Soooo thanks to the weather last week I had two unpaid days off of work. Router OH ordered hadn't arrived at the new house yet so I went the whole time with no internet because I couldn't connect with the ethernet cable for whatever reason!
Stef - How you feeling now? This af has been pretty tough for me emotionally I feel like I am grieving all over again for the lost baby. It has really hit home that it's not going to be as easy as I thought to get pg again and I hate that thought, I feel like I'm getting desperate now, I'm pining for it so much! I know you'll be feeling similar so I just wanted to say big hugs x Hope you got your house problems sorted too!
Still kind of down lately, sorry you're in the same boat! My cousin, the one who bragged on FB constantly about her "perfect" pregnancy and how she didn't want to gain too much weight because she has weddings to be in this year had her baby on Thursday. I'll admit it - when I read the announcement on FB, I cried. She had just announced being pg when I found out I was pg the first time. I just don't see her as a mother... she'll be 29 this year, recently married, she and her husband live with her parents and she's never lived out of her parents house. She's spoiled to the core and probably the most immature 28 year old I've ever known. I'm happy her baby is here and healthy, I just don't see her as a mom.
Also, a girl I went to high school with recently announced she's due in July with a boy. She posted a picture of the nursery on FB - same ideas I had for one. Made me sad...
I'm having mixed feelings today. I had a dream last night where everything was exactly the same as it is in the waking world except that my mc meant nothing to me emotionally. While I feel I have done my very best to move on this is simply not the case. Today the hospital called wanting to know if we had received the bill (we got it two days ago). I asked for a breakdown of charges as so much of it says misc. My insurance has already paid or negotiated down most of it, but I'm still peeved at how much I still owe. And for what?! Anyway, after I spoke with the lady I started to cry. At work. Ugh, I'm such a wimp.
You are NOT a wimp. It's definitely ok to be sad, and receiving bills is just a horrible reminder. I'm still having issues with billing errors from my first mc, from August!
Jasmine, I love our family too. I can honestly say that I have not spoken to a single real life friend about 90% of what I have told you all. I hesitated to write about my levels because we have such a good positive group that I didn't want to bring all that worry up for everyone. I can't wait to be in the second trimester. I know it won't be 100% then, but it will be better. I hate to wish away my pregnancy, but the next 7 weeks couldn't go fast enough.
Yay for your u/s on the 4th! I'm excited!
I agree, I tell next to no one what I tell you guys. I didn't even tell OH about crying when I saw my cousin had her baby. Most people just don't understand; I'm so glad you guys are here!
Meli, so sorry af got you! Stupid bitch. Next month! FX.
Jasmine, good luck with the packing! Moving sucks. I still have a ton of unpacking to do and we still have to finish cleaning up at the old house. So glad we chose to keep the rent for it through February, we never would've finished everything if we hadn't!
I feel like there's so much more to catch up on with everyone but I'm completely overwhelmed catching up on here, work, work I'm doing for a friend, job hunting, thinking about house stuff... AHHHHHH. So if I didn't comment on something, I did read it all and you are all in my (albeit crazy) thoughts!
AFM, OH's original fix on the drain issue in the basement didn't work. We ended up having to have a pro come out and snake the drain - problem fixed! FYI - don't flush tampons.

I'm sure it was more than just that, but apparently that made the problem worse.
We also had to hire Orkin. Thanks to the house being unoccupied for so long, we have bugs. Waterbugs apparently. And some ants. Gross. Nothing too bad, yet, but we didn't want to risk it getting that way.
As for TTC this month... idk. With everything going on... I just don't know. We haven't even DTD since Feb 13. AF came on the 14th, haven't done anything since it ended because of my rash. It's still pretty bad... Getting better, but slowly. I should be o'ing on Thursday. I already told him I don't care if the rash isn't gone, I'm jumping him by Wednesday. Worst of it is on my lower legs, so I'll just get some thigh high stockings, haha. Ugh I feel like a leper.
So I'm thinking NTNP this month. He hasn't mentioned anything about it since saying he thinks maybe we should wait. I don't want to use OPKs then go crazy knowing when I'm o'ing if we aren't doing anything about it. Still so stressed out I'm not sure it would matter anyway.
Anyway... back to job hunting at work

OH! I did get a web design job! Payment is a new mattress plus new bed (headboard, with bed that has drawers in it for storage) plus cash. Yay! STILL need something more permanent though...