Hello everyone,
Im finally able to get on here and catch up with you all, omg I cant believe how much Ive missed, so forgive me if I miss anything out. Ive been reading the posts and keeping up with you all though, Ive been lurking!
Stef, I just wanted to say how beautiful your engagement ring is, you must be thrilled with it and I really enjoyed the song you put up too! I really like slow, melodic (probably depressing) stuff! As regards to unpacking boxes, we still have about 5 unpacked which we have shoved in the storage room in our attick bedroom for now! Its very handy, it has a half sized dwarfish door and then a really long space for just storing junk! Stef, sounds like you have got OH wrapped around your little finger with all of those dirty texts and special kisses!

I dont think you need to worry about not having done opks etc this month! You two are such horn dogs, youre bound to nail that egg very soon!

Looks like were in the 2ww together now too, Im on 3dpo, I suppose you dont know exactly what dpo you are now do you? I ovulated March 4th and you think you ovulated March 2nd so youre slightly ahead of me, cant wait for testing time! Its gonna be a long one this time though, Im already symptom spotting! That was nice of your boss to notice your hours and adapt them for you and to give you a payrise, great news! At least its an improvement until you can find something else closer.
Meli Im so pleased that you have good ovarian reserve especially after confirming with Dr Google,

! How interesting about the reading that you had, can you pass me on the details? I dont know her, hehe! I want to play though! Ill be interested to see if it comes true for you and if it does it will be born on the year anniversary of your angel, which would be kind of nice.

Although, Im not sure I should do it because Im so gullable I believe everything they say and then I get upset if or when it doesnt happen exactly like they say! I drive OH mad! Also, dont worry we didnt do very well with the smep either! We managed to do cd8, 10, 12 but then I got impatient and we did it cd13, so we missed cd14 which now I know that I ovulated cd15 would have been the most important night to do it and if I had stuck to the plan we would have done.

After that I got annoyed and we havent kept up with the plan! So are you any closer to getting a postive opk now then? How strange that they have been completely blank? Hope you get your surge soon its very frustrating waiting! Do you have a plan of action for when you do? Im going to bd everyday from cd12 to cd17 next month. BTW, how come you dont put your BDing on your FF chart, I just want to be nosy and stalk

! Fx your progesterone cream works too, yikes thats expensive but I spend a fortune on ttc goodies every month too! Dont think OH knows exactly how much but its a lot, digital opks, cheapie opks, pregnancy tests, preseed, cough syrup, folic acide, baby aspirin, it costs a small fortune and its very stressful, I hardly sleep when its ovulation time as Im so wound up about temping! Also, I hope your mammogram went well, I hope its nothing to worry about.
Vegas really great news that your luteal phase has extended now to 10 days. Hopefully when you start ttc next month, youll be an expert, has your ovulation date changed much month to month since the mc? Sorry that your DHs cousins wife (lol) baby news has upset you hunny! I understand exactly how you feel, my brother and his wife are due in April with their first baby, a boy and I find it very difficult to ask about the pregnancy, I feel like I have been a bit ignorant but I just find it too hard, especially as we were pregnant at the same time and I was due not long after. I think af can make you feel a lot more emotional about it all too, I was so emotional last af. Sorry to hear that Charlotte was sick too, its so hard when theyre ill isnt it, I hate it! Vegas, I love what you said about never making it a through a movie bacuse OH falls to sleep, thats what were like but its ME that falls asleep,

! Sorry about your super long af, how rude!

bog off witch! So, is it the next cycle for you ttc now? I pretty much think Ill be there with you, missing the crucial night this month and I have just not thought all month that this wouldnt be the one! Ill be shocked if it is!
Angel Im so happy that your levels are looking great!

Hopefully, you can relax a tiny bit now and soon start to enjoy your pregnancy, easier said than done right, I know Ill be a complete nervous wreck too, thats what it does to us! I swear I was so chilled out before ttc! Im glad that yor scan went okay but I bet you cant wait until your further along so you can get a really good look at baby and make sure he/she is okay! Ooh, Im not really a fan of horror movies, Im such a big wussy! Bless Carter, they have a habit of turning up at the least convenient time dont they! Eva is exactly the same! Also, that comment you posted was pretty insensitive, I guess you have no idea about mc until you have one yourself. When is your next scan then, do you know?
Hope all of the other girls are well too! Hope your pregnancy is going well sweet momma x
Afm Were really happy in our new home,

Eva especially loves it and she keeps saying Mummy, I dont want to go back to the nother house which is our old house! She calls this new house The Pink House In the new house, she has free reign of three floors and a massive bedroom! Its so warm, quiet, private, cosy, spacious! We also love our attick bedroom and posh cooker! I think I may get fat soon as I plan to do a lot of baking now!

We are also waiting for our deposit to come back from the old house and as soon as it does were getting a new sofa which were really excited about as we have only ever had second hand everything before now! Were getting the Ikea Karlstad if anyones interested and we have bought an eames style white rocking chair for nursing (my imaginary baby

Im in the 2ww now, 3dpo, we managed it 0-3, 0-2, 0, 0+1 what do you think the chances are? We missed a crucial night 0-1, gutted, but hopefully we did enough. Im getting annoyed that my opks are only showing positive on the evening of ovulation day though, on cd 15 I had a negative in the morning, didn't get a positive until the early evening! I must have a really short surge now when I used to have a long one. Weird. Oh has been a ttc hero this month, Im loving sex on demand too! Ha!
Its Ohs birthday tomorrow so Im making his fave choccy cake and were off to York for lunch on Saturday! Im getting him a tattoo (in may), its a lyric from The Beatles song, Blackbird Take these sunken eyes and learn to see. It has meaning for him as he has anxiety etc and he doesn't want his children to be like him.
Right well, I think this has been long enough so Im going back to work now! Squishes x