June Angel Baby Mommas Hoping for Rainbows!!

Hey guys,

Thanks for updating your BD schedule Meli, I can resume being a right nosy cow now lol! I'll let you know what the psychic says as soon as it comes back, like you I was really scared that they would say no children in your future but I just went for it anyway, I'm hoping I get a piece of information that gives me a nugget of hope to cling to whilst ttc! It sounds to me like you have got some perfect Bd'ing in this month, twice the day before? Bingo! I think you'll get a BFP before September! How strange that we both ovulated early last month and late this month! My sofa is going to be the 3 seater Karlstad and the footstool, we'll probably get the arm chair too but now I'm debating whether to get the 3 seater sofa bed as we do have a lot of guests and nowhere for them to sleep but it's like £250 more! Btw, so so sweet what you said about the cyber family being incomplete without me, awww :) x

Angel, sorry to hear that about the baby shower, how insensitive of them, if it was me, I wouldn't bother going! You would think that being their sister in law, you'd be one of the first to know! Rude! Also, I think that's out of order about the debt, are you going to confront them? Stress is the last thing you need right now, they should know that!

Stef, Mr Jasmine, that made me laugh! I'm expecting him home any minute, we're actually going to the pub, alone tonight, I'm so excited! Unsure whether to drink but I think I'll maybe have a couple just not too many, I'm only 4dpo, I'll try and sip them! Ooh, I need to get back on pandora, used to have that years ago, have spotify now but the free service isn't amazing, always crashed and loads of ads! This is really weird Stef but on Tuesday I said to my colleague at work that I had seen a deer in the bush near work then we started talking about imagine hitting a deer in your car, it would be horrid like hitting an actual human, and you did on that day! PLUS, our cat called SONNY has just been adopted by our friends as we're not allowed pets here! Strange huh! Hope your rash clears up soon, that sounds so nasty! How do you feel about ttc this month? Are you symptom spotting?

Vegas, hope you're feeling a little better, being ill with a three year old in tow is no easy task! Big hugs x x

afm, Been busy today, made a huge chocolate cake (sorry meli!), scones, loads of housework, wrapping presents, sorting out bills, organising new doctors and we didn't even get dressed until 2pm! We're off to OHs mums for fish and chips and cake, then the pub, we're staying over the night, Eva will love it, she adores her nanna! Then we're going to York tomorrow for lunch and hopefully on Sunday I'll get breakfast in bed because it's Mother's Day here! A girl can hope! x x x

Yahhhhhhhh…ummmm about that late invite..totally RUDE! I would not go, nor would I send a gift. I would purchase a gift to give to them the next time I see them or meet the baby, but I wouldn’t go out of my way to mail it to them to have it in time for the party.

That stinks that your in-laws are so irresponsible, sounds like you guys are the ones to bail them out at times, instead of the other way around (which is how it should be). There goes $147 down the drain.

Oh yah, and that $300 they borrowed from you? I’m sure you’ll never see that money again. Seems like they used the money they owed you to buy that crib for SIL! I don’t understand people like that--how can they go around owing people money and have no shame. I just go by this: If I’m going to lend money, it’s going to be money that I can afford to just give you. Because if I count on getting it back/or need to get it back to pay other bills, then we have problems because it’s just human nature for some people to be irresponsible jerks! So, if I can’t afford to say goodbye to the money, then I can’t lend it to you. Simple as that…because 1. I’m not going to be chasing you down to get my money, and 2. I’m not wanting to ruin the relationship for it.

I hope that’s the last time you ‘lend’ them money. And I hope you feel better having gotten that off your chest!!


I’m a pretty decent gardener. It’s taken a lot of trial and error, and once in a while, I’m not successful, but ya gotta keep trying! The trick is going to a local nursery (not the big box stores e.g. home depot or lowes). The local nurseries only stock the items that will thrive in your area. They’re great at giving advice also. If I’m really stuck I take a picture of the area to show to them for advice and suggestions. Try asking for help at the big box stores and many times, the response is “IDK”! I’ve also found their prices are usually (for the most part) more reasonable than the big box stores!

LOL at your comment about Blake putting you on bed rest for your next pg, how cute is he? I also lol at your Mr. Jasmine bday wish! That was cute!

It sounds like with all the BD’ing you had to have caught the egg!! :dust:

So sorry about your rash not getting better.

WOW about hitting the deer! How scary for you!! Thank God that it wasn’t worse than it was!! I’m easily startled, so something like that would cause me to have a heart attack lol!

I’m glad you adopted Sonny. He sounds like a sweet cat. The reduced cost was just the icing on the cake. YAY! :happydance: The shelter sounds amazing!


It is strange, isn’t it, that we both ovulated early last month and late this month! Seems like our cycles are syncing up, regardless of the ocean between us lol!

We BD’d last night, but I was so tired this morning that I didn’t want to get up earlier to BD. But I’m ok with it. I think the other 3 times we BD was sufficient. We’ll prob BD again tonight but it might be too late. Oh well. I’m good with the BD action we did get lol!

The sofa bed does sound like a good option for your guests, but sounds like it might almost double the cost….decisions, decisions….

The similarities between you and Stef in regards to the deer and Sonny the cat are totally amazing and weird!!

Your weekend sounds fabulous! Have loads of fun! I’m sure you’ll be fine having a couple drinks. I love fish and chips, but it’s hard to find here. There used to be a chain called “H Salt Fish and Chips” but not anymore. Their food was probably nothing close to the real thing, but I liked it! Have an extra bite of chocolate cake and dedicate it to me lol!


We decided on a new tactic: I won’t wear panties to bed during the ttc period. Neither can he. It makes for easier access :blush: No objections from me. I hate the feeling, especially in the summertime. I made it very clear that I only agreed to it during the ttc time frame, and not to get used to it.

Where are sweetmomma, Jennc and Jenk? I hope everyone is ok…..
question for you: Do you take B6 everyday? or just certain days of your cycle? I think you said you take it everyday, but I just want to make sure..
Hi ladies, found this thread that’s absolutely beautiful. Check it out:

Meli: Yes, I take it every day. I am thinking of switching this around to not taking it until I ovulate and then taking 100mg until my period starts. I had only been on it for two full cycles before my bfp. The first month I ovulated a few days later than normal (sound familiar), but after that it returned to a more normal time (CD19, which for me is "normal"). I think when I first tried it out I was taking 100mg a day and then went down to either not taking it every day or just 50mg a day. I wish I could remember because it totally worked for me. The no panties to bed sounds like it should be effective. If I didn't wear panties to bed we'd probably have five kids by now. I'll have to check out the thread above.

Angel: Let me know where that shower is in Memphis and I'll send some of my friends over to tell your SIL that she is a total B for not sending your invite earlier. How rude!

Stef: Congrats on becoming a furever home to Sonny! The place where you adopted him sounds like they really care for the animals. You would think all shelters would be like that, but sadly that is not the case. Also, did the doctor say what the rash is? I wouldn't worry about being on antibiotics, heck, how many times of you heard of people getting pregnant because they were on antibiotics (screwing up their bc).

Jasmine: That cake sounds so yummy. Hope Mr. Jasmine enjoys it! Yes, I think we have all adopted that as his name now. Hope you have a great weekend together.

I know I'm missing stuff, but dh will be home any second so I'm trying to hurry. I wonder how Jenk is doing? Shouldn't she be testing? And where is Sweetmomma?

Looks like I have fought off whatever was trying to get me. In other news, do you still consider brownish discharge to be spotting? I know it's old blood, but it's only when I wipe (sorry for the TMI, but I know y'all don't care). Anyway, if I do consider it spotting then this is day 10 of my period. That's never happened to me since I've been off birth control (unless you count the periods I had before I was ever on bc, which means before I was 17).
Stef, I am sorry you hit a deer. How scary! I am glad to hear you are getting that rash taken care of. I can't believe how long it has hung around.

Jasmine, hope the birthday celebrations were fun today and lunch goes well tomorrow. And you better get something for Mother's Day or we will just have to hunt Mr. Jasmine down!! And no, I am not going to that shower. It would have been impossible to make arrangement with so little notice.

Meli, I definitely think you got in enough BDing to get the job done. I am so excited with you, Stef and Jasmine all in the tww tomorrow! We will most certainly NOT be loaning any money to them ever again and at this point I am still so mad that I want nothing to do with them!! I think you are right about the baby shower, I won't send a gift, but have one when I see them next. Thank you for posting that thread. It was a very nice read. I was just talking to one of the moms in my mommy group this morning about all the meds and crap I am taking this time. I told her it was so easy with Carter and that it is not supposed to be this hard!! She had to go through ivf to get her kids (twins) so she certainly understands.

Vegas, have you lived in/around Memphis? For me I always spot the last day of my period. I always count it but I am not really sure what the right answer would be. I am very happy to hear you fought of that bug!:bodyb:

Nothing else here going on. Talk to you all tomorrow!
Angel: I grew up in Memphis. My family has lived in Memphis for many generations. Didn't you say you lived in Munford at some point?
Hi Vegas,

Next cycle I think I might copy u and switching this around to not taking it until I ovulate and then taking 100mg until my period starts Do u also take a Bcomplex?I had only been on it for two full cycles before my bfp. Lol at having 5 kids by now if u followed the no panties to sleep rule.

Since you’re from Memphis, do u have a southern drawl? Lol at my ignorance for asking you that question. My most fav accents in the world are British and Southern. I watch too many movies, I suppose!

Hee hee I like your idea of sending over a few of your friends to call out Angel’s SIL. I also lol at your ‘furever home’ comment!

Yes, I believe spotting before and after af is considered part of the af cycle. The only place I don’t see it considered it part of af is in FF.

I’m so glad you fought off that bug! Good for you! Keep taking extra good care of yourself for the next few days, you don’t want it to find a chink in your armor and try to come around again!


I think you've got a good plan in place with dealing with the in-laws.

Yes, you’re right. It’s certainly not supposed to be this hard!!!


Turns out today that I’m 3dpo. Ooooops. I just started using the progesterone cream today. For the last 2 cycles, I’ve been o’ing the first day of my opk! WTH? Forget about o’ing 24-48 hours after the first pos opk for me. Based on that, I’m not feeling that we caught the egg. Oh well, that’s ok. I’m thinking that in the small chance we did catch the egg, it would prob be a boy if we did since we BD on the day of pos opk, and not any days before in the fertile period. Aren’t girl swimmers lazier than the boys, or something like that?

Oh well, off to have my coffee and toast and get to messing with my garden..TTYS!
Hey guys,

Oh Meli, we have the most amazing chippy (fish and chip shop) near OHs mums house, you can't beat them! We normally have them most Fridays because we are greedy! Thanks for posting that link, I'm going to check it out in a minute so I'll report back! Haha, I was jealous of your no panties rule, if I could just get my toddler out from between us in the bed, we could have a lot more fun! Ha, that's funny what Vegas said, your OH will really think all of his Christmas's have come at once, won't he! Oh I can't believe your 3dpo, just like me you only got your positive opk on the day of ovulation, annoying isn't it! You did it the morning of O though which is amazing timing! Fx! I suppose at least your further along into the 2ww now! I got my psychic prediction back, I'll post at the end of this message!

Vegas, I would consider the brown discharge as spotting definitely and thanks we have had an amzing weekend so far! We went shopping today and for lunch it was so good but I'm shattered now, Eva had the most embarrassing paddy in Pizza Express, full on screaming and running around not staying in her seat, she's like a wild animal, we were laughing at one point because we would have cried otherwise! Anyway, she fell asleep in the car at 5pm and we put her to bed when we got home so now I think she'll wake up for the day at 1am, god help us! Good news you're on the mend too!

Angel, thanks for that, I would have reported OH to my babyandbump mafia but luckily he bought me a miniature bright yellow Le Creuseu crock pot and I know he's got me a card and possibly chocolates so we can let him off, just!

afm, I got my prediction back off Suzy...

Your reading reveals that your conception news will come in the month of June 2013 from a cycle that starts in May. The baby shows as a boy and the expected birth date is in the month of February 2014 with attention being paid to the date of the 21st. I am unable to see any further children in your future at this time.

This is very strange because the two psychics that I have been to before have both said that I would have 2 kids in total and the second would be a baby boy! When I type my lmp date (from may 2013) from ff into the due date calculator it comes back with a dud date of 19th February, 2 days out. I think it's pretty good! Hopefully she is right! It would be nice to get a bfp around the due date of my angel, of course I want it now but I can live with June!

Hope the other girls on this thread are well too! x
Meli: I really don't have much of an accent and seeing as I have lived all over the US, I would think people would have told me otherwise. Sometimes, if I'm around other Southerners or I've been drinking I get a bit of an accent, so it's there I just suppress it I guess. Normally I just take the B6, but I just finished the bottle and tomorrow I'm going to take a B complex that still has 50mg B6. We'll see how it goes. Hope it helps you. Also, I just took a look at your chart and I'm not convinced you are 3dpo, I think you are 2 dpo, but you still got some well-timed bd in however you look at it. Wrt sperm, girl sperm are like marathon runners and boy sperm are like sprinters. The girls last a lot longer, but the boys will beat them to the egg if they egg is there when they reach the finish line (does that make any sense). Anyway, have fun gardening.

Jasmine: Happy Mother's Day (a little bit early). Sorry Eva decided to have a meltdown while you were out. I've been there and know how it feels. Well, June isn't far off, but I predict you will get your bfp before then.

So af finally seems to have gone. Like Meli, I have spent the day in the yard. I planted a bunch of new azalea bushes. Also, while weeding I came across a big snake. I screamed and ran away like a girl. I swear I'm not really afraid of snakes, but I would prefer not to see them if at all possible.
I graduated high school from Munford. DH graduated from Covington. We just lived there 3 years ago. We lived in Cordova off Germantown and Dexter.
I know we all want to be pregnant right now and would all welcome ms and tiredness. But since I know you guys are so very understanding I am going to take advantage and have a little pregnant, crybaby whine!

I feel so sick today!!!! I don't want to do anything. I am so tired and Carter is driving me INSANE!!!! I could really use a break form him and just lay in bed. I almost wish I could throw up, maybe then this icky belly feeling will go away!!! Okay, I am going to pull myself together....
Hey jasmine,

Now i am really jealous. Fish and chips once a week????!! YUMMY!!

Yah, i suppose having a toddler sleeping with u would put an end to the sleeping without panties attempts!

Sorry, i didnt mean to lol, but i did when u described ur lunch at pizza express!! Wild animal lol! Gl if she wakes up in the middle of the nite, ready to go. Do u have any nyquil medicine u can give her? JK!!!

Omg, i lol'd so loud at the 'bnb mafia' comment. It does sound like us, doesnt it? Between vegas offering to send friends to Angel's sil house, to Angel's comments abt Mr. Jasmine treating u right, we can rightly consider ourselves the bnb mafia. I just put DH on notice to be aware and keep treating me right, OR ELSE!

Wow, ur prediction sounds interesting! I agree, a sooner bfp would be amazing, but so would one on your angel's anniversary. I hope vegas is right, and u get ur bfp sooner than JJune. FX!!
Hey vegas,

Thanks for taking a look at my chart. I agree with u, 2dpo sounds more like it. I guess ff isn't perfect.
Oh yah, i was just realizing that in my last response to u, i left on of ur sentences in. Thats cuz when i respond to y'all, i copy and paste everyone's responses onto a word doc. Then i answer them, and delete the original responses. Guess i forgot to delete one of ur sentences. Whoops!
Omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg!!!!!!!
I cannot believe that u ran into a SNAKE in ur yard. I thought we had critters here, but i guess i should not complain, the worst so far have been black widows and lizards. The lizards and i startle each other lol! If i had run into a snake, i don't think i could come back out to finish gardening. And i am not exagerrating! You couldn t pay me to go back. Thats why i stay far away from our hillside portion of the backyard. I KNOW there are scary things back there. I tell DH that the backyard is the responsibility of the gardener, and my responsibility is the front yard lol!

Speaking of my front yard, i made lots of progress today. FX that DH seals/glazes the stained concrete tomorrow and i will finally take a pic and post for y'all.

Sorry for all the multiple posts to respond to everybody, but DH is hogging the desktop so i am using the nook right now, its hard to post lots on one entry....

Oh, sorry for all the multiple posts to reapond to everybody, but DH is hogging the desktop s
Hey Angel,

So sorry to hear ur not feeling well!! Idk how people function when they dont feel well, but have little ones to watch over. It must suck not to be able to just get in bed when u want to/have to.

I hope u start feeling better soon, and that carter gives u a break soon :hugs:
Jasmine, that is interesting about your predictions, but I hope you catch sooner. Also, great job on your dh for Mother's Day. Happy Mother's Day from all of us!!

Vegas, wow, super scary about that snake. I am scared of them and likely would have peed myself!!!

Meli, it is nice you got put ahead so that the tww is less. I am sorry if you already said this, but are you putting the cream on at o and then continuing, or all cycle? Also, maybe a silly question, but where do you put the cream?

AFM, I have spent all morning lying on the the couch while Carter has watched movies.:blush: He is going to bed at two and then dh gets off at 3. I am hoping dh has pity on me and will let me stay in bed after Carter wakes up.
Jasmine, that is interesting about your predictions, but I hope you catch sooner. Also, great job on your dh for Mother's Day. Happy Mother's Day from all of us!!

Vegas, wow, super scary about that snake. I am scared of them and likely would have peed myself!!!

Meli, it is nice you got put ahead so that the tww is less. I am sorry if you already said this, but are you putting the cream on at o and then continuing, or all cycle? Also, maybe a silly question, but where do you put the cream?

AFM, I have spent all morning lying on the the couch while Carter has watched movies.:blush: He is going to bed at two and then dh gets off at 3. I am hoping dh has pity on me and will let me stay in bed after Carter wakes up.

Hi angel,

I use the cream only thru the luteal phase, once i haven confirmed o, and then stop after 14 days. I need to check into when exactly t stop, not sure if i stop myself after 14 days, or if i stop when af comes.

I hope DH let u relax tda and took care of Carter for u!
Angel: I didn't realize you had lived in Memphis so recently. I grew up in Midtown. Sorry you aren't feeling well. Just because you wanted to be pregnant doesn't mean you wanted to feel bad. Hopefully it will pass soon. How long did your ms last with Carter?

Meli: I figured you had cut and pasted. Probably better than my method of just trying to remember what everyone has said. This was not my first run-in with this particular snake. They are black racers and they are not poisonous, but they can be aggressive and they are super fast. Had I not been wearing gardening gloves and my tall rubber boots I would have not been able to go back out. As it was my hubby saw him disappear into our crawl space. I feel stupid not seeing him as he is about three feet long. Gak! So while you answered Angel about when you use the progesterone cream you didn't say where you apply it. I too am curious.

Today I shopped. Online and in stores. I'm sure dh will have something to say about it once the bills roll in.
Hi vegas,

The snake disappeared into your crawl space?? Isn’t that under your house Double yikes!~ I don’t care if it’s a ‘non-poisonous’ snake, all snakes are no good to me lol!

What other critters do you have out in your neck of the woods? If I go by what they show on tv, one (me!) would think FL is crawling with gators and boas!

Oh yah, sorry about the missing progesterone answer. I’ve been alternating putting the progesterone cream on my tummy, breasts, and calves.

So you went shopping, huh? FUN! What did you buy? I love both internet and store shopping. I think I’ve done enough shopping for a while. I spent around $500 on all my gardening supplies. Blew my dispensable funds shopping budget for about 1 month lol!

I finally finished most of my gardening. DH just has to finish glazing the concrete, and I have a few more plants that I ran out of, that I need to still plant. I can’t wait til they start flowering and filling in!


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Hello everyone,

Hope you’re all well!

Vegas – Thanks for the Mother’s Day wishes, I had a fantastic day, which consisted of a lot of homecooked food, a lovely card and present too, so they did good. :cloud9: Do you get a Mother’s Day in America? I hope you’re right about me getting a BFP before June, I can’t wait much longer I’ll go mental! I’m glad that your af finally went away, how rude of it to stay that long! That snake sounds terrifying, obviously we hardly see any here in the UK, so I would have crapped myself bigtime about that! Oooh shopping, yaaaay! What have you bought? I am wanting so many things right now, here is my wish list…Mac red lipstick, dining table and chairs, office desk and chair, coffee table, new coat, outfit for summer wedding and today I bought some Levi’s and we’re so broke, OH is gonna kill me too! :haha:

Angel – You’re perfectly entitled to moan, I know I will when I get pregnant, it’s not easy and you must feel even more on edge given the circumstances so don’t be hard on yourself! I think the age of three should be termed ‘The terrible Threes’ :growlmad: I’m finding Eva much harder these days and I’m not even pregnant. I hope you have managed to have a rest like you deserve and that you’re not feeling so sick anymore. Don’t feel bad about Carter watching too many movies, it’s a great help at times the old Square Nanny! :haha: We took the ipad to nannas at the weekend it was a lifesaver! Thanks, also for the Mother’s Day wishes!

Meli- I know it’s great having fish and chips every week but my figure is really paying for it! :dohh: Last year when I was pregnant and we also went abroad I put some weight on and then most it in January/February and have put on again now! I have no self discipline and none of my jeans fit! Are you still jealous, hehe? Oh I’m glad my little description of Eva made you giggle, Shane and I both agree she is like a wild animal sometimes, I’m very tempted to give her that medicine you mention at times! :haha: Yesterday, she was being naughty and I said to her ‘Right Eva, if you carry on you can go to your room for five minutes.’ Do you know what she replied in the most dramatic voice ever ‘NO MMMY, I WILL NOT LET YOU DO THIS.’ Had to laugh, she’s funny without knowing it!
Haha, yeah, you’re DH better watch out as will all of our DHs now the mafia are on the case! So tell your DH any silly beggars with the no panties rule when it’s not ttc time we’ll hunt him down! :haha: Btw, I’m trying the copy and paste method now for replying, it’s so much easier, thanks I didn’t even think of that, I used to open another tab and keep referring back! How is the 2ww making you feel then? I feel a bit more relaxed this month. Congrats on the front yard too, it looks absolutely lovely! Nice car too!

AFM, I’m sat at work, bored, it’s SNOWING here, crazy I have never known it to snow in March in my whole life! Makes me worry about our planet! I’m 7dpo, although I’m feeling more relaxed this month I’m still starting to get a bit nervous now! I still have a substantial amount of milk coming out, a little tired, af style cramps and I have backache, the backache is quite bad actually, feels different to normal, that’s it, nothing to obsess over really! I have two of my uni friends visiting at the weekend so I am hoping to get a result by then so I know whether to drink or not! I don’t want to risk it! Think I’ll test on Friday when I’m 11dpo although I’m not feeling very confident. Fingers crossed, one of Meli, Stef or me HAS to get it this month or I'll be mad! :growlmad: I am not charting now until about cd9 next month as I’m finding it too stressful with our toddler co-sleeper and the anxiety. Nothing else to report really!

Stef – you okay? X

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