June Angel Baby Mommas Hoping for Rainbows!!

Jasmine, I am sorry you are feeling a little sad. I can completely understand how you would be upset. If I hadn't got my bfp this cycle, I would have been pretty distraught since I got pregnant so easily the first two times.
I do love how you said dh was going to come home and "impregnate" you!!! I am certain he will!

Vegas, I am sorry you are having to deal with the bills still. I know the constant reminder hurts. I know that April still seems so far away, but it will really be here before you know it. And don't count yourself out yet, you have been taking the b6, so who knows- you may get pregnant right away!

Meli, I am sorry your progesterone level is not ideal. I hope the progesterone cream works. I thought about using soy in the past because ff was saying I only had an 11 day luteal phase, turns out I am just riser after o. I remember doing a little research and got a little scared off by people saying it messed up their cycles. I am also sorry you haven't been sleeping well and I am sorry it looks like af is on her way. Hope you don't start until tomorrow, if at all!!!

Jenk, glad you had fun with your nephews. You are in the tww wait right? What dpo are you? I remember you said you can't test early, what day are you planning to test?
Hi Jenk,

Funny you mention the other thread, I asked them this morning their opinions on my situation and one of the ladies replied pretty quickly. She made a good point-that if I try soy and it messes with my cycle, I can just stop taking it. I was planning to do that, but then I did more research that said women with fibrocystic breasts (me!) shouldn’t take it. Based on that, and the fact that they found something suspicious in my latest mammogram (which I’m going for more xrays on Monday) and not mention the follicular cyst they found on my recent ultrasound, I thought I’d better not take a chance. I normally would be gutsy and just go for it (albeit on lower levels, like starting out on 80 mg/day) BUT due to these stupid breasts and cyst, I think I’m going to just do the progesterone cream for now. Maybe give the progesterone cream at least 1, maybe 2 cycles, and if still no bfp, then I’ll take out the big guns, and go for the soy lol!

Thanks for all the info on your supplements. I’m going to look into the Vit D as well, since I was told that I was also deficient in that as well. Thanks for reminding me!

Sounds like you had loads of fun with your nephews! You sound like a great auntie. I’ll be spending time with my niece next weekend, tots looking forward to that!


You make a good point. Don’t forget FF is good to freak us out also, both in good and bad ways lol!

I’m not good at interpreting dreams, but what I do know, is that dreams normally mean the opposite of the literal meaning. What I’m trying to say is that, I think that you are still healing emotionally from your mc (and not being able to ttc is a big part of that, I think). I think subliminally you are trying to ‘block it out’ to heal, trying to hide it, but unconsciously it’s coming out in your dreams. Trying to bury your true emotions and convince yourself that you’re completely over it, when really, you’re not. And that’s perfectly normal to cope that way, but maybe giving yourself permission to still grieve whenever you feel the need to, is fine. Sometimes I’m having a great day and all of a sudden, a thought about my mc comes to mind and there I go again…down a dark hole. I hope I don't offend you with my armchair psychiatry...but sorry you felt bad today, hoping at least that the cry you had made you feel better after!! :hug:

It would burn me up also to have to pay a bill for such an experience. Salt on the wound, that’s for sure. And you’re not a wimp!! If you’re a wimp, then what am I? I cry at the drop of the hat for anything. Now, that’s a wimp….

Hi Angel,

Yes, I hope the cream works also! I bought it online, it’s supposed to be a great natural cream, something about bioidenticals or something??? It was so expensive--$33, and it’s a small container! I’m like, sheesh, I don’t even pay that much for my face creams lol!


Yup, stupid AF got me tonight. So, that means CD3 is Saturday, and the lab is closed. Do you guys think I should chance it and go get labs done tomorrow (CD2)? Does 1 day really make such a difference? Or should I do the sensible thing and wait for next month?? OR should I go on Monday (CD5) ? I appreciate your input!!
Hey guys,

Aww, I love our little cyber family, just thought i'd throw that into the mix! :hugs: We're all going through such a tough time but it's great that we have each other, I don't know what I'd do without you sometimes, I've never been very good at talking or getting my feelings out but coming on here each day is a bit like having a journal, it's very cathartic! It's actually helping e to talk mor openly to my OH too, so I just wanted to say thanks :hugs: I'm a bit ignorant these days I hardly go on any other threads, it seems I only have eyes for you lot, :haha:

Meli - I am so so sorry AF got you and on the completely worst day, what a mother fucker. Isn't she just such a party pooper, she got me on Christmas Day and then she waited for Valentines Day to pass to make me think I was in with a shot and came 2 days late! Guess we're never happy to see her lately, no tea and biscuists for her, hey! I'm sorry i can't offer any advice on the lab situation, we have no such thing here, so I don't have a clue, I hope you get it sorted! I have to say though, I actually LOLED when you said 'Take out the big guns and go for the soy' hehe, you go for it hun, show that witch! Sooo, are you gonna join me on SMEP then? No pressure, DO ITTTTTTT! Starting cd8, bonk every other night, when you get the positive OPKs bonk three nights in a row, miss a day, bonk one last time for a bonus round! I'm using preseed too! I keep getting scared my egg won't stick though, my period is still too light!

Vegas, hehe, that's right he has to impregnate me, it's an orde, I told him as soon as he gets back I need impregnating please! Oh that dream sounds awful, it's like you can't get away from it all even in your sleep, it's a bloody nightmare but like Angel says April will be here in no time and you are tracking your cycles taking vits, I think in a way, at least your body has had time to heal. And, no way you are not a wimp, if I got charged loads of money on top of all this other shit I'd be fucking crying too! Don't be hard on yourself!

Angel, did you get to hear whether you were getting the other test for your levels done? I hope your okay, these early pregnancy weeks must be so stressful, I know I'll be exactly the same. :hugs:

Hey Jennk, yeah we have LOADS of packing to do, I need to make a start on it today but so far, I'm eating toast and honey and watching a barbie movie with Eva, oops! I'm sure it will be fine! Sounds like you had fun with your nephews! Yum to baking cookies! When will you be able to test for your bfp?

Have a great day everyone else, I'm off to eat more toast I mean pack obviously!
I really meant to write an AFM part last night, but I guess I forgot. I took me about an hour to even write what I did, every time I would start writing Jeff or Carter would need me to get up for something.:sleep:
Anyhow, my progesterone went down from 18 to 14.7 with my last labs, but my hcg went from 94 to 907. The hcg is great, but the progesterone bothers me. My ob wasn't all that concerned, he said it can fluctuate. I found this to be true online, saying it can fluctuate by day and sometimes even by hours. It still worried me but I have been trying to stay positive about it. I finally called today to set up another lab for Tuesday morning for reassurance. Then I have my first early ultrasound on March 4th.
Carter and I are both feeling better. He is still pretty whiney (can anyone tell me if this is actually how you spell this???). I told Jeff last night, that I will give Carter a few more days to make sure he is better and then I am going to have to crack the whip. I can't stand whining!

Meli, that is a tough one, maybe go into the ltttc area and ask them what the would do as far as your cd3 test.

Jasmine, I love our family too. I can honestly say that I have not spoken to a single real life friend about 90% of what I have told you all. I hesitated to write about my levels because we have such a good positive group that I didn't want to bring all that worry up for everyone. I can't wait to be in the second trimester. I know it won't be 100% then, but it will be better. I hate to wish away my pregnancy, but the next 7 weeks couldn't go fast enough.
Hi Jasmine,

I totally feel the same way. We are such a varied group, with different life experiences, and all bring different points of view and ways of looking at things. Besides, I’m sure nobody else is as interested in our ttc journey minutae and details as we are! I’m very grateful for all of you! :flower:

I know right?! af is such a b****!

Yes! I am totally going to join you on SMEP. DH is on board. This morning I woke up 1 hour early to temp (instead of 3 hours early!). What a difference not being in the 2ww makes (either that, or I was SO EXHAUSTED!). We will follow the bonking schedule LOL! I also will keep using preseed. I know what you mean about light periods, but this time when af came, she started out as light flow, and more red than brown. After my mc, af would come around as brown spotting the first day, then second day was light flow. I also have had cramping for the 2 days before af came, and still today, having rather uncomfortable cramping for the 3rd day. This is the first cycle since the mc it’s been this way. I’ve been drinking the herbal teas every night since Feb 8, I’m wondering if that’s what did the trick for me?! FX it makes the flow noticeably heavier, so I guess I have to wait and see how that goes, but so far the color is better than it’s been since mc, so at least that's an improvement.

Eating toast and honey and watching a movie sounds like a great start to a dreary day of packing..oh well! But the result will be worth it!!!

oh ya, wanted to say that I love your new siggy! It’s so colorful!!


FX everything is fine with your progesterone. I'm sure it will be, but I can understand your concern. I’ve also found the same info online, about how progestgerone levels can fluctuation during the day, can even be impacted by eating and or fasting, etc.

Tuesday, HURRY HURRY and get here! Oh, and while I’m at it, March 4, HURRY HURRY and get here also!

Poor you having to deal with poor lil whiney Carter (yes, thats how you spell it lol!). I’m sure he’ll get over the whininess as he continues to get better, but yes, I agree, time to ‘crack the whip’ eventually if he doesn’t quit it lol!!

I know what you mean about not wanting to worry us, BUT, remember what you told me when I said I didn’t mention something because I didn’t want to be known as the drama queen?? You said “that’s what we’re here for, so don’t hold back”, maybe not exactly that, but you get the gist right! :hug:


How you doing today? Feeling better I hope :flower:


I did some more research and have found that CD3 blood tests can actually be done on CD2-4. YAY! :thumbup: So I’m going today after work (CD2). Now just have to cross my fingers that my train gets to the station on time!

I also have not spoken to any real life friends or family of about 90% of my ttc journey. I talk to my neighbor but I don’t want to bore her so I only give her a quick recap. I’m sure she appreciates that I hold back lol!

I hope everyone has a great weekend!
I know what you mean about not wanting to worry us, BUT, remember what you told me when I said I didn’t mention something because I didn’t want to be known as the drama queen?? You said “that’s what we’re here for, so don’t hold back”, maybe not exactly that, but you get the gist right! :hug:

This actually brought a tear to my eye. Thank you!!! Man are we an emotional lovey bunch right now!
I know what you mean about not wanting to worry us, BUT, remember what you told me when I said I didn’t mention something because I didn’t want to be known as the drama queen?? You said “that’s what we’re here for, so don’t hold back”, maybe not exactly that, but you get the gist right! :hug:

This actually brought a tear to my eye. Thank you!!! Man are we an emotional lovey bunch right now!

I know, right! Hormones....pg or not, they're always all over the place! That's the one thing we can count on...sigh.lol
oh, and something else I’m trying for the first time this cycle is to not use tampons. I KNOW, I KNOW, I HATE the ‘wet’ feeling, I always HAVE to use them, BUT, I read in this book on traditional Chinese medicine and infertility, that they don’t recommend women use tampons because it doesn’t let everything ‘flow’ out and obstructs it (duh, that’s the point, right?!). So, I’m willing to follow this suggestion.

Let’s see if I feel the same way tomorrow. If, despite my best efforts, I have an accident tonight and wake up looking like a murder victim has been sleeping on my side of the bed, then it may be a quick end to this trial run lol!
Ooooh I just read this in the book I’m currently reading, it totally resonated with me, just thought I’d share with y’all.

“If you can’t feel your grief, you can only move on by shutting a part of yourself down…although feeling your sadness won’t kill you, not feeling it can harden your heart,,what will enable you to move on with an open heart is allowing your sadness to come and go as it pleases, rather than keeping the door locked tightly against it”.

“It’s far better for us to experience the small griefs along the way, to take time to acknowledge our true feelings and their importance, and keep our hearts moist and fertile in the process. Let your monthly blood represent tears shed by the body to memorialize the passing of another opportunity.Create the space in your heart to mark what you lost”.
Jenk: You are a wealth of knowledge when it comes to supplements. How are you feeling? Can't wait until you are allowed to test! Also, you sound like an awesome aunt.

Meli: I am so sorry af got you. If you just spotted on your first day is that even considered day one? Of course, even if you shift it a day your day three is still during the weekend. What does Dr. Google say? I'm sure day three falls during the weekend for a lot of women when labs are closed so there must be an alternative. (OK, I'm now adding to my comments after reading you newest post). Great quote! No reason to shut out our grief, but acknowledge it and allow it move us forward. I sometimes wish I could be the person I was before all this happened, but that would be shutting it out and apparently that is not possible nor healthy.

Jasmine: I feel the same way. I rarely leave this thread, why bother. I am so grateful to Sweetmomma for starting it for us. To think that there were 30 of us from the June group that mc, but only a handful of us found this thread. I sometimes wonder about the rest and hope they are getting support. Doubt they have such a great group as we do! Have fun packing. What does Eva think about the move?

Angel: Your hcg levels look great. I don't know enough about progesterone levels to comment, but it looks like you are on top of things. It is so hard not to worry considering, but as every day passes you are safer and safer. I don't think it is strange to wish to fast-forward a bit. TBH, I don't like being pregnant at all, so I would be happy to find out I was pregnant one day and have a baby in my arms the next. Perhaps I am jealous of those ladies on "I didn't know I was pregnant". Just think, none of them worried about mc, or what they were eating, etc.

AFM: I'm 7dpo so nothing going on here. Temps still high so hopefully my lp will be a little longer than last month. Unlike Meli, I'm still going to use tampons when af does arrive. Not happy with dd this morning. She threw a tantrum and I went to carry her to her room for a time out and as I was carrying her she bit me! On the boob! (Well, kind of under the boob). Anyway, she has never done that before and I got so upset and started crying. She knows better and of course apologized (after an extended stay in time out). No big plans for the weekend. Just trying to catch up on all my chores. Hope the rest of you have something fun planned.
One last thing. Thank you all for your kind words. Looks like we've all had a few down days lately. Hopefully the coming weeks and months will bring us all nothing but joy.
Hey Vegas,

LOVE your new avatar! Charlotte looks so cute, and full of attitude, she’s striking a pose like a diva lol!

I just started taking B6 last night, could only find 100mg pills so I’m splitting them in half. I hope your LP gets longer and longer every month!

OUCH!……………………I exclaimed as I read that Charlotte bit you…I don’t know how I would have reacted. Sounds like you did the right thing by keeping her in time out until she apologized.


My first night sleeping without tampons was a success, I’d say. THANK YOU Always nighttime extra long with wings lol!

I’ve no fun plans at all this weekend, like Vegas, will probably just catch up on errands around here. DH was in a FOUL mood last night when I got home. These front yard contractors are reeeaaalllyyyy getting to him. Hoping they hurry up and finish this damn project, not just for DH's state of mind, but so I can get started planting my new yard. I look at my neighbors’ ranunculus’ with envy lol! I just stayed away from DH, ate dinner, took a shower, and went to the bedroom to watch tv, knocked out around 10pm.

He seems to be in a better mood this morning, he'd BETTER stay that way or else I won't surprise him with a new costume (st pattys day barmaid) I bought last night!! HA!
Meli: I thought that photo was sooo funny. There is another one from that same "shoot" where she is really posing. Not sure where she gets it! Glad your Always overnights didn't fail you. That's what I used after I had Charlotte and the d&c. I'm still not sure why you can't wear tampons after a c-section, but followed the rules anyway. If you have any questions concerning your yard feel free to PM me. I'm more than willing to look at photos and let you know if your contractor is doing things right or wrong. Also, dh is a contractor so I'm sure he'd be willing to take a look too. Good luck with the vitamin B. At the very least it should give you a bit more energy (though you may have plenty to begin with). Btw, where do you get all your costumes?

AFM: I'm having the strongest cramps on my left side today. I wonder if I have a little cyst or something. I used to get them as a teenager before I went on the pill. DH was like, maybe you're pregnant. Considering we've used protection before I O'd that is completely doubtful. Silly man must think his swimmers can get past anything. OK, off to the grocery store. So far my day can consisted of cleaning the house, taking the dogs to the vet and having our annual termite inspection done. Super exciting.
Hello Ladies!!

Hope everyone is having a good Saturday!!

I went and saw my naturopath yesterday. She had my blood test results from the last 6 months. The good news is my Vitamin D levels are good now. I was quite upset to see that the highest my progesterone has been (and there were about 6 different test results) was 1.1. Last cycle (after taking clomid) it was only .8 on day 25. I am feeling pretty discouraged about this. On a medicated cycle it should be over 15 (at bare minimum). I go on Tuesday for a test (it will be day 23 and that is the day the nurse wanted me to go). I have a confession to make. My naturopath and I checked off some extra tests on my blood requisition form. Its not the first time I have done that either. She feels that we should be looking at a few things other than just progesterone (like thyroid...although my thyroid has always tested just barely normal, estrogen, lh and fsh). I don't feel like my doctor is taking this low progesterone issue seriously. I am quite anxious to see how things look this time after the Provera, clomid and the HCG trigger shot. If my levels aren't higher after all of that I don't know what I will do. :(

Angel – Yes, I am in the tww. It doesn't feel like it though. For some reason I just feel like this won't be my month. I will have a better idea after my blood test if I even have a chance. I'm hoping for good news. I will likely take a test on Tuesday just to see if the HCG from the trigger shot is out of my system. Its not often you take a test during this ttc process hoping for a bfn!! I will be somewhere around 9dpo by then. Depending on that test I will either test again Thursday (if its still positive) or maybe Saturday (if it is negative).

Your HCG levels went up a ton!! That is so good!! Try not to worry about your progesterone levels I think they really can go up and down and they didn't change that much. I think its a good idea to just keep your eye on it and get more testing done. I'm sure it will look great on Tuesday!! I agree with Meli. This is the perfect place to talk about the things that worry you. We can understand where you are coming from and I find it always feels better to let it out!! So don't worry about being positive all the time. Oh and I hope Carter has stopped whining and you don't have to crack the whip!

Meli – I think you are right to be cautious with the soy. With your history it is probably best not to do anything that might possibly be linked to more issues with fibrocyctic breasts. Now that you mention that I think I have heard that soy is controversial and that it can mess with estrogen levels which can increase breast cancer risks. I'm sorry that af got you!! On to the next month!! I hope that the progesterone cream works for you!! I think that cd3 is a guideline. I think you would have been fine to go in either Friday afternoon or on Monday. They really only consider the first day of full flow as cd1 so spotting or a very light flow really wouldn't be cd1.

I got a good chuckle from your murder victim comment!! I'm glad everyone was still alive this morning (and there was no mess to clean up!!). That was a great quote. I really do think its important to let yourself experience your feelings (even the negative ones). Its good to be reminded of that!!

Jasmine – You are so right. We are like a little family. I am super grateful that I found you girls. Your support has really meant a lot to me!! I have a couple of threads I follow and read but this is really the only one I post in. I hope you managed to get lots of packing done!! Toast and Barbie movies sound like more fun to me then packing....but I suppose those boxes won't pack themselves....How convenient that your husband had to go away just in time to miss the packing!! lol

Vegas – LOVE your new picture. I can see the attitude coming right out of the picture!! I bet despite the odd frustrating moment (biting you during a tantrum for example!!) that she is a lot of fun. It would be great to have a little girl. My husbands sister has one girl (and two boys) and my sister has four boys so more girls are definitely needed!! I hope the cramps go away!! Sounds like you are having a really productive day!! I need one of those.

I went to a Zumba class this morning, watched a bit of tv and I am about to go and watch my husband play squash (he is playing in a tournament this weekend). We have a supper to go to tonight with the tournament. It should be fun. Its not been a productive day for me so far....but its been good anyways.
Hey Vegas,

Thanks for the offer to look at my yard. The latest and longest holdup seemed to be due to the capstone (or is it endstone?) it’s the stuff that goes on top of the walls? We had special ordered them, they came and cut a template and we picked the color, that was over 2 weeks ago and they keep giving us the run around. Today, DH finally said “forget it—we’re going with the brick”, which I think is a great idea, since we already have brick in our yard that was part of the original design. I think using brick is just going to match better. So we went to a local place and bought a bunch of brick and cement (my poor lil Honda Civic! It was practically groaning the whole way home!). If I remember to do so, when the contractor leaves for the day I’ll take a pic of how it looks now and post it. Just remember, it’s really rough still!

B6 gives more energy?? That’s awesome!!! I totally need more energy lately. Maybe cuz I haven’t been working out…BAD GIRL!!!

Speaking of bad girl, I buy my costumes from Party City. I found a coupon online that was good through tomorrow, 40% off!! SCORED!! I was going to buy the costume anyways, did a google search just in case, and luckily found the coupon. Cost $26 instead of $40.

As far as your cramps on your left side, I know what you mean. Last month (or was it the cycle before) on 6-7 dpo I had the worst cramps I’ve ever had during the 2ww. And it was just on the left side. It was a crampy/burning feeling. Put it this way, had the cramps been on the right side, I would have totally thought it was my appendix and would have paid the ER a visit! I just recently got diagnosed with a small follicular ovarian cyst on the left side, and my research says that depending on the cycle day, they can get engorged with blood thus, the cramps/pain. I think I also read that usually, women’s ovaries alternate months in producing the egg? We’ll see if that’s true, because this last cycle, no pain like I experienced last month. So, if this cycle I get the same pain, on the left side, then I would think that it’s true. Men are really clueless, or eternally hopeful….maybe they’re both lol!

Hey Jen,

Sorry to hear about the low progesterone. FX that your levels come back much better after your recent provera, clomid and trigger shot. That’s great that you checked off extra tests on your blood req form. My thyroid came back at 2.4, and research I’ve done says that Fertility Specialists claim thyroid results between 1-2 is what’s necessary to conceive??..I hope that’s wrong, cuz if not, I’m in trouble!

Oh, and I also bought some vitamin D3 (2000 IU) last night. Thanks for the suggestion.

Oh, and I lol’d at your comment to Jasmine regarding her husband “conveniently” having to go out of town during the packing time. I was thinking the same thing, but forgot to write it down lol!!

Glad you’re having a fun (albeit undproductive) day. That’s great—we need those every once in a while, so enjoy it, don’t feel guilty!


DH said he’ll take me out to dinner tonight, wherever I want to go. Hummmmmmmmmm, what a different mood than yesterday..perhaps he has a tracker on the computer and read my comment about him straightening out or else no new costume for him tonight???
Soooo thanks to the weather last week I had two unpaid days off of work. Router OH ordered hadn't arrived at the new house yet so I went the whole time with no internet because I couldn't connect with the ethernet cable for whatever reason!

Stef - How you feeling now? This af has been pretty tough for me emotionally I feel like I am grieving all over again for the lost baby. It has really hit home that it's not going to be as easy as I thought to get pg again and I hate that thought, I feel like I'm getting desperate now, I'm pining for it so much! I know you'll be feeling similar so I just wanted to say big hugs x Hope you got your house problems sorted too!

Still kind of down lately, sorry you're in the same boat! My cousin, the one who bragged on FB constantly about her "perfect" pregnancy and how she didn't want to gain too much weight because she has weddings to be in this year had her baby on Thursday. I'll admit it - when I read the announcement on FB, I cried. She had just announced being pg when I found out I was pg the first time. I just don't see her as a mother... she'll be 29 this year, recently married, she and her husband live with her parents and she's never lived out of her parents house. She's spoiled to the core and probably the most immature 28 year old I've ever known. I'm happy her baby is here and healthy, I just don't see her as a mom.

Also, a girl I went to high school with recently announced she's due in July with a boy. She posted a picture of the nursery on FB - same ideas I had for one. Made me sad...

I'm having mixed feelings today. I had a dream last night where everything was exactly the same as it is in the waking world except that my mc meant nothing to me emotionally. While I feel I have done my very best to move on this is simply not the case. Today the hospital called wanting to know if we had received the bill (we got it two days ago). I asked for a breakdown of charges as so much of it says misc. My insurance has already paid or negotiated down most of it, but I'm still peeved at how much I still owe. And for what?! Anyway, after I spoke with the lady I started to cry. At work. Ugh, I'm such a wimp.

You are NOT a wimp. It's definitely ok to be sad, and receiving bills is just a horrible reminder. I'm still having issues with billing errors from my first mc, from August!

Jasmine, I love our family too. I can honestly say that I have not spoken to a single real life friend about 90% of what I have told you all. I hesitated to write about my levels because we have such a good positive group that I didn't want to bring all that worry up for everyone. I can't wait to be in the second trimester. I know it won't be 100% then, but it will be better. I hate to wish away my pregnancy, but the next 7 weeks couldn't go fast enough.

Yay for your u/s on the 4th! I'm excited!

I agree, I tell next to no one what I tell you guys. I didn't even tell OH about crying when I saw my cousin had her baby. Most people just don't understand; I'm so glad you guys are here!

Meli, so sorry af got you! Stupid bitch. Next month! FX.

Jasmine, good luck with the packing! Moving sucks. I still have a ton of unpacking to do and we still have to finish cleaning up at the old house. So glad we chose to keep the rent for it through February, we never would've finished everything if we hadn't!

I feel like there's so much more to catch up on with everyone but I'm completely overwhelmed catching up on here, work, work I'm doing for a friend, job hunting, thinking about house stuff... AHHHHHH. So if I didn't comment on something, I did read it all and you are all in my (albeit crazy) thoughts!

AFM, OH's original fix on the drain issue in the basement didn't work. We ended up having to have a pro come out and snake the drain - problem fixed! FYI - don't flush tampons. :blush: I'm sure it was more than just that, but apparently that made the problem worse.

We also had to hire Orkin. Thanks to the house being unoccupied for so long, we have bugs. Waterbugs apparently. And some ants. Gross. Nothing too bad, yet, but we didn't want to risk it getting that way.

As for TTC this month... idk. With everything going on... I just don't know. We haven't even DTD since Feb 13. AF came on the 14th, haven't done anything since it ended because of my rash. It's still pretty bad... Getting better, but slowly. I should be o'ing on Thursday. I already told him I don't care if the rash isn't gone, I'm jumping him by Wednesday. Worst of it is on my lower legs, so I'll just get some thigh high stockings, haha. Ugh I feel like a leper.

So I'm thinking NTNP this month. He hasn't mentioned anything about it since saying he thinks maybe we should wait. I don't want to use OPKs then go crazy knowing when I'm o'ing if we aren't doing anything about it. Still so stressed out I'm not sure it would matter anyway.

Anyway... back to job hunting at work :haha: OH! I did get a web design job! Payment is a new mattress plus new bed (headboard, with bed that has drawers in it for storage) plus cash. Yay! STILL need something more permanent though...
Hey everyone, sorry for the small absense, I've been checking in but just haven't had time for a proper reply between packing for the new house, phewf, you always forget how much work it involves! OH got back today, thank god, I was shattered and trying to pack the whole house with a bored 3 year old in tow, not advisable for stress levels, then last night I sat in her room for 2 hours while she messed about before FINALLY falling asleep, I wanted to gouge my eyes out but instead I had the most amazing deep hot bath, I literally submerged my whole body and head in it for a while, seemed to do the trick!

Angel, I totally get where you're coming from when it comes to the whining (sp?) I spent all that time getting Eva to sleep last night because in the past I would have just brought her downstairs but I have also decided to get tough, it's the only way with these cheeky 3 year olds! Oh and btw, no need to withdraw from telling us stuff, as Meli says that is what we're here for and we have all had our down days over these last couple of months! I just hope you can relax soon, I'm sorry you are so stressed out x

Hey Meli, I'm so glad you will be joining me on the SMEP, I hope it's as good as they say it is in that if you follow it to the letter, you should have your BFP by the third try! We start ours today as it's CD8 for us, started taking the cough syrup, I had a really amusing conversation with the pharmacist about it, I said I needed it for ttc purposes, she was like 'Ummm how?' I was like 'You DON'T want to know!' she was like 'Oh I REALLY do!' so I told her and then had a conversation all about how long it took for her to have hers! She said they were trying for 2 years, then when they were moving house it happened as their minds weren't on it so much! The they started trying extra early for number 2 thinking it would take just as long and 2 weeks later, number 2 was on the way, with a 3 month old baby too! Also, have the preseed ready too! Fx! I took a cheapie today and it looked almost positive, weird, I always seem to have mini LH surges around cd8/9! When will you get the results of your bloods then hun? Oh, I never hardly use tampons, I do feel like they stop the flow and make me have a longer period, plus these days my af is too light anyway!

Hey Vegas, Eva thinks the move is great! She calls the new house 'The Pink House' because she is so excited and I told her she could have her room done out in pink! She also loves playing with all of the boxes! Gosh, that is horrible about the bite, Eva can be exactly the same and she is so big and strong now, it's hard to control her, when she is really throwing a tantrum she punches in the face over and over again and screams so loud, I always get really emotional too, it's just too much to deal with, I have to put her in time out too, with the gate on her room and I tend to leave her there for an extra amount of time if she's been very naughty! Haha, I love your OH's attitude to his swimmers! My OH has gotten a big head now too, as we caught straight away both times and we (think) we had a chemical last month, he calls them his 'Super sperm', I'm like whatever! Men! p.s I love the piccy of Charlotte too, she has the diva factor like my Eva Diva!

Oooooh Meli, did you get your sexy costume out? That's a good deal you got on it! My poor OH still has to put up with my grotty pjs hehe! Hey, I'm wearing a sexy smile what more does he want! Did you go somewhere nice for dinner, wow what a proposition maybe I'll have another think about those costumes afterall!

Hey jenk, aww I'm sorry to hear that your levels are causing you concern, I hope it's nothing to worry about and that you do get your bfp this month! Gosh, it's so stressful isn't it, it's horrible on us women the men don't have a clue do they! Imagine just being able to dtd and that's all that was required of you! Oh yeah, my OH was a buggar wasn't he getting out of most of the packing but don't worry I'm making him work extra hard now he's home, he's on cleaning the oven duty in a minute then impregnantation time, hehe!

Hey Stef, I was about to send out another search party, lol! I'm sorry you are feeling down, that's hard about your cousin, I understand, atm I work with a girl who is (another story btw) absolutely horrible! She's such a loud mouth and so self centered and she is really nasty about people all of the time! Anyway, she recently got married and I knew she would be ttc as soon as she was married, it would have been fine if my angel hadn't of died as I would have been well pregnant by now but as it stands she is now ttc and I have a horrible feeling she will catch first! As we're a very small team, I know I won't cope with it, she'll be going on about it all the time. Good luck ntnp, it seems to work for a lot of people and hopefully you know your body well enough to know when you are fertile now, just make sure you pounce on Blake at every given opportunity in your well earnt new bed! Gl!

Sorry to hear you had 2 unpaid days off last week! Its got to be stressful-unpaid days off on top of the extra expenditures with your new house…:growlmad:

I hope your cousin can step up to the plate, grow up and be a good mommy to her baby. At least, if she’s not, she has her mom there that can help her.

Sorry you had to call in a pro to fix your drain issue, but at least OH tried, right?

You poor thing with your rash…it sounds horrible!! Are you sure it’s just a rash due to a bug bite and not a staph issue?

I think NTNP sounds like a good plan for you this month. Who knows, it may very well help the situation, right??!

YAY for the web design job!:happydance:


I’m glad you got a lot done this weekend, but even more glad that DH is there to help out now!

Ooooo so we’re really close in cycles now, if you’re on CD8. Today is CD5 for me! I’ll start taking the robitussin on CD8 also. I will also start eating grapefruit daily from CD7-CD 15. Someone in my office has a huge grapefruit tree and every so often, brings in a huge bag for the office. I took 8 and have been saving them in my desk lol!

Your conversation with the pharmacist sounds funny. Interesting that she didn’t know about the robitussin..betcha she shares it with other customers now lol!

I did wear the costume on Saturday night….it just makes my life easier what with AF being around, so it helped me out with *ahem* *him* IYKWIM :blush: ! I had to throw him a bone since it had been a few days we hadn’t BD’d lol!

We didn’t go out to dinner, I wasn’t in the mood to get dressed and go out, so my selection was to order delivery of a family meal from a local Middle Eastern place, it’s a greek salad with feta cheese, grilled chicken and grilled steak on a kebab, on a bed of basmati rice, with a couple pieces of baklava. YUMMY!


Tonight after work I am going to get the follow up x-rays done for my left breast.

Hopefully my blood test results come in by tomorrow. I’ll send an email to my dr. tomorrow morning to follow up. FX she gets back to me no later than tomorrow night! I can’t wait to find out the results, an feeling totally anxious, but also afraid to know (if it’s bad news)…

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