cycle I take Super EFA Capsules (which is omega3 oils) and D-Glucarate & Milk Thistle. In the second half of my cycle I take GLA 130 Evening Primrose Oil (which is an Omega6). My Vitamin D was quite low when I got tested a year ago (the start of the fertility testing). Apparently Vitamin D can affect fertility.

"Among women, vitamin D appears to impact in vitro fertilization (IVF) outcomes, endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), the most common female endocrine disorder, as well as boost levels of progesterone and estrogen, which regulate menstrual cycles and improve the likelihood of successful conception" (from Dr. Google)

If you use Dr. Google there is a ton of stuff on Vitamin D and Fertility. Vitamin D deficiency can be especially problematic in the winter when people get less natural sunlight.

Meli - I hope af cooperates and comes at the right time for your day 3 blood tests!! (or better yet....I hope she doesn't come at all!!). I know all about the side effects that mimic pregnancy....they do suck!! But at least it helps me keep my expectations lower. I can't read into anything so I don't get my hopes up as much. That is a benefit!!

Jasmine - Enjoy your few days of solitude!! Do you have lots of packing left to do?? That is the not so fun part of moving!! I'm sorry to hear you are feeling so discouraged. I know what you mean though. It is so frustrating to feel let down by your body!! It really shouldn't be so hard!!

Angel - I hope you and Carter are both feeling better!!

Sweetmomma - Hope the ms is easing off and you are feeling better too!!

I just spent the day with 3 of my 4 nephews. They have the week off school so I am giving my brother in law a break (he works from home so when they are all home he doesn't get anything done). We had a fun day!! We played some xbox, watched some movies, and baked cookies. It was a nice way for me to spend my day off. One more day of work and then the weekend!!
Jasmine: you too crack me up. Stag weekend followed by impregnating you and moving. That's a pretty busy schedule! Although I still google stuff I never go kn WebMd anymore as it pretty much tells you every symptom is cancer related. Sorry you are feeling down, I totally understand.

Meli: one of these days I need to link my FF on here so you can look at the month I got my BFP. It totally looked like a loser with my temp falling at 10dpo (and I usually get AF by 10dpo). It started to creep back up and I got my BFP on 12dpo. Lesson being: FF is great at telling you when you o and determining fertility, but it's crap at predicting pregnancy.

I'm having mixed feelings today. I had a dream last night where everything was exactly the same as it is in the waking world except that my mc meant nothing to me emotionally. While I feel I have done my very best to move on this is simply not the case. Today the hospital called wanting to know if we had received the bill (we got it two days ago). I asked for a breakdown of charges as so much of it says misc. My insurance has already paid or negotiated down most of it, but I'm still peeved at how much I still owe. And for what?! Anyway, after I spoke with the lady I started to cry. At work. Ugh, I'm such a wimp.

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