Jasmine, packing sucks! Unpacking is somehow worse though! We did very minimal packing before moving... packed up our large bedroom closet and sold our old bed frame, then all the closet stuff sat in boxes for a few weeks until we closed on the house, then we had his family over and they helped us pack the rest of the stuff and move everything, all in one day. Crazy! Your move day is in 2 days, yay!
Ugh at the woman you work with... sounds just like my cousin! A month and a half or so ago I was feeling very bitter toward her but felt badly about it, felt like karma was going to bite me in the butt for it, so I messaged her and told her congrats on the baby and told her about my mc's. She responded "Sorry about the baby! Yeah daddy (as in her husband) can't wait and is telling her to come early lol." I wanted to respond, "Are you guys stupid? Why would you hope for something like that? Keep that little one in there as long as possible!" but I just let it go and never messaged back.
I know I've seen people mention cough syrup while ttc, but I never actually read what it's all about or just don't remember, but now I'm curious.
And yep, I do know my cycle well enough to know best timing... which is a blessing and a curse, I think! It means I'm gearing up this week to want to bd all the time but then that stresses me out... avoiding OPKs is almost pointless! lol
And ewwwww at the omelet comment! Although it did make me giggle!
Meli, unpaid days off suck, especially when they're out of my control. I had 2 unpaid days off a couple of weeks ago because of office renovations. I really think I should get paid if I'm stuck missing work against my will!
I hope my cousin can be a good mom, too, but I just see her being that type that tries harder to be a friend to the child than a mom.
I'm pretty sure the rash is staph, actually. I thought the original mark was a spider bite, and it's possible it was and it got infected, but the rest of the rash is almost definitely from me scratching the original mark and spreading it. It's taking soooooo long to heal! Part of me is still tempted to go get an antibiotic, but I HATE the idea of taking more and I know I can get rid of it without meds... just know that'd be faster. Ugh. I'm sticking it out for now!
Have you gotten the test results back? *looks at clock* probably not!
I buy my sexy outfits from eBay usually, believe it or not!
Vegas, we are happy with the house! There's still work to be done - we have to install a few new windows, once the weather warms up and the snow melts we have to get rid of this mulch / wood chip stuff that the seller put around the house (it butts up to the house just begging for bugs), need to add insulation to the attic, etc. We also had to hire Orkin - with the house being empty for so long we have some bugs. We're pretty much out of money for making the house our own now, but we'll be able to do it slowly over time!
Do you always start af that early after o? I think my cycle changed to 29 days after the mc's.
AFM, CD12. That is, if you count extreme light spotting as the start of af. My last two cycles have been 29 days IF you count the light spotting, and o'ing on CD15. I'm wondering if I SHOULD count the light spotting as the start, but I'm thinking so since it came with cramping.
I did a "what if" and looked at the calendar again

I decided last mc that next pg I won't get a scan to hear the heartbeat until 9 weeks. After seeing so many lose babies at 8w, 8+1, etc, including mine at 8ish, I figure 9 weeks is safer. Let's say by some miracle I get pg this cycle. I will be 9 weeks exactly on my anniversary with OH. How awesome would that be. I really need to stop the "what if" game!
We did bd last night. Idk what his obsession is with pulling out, quite often he stops and wants me to finish him with "special kisses" (lol Jasmine for that term!) which I'm usually fine with unless it's o time. Last night, though, and TMI, I was on my stomach and he pulled out at the last second (actually felt like mid happy time) and *ahem* all over my behind. What is it with guys and making sex messes?! He needs to get jumped Wednesday / Thursday / Friday!