June Angel Baby Mommas Hoping for Rainbows!!

Do sentences like this ever bother you all?
"I just need some reassurance. Im 26, healthy and active, so it seems like my chances are pretty low"
I saw this on another thread and thought, yeah so was I (exactly 26). I know it isn't really right to think that way. She is only worried as we all are when pregnant. Isn't the rate for miscarriage 1 out of 4? Isn't that a pretty big number? So when people act like it is so uncommon or that maybe we didn't take care of ourselves or did something wrong it really bothers me.

I totally agree! When I read stuff like that, I just shake my head, and try (not always successful, but try) to think think "God bless you and your naivete. I hope that naivete isn't shattered".
Angel: :hugs: I am so sorry to hear that your ultrasound didn't go perfectly. How far along are you at this point? It is still early so it is hard for them to say a whole lot. What does an irregular sac look like? I know many people who have had bad ultrasounds and have gone on to have perfectly healthy babies. Hopefully you will get a much better scan in ten days. They should be able to see loads more. Like Meli said, due to what we've been through even a perfect ultrasound won't give you real peace of mind. I know if/when I get pregnant again I won't really relax until that baby is in my arms. I totally agree about the quote from the woman thinking that just because she is healthy it should mean there is no reason for concern. Let's be honest, 99% of the time miscarriages are out of our control. I know in my case it was just a genetic fluke. Two sperm+one egg=disaster. From everything I've read, and I've read plenty, there was nothing I could do to prevent it and I didn't even fall into any of the "typical" categories for people this happens to. If every 1:4 ends in a miscarriage then I think we've all paid our dues. Stef has even paid more than her share. I know a lot of women who've had four or more children without a mc. Do they even realize how lucky they are? Do they even realize that all it is is luck?! I did a lot of things during both of my pregnancies that are pretty big no-nos and I also did a lot of things that went over and beyond what you should do for a healthy pregnancy and I know that none of it made a dime's worth of difference. I'll say a prayer for you and your baby and send tons of positive energy your way.

Stef: I'm sorry to hear that Gracie has run off again, but glad to hear the other two cats are really getting along. Sounds like both your work schedules are really tough right now. I hope you can find a new job closer to home soon, but glad you will be getting some extra hours in for the time being.

Meli: I have actually watched three out of the five movies, but I have no idea why I keep watching them. I loved the Hunger Games books and movie. That is awesome that you camped out to see some of the actors. What a great step-mom you are!

Jasmine: Can't wait to hear how the move went. I know you are busy and without internet, but I'm writing this for when you come back on.

AFM: I'm still bleeding. I though Saturday would have been it, but ol af keeps proving me wrong. I just hope this doesn't mean I am going to have another super long cycle. Might be time to buy more cheapie opks.
Hey vegas,

You’re so right. I don’t think most women know how ‘lucky’ they are to have not had the heartbreak of a mc.

Yaaaaaah…….I’m not really a ‘crowds’ type of person…and certainly not one to wait in lines for anything, much less this type of stuff, but I figured in that case, wth! They were local to us, so that meant no long drive for this, plus it was on a Friday night, so we didn’t have to worry about school early wakeup times….plus, the most important was that it was a weekend we had time with him. I knew he was dying to go, and all the signs pointed to “do it” lol! It was certainly a nice bonding moment, we’re already very bonded but I guess more bonding can’t hurt! He’s my ‘road dog’. He always wants to go with me to my errands, even if just to the grocery store. As a matter of fact, if he doesn’t want to go with me, then he’s getting sick or something, because it’s so not like him.

I think I may have mentioned this before, but we have 70% primary custody. He lives with us Mon-Fri and goes to his mom’s house on Friday after school, and we pick him up and bring him back home Sunday evening. We only get 1 weekend a month. That sucks, because it’s not enough ‘fun’ time. Weekdays are the everyday grind, school, homework, chores, etc. We try to be pretty disciplined with him, and so the weekends that we DO have him, we like it to be ‘fun time’ and do ‘fun things’, so the hunger games signing fit the bill!

It’s hard always being the ‘strict’ and ‘disciplined’ house, IYKWIM….luckily, he’s such a great kid, I can’t say it enough how blessed we are with him, and I’m not just saying it because he’s my SS. We/I only have to crack the whip once in a while, I hate to do it, but sometimes it’s necessary. I just have to tell myself it’s for his own good…we talk about it after and he understands why we come down hard on him for important things...he knows it’s way easier to let things pass us by than to call him on it or let things slide. I’ve always said that if my child is anything like him, I would be so blessed. I would be so happy to have a carbon copy of him! Regardless of the little everyday frustrations he may be responsible for, in the big scheme of things, they mean nothing. He’s truly the best…

Sorry to hear af is still hanging around. I hope your cycle follows the pattern and is even shorter than last month’s! I guess we just have to wait and see…

Oh and my coworker (with home I share an office) has been chomping on who-knows-what for the last 30 min and it’s driving me LOCO~ sounds like when a dog is eating dry food and you hear the crunch-crunch-crunch sound?? Even my miniature zen water fountain, wearing foam earplugs and playing Pandora isn’t helping to mask the sounds!! Argh!!!!! Just had to vent!!!
Hi Ladies!

I hope everyone is doing well.

Ugh already fell off the SMEP bandwagon. We only BD’d CD8 & CD9. We’re horrible!! IDK whats going on with my o, today is CD13 and still no color on the opk’s!

OH, and I finally got my CD3 test results.

Fsh 7.3 mlu/ml
Estradiol 34pg/ml

According to Dr. Google, they seem to be ok. I found this:


Normal FSH levels in Women: A woman above puberty and below menopause is expected to have normal FSH level between 5 to 30 mIU/mL

• Peak FSH level is when the woman is ovulating and the right time to measure the FSH in the blood is on the third day of the menstrual cycle.

• For women who have crossed menopause, the normal FSH levels range is from 50 to 100 mIU/ml.

• When the FSH is more than 12 mIU/ml the ovaries start to weaken and when it is above 25 mIU/ml an ovarian failure can be reported but this condition is most common in women, post menopause.

From what I've read, anything under 6 is excellent, 6-9 is good, 9-10 is fair, 11-13 is diminished and 13+ is hard to stimulate.


There are no clearly defined cutoff values for normal and abnormal estradiol values. Most doctors like to see cycle day 3 estradiol of less than about 80 pg/mL, levels of 80-100 pg/mL are borderline, and over 100 pg/mL is abnormal.

So, I suppose in this case, I concur with my dr. who interpreted my results as "good ovarian reserve". I'm happy about that :happydance:. I guess I just have to get my progesterone level up and stop spotting throughout my luteal phase
Hey girls, just wanted to let you know that I'm still alive and I'm going to be catching up properly tonight x x x
Owwwwa, I'm going to have to wait to reply till Thursday at work, as the Internet on my MacBook is refusing to work so I'm on the iPad now and I type like a moron on it! I've been missing my little cyber family though, we're all settled into the new house it's amazing, we love it so much so it's all been worth it plus I like a challenge anyway! Glad to see you're all doing good, so ill be back Thursday with a proper reply x
Jasmine: Hello again! So glad to hear you love your new house.

Meli: Your levels sound good based on your Google research. You go in tomorrow for your boob ultrasound, correct? Sending positive thoughts your way. Also, I still think it is super sweet that you waited in line with your SS. I know you must have gotten a lot of cool points with him. I'm sure one day in the future I'll be forced to wait in a similar line for whoever the Justin Bieber of the future might be.

As usual I have nothing to report. Charlotte is on the mend. Ben stayed home with her this morning and I came home at noon to watch her so he could go to work. I plan on sending her to daycare tomorrow and just hope they don't send her home (dh will be going out of town so its all me tomorrow and Thursday). Fever is all gone, but she has a cough that sounds like she smokes two packs a day.
Hi vegas,

Yes, I go in tomorrow evening for my (hopefully) last boob ultrasound. Thanks for the positive thoughts!

Oh yah, I’m sure you’re looking forward to the day you’ll be waiting in a similar line with Charlotte - NOT! Hee hee, that day will be here before you know it.

That’s great that Charlotte is getting better!!FX daycare lets her stay all day and don’t send her home. I LOL at she has a cough that sounds like she smokes two packs a day!! :haha:
Meli, those numbers do look good! So basically just your progesterone may be a little questionable? They can easily give you pills or suppositories if you needed it to help (if your cream isn't enough). I hope your ultrasound went well today. I would consider myself a Twilight fan, not a Twihard, but certainly a fan.:blush: I have seen all but one of the movies in the theater and read all the books in about 10 days (can't :blush: enough!!). I did see the Hunger Games and enjoyed it, but I haven't read the books. Based on the movie I am not sure I would like them much, just not my kind of reading. It is really sweet that you and your ds (won't even bother with ss) get along so well!

Vegas, glad to hear Charlotte is on the mend. Hope the daycare doesn't call you tomorrow. I know that not all bosses are understanding of things like that. AF has left right? This is the last cycle you are waiting out right?

Jasmine, talk to you tomorrow!

AFM, I got my lab results back yesterday and my hcg is above 46,000 which is great for where I am at, 6+4-ish. My progesterone keeps fluctuating and went down again to 14.8 from 17.1(I think). Because of that they put me on oral progesterone twice a day. Nothing else new, trying to keep my head up. I do have a funny Carter story to share though. My prenatals always make me nauseous, even when I wasn't pregnant. Anyhow I normally can take the nausea for the ten minutes it hangs around, then I am fine. Well this morning I couldn't and ran to the toilet. As I am throwing up Carter is yelling "mom, is that you??". He hops the baby gate into our room and into the bathroom. He is standing next to me saying "haha, that's funny, haha". I look up at him, with tear rolling down my face (just from throwing up) and in the middle of heaving to yell "get out of here!!!". I am sure it was a site to see!
Hello everyone,

I’m finally able to get on here and catch up with you all, omg I can’t believe how much I’ve missed, so forgive me if I miss anything out. I’ve been reading the posts and keeping up with you all though, I’ve been lurking! :winkwink:

Stef, I just wanted to say how beautiful your engagement ring is, you must be thrilled with it and I really enjoyed the song you put up too! I really like slow, melodic (probably depressing) stuff! As regards to unpacking boxes, we still have about 5 unpacked which we have shoved in the storage room in our attick bedroom for now! It’s very handy, it has a half sized dwarfish door and then a really long space for just storing junk! Stef, sounds like you have got OH wrapped around your little finger with all of those dirty texts and special kisses! :blush: I don’t think you need to worry about not having done opks etc this month! You two are such horn dogs, you’re bound to nail that egg very soon! :haha: Looks like we’re in the 2ww together now too, I’m on 3dpo, I suppose you don’t know exactly what dpo you are now do you? I ovulated March 4th and you think you ovulated March 2nd so you’re slightly ahead of me, can’t wait for testing time! It’s gonna be a long one this time though, I’m already symptom spotting! That was nice of your boss to notice your hours and adapt them for you and to give you a payrise, great news! At least it’s an improvement until you can find something else closer.

Meli – I’m so pleased that you have good ovarian reserve especially after confirming with Dr Google, :haha:! How interesting about the reading that you had, can you pass me on the details? I don’t know her, hehe! I want to play though! I’ll be interested to see if it comes true for you and if it does it will be born on the year anniversary of your angel, which would be kind of nice. :cloud9: Although, I’m not sure I should do it because I’m so gullable I believe everything they say and then I get upset if or when it doesn’t happen exactly like they say! I drive OH mad! Also, don’t worry we didn’t do very well with the smep either! We managed to do cd8, 10, 12 but then I got impatient and we did it cd13, so we missed cd14 which now I know that I ovulated cd15 would have been the most important night to do it and if I had stuck to the plan we would have done. :dohh: After that I got annoyed and we haven’t kept up with the plan! So are you any closer to getting a postive opk now then? How strange that they have been completely blank? Hope you get your surge soon it’s very frustrating waiting! Do you have a plan of action for when you do? I’m going to bd everyday from cd12 to cd17 next month. BTW, how come you don’t put your BDing on your FF chart, I just want to be nosy and stalk :haha:! Fx your progesterone cream works too, yikes that’s expensive but I spend a fortune on ttc goodies every month too! Don’t think OH knows exactly how much but it’s a lot, digital opks, cheapie opks, pregnancy tests, preseed, cough syrup, folic acide, baby aspirin, it costs a small fortune and it’s very stressful, I hardly sleep when it’s ovulation time as I’m so wound up about temping! Also, I hope your mammogram went well, I hope it’s nothing to worry about.

Vegas – really great news that your luteal phase has extended now to 10 days. Hopefully when you start ttc next month, you’ll be an expert, has your ovulation date changed much month to month since the mc? Sorry that your DHs cousins wife (lol) baby news has upset you hunny! I understand exactly how you feel, my brother and his wife are due in April with their first baby, a boy and I find it very difficult to ask about the pregnancy, I feel like I have been a bit ignorant but I just find it too hard, especially as we were pregnant at the same time and I was due not long after. I think af can make you feel a lot more emotional about it all too, I was so emotional last af. Sorry to hear that Charlotte was sick too, it’s so hard when they’re ill isn’t it, I hate it! Vegas, I love what you said about never making it a through a movie bacuse OH falls to sleep, that’s what we’re like but it’s ME that falls asleep, :sleep:! Sorry about your super long af, how rude! :witch: bog off witch! So, is it the next cycle for you ttc now? I pretty much think I’ll be there with you, missing the crucial night this month and I have just not thought all month that this wouldn’t be the one! I’ll be shocked if it is!

Angel – I’m so happy that your levels are looking great! :thumbup: Hopefully, you can relax a tiny bit now and soon start to enjoy your pregnancy, easier said than done right, I know I’ll be a complete nervous wreck too, that’s what it does to us! I swear I was so chilled out before ttc! I’m glad that yor scan went okay but I bet you can’t wait until your further along so you can get a really good look at baby and make sure he/she is okay! Ooh, I’m not really a fan of horror movies, I’m such a big wussy! Bless Carter, they have a habit of turning up at the least convenient time don’t they! Eva is exactly the same! Also, that comment you posted was pretty insensitive, I guess you have no idea about mc until you have one yourself. When is your next scan then, do you know?

Hope all of the other girls are well too! Hope your pregnancy is going well sweet momma x

Afm – We’re really happy in our new home, :cloud9: Eva especially loves it and she keeps saying ‘Mummy, I don’t want to go back to the ‘nother house’ which is our old house! She calls this new house ‘The Pink House’ In the new house, she has free reign of three floors and a massive bedroom! It’s so warm, quiet, private, cosy, spacious! We also love our attick bedroom and posh cooker! I think I may get fat soon as I plan to do a lot of baking now! :cake: We are also waiting for our deposit to come back from the old house and as soon as it does we’re getting a new sofa which we’re really excited about as we have only ever had second hand everything before now! Were getting the Ikea Karlstad if anyones interested and we have bought an eames style white rocking chair for nursing (my imaginary baby :haha:)

I’m in the 2ww now, 3dpo, we managed it 0-3, 0-2, 0, 0+1 what do you think the chances are? We missed a crucial night 0-1, gutted, but hopefully we did enough. I’m getting annoyed that my opks are only showing positive on the evening of ovulation day though, on cd 15 I had a negative in the morning, didn't get a positive until the early evening! I must have a really short surge now when I used to have a long one. Weird. Oh has been a ttc hero this month, I’m loving sex on demand too! Ha!

It’s Oh’s birthday tomorrow so I’m making his fave choccy cake and we’re off to York for lunch on Saturday! I’m getting him a tattoo (in may), it’s a lyric from The Beatles song, Blackbird ‘Take these sunken eyes and learn to see.’ It has meaning for him as he has anxiety etc and he doesn't want his children to be like him.

Right well, I think this has been long enough so I’m going back to work now! Squishes x :hugs:
Meli: how did it go? Thinking about you.

Angel: sorry your vitamins make you sick, but happy to hear that your numbers are looking good!

Jasmine: that's great that Eva loves her new home and you do too! I think you've totally got it covered for this cycle. With my mc I only dtd -3 and 0 (so the timing was not good at all). Not sure of my dates with Charlotte, but I know we only dtd once (I thought we dtd in a non-fertile period because I had just gotten off the pill and assumed I ovulated on day 14. Oops!

Well, it looks like I'm sick now. No big surprise. I feel like I've been hit by a truck and my temp was 99.1 this morning (normally 97.3). Decided not to plug that one in to FF. Regardless, I'm at work. If I start to feel worse I'll go home. AF is pretty much gone, but still had some spotting yesterday. Not sure why it's hung around for eight whole days, but it doesn't really matter since I shouldn't ovulate until somewhere around CD21-24 (hopefully).
Yayyyyyy Jasmine! So glad ur back! I am on the train on my way to work so i will respond properly from my office, but just wanted to give u the psychic name, suzy rayne. Conception prediction Cost $9.95 US dollars, $6.95 gbp. So excited to hear what she says!
Aww, sorry you're poorly now Vegas, that's rubbish, hope you manage to put your feet up!

Thanks for that Meli, I'll check it out now! Hope it went okay today. I see you FINALLY got a positive opk then whoopppppie, get bonking girl! x x

That’s great news about your levels!!! Omg that was such a funny story about Carter. He is too funny.

I agree with you-I will start calling SS as DS. I hope I don’t offend anybody, and I’m not presumptuous enough to think that being his stepmom is the same as being his mom, not at all!! He has a mom that loves him very much, I am sure of it. But I spend way more time with him, and I do feel that he’s pretty darn close to being my DS, so I’ll go with DS from now on when referring to him.

I totally wish my dr would prescribe progesterone pills or even suppositories, but according to her, my numbers are fine! So I’m on my own for this one and self medicating myself! FX!

I’m not into the hunger games type of genre, but I did enjoy reading the book, and felt that it helped me understand the movie much better when I saw it. There’s just so much missed when they adapt a book into a screenplay. Since you liked the movie, I bet you would like the book.


Ultrasound went fine by my standards (no pain!). The ultrasound tech wouldn’t give me any info, of course. I just have to wait and see what my dr says. If I don’t get a call from her by Monday, I will call her to follow up.

Omg so sorry to hear that you’ve caught Charlotte’s bug?? Or do you have different symptoms than she had? Have you ever gotten the flu shot? I get it every year and it seems to help, even if I do catch something, it’s rarely gotten horrendous as I’ve experienced in the past. This season, I got my flu shot 2 days after my mc. I did get sick for a few days as a result, but I expected it seeing as my body was just put through the wringer. Since then, nothing! Even DH and DS have gotten sick, but I have not (I prob shouldn’t even be saying this and jinx myself!--flu season isn’t over yet!). DH has a crazy strong immune system, he rarely if ever gets sick, so he refuses to get the flu shot, but he got sick, and I didn’t! I wanted to say to him “na na na na na”

I hope you’re taking some OTC meds and feel well enough to stick it out at work.


So glad you’re back!! To me, our cyber family felt incomplete without you!
Your new house sounds amazing. No wonder Eva the diva loves it!! 3 floors is really cool. You can get some exercise on those stairs (if you wanted to!). That attic sounds handy. Our attic is my storage space. I have all our xmas and holiday decorations, our camping supplies, other odds and ends. I don’t know what I would do without our attic!

I’m not surprised that you fell off the SMEP plan. Moving is hard work! Collapsing into bed every night while packing, moving and unpacking is probably all I could muster up myself!

I’m excited to see what the psychic tells you! I was wary of doing it, I was so afraid she would say that she didn’t see any children in my future at all..but I thought, well, if that’s the case, I’d rather know now. I’m taking it for entertainment value. We’re gonna keep doing what we’re doing, of course I’m hoping she’s wrong in the sense that I want my bfp NOW, not 6 months from now..but worst case scenario, I hope she’s right, IF I don’t get my bfp soon! Let us know what she tells you!

I think your BD’ing was timed well! Yes, perhaps CD14 would have been a better BD timing wise, but CD10, 12, and 13 isn’t too shabby! As vegas keeps reminding us, it only takes one swimmer…

We BD’d yesterday morning, and again last night. I finally got a pos opk yesterday (CD14) around 2pm. Last night’s test was also pos opk. I’m not too sure of this morning’s result because it hadn’t dried completely before I left for work, so I’ll see what tda’s 2pm ish looks like. I think my o may be tomorrow. But we’ll definitely BD tonight, and maybe tomorrow morning before I go to work. The BD (amount wise) isn’t the greatest, but at least, hopefully, when all is said and done we’ll have DTD more than we were able to last month!

If I o tomorrow (CD16) as I suspect I will, that’s a late o for me (compared to last month’s CD12 o)! I’m not sure if my o came later this month because of the B6 and B complex vitamins I started taking? I think it might be the case. I’m not sure about next month’s plan to BD. In a perfect world, I would BD from CD8 every day until end of o, but I’m afraid that plan is a little too ambitious for my liking-esp if I o on CD16 again lol!

Like you, I felt like I didn’t get the normal long surge, not just this month, but last month also (notice by the opk’s starting to turn colors, gradually turning to positive) that I’ve gotten in the past. IDK if it’s the cheapie IC’s, or is my surge different now?

I do update the BD action on FF, but I guess I had the settings to not show it. IDK why. I went ahead and changed it now, so now you can be aware of all the action lol!

I know what you mean about the temping….the anxiety has started again for me, yesterday and today, since I know that I’m close to o, my sleep has been fretful!

Yay to the new sofa and rocking chair! :happydance: I remember I was so excited when we got our new couch (well, I guess it’s not so new anymore, we bought it 5 years ago). Are you getting a sectional with a chaise lounge?

Your OH birthday celebrations sound like fun! Now I’m craving a piece of chocolate cake lol!
Meli: Don't you hate that the techs can't/won't say anything? I got the flu shot about ten minutes before I had the ultrasound that told me I had mc'd. Other than my joints aching and the slight fever I feel fine. Just hoping I can keep it from getting any worse by taking even more vitamin C (which I take for fertility too) and drinking a ton of water.

Jasmine: can't wait to hear what the physic says. I'd do it myself, but I'm already too superstitious as it is.
Meli: Don't you hate that the techs can't/won't say anything? I got the flu shot about ten minutes before I had the ultrasound that told me I had mc'd. Other than my joints aching and the slight fever I feel fine. Just hoping I can keep it from getting any worse by taking even more vitamin C (which I take for fertility too) and drinking a ton of water.

Jasmine: can't wait to hear what the physic says. I'd do it myself, but I'm already too superstitious as it is.

Hi Vegas,

Yes, it's so annoying that ultrasound techs cannot give any info. I wish they would give some kind of clue--I won't hold them to it! But I guess they can get in trouble if they do.

Vit C and water sounds like a good plan. IDK if you drink coffee, but DH swears by it. He says the caffeine speeds up your system and helps the sickness leave your system quicker. He's even been known to exercise while he's sick. Are you kidding me!! I can barely drag my a** to exercise when I'm well--forget about it when I'm sick lol
Jasmine, I glad the move went well. Your new house sounds amazingly spacious!!! I am excited that you are in the tww now!! I definitely think you are in it with the amount of sex you had and the days you did it. This is going to be your month!!! I hope your oh has a great bday and your cake turns out good. I hope it tattoo turns out well too. Is this his first? I can't wait to hear about your reading!

Vegas, I am sorry you are feeling sick now too. I hope it passes quickly for you and that dh doesn't get it next.

Meli, FX for your ultrasound results! And FX you catch that egg tomorrow!!

AFM, I have a little rant... so you all know my sil, the one due a week before I would have been, well they live in Memphis, about 6 hours away. Anyhow I finally got a baby shower invite on Tuesday the 5th. So guess when the shower is??? The 9th!!! There is no way we could go with 4 days notice!! I know Savanna and her sister(the host) are huge planners and list type people like me, so I know they knew the dates way in advance. I think they just forgot me, hurts my feelings a bit but I will get over it. That should be all right....No, last night Jeff got a call from a debt collector, but he missed the call and didn't see it until after business hours. We have to look the company up online to find out who they were. We kept trying to think of any bill we might have missed and came up blank. So he called them this morning and apparently the AT&T account his name was on with his parents 3 years ago got sent to collections. His parents never took his name off and they wanted their $147. I am so pissed that they allowed this to happen. They don't care about anyone but themselves! They borrowed $300 from us while pregnant with Carter and still haven't paid us back. They hardly bought anything for Carter as a baby or for my baby shower, which is fine on its own because they didn't have to. BUT for Christmas they bought SIL and BIL a super nice Babies R Us crib! Rant over, I need to take a breather!
Angel, sorry your ultrasound wasn't perfect! I know all about worrying... it'd be nice to turn back the clock and be able to not feel like we need to worry so much! I agree with vegas, I think we can all say when we're pg we won't stop worrying until our babies are born.

Glad your hcg looks good! And sorry your prenatals make you nauseous, have you tried another brand?

Meli, luckily his schedule change is only for this week, so tomorrow is the last day he'll be on that shift. Which is great, because it sucks! I've been meeting him for his break every day and bringing him dinner, so that's really the only time we've seen each other this week (except for the minute I wake up when he comes to bed, and dtd last night at 4am :blush: )

Ahhhh to planting... I'm probably going to have to learn how NOT to be a brown thumb now that we own a house... I hope your better with plants than I am!

I'm glad your numbers came back looking good! Also, sucks the tech couldn't tell you anything.

vegas, sorry you got sick! I caught the flu for the first time in awhile this year and it sucked. Luckily I was able to get over it very quickly (I think it was all the vitamins, etc. I was taking), everyone else I know that caught it took weeks!

You're right - a perfect ultrasound isn't going to mean a whole lot to me, I will definitely still worry. I had a perfect ultrasound the last time. And I HATE that we have no control over it. I did everything right before. Lowered stress levels, completely stopped drinking caffeine, took prenatals religiously, ate healthier, etc etc. Blake was very over protective so I didn't do anything even remotely considered risky. I'm actually a little worried once I become pg again he's going to become even more protective and put me on bed rest!

I don't think women who have never experienced a mc do realize how lucky they are. What I wouldn't give to be able to complain about fat ankles, sore back, nausea, etc!

Jasmine, glad you love your new house! It sounds awesome!

You should try out Rob Pattinson radio on Pandora, I think you'd like it. That's how I first heard that song. And I hate to admit that, considering it's Twilight and all :roll:

We still have quite a few things to unpack still! The bedroom closet is filled with boxes, spare bedroom has a couple suitcases... still have a ton of laundry to catch up on! I envy your 5 boxes, lol.

Lol @ us being horn dogs! One of my closest friends says the same thing! She doesn't give it long before I get pg because of it. I actually think I o'd on March 1st, so if I'm right, I'm 6dpo today.

We're also waiting for our deposit on the old house... glad you mentioned that, I have to have Blake call the landlord and find out about it!

Happy birthday Mr. Jasmine!

AFM, been soooo busy this week! Work, then working on that website when I'm home, running errands, blah blah.

I ended up going to see someone about this rash on Monday. It seemed to start getting better, than started getting worse. I got an antibiotic, so I'm going to be testing early this time (probably Monday, 10dpo... who am I kidding, I'll probably end up starting at 8dpo because I have no self restraint!) because if I get a BFP I want to call right away about what I should do with the antibiotic. Also hoping I don't get another yeast infection from the antibiotic but I decided that risk was worth getting rid of this nastiness on my legs... Now I'm dealing with the rash itself trying to heal plus extra rash from bandaids! I'm sooo sick of my body misbehaving!

So Tuesday when I went to visit Blake at work on his break, we were driving around and I hit a deer. I had been paranoid for a week or two about hitting something, which was odd because I've never hit anything before. Guess that was why! Luckily we were going slow. The deer clipped the side of my car. It was pretty dramatic. He bounced off the car and kind of flipped, but then he ran off without even a limp. There's a dent on the front passenger side and there was some deer fur caught in the headlight, but nothing too major. Scared the shit out of me though! Blake said, "That deer should have known better!" Lol. Trying to make me feel better.

So we officially adopted Sonny today. We were fostering him to make sure it would work out with Capone, and since it is (they're pretty much attached at the hip), we definitely wanted to keep him! He's SUPER sweet and loving. So anyway, she tells me the total adoption cost is $19. It was supposed to be $80, so I was shocked! Since we took him home in Feb, she gave us the Vday special price. If I ever adopt another cat, I'm definitely going back to this shelter. It's no kill, they take amazing care of the cats, all the cats are super happy, the healthy ones get to wander around the building and play with toys, sleep in comfy cat beds, play with each other. The unhealthy ones (FIV, etc) are put into smaller areas in groups that can be together and also get toys, beds, etc, and they get to see everything that's going on because the rooms are just sort of caged off and not walled off, so they aren't left alone. The volunteers are all super nice, the place is just amazing. Along with the huge discount, she sent me home with 2 bags of treats and a bunch of toys for the cats. And a request that I keep in touch and send her pictures of them :)

Ok, now I'm going to bed. I am soooo exhausted but wanted to catch up with everyone while I had a chance!

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