June Angel Baby Mommas Hoping for Rainbows!!

Almost forgot; AF arrived this morning. I made it a full 10 days, so that's better than last month. I also cut two whole weeks off of last cycle 39 vs 53 days. Insane right! To think I used to hate my 33 day cycles. Hoping this last cycle before ttc is a little more normal.

That is great. My cycle this past time would have been 38 or 39. Normal for me is 35, and it sucks. So much time waiting to o and less chances to try than others.

And Stef, that ring is beautiful. He did a great job!

If you ladies like scary movies you should watch Sinister. Creeped my shit right out!!!!
vegas, I am excited to have it back! Word of advice - never get jewelry sized around Valentine's Day. I'm not sure if that's the reason but I'm sure it had something to do with the 2 week time period for sizing!

What sucks more about the shower head breaking is now I'm stuck using the other shower that has a sucky shower head with low water pressure until we get a replacement! It almost doubles my shower time because it takes sooooo long to rinse my hair out.

Yep, that's how I used to get the UTIs! I'm worried about getting one now because we've been without a bathroom at work on and off for about a month now. I can leave to go somewhere but it's just such a hassle... I end up holding it all day :wacko:

Got my results back! My progesterone started around 15, went to 18, then to 14.7. Now it is 17.2!! So that is great news that is didn't continue to decline! They didn't test the hcg since it was looking good previously. FX for a sticky bean!!!!!!!!
Sorry for those that read my journal and had to read that twice!!


We're avid horror fans here. OH and I saw Sinister in theaters when it came out. It was better than I expected.

AFM, I totally dirty texted OH at work this morning. He got some very special special kisses last night, no work done on his part, so I made it very clear what I want tonight. Hehehe. :blush:

Today is my CD8 so we’ll start with SMEP today. :thumbup: Try not to suffer from withdrawals from us (like Angel mentioned). I know what she means...I feel the same way!


You make a good point about not going to another OB appt without DH. I’ve decided the same thing! DH works from home most of the time so the scheduling shouldn’t be a problem. But FIRST I have to get pg!! Here I am getting ahead of myself again….sigh......

YAY to lengthening your luteal phase and a shorter cycle! 39 v 53 days is a huge difference-almost half a cycle!! :happydance:


Ughh to what you mentioned about the thyroid, I need to look at what my thyroid was before I got pg and compare to current number..

So glad your numbers came back great!!! YAYYYYYYY :happydance:

Ooohhh we saw Sinister last weekend, and it WAS totally creepy!! DH is not easily creeped out, but even he was creeped out by it!!


oh yea, just realizing that in my last post I wrote to Angel about the ring being beautiful. DUh! I meant to write that to you!! That's what happens when I try to post in a hurry, and from work lol!

Sorry to hear about the shower head breaking off. That’s happened to me before and caused a mess in the shower--water shooting EVERYWHERE! You almost drowned, huh? You poor thing…glad you survived it lol!

I’m guessing that the mulch was put to help with gardening/conserving water when you water the plants/bushes/trees?

Your OH’s questions are funny…"Why would you talk about that on a forum?" HA! If he only knew the things we talk about…better make sure he never reads these conversations! I realized a long time ago that I need to make sure DH doesn’t read these (especially my) entries! He’d be mortified!!

Yay to the special kisses to butter him up for tonight!! JUMP HIM! :sex:


Nothing much going on today. Hoping I get the detailed CD3 lab results very soon, maybe by Saturday? I’ve started eating grapefruit daily, have 8 left to go before I finish them! I also received the progesterone cream I ordered last Friday. HOLY crap! That container is lots smaller than I expected. And I paid $33 for it??!! CRAZY! This stuff better work lol!

SUPPOSEDLY, today is the day that they will be finished with my yard. What’s left is the sealing of the stained concrete, and installing the tile on the front doorway/porch. It sounds like an ambitious list for 1 day, so I’m not too excited yet. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s pushed out another day. I just want to hurry up and plant my garden!
Crap, just tried to reply and hit something that took me to a thread about plus sized girls TTC. WTF?

Meli: sounds like you are all ready to go. Hope your dh is ready! Btw, I'm guessing it will be two days before your yard is done. I expect they will need to come back to grout the tile.

Stef: you have no bathrooms at work? I'm not sure that is even legal. And I agree about Valentines being the busiest time of year at the jewelers. But you've got it back now!

Angel: I like scary movies, but I get scared so easily. Not sure if I'll watch it or not (again, I'm a wimp).

I'm sad again today. My dh's cousin's wife (can you follow that) just announced on FB that she is pregnant with her third son. He's due two days after my angel. The worst part is that she included a photo of herself in profile. I was looking at the post on my phone and before I saw the caption or the belly I was thinking about how much she looks like me. It should be me. It's not me..... In other news, I'm bleeding like crazy. Much heavier than it used to be. Also cramping a lot. Could do without that.

DH should be ready. He’s always in the mood, and seeing the light at the end of the tunnel for the end of the project has def put him in an all around better mood. Finally! Sometimes poor DS will send me the following texts when he arrives home after school. “Red alert! Red alert!” That’s code for “Beware. someone’s in a BAD mood” lol!

Yup, I’m sure you’re right. That makes sense now. They will have to come back to grout the tile!

I’m also a wimp for scary movies, but I can’t help myself! As long as I’m not alone I can watch them. But I can't watch them by myself! He likes watching them cuz then I’ll lay down with him on the chaise lounge. I prefer to sit in my own ‘section’ of the sectional, and will only lay down with him when scary movies are on. He emanates lots of heat, so I get hot really quickly, then he starts to get distracted and not watch the movie (*ahem*, IYKWIM) lol!

Maybe your cramping and bleeding more than usual is a good sign, a sign that your uterine lining is building up nice and thick?

Sorry that you’re down. I would feel the same with the news. It’s just too close to him with similar EDD’s. Big hugs…:hugs:
So how's everyone doing today? I had to stay home because Charlotte is sick. She has a pretty high fever and is coughing so I kept her home. I figure since I am home I can clean the house and organize the closets (or sit on the computer and play all day). So far I've cleaned out the spice cabinet and made a big batch of Chex mix to snack on. Looks like it is going to be a pretty dull day. Just hoping Charlotte improves some so she can enjoy the weekend.
Meli, yeah I don't think OH believed me about how much water shot straight into my face until he tried wetting his hair using the busted head. Haha, karma!

Honestly, I don't think the seller was thinking about gardening when he put the mulch in, I think he was thinking about the cheapest thing he could possibly do! He did that a lot, we're finding out the longer we live there. Mostly little stuff that can be lived with or easily fixed, thank goodness.

Lol! Yeah I definitely need to keep OH from reading our convos! But babe, if you find this, you're a sex god and your swimmers are mini Olympians. My little suck up comment to butter him up there. :haha:

Lol at your DH getting distracted watching movies! OH and I both do if we try watching movies in the bedroom. I honestly don't think we've EVER gotten through a movie while trying to watch it in the bedroom!

And for jumping him last night... totally did! :sex:

vegas, yeah, they're doing renovations at work. I know, it doesn't sound like it's legal. We can leave to go to the bathroom and not mark down a lunch break or anything, but seriously... shouldn't there be a porta-potty or something? It's happened on and off for quite awhile now, first there was an issue where they couldn't get the main water valve to shut off because it was broken, so we couldn't use the bathroom for awhile because of the renovations. Now the bathroom is torn out and being replaced.

I understand being sad! I've gone through the same thing with people's announcements. I dread seeing them lately.

I hope that Charlotte starts feeling better ASAP!

AFM... officially in the tww! BD'd last night, hoping he's down to do it again tonight (who am I kidding, it's not if he's down to BD, it's if he doesn't decide special kisses ending is better, lol). Something tells me he wants to be pg again and the talk of wanting to wait is just fear of something happening again. He knows my cycle almost as well as I do, so he does know when I'm o'ing. I stuck with my word and didn't use any OPKs this month.

Also, we replaced the low pressure showerhead with a nice one we picked up last night. It's awesome, removable with the different massage functions. And it actually has good pressure now, yay! He put the crappy one in the other bathroom for now.
Stef: No opks-you brave girl! I'm so excited that you are in the tww. I'm not sure how I would feel if my dh read my posts. I think he'd just be happy that I am no longer discussing this stuff with him on a regular basis. He knows that I still get sad sometimes, but I think he's out of things to say about it. As far as talking about bd'ing, I know he'd prefer less talk and more action! We've been married a long time and together forever so our love life is pretty tame at this point. We never make it though a movie either if we watch in bed, but this is only because dh will fall asleep. See what I mean? :haha:

Sorry to hear Charlotte is sick. FX you don’t catch it!!! I hope she gets better soon!

Wow, you’re good to organize closets on a day off. I need to wash windows soon..maybe one of these weekends I’ll rope DS into helping me. He’s always down to earn some extra $.

You’re funny about less talk and more action! And how dh will fall asleep on you. I’m the same way--I’m the one always falling asleep. Then again, I do wake up 2-2 ½ hours earlier than him on weekdays..


I know what you mean about the seller using cheap stuff. Our house is about 25 years old, and it had one owner before us. It didn’t have any upgrades at all. You could tell the builder used the CHEAPEST materials/finishes. Little by little we’ve had stuff done…replaced inside doors 4 years ago, replaced windows 3 yrs ago, replaced closet doors and the front door 1 year ago, installed crown moulding throughout the whole house 6 mos ago, installed plantation shutters and did the stained concrete and walkway recently. Little by little we’re turning it into a house we really really love. It’s a modest house, and could have ‘upgraded’ years ago, but I’m so glad we didn’t! we’ve also used that conversation as a ‘teachable moment’ with DS. He asked why didn’t we buy a new, better, bigger house? My response was :”just because you CAN, doesn’t mean that you DO. There is no need to get into more debt and possibly overextend ourselves just because we ‘can’ or ‘want’ to.” We love not being in ridiculous debt, the house will be paid off in abt ten more years (DH refinanced into the 15 year loan a few years ago). It more than doubled our payment but it was for the best so that we could get finished paying it off much quicker. We also love our street (it’s a cul-de-sac) and love our neighbors.

Luv’d your suck up comment to OH just in case! FX you caught the egg!! :dust: Good for you sticking to your word and not using opks. I just started using mine-since CD8! I’m terrified of missing the egg again!! I don’t know if I will o CD 12 or CD14 or somewhere in between!

Ughh, got another call from my dr. again. She said they still aren’t comfortable with the views from the 2nd mammogram, they want me to go back for a 3rd time, this time for an ultrasound. I’m fine with that. As long and they don’t have to manhandle me again!! The last mammogram really really hurt..I still have bruising on the top of my boob! I'm truly traumatized from the experience lol

My niece is being dropped off at my work this afternoon and she is spending the weekend with us. I am taking her to a play tomorrow at our local community college. “Ramona Quimby”. I loved reading those books at her age! I’m actually looking forward to the play myself. Hopefully I get a chance to do some gardening, maybe not the new huge front section but at least be able to plant some pretty flowers around our tree. Then Sunday our neighbor’s are having a surprise bday party for the wife.

I hope everyone has a great weekend!
Vegas, I'm feeling like not using OPKs was more crazy than brave, lol. I was soooo tempted to use one yesterday because I THINK I o'd then (based on last two times and some minor cramping it seems I may have a day late again, cycle changed by a day after mc maybe?). I used to be able to tell EASILY, the cramping was very obvious, always on one side and made me mildly nauseous. Yesterday I had some pinchy cramps, but I'm pretty sure it was o'ing. Odd thing is it started on the left then I had some on the right. I almost always have some cramping on the left for pretty much everything since the first mc, but never on the right.

How is Charlotte feeling? Hope you didn't catch whatever she has!

Meli, the guy that sold us this house bought it last summer and redid everything, but he went cheapo for the most part. It all LOOKS nice, but it's cheaper quality stuff. That isn't really a problem usually (e.g. he used laminate flooring instead of wood, which I'm ok with), but with things like putting the mulch up against the house, a showerhead that breaks off after two weeks... it's annoying.

That's definitely a good lesson for DS. There really isn't a point in buying a new home when you are happy where you are! We probably could have pulled off getting a bigger house with more expensive upgrades, but then we would be in so much more debt. We love the area we're in, and although the house needs some work done to it, that's just going to make it that much more special to us!

Glad you don't have to have your boobs manhandled again! I'm totally not looking forward to mammograms... I'm tiny up top so I imagine it won't be much fun! Did she give you any idea why she isn't happy with what they're seeing in the mammograms?

AFM, got to bd again last night! :happydance: I'm currently waiting for our new bed to be delivered. And I should be working on that website, but I'd rather be on here, lol. I was just trying to respond before my laptop died and I had two cats hovering around me trying to get my coffee and cereal. Seriously, it was liking watching someone swat away flies. I'd tell one to go away, the other would come up and try to get my cereal. I'd move my cereal, the other one would go at my coffee. It lasted a good 5 minutes before I closed the laptop and walked away from them, lol.

I've been obsessed lately with a song... "Turning Page" by Sleeping at Last. I've never seen any of the Twilight's or read any of the books and have no plans to, but the soundtracks are amazing. I could play this song on repeat for hours on end (and have!). Even the instrumental version is amazing.

Vegas, I am sorry Charlotte was sick and hope she is feeling better now. I am also sorry about yet another pregnancy announcement. I think I have told you all this before, but every time my sil puts something up I think "that's great for you, I gave birth to my baby in the toilet!". Childish I know, but I still can't help it even now being pregnant again. Also, I know what you mean about your bedroom antics being pretty tame. Our are as well. My dh couldn't even finish a half hour show in our bed before going to sleep. We have only had sex twice since we did it to make this baby!

Meli, sorry the still want to do an ultrasound, but at least you don't have to have another mammogram. I still have a while, but I am very much dreading getting my first one! I think I will be getting one early, my maternal grandma and great grandma both had breast cancer. Glad your yard is almost done as well. I hope you have fun with your niece this weekend.

Stef, good for you for jumping oh and getting some twice! Good to hear you got a new shower head. The hand held ones are also nice to take care of a little "self lovin".:blush: I tried to listen to the song, but my computer is acting really crappy right now.

Jasmine, hope the move is going well.

AFM, I have just realized that I would have been entering the third trimester on Thursday had I not miscarried. I think some of us have already hit that mark so...:drunk:
Hi Stef,

You are right. It does seem true that the more work you put into your home, the more you grow to love it. The only outstanding thing (that matters to me) is that we still have 2 rooms with STUPID popcorn ceiling. I curse whoever came up with popcorn ceilings!! Ughhhh it is such a hassle to remove. I keep telling myself that we’ve already finished removing the worst of it (meaning the biggest rooms) but I am still dreading it. We need to do it for the guest room/nursery and the office. Those rooms are tiny compared to all the other rooms we’ve done, but still…when it’s time to decorate the nursery, it will come down! The other big ticket item left to do is the roof. I think we still have the original roof. FX it lasts through this season and gives us more time to replace it. The cheapest quote we’ve gotten is $12 grand. We’re gonna stick it out with this old roof as long as we can lol! On my wish list is to install beadboard in the hallway and in the nursery. DH wants to install some decorative paneling in the living room, but we’ll see.

They are concerned with the exact same area that I had a cyst removed about 15 years ago. It’s the exact same spot where the incision was made. They are not sure if it’s scar tissue or a new cyst/growth. They say they just want to make sure, thus the 3rd appt. I know I wasn’t concerned to begin with, but now I’m starting to get a little concerned that it is a new growth, because since that last removal 15 yrs ago, I’ve had to get mammograms every 2-3 years, and they’ve never seen anything or had me go back for followups, until this time. We’ll see.

Lol at watching someone swat away flies. Good for you! I have no patience for that type of stuff! Neither does DH. Maybe that’s why we don’t have any pets!

I like that song “Turning Page”. I’ve never heard it before. DH listened to it with me and loved it also! Thanks for sharing that.


LOL at the self-lovin comment! Y’all crack me up. I luv u guys!!!

Yah, mammograms are NO FUN, but necessary evils, I suppose, especially with your family history.

No, I haven’t paid attention to the trimesters, I just keep track of months, and where I would have been had not had my mc.

Vegas, Jasmine, Sweetmomma, Jennk and JennC,

Hope you guys are doing well! Miss you guys! Vegas, Hope Charlotte is feeling better!!


Having a great weekend with my niece!

Alright…..please nobody judge me…..BUT I did something that, in a way, makes me feel rather silly (although I don’t regret having done it, I just feel silly).

I very rarely post on other threads, I will if I see someone is asking a question and I see that nobody has answered, or if I feel that I have something to add that nobody’s mentioned, I’ll throw my 2 cents in, or if I have a question, I’ll post (like in the soy thread) but have not nurtured any other friendships besides on this thread. Anyways, I was lurking/browsing on another thread……and saw someone post something about a conception prediction from a ‘psychic’ (I think she’s British, hey Jasmine, do you happen to know her? ) Ha ha j/k about if you know her~ anyways, I was intrigued, went to her website, and thought, wth, I’ll spend $10 and see what she says.

So you give her your full name and DOB, OH's full name and DOB, if you have any kids, how many and their ages, date of your most recent CD1, and whether or not you are currently ttc. So, I gave her my info yesterday, and 24 hours later, she sent me the following email:

“Your reading reveals that your conception news will come in the month of September 2013 from a cycle that starts in August. The baby shows as a boy and the expected birth date is in the month of June 2014 with attention being paid to the date of the 7th. I am unable to see any further children in your future at this time”

I was like, Woah! Because that was my exact same scenario for my June angel. My CD1 was Aug 25, 2012, and got my bfp Sep 21, 2012, EDD was June 2, and I always felt I was pg with a boy.
I know she can get all the cycle info from the CD1 info I gave her (as in, if I get pg in a certain future month, what the EDD would be, etc etc), but I just thought, what a coinky dink that she mentions the same months as before?

So I responded:

“The dates u mention are interesting, because in Sep 2012, i found out i was pregnant from aug 2012 cycle. My due date was June 2, 2013, but unfortunately i miscarried Nov 1, 2012".

By any chance, you are not referring to that miscarried pregnancy, are you? I ask just because everything is exactly as it occurred last year, and I hope that didnt confuse you?”

And she responded:

“I was asking the question for future dates when I read your cards so I don't think so. If you haven't had your bfp by September let me know and I will re-read for you but I think you'll be ok”.

crazy stuff, huh!
Stef: Sounds like you've O'd, and it also sounds like you got in plenty of bd'ing. Now for the infamous tww! My computer is also acting up (because it is so damn old) so I couldn't watch the video. Boo! I also have not read the Twilight books, but I have seen a few of the movies (which have not inspired me to read the books).

Meli: So sorry they want to take yet another look at your boob. Perhaps it is just the same type of cyst that grew in the past. When I was pregnant with Charlotte I ended up with a cyst on my arm that I just had removed a few weeks ago. It was just a lipoma (which is just fatty tissue and in no way cancerous). Anyway, what I am saying is I believe that the pregnancy hormones formed my cyst so maybe the fact that you were pregnant caused your old cyst to regrow. Just a theory. Regardless, I am praying you get some answers soon and that it is nothing to worry about. Also interesting about the psychic. I hate that she said September as that is a long way off, but she does see a child in your future so that is good!

Angel: Yeah, every time I see FB announcement I think "good for you, my baby is dead". I know that their pregnancy has nothing to do with me, but I suppose I am just jealous. I had to lol with the fact that you've only dtd twice since conceiving. That's two more time than I would have done it if we had reached our goal. Besides you did it so much I would think you would need some pelvic rest. I think I would have been 27 weeks today. I've thought about it, but not a whole lot.

As for me, Charlotte seems to be feeling a lot better today. She still had a low grade fever this morning, but I think the 104+ temps are all done. I took her to the doctor yesterday and he said he thought it was viral and there was nothing he could do. Gee thanks. I'm fine with it running its course, but I sure do hate to see her suffer. She actually fell asleep yesterday afternoon in my lap. She hasn't done that since she was probably four months old. It was very nice.
Angel, lol, it's funny you mention self loving because at first OH tells me, "No, we aren't getting a handheld shower head. I don't want you in the shower all the time 'enjoying' it." Hahaha.

I would've been 25 weeks today.

Meli, ugh @ popcorn ceiling! That stuff is horrible. Glad you got the big rooms done but that sucks you still have to do more! It's too bad you don't live in my area, I work social media for a roofing (and siding, etc.) company!

I hope it turns out it's just scar tissue or that vegas is right and the old cysts just grew back from being pg. I can't remember, did you say when the ultrasound is for?

And speaking of cats, one of them is on my lap right now pestering the hell out of me for attention. He's just flopping around looking cute, biting at my arms. Pain in the butt.

That's so weird about the psychic! Has me curious, too, but don't think I could bring myself to spend even the $10, lol.

Vegas, I don't think I could ever bring myself to watch the Twilight movies or read the books. Vampires are supposed to be scary! Although I do LOVE Interview With the Vampire... but that's another story.

Glad Charlotte is feeling a little better! Sucks the doctor said he couldn't do anything for her.

AFM, no real news here. OH's niece's (I suppose I could start calling her my niece now? Her mom does call me Aunt Stefanie to her and her 4 year old daughter...) 1st bday party today. So cute seeing the little elfkin walking around! We hadn't seen her since xmas and she was just starting to take some steps, now she just wanders off! OH got all cute at the party - there was a LO that looks a lot like he did when he was younger, adorable round face and dark eyes and hair... he says, "That kid is too cute. Looks just like me when I was his age." Had this little grin on his face. It was adorable, lol.
Meli, I hope it is just scar tissue. I will be praying.

Vegas, glad Charlotte's fever is better.

Stef, Glad you had fun today with family.

AFM, my ultrasound is tomorrow. I am nervous but feel good about it. I am sure I will be getting on here asap to let you all know how it went. I have recently leaned of the ramsey method for determining gender. It says that if the placenta is on the right, the baby is a boy and left for girl. I will certainly be asking where mine is. You all know I am hoping for a girl. FX!!
Angel: So excited for your ultrasound today! Just make sure you know if you are seeing the image as it is or if they are projecting a mirror image (I believe transvaginal ultrasounds appear as they are). Anyway I tried predicting the same thing this last time using the Ramzi method and if it was correct baby would have been a girl, though I always believed boy. Of course I thought Charlotte was a boy until I was told otherwise (at birth) so my instinct means little. I need to go back and look at Charlotte's 8-week scan to see if it was right. Do you still have Carter's?

Stef: How do you like having three cats? Are they all getting along? Glad you had fun at the party. Sounds like Blake is a great uncle and I know he'll be a great dad too. Also, I agree about "Interview with a Vampire" at the time it was made it had one of the hottest casts ever assembled.

Well, I'm staying home with Charlotte again today. Her fever was back last night and again really high. This morning she is acting normal again and showing no signs of fever, but that is how she was yesterday too. I think I might call her doctor and see if they want to see her again. By 10am I will have burned up the rest of my vacation time. Oh well.
Angel, can't wait to hear how your ultrasound went!

Vegas, we're (at least temporarily, hopefully) back to two cats again. Gracie has, once again, escaped outside. I don't know what to do about her - she was super happy and sweet and back to her old self when we got her back last time, then about a week and a half later, out of the blue, she went back to being scared, angry, etc. She was perfectly fine and happy, wandering around checking stuff out one day, then she disappeared. OH found her in the basement in a hiding spot we don't want the cats in, so he tried to get her out - she growled at him so he left her alone. She's growled at me, growled at absolutely nothing, went into hiding for days, and started acting scared of OH again, when before she was being a mega daddy's girl. Then somehow she snuck out. I have no clue where to look for her now, there's soooo many more places for her to hide outside the new house, and I know she won't be found unless she wants to, and none of our new neighbors know her like the others did. I feel pretty hopeless about it all, like if, by some miracle, we do find her, she's going to end up doing it again. She's tiny and light on her feet so she sneaks past people without being noticed, which is how I imagine she managed to get out this time. I just don't get it...

The other two cats are doing great. They're pretty much attached at the hip - ALWAYS together unless one is sleeping. They play constantly. They do fight, but it's more playful fighting - Capone is more dominant than Sonny (the new one), so he wants to play more and it annoys Sonny every now and then. They're picking up bad habits from each other, which is cute and annoying.

Blake IS a great uncle, his nieces love him. Two of his five brothers are also young (9 and 11), so there's that. I know he's going to be a great dad, too, and that I'll be doing the disciplining (because he's a HUGE sucker!).

That sucks that Charlotte's fever came back again. I hope it stays away this time. Did they say what she has or just that it's a virus?

AFM, OH has been put on a different shift for this week (2pm-midnight or 2am). They fell majorly behind at his work during the week he took off for us to move, so he's been put on this shift so double the work gets done (one guy that does the job on days, him on nights, rather than them both sharing the machines on one shift). That means he leaves for work before I come home, gets home after I go to bed. This week is going to suck! He's already let me know that he's going to be waking me up to dtd. Got some unexpected loving last night too, so yay :happydance:

And my boss saw my address change and has decided maybe I should work extra hours to make driving two hours a day worth it. Plus a pay raise. Don't know how much. Sounds great, yeah, but that means getting up even earlier, getting home even later, still having the two hours of driving every day and less time to get anything done at home. It's saaaad when you're more stressed at home than at work because you have no time to get anything done... So I'll take the extra money while I'm here, but I'm still hardcore hunting for a new job closer to home.

Hope everyone had a great weekend! Jasmine, hope you got all that moving done!
Vegas, sorry Charlotte's fever is back. That stinks. I hope the dr can see her and give her some meds or something.

Stef, sorry oh has that crappy shift and I am sorry you will have less time at home, but happy you have a chance to earn a little more.

AFM, I had my ultrasound and it went okay. We all agreed that we saw a heartbeat, but they couldn't measure it. Also, the sack was irregular which increases risk for miscarriage. I go back in ten days for another ultrasound and got blood taken again today to make sure my hcg and progesterone are still up. I am pretty angry right now. Why couldn't I just go in and they say "everything looks great!"?? I saw the heartbeat last time, so I know that doesn't make me safe and now I am just filled with more worry and dread. Also, it appears I had a cyst rupture or something and there is fluid outside the uterus. They said it shouldn't affect anything though. Lastly, if I go back and everything looks good next time I will be put on heparin injections (due to my gene mutation MTHFR that causes clotting).
Oh, also the baby was hugged up against the wall on the right so you can't even really see it in the ultrasound pic. And if the Ramzi method is correct, it means another boy.

I know nothing that anybody can say will take away your anxiety. I agree that your ultrasound results sounded a little scary, and I know that I will be a nervous wreck and will be walking on eggshells throughout my whole pregnancy (when it happens). BUT please just keep trying your best to stay positive. We are all pulling for you and sending you positive vibes (and I’m praying for you too!!). I understand your anger. Even if they were to tell you ‘everything looks great’ I know you would prob still be nervous, so them telling you these things certainly doesn’t help your situation.

I have heard of cysts rupturing while women are pg and doesn’t affect the pregnancy.

BIG HUGS!! :hugs:


I saw the first Twilight movie, it was entertaining. I saw it because DS was all into Twilight when it first came out, he read the books and watched the movies. By the time 2nd Twilight movie came out, he was over it. To the point that to this day, if I ‘remind’ him that he used to be a Twihard, he denies it empatically lol!! His latest thing for the last 2 years has been the Hunger Games, he even got me to read them and I got into them too. Last summer, when the movie was released on DVD, they had a promotion at 6 Walmarts throughout the country, where they had a surprise star from the movie and if you bought the DVD, they would sign it for you. Our local Walmart was the California store selected, so I took him and our neighbor’s daughter. It was on a Friday and we got there at 3pm and were 2nd in line. Signing started at 11pm. Thank God I took our camping chairs! It ended up being 2 of the stars-Thresh and Marvel. They were so sweet and nice and let me take tons of pix of them with the kids.

I think (hope) that your suspicions are correct about my boob. I was thinking the same thing-the pg and mc hormones threw my whole system out of whack. My mom’s all worried about it-I’ll let her do the worrying for both of us lol!

I agree about a September bfp being such a looooooong way off, but I suppose that I’ll take what I can get!

Sorry to hear Charlotte is sick again! BOOOOOOOO. Poor baby. Oh, sorry you’ve burned up your vacation time so quick!


Aww, too bad I don’t live in your area, that would be cool to be able to have work done by someone that is referred by someone else!!

My breast ultrasound is scheduled for Wednesday afternoon. It should be a piece of cake compared to the horrid mammos!

OH sounds so cute. I love seeing DH interact with kids also. It’s so heartwarming! My niece has been spending weekends with us every so often, since she was 3 years old. That’s when he started saying “I want to have a baby”. I was like, really?? After a couple of years of the same song, I realized he was serious…and here we are!

Sorry Gracie is gone, again! That darn cat!! Wasn’t there a show named that?? Maybe I’m dating myself lol!

Sorry that OH work’s schedule has changed. But, at least you got all the ‘required’ BD’ing out of the way before the schedule change.

Hope your pay raise is enough that you’ll actually see it in your paycheck, and isn’t swallowed up by taxes!

I totally KWYM about stressing because you don’t have time to get stuff done at home. I am so tempted to call in sick one of these days so that I can finally finish my garden. Maybe even an extra day to recuperate lol! I forgot of all the work that goes into prepping for planting, well, actually, I’ve never had to do more than basic prepping, but since this portion was grass before the lawn was ripped out, I’m realizing that I have to do some major prepping. Not looking forward to the prep….


Today is CD12 and still not even a hint of a line on the opk’s. I’ve been testing since CD8, so there’s no way I could have missed it. FX that in today’s afternoon urine I will start getting some sort of line on the opk, the latest I’ve ever gotten color on the opks is CD12….
Do sentences like this ever bother you all?
"I just need some reassurance. Im 26, healthy and active, so it seems like my chances are pretty low"
I saw this on another thread and thought, yeah so was I (exactly 26). I know it isn't really right to think that way. She is only worried as we all are when pregnant. Isn't the rate for miscarriage 1 out of 4? Isn't that a pretty big number? So when people act like it is so uncommon or that maybe we didn't take care of ourselves or did something wrong it really bothers me.

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