June Angel Baby Mommas Hoping for Rainbows!!

Sorry I have mia lately. We went to Tulsa for a big bass fishing competition. I will catch up tomorrow and reply. I am starting to get withdraws from you ladies!!
So I started taking the cough syrup yesterday, I can't believe what's happened today, I have sooo much ewcm, I could make a flippin omelette! :haha: Err gross!

Anyway, I'm confused, is this the preseed maybe coming out from last night, I only used 2g? Or is it the syrup making it hapen or am I about to ovulate ridiculously early?

The cheapie opk was quite a strongish line too, not positive but! x

Gl today meli and Angel x
Meli: I know it is still early in CA, but I'm hoping you hear something soon regarding both if your tests. I never thought about buying costumes from Party City. I was just thinking you went to Fredrick's or somewhere like that. I may have to steal your idea! The Greek food sounds yummy. We're having chicken gyros at my house tonight. Pinterest recipe.

Angel: bass fishing. Do you watch or participate? Also, can you share the link to your personal journal, I think I accidentally unsubscribed from it (stupid phone). How are you feeling?

Jenk: love that you checked off extra boxes for your bloodwork. Too bad all mine is taken at the doctor's office or I would do the same thing. When do you test?

Stef: sorry oh couldn't work out the plumbing on his own. My dh is very handy yet we've had to hire Roto-rooter twice. Baby wipes are also not flushable (but how was the two year old to know this). Are you happy with the new house otherwise? I'm sure you'll have a lot if fun making it your own.

Jasmine: here is what I've read regarding pre-seed. Apply about 30-60 minutes before you need it so it coats the inside and wipe away the excess before dtd. No need to fill up the whole syringe either, that's just to sell more product. Eva is going to love having a new pink room. What is it with girls and pink?

As usual I have little to report. I'm 10dpo so I should start in the next few days. Hoping I won't start until 12dpo, but pretty sure tomorrow will be my day.
Jasmine, packing sucks! Unpacking is somehow worse though! We did very minimal packing before moving... packed up our large bedroom closet and sold our old bed frame, then all the closet stuff sat in boxes for a few weeks until we closed on the house, then we had his family over and they helped us pack the rest of the stuff and move everything, all in one day. Crazy! Your move day is in 2 days, yay!

Ugh at the woman you work with... sounds just like my cousin! A month and a half or so ago I was feeling very bitter toward her but felt badly about it, felt like karma was going to bite me in the butt for it, so I messaged her and told her congrats on the baby and told her about my mc's. She responded "Sorry about the baby! Yeah daddy (as in her husband) can't wait and is telling her to come early lol." I wanted to respond, "Are you guys stupid? Why would you hope for something like that? Keep that little one in there as long as possible!" but I just let it go and never messaged back.

I know I've seen people mention cough syrup while ttc, but I never actually read what it's all about or just don't remember, but now I'm curious.

And yep, I do know my cycle well enough to know best timing... which is a blessing and a curse, I think! It means I'm gearing up this week to want to bd all the time but then that stresses me out... avoiding OPKs is almost pointless! lol

And ewwwww at the omelet comment! Although it did make me giggle!

Meli, unpaid days off suck, especially when they're out of my control. I had 2 unpaid days off a couple of weeks ago because of office renovations. I really think I should get paid if I'm stuck missing work against my will!

I hope my cousin can be a good mom, too, but I just see her being that type that tries harder to be a friend to the child than a mom.

I'm pretty sure the rash is staph, actually. I thought the original mark was a spider bite, and it's possible it was and it got infected, but the rest of the rash is almost definitely from me scratching the original mark and spreading it. It's taking soooooo long to heal! Part of me is still tempted to go get an antibiotic, but I HATE the idea of taking more and I know I can get rid of it without meds... just know that'd be faster. Ugh. I'm sticking it out for now!

Have you gotten the test results back? *looks at clock* probably not!

I buy my sexy outfits from eBay usually, believe it or not!

Vegas, we are happy with the house! There's still work to be done - we have to install a few new windows, once the weather warms up and the snow melts we have to get rid of this mulch / wood chip stuff that the seller put around the house (it butts up to the house just begging for bugs), need to add insulation to the attic, etc. We also had to hire Orkin - with the house being empty for so long we have some bugs. We're pretty much out of money for making the house our own now, but we'll be able to do it slowly over time!

Do you always start af that early after o? I think my cycle changed to 29 days after the mc's.

AFM, CD12. That is, if you count extreme light spotting as the start of af. My last two cycles have been 29 days IF you count the light spotting, and o'ing on CD15. I'm wondering if I SHOULD count the light spotting as the start, but I'm thinking so since it came with cramping.

I did a "what if" and looked at the calendar again :roll: I decided last mc that next pg I won't get a scan to hear the heartbeat until 9 weeks. After seeing so many lose babies at 8w, 8+1, etc, including mine at 8ish, I figure 9 weeks is safer. Let's say by some miracle I get pg this cycle. I will be 9 weeks exactly on my anniversary with OH. How awesome would that be. I really need to stop the "what if" game!

We did bd last night. Idk what his obsession is with pulling out, quite often he stops and wants me to finish him with "special kisses" (lol Jasmine for that term!) which I'm usually fine with unless it's o time. Last night, though, and TMI, I was on my stomach and he pulled out at the last second (actually felt like mid happy time) and *ahem* all over my behind. What is it with guys and making sex messes?! He needs to get jumped Wednesday / Thursday / Friday!

Lol at making an omelette! It sounds like it’s the preseed dripping out….
Sounds like you’ll o very soon!! Don’t let that egg get away!


I used to buy costumes from Fredericks and Victoria’s secret but they’re so expensive! Now I just buy party city costumes, and use either fishnet stockings, or the cute knee hi’s with bows and stilettos. Idk. DH seems to like them. I still feel somewhat silly in them, but whatevs.

Chicken gyros sound good! Do you buy the bread they go in? or do you make them?

FX your luteal phase can hang in there a little longer. Have you ever used progesterone cream to lengthen your lp?


Ugh your cousin sounds like a piece of work. How ignorant is that..wanting your baby to come early?? Bless her heart…how lucky of her to not have a clue about how so many things can go wrong with a pregnancy! I’m jealous of her, for that reason alone!

I hope your rash heals, like yesterday!!

I know what you mean about the ‘what if’ game. I need to stop also. Is there a support group that exists for such a thing? Oh wait, that’s our group lol!

Lol at your OH ‘sex messes’. When DH used to do that (before ttc) at least he cleaned me up afterwards. That’s the least he could do, right?

So this is for you and Jasmine:

Ready…set…go! To jumping your men for the next few nights and catching the egg!!!!
Meli, he actually did clean me up, or at least he tried to, lol. He grabbed the tshirt he had taken off. Then he added, "I just wiped your butt." :roll: Even when he knows I'm o'ing and we're actively ttc he still likes to do it the rest of the month. I just don't get the appeal.The VERY first time we dtd we were standing up and when he did it it shot clear across the room :rofl:

I'm just all about the TMI today!

Yeah, her baby did end up coming early, but luckily she is just fine and healthy.

And I don't think our "what if" support group works when we all do it! Lol!
Stef: yeah, my luteal phase is pretty short 9-10dpo is all I usually make. I'm taking B6 to help with this, but who knows if/ when it will work. Sorry about the bugs. We use Orkin too and it has made a huge difference. Our house had been empty for six years before we bought it so the bugs thought it belonged to them. They have since gotten the message with the exeption of the errant bug who makes his way in (though not for long). Not sure what do advise about oh choosing to spill his seed where it can't be planted.
Also, I play the what if game and we aren't even ttc. According to FF if I had conceived this cycle (and since we used protection I know I didn't) my due date would be our ten year anniversary. Still, I like playing what if.
Meli, he actually did clean me up, or at least he tried to, lol. He grabbed the tshirt he had taken off. Then he added, "I just wiped your butt." :roll: Even when he knows I'm o'ing and we're actively ttc he still likes to do it the rest of the month. I just don't get the appeal.The VERY first time we dtd we were standing up and when he did it it shot clear across the room :rofl:

I'm just all about the TMI today!

Yeah, her baby did end up coming early, but luckily she is just fine and healthy.

And I don't think our "what if" support group works when we all do it! Lol!

Men...they're totally from a different planet. Who can understand them!

yah, your're right about "I don't think our "what if" support group works when we all do it!"
Also, I play the what if game and we aren't even ttc. According to FF if I had conceived this cycle (and since we used protection I know I didn't) my due date would be our ten year anniversary. Still, I like playing what if.

omg vegas to do that would drive me crazy!!

oh and I lol at "Not sure what do advise about oh choosing to spill his seed where it can't be planted" ha ha hee hee!!!
Stef: yeah, my luteal phase is pretty short 9-10dpo is all I usually make. I'm taking B6 to help with this, but who knows if/ when it will work. Sorry about the bugs. We use Orkin too and it has made a huge difference. Our house had been empty for six years before we bought it so the bugs thought it belonged to them. They have since gotten the message with the exeption of the errant bug who makes his way in (though not for long). Not sure what do advise about oh choosing to spill his seed where it can't be planted.

It seems like more are coming out since he treated... but he's coming back next week because he couldn't treat everywhere with the washing machine leak, so now that that's fixed he can finish and hopefully it'll work. Then every two months he'll come back.

Also, I play the what if game and we aren't even ttc. According to FF if I had conceived this cycle (and since we used protection I know I didn't) my due date would be our ten year anniversary. Still, I like playing what if.

I do too, but it still makes me crazy!

Also, I play the what if game and we aren't even ttc. According to FF if I had conceived this cycle (and since we used protection I know I didn't) my due date would be our ten year anniversary. Still, I like playing what if.

omg vegas to do that would drive me crazy!!

oh and I lol at "Not sure what do advise about oh choosing to spill his seed where it can't be planted" ha ha hee hee!!!

I lol'ed too! There was one time that he tried doing that for the fun of making a mess and without realizing I was doing it I was clenching down there and he couldn't, lol.
Hey guys,

Well it's 8.25pm here, we are sat in a pretty much packed house, we get the keys tomorrow morning, yipeeee! It's been tiring today but we have at least got a lot done, mainly because the squidge was at nursery, what a difference that makes. We even managed to go out for tea too, seen as though we have packed all of our food and cleaned our cooker, we had a good excuse but not such a good excuse for the massive ice cream we had!

Vegas, I put the preseed in about half an hour before we dtd, I didn't wipe off the excess though which I read afterwards I should of done so maybe that's why I got an omelette! I don't care as long as it works although I already think it won't happen this month, I just have a feeling it won't stick!

Stef, omg flippin killing myself laughing over here at all of your tmi, I totally agree and it really upset me last time my oh did that, it's like they know we're ttc so why the hell do that? I do not see the attraction either, you're right men are weird and infuriating most of the time!

I've been playing the whatif game too, I could pontentially get a bfp on UK Mother's Day or again the 13th March, so number 13 and our table was 13 tonight, clearly I'm cracking up!

Meli, good luck with your results today and thanks for the baby dust! I'll take your advice and be sure to jump OH! Our next schedule is tomorrow night, part of me wants to do it tonight too but I don't want him to get worn out and I'm trying to stick to the SMEP to the letter, just see what happens! Oooh, I'm not surprised OH likes the costumes, mine would too! Perhaps I'll treat him one day! Maybe for his 40th in ten years!

Well, hope to hear some good news for both Melis and Angels results soon and I may not be on here from Friday to Monday, new internet gets switched on Monday but I'll be checking in as often as I can!

Bye for now girls x x
Jasmine: Well done on being packed. Unbelievable how much you can get done without the little "helper" around, right? Last time we moved Charlotte had just turned one so I was able to stick her in the pack-n-play and go about our packing. If I had to move with her now, I'd go crazy.

DH is off at a work thing right now so I'm home bored. I've started cramping so af should be here any time. Also, did I mention that I have a UTI? Not sure how I got that as dh and I haven't been dtd all that much, but still I've got one. The antibiotics are making me break out in a slight rash. I should probably call my doctor about this. Think I'm going to watch some bad TV until dh gets home.
Meli, the tampon thing is worth a try. It wouldn’t be completely awful to have just on period with a pad. I used the Always with wings after having Carter too and they are my first choice. (Vegas, not really sure about the section/tampon thing either??) I also really like that quote and think it will go with something else in my life as well. Thanks for posting it. Ooh, that barmaid sounds fun, glad he liked it. That was nice of him to offer dinner, hope he continued to behave! Can’t wait to see your yard! And I hate to say this, but my endocrinologist told me that he would like my thyroid under a 2 to get pregnant again, you may want to look into it. Hope your results are ideal and your followup goes well.

Vegas, Thanks, I hope the number is good tomorrow too! I love being pregnant, but obviously with all the worry you can’t enjoy it 100%. I know what you mean about wondering about the other ladies. I recently came across that old thread and had a peek at the first page, so many angels. I really don’t know how I would have coped with out you all. I am sorry Charlotte bit you. Biting is the worst!! Carter never really bit us (yet!!), but he bit the boy I babysit, Charlie btw. He bit him really bad. It left bruising and all the teeth marks. If he would have bitten just a hair harder he would have broken skin. And I LOVE your new avatar, like Meli said- a total diva!! Hope your cramping doesn’t mean a cyst or if so it goes away quickly on its own. The bass fishing is my dad and dh. It was pretty fun to watch the weigh-ins though. Glad to hear your lp is at least 10 days, hopefully you get to 12!
Here is my link: https://babyandbump.momtastic.com/ttc-journals/1149081-after-2-years-waiting-loss-ttc-2-a.html

Jenk, I am sorry your progesterone levels are so low and that you think you are out this month. I hope your doctor starts taking it seriously for you.

Stef, sorry about those unpaid days. That stinks! I am also it has been so hard with lots of announcements. Congrats on that web design job though. Anything helps! That stinks that oh’s fix didn’t work. At least he tried. I am very sorry about your staph infection. I can see why you wouldn’t want the antibiotics though. I have only had a yeast infection twice and this last time it kept me up at night itching so bad. It sounds like a good idea to get rid of that mulch though. Why did they even have it there anyway? Hope oh lets himself go during the next few :sex:. Dh wishes I would finish him with special kisses. That is something I would like to try, but haven’t been able to do yet.:blush:

Jasmine, glad oh is back and you have gotten your packing done. Sorry it has been so rough getting Eva to bed though. To be honest, Carter is still in his crib because I am scared he will not nap well and will get me up too early in the morning. That bath sounds amazing though! I might have to have one tonight too! Sorry you think that skanky girl will get pregnant before you. FX you catch first!!! That is funny that you told the pharmacist about the cough medicine. Maybe she will do some research and pass on the info. I don’t know how fast that stuff is supposed to work, but if it is o, at least you :sex: last night!

AFM, I will find out my test results tomorrow. Other than that I don't have anything new to report. If my ultrasound goes well on Monday I will pick up a new pregnancy journal. Charlie's mom has offered to watch both boys for me so Jeff will be able to go with me
Jasmine, YAY!!! I hope you get your unpacking done faster than we have! I still have boxes in the bedroom closet, in the extra bedroom, in the basement... tons of laundry to catch up on, etc etc!

And I'd say all that packing is a good enough excuse for massive ice cream!

Lol @ your table number comparison. I do the same crazy things! Every month I'm looking at dates... when will I o, when is AF due, when could I get a BFP, if I get pg when would I be due, when would this time in the pg come, is there any significance in these dates blah blah blah. I don't believe in coincidence so much so when dates line up to something significant in an odd way my crazy ttc lady brain sees it as a sign even if it's nothing!

And lol! Are you really going to make him wait 10 years for a costume? Hehehe.

Vegas, ugh, UTIs suck. The last one I got was just after the mc, wasn't sure how I got it either. I used to get them whenever I would go periods of drinking less water (e.g. when I would go up to visit family I always ended up drinking more soda), could that have caused it?

Angel, OH is Mr. Problem Solver - he'll try to solve ANY problem before asking anyone for help! I love that about him but it's also a little annoying sometimes, lol. At least I know I can always rely on him to come up with a solution to pretty much everything!

I used to get yeast infections a lot more often as a teenager, haven't gotten them much recently, but the last one I got from the antibiotics after the mc (3 rounds!) was HORRIBLE. Never had one so bad!

I'm not sure why they have the mulch there, I'm guessing the guy who renovated the house that we bought it from did whatever was cheapest for curb appeal. He cheaped out on so many things in this house! Yesterday I was taking a shower and tried moving the shower head a bit and it broke off in my hand! I almost drowned, I saw my life flash before my eyes as water heavy squirted me in the face... it was dramatic, lol. Seriously, though, crazy!

You should surprise your DH one time and finish him with special kisses! I bet he'd love it :)

Be sure to let us know your lab results, and I'm excited for your ultrasound on Monday!

BTW, OH keeps asking who you are when he sees your name on FB, lol. I've told him a few times, he just doesn't get the whole women's forum thing, I guess. "What do you ladies talk about?" "Why would you talk about that on a forum?" lol

AFM, nothing new to report. O'ing anytime from today to Friday (no cramping yet so probably not today). Trying not to think about it at all!

OH! And I got my ring back yesterday!

https://i.imgur.com/UyH7sIK.jpg https://i.imgur.com/PRShofu.jpg
Stef: Love your ring! I'm sure you are so excited to have it back so you can stare at it all day. Lol about the shower. Just what you needed right? Btw, if I ever finished dh off with special kisses I bet he'd ask for it all the time. Maybe once he gets me preggo I'll fo it as a special thanks. I think my UTI is from not drinking enough. When I was doing the opk's I wouldn't drink anything after lunch as I wanted to wait to go home to test. Between no liquids and no peeing for 5+ hours I'm sure I got myself in trouble.

Angel: can't wait for your ultrasound. So glad dh will be able to go with you. I'm never going to another OB appointment without dh.
Hi ladies,

Good morning! Work will be crazy busy for the next couple of days but I’ll try to check in again as soon as I can and catch up.

Just wanted to let y’all know that my dr said “results show good ovarian reserve”.

I’m taking her response with a grain of salt, and can’t wait to receive the detailed lab results in the mail so I can pick them apart with the help of Dr. Google (and you ladies, of course!).

I probably won’t get the results until this weekend, I am SO dying to drive by her office to pick up the results though…

Oooohhhh Stef,, love love that ring!! It’s beautiful! HE DID GOOD!
Almost forgot; AF arrived this morning. I made it a full 10 days, so that's better than last month. I also cut two whole weeks off of last cycle 39 vs 53 days. Insane right! To think I used to hate my 33 day cycles. Hoping this last cycle before ttc is a little more normal.
Meli: even if you're taking it with a grain of salt, that is still very good news! Now you just have to catch one of those little suckers.
Got my results back! My progesterone started around 15, went to 18, then to 14.7. Now it is 17.2!! So that is great news that is didn't continue to decline! They didn't test the hcg since it was looking good previously. FX for a sticky bean!!!!!!!!
Sorry for those that read my journal and had to read that twice!!

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