June Angel Baby Mommas Hoping for Rainbows!!


Sorry I forgot to wish you a happy mother’s day. I’m so glad you had a great celebration! Trust me, I KNOW what you mean about weight gain. DH just told me this weekend (in a joking way, of course, but we all know that he was serious) that my butt has gotten huge! I can’t even get mad at him for that comment, because it’s true :growlmad: So yes, I’m still way jealous of your weekly ‘chippy’ indulgence lol!

Omg Eva sounds too too cute. Her and her diva attitude make me lol!

I totally feel more relaxed this month during the tww. Vegas was right about my chart! FF just moved my o date to Friday (CD16). So I’m barely 3dpo today…all I know is that I barely felt any o pains, I’m feeling like I had another weak o this month. My ovaries better straighten out in the next month OR ELSE they will have to contend with the soy isoflavones!! Ovaries, are you listening??!!!

When it snows, do you have to use chains on your tires?

Your symptoms sound good! Do you normally have back pain in the middle of your luteal phase? Are your leaking nipples a normal tww symptom for you?

Yay to your friends visiting this weekend! :happydance: FX you're not able to join them in the drinking!! :dust:


When do you plan to start ttc? This month, or next month?


Speaking of mother’s day, I am so dreading this year’s mother’s day celebration (May 12) with my family. Seeing as I/we would be so close to our due dates by then. That was the second thing I realized when I got my bfp--that I would be pg and huge for my first ‘mother’s day’. (The first thing I realized was that my EDD was DH’s bday). Anyways, I’m already dreading it. I’m dreading being around everyone else, dreading the pitying looks (I can just imagine them already). My family has been nothing but supportive, but I don’t want their pity. I’m afraid just one look or sympathetic comment will send me over the edge. I don’t want to be a buzzkill either. I’m thinking that I will not show up and just pretend that I am sick and not feeling well. I think I will just stay home in bed all weekend long.
Jasmine, I haven't tried Spotify yet, but a friend of OH's recommended it.

That is SO weird about you talking about hitting deer right before I hit one! I'm still mad about it because of the dent in my car, but just happy the deer was ok, lol. Also weird about your cat having the same name! We were torn between Gadget and Sonny, and Sonny just suited him SO well, like it was meant for him. Gadget was because he inspects everything, so Inspector Gadget, lol. He would've had his own theme song! OH suggested Sonny because of The Godfather movies (he has a strange mafia obsession, hence also having one named Capone).

The rash seems to be healing, FX. It's scabbing up so it's still crazy itchy, and the spots are definitely going to scar (my skin is suuuuuper pale and I scar easily), so I need to look into a scar reducing cream.

And of course I'm symptom spotting! Trying so hard not to but it's so difficult! Like you, I've got some mild af like cramps, lower backache. I'm peeing a lot. I mean BAD. I went 4 times in an hour and a half before bed, woke up 4 hours later and had to go SO bad I thought I wouldn't make it. Woke up again 3 hours later and tried so hard to hold it until 4 hours so I could test. Made it to 3 hours 45 minutes, so if I am pg, it's too early for that little time to make pee strong enough to test positive. I stared at that test for a good while swearing I saw the faintest of lines, but I can almost guarantee I was imagining it! I have to pick up more tests... didn't realize I used so many last month I was down to one cheapie, one digi, and one FRER (which is why I'm pretty sure I imagined the line, considering I think I'm only 10dpo and it wasn't even 4 hours pee, and I used an internet cheapie).

What about you, any more symptoms besides what you mentioned?

That's weird about the psychic's prediction! I'm soooo curious to see if she's going to be right with you guys! I'm also so very tempted to buy a reading...

And as for ONE of us getting a BFP this cycle... no, ALL of us!

Meli, I really dislike the idea of having to garden, lol, but I doubt I'll be able to convince OH to do it, and the house needs help on the outside, it's soooo boring looking! Want to come for a visit and do it for me? ;)

Blake's mom actually said the bed rest thing when she heard about the last mc, lol. She's very protective, too, as are all of his brothers.

I'm easily startled when I'm driving, so when that happened I yelled profanities and started getting choked up, lol. Blake was all, "Look, he's ok, he just ran off without even a limp!"

Sonny is an awesome cat, super sweet. Almost too much sometimes, lol. He likes to follow me into the bathroom and try to get on my lap while I'm in there... there's been a couple times I've had to juggle him and trying to *ahem* finish up and get up without him jumping on me / the toilet. Lol!

No panties sounds like a good plan! I normally sleep in nothing but panties, so it's easy access enough, lol.

I read that thread you linked and teared up.

I o on the first day of a positive OPK. I kind of like that better, since I know EXACTLY when it will be happening (I've noticed that if the cramping I get is accurate, it's within 12 hours of the positive).

I hope Mother's Day isn't too hard on you. I'm lucky that Blake's family doesn't make me uncomfortable in any way about the mc's. After they happened, both times, the first time we went to see them we were both nervous we'd be getting those pitying looks or people would act differently toward us. They're REALLY good about it - they don't mention it, don't look at us differently, NOTHING. We LOVE that because we didn't want to talk about it, we didn't want to think about it, and we didn't want anyone pitying us. I'm more worried about how Father's Day will go, for a couple reasons. Blake's dad died when he was 10, so anything that reminds him of his dad gets to him, and Father's Day was my EDD.

Vegas, all shelters SHOULD be like that, but you're right, that's not the case. The people at this one definitely care about the animals and you can tell, they actually spend time playing with them and just sitting on the floor cuddling them.

I went to an urgent care clinic for the rash so I could get in right away, so I saw a nurse practitioner. That occasionally makes me weary - I'm sure most are good at what they do, but I always seem to get the bad ones... She said it's "not possible it could be staph because staph hurts." She told me the amber / gold colored oozing it was doing must just be how my body reacts to wounds (um, no). I asked her why I had a couple of cat scratches that had turned into part of the rash (they were minor scratches that I scratched and that ended up oozing and looking like the spots on my leg so I assume I scratched my leg and spread it to those spots). She told me "they didn't become part of the rash, that's just how your body handles healing." I say again, um, no! She told me it looked like scabies. Isn't that very contagious? I know NO ONE who has it (or has ever had it, to be honest), Blake has nothing, and I looked up pictures and she is full of shit, it doesn't look like that! She prescribed me a cream and an antibiotic because she said they looked infected. I was tempted to only fill the rx for the antibiotic because I looked it up and it's used for staph, too, but I got both and used the cream anyway. I still think she's crazy.

And you're right about people using antibiotics and messing up their bc! I hadn't thought about that. I'm not sure what this one is even doing, to be honest... usually I have some sort of side effects from antibiotics - nausea, upset stomach, yeast infection. I have nothing from this one.

angel, I can't believe how long the rash has hung around either, but it's probably my fault because I'm addicted to scratching... :blush:

Hope you're feeling better today! We don't mind you whining at all :) We will all be doing it ourselves (hopefully sooner than later!)

Your next scan is this week, right?

AFM, as I mentioned I'm (probably) 10dpo. Didn't have strong enough pee this morning for a test. Used a cheapie anyway, and meant to also use FRER, but forgot and only remembered right after I dumped the pee :wacko:

Symptom spotting - crazy peeing, lower back pain, minor af like cramps, being hungryyyy then getting full fast then hungry again quickly. All can be explained away so I'm not getting my hopes up but still have my FX.

Our house is a sty right now. I swear when he's home for a couple days it's like a hurricane came through. Our sectional sofa is split, one half facing one way, the other facing the opposite way. We flipped it around to see how it would look and decided we want to move it, then got lazy and didn't move it all back. We need to remount the TV on the opposite wall before we move everything permanently. That'll be a pain - he and his friend just mounted it on this wall last weekend so they'll have to take down the TV, the mount, redrill holes, etc etc, then we'll have to fill the holes on the wall and paint over them. Blah blah blah. So that's probably next weekend, along with one of his brothers coming up to help install some new windows.

It's been about 4 hours since my last pee... I think I might burst. Still no bathroom at work and while I can leave to go pee, I want to try holding it as long as possible to test again after work.

So I thought you all might get a kick out of some of the customer names here at my work. One guy's last name was Glasscock, that made me crack up. Then there was Richard Head (think about it for a second!). Latest funny one is Durinda (durr-in-duh) Hood.

I’m so glad your mysterious rash seems to be healing! That NP did sound like she had no clue. If you don’t know, then just say it! That annoys me when they do that. Don’t they know that we are not so ignorant nowadays, thanks to Dr. Google??

Ooh your symptoms sound great!! FX FX FX! :dust: Ooh and if you do decide to get the reading, let us know what she says!!!

That’s funny what you mention about the gardening. I actually enjoy it. I think I get that from my mama. My family members have already started ‘claiming’ me to help them with their gardens. I’m looking forward to designing and shopping for a garden, and not actually having to do the work lol!

I’m sure there are a few easy and low maintenance options available to you if you do decide you want to jazz up your front yard. You’d be surprised how just a few things can make such a difference. Again, if you ever get up the nerve, just head over to your local nursery.

IKR! That thread I linked still makes me choke up when I re-read it.

You know, I think that I’m just self conscious about the mc myself. I think I’m reading into everything on my own. Nobody has ever asked me directly about it. But put it this way: If someone asks me just a basic “how are you?” I right away think “oh, they’re referring to the mc”. I know, I’m cuckoo and putting lots of this on myself, but I can’t help it.

Oh no…Father’s day sounds like it will be so very difficult, and I can understand why…I know that I don’t know you, but you seem like such a strong person, in light of all that you’ve been through. That tells me that I know you can be strong for Blake.

FX you won’t have to buy any more HPT’s because when you use your FRER tomorrow (with undiluted FMU) you’ll see that you don’t need to buy anymore!! :dust:

Changing around furniture is a pain isn’t it! Especially stuff that needs to be mounted, and then holes patched, and repainting. Many times it’s such a production when DH does stuff around the house. I get questions like “where are the paintbrushes?” “Have you seen fill in the blank”? It takes all my self control to not snap “Ugh, it’s where they belong--in the garage in the such and such drawer, where they always go after we use them” or “How am I supposed to know? I don’t use your stuff. Where did YOU put it last?” arghhhhh! So most of the time I just go to the garage, find the stuff, and hand to him. oh, and you know what his response is to me, when I respond to his question "I haven't seen fill in the blank. where did you leave it the last time"? He responds "you're no help". GRRRRR! MEN!! :growlmad:

Ha ha those names you mentioned were funny!
Lol @ designing and shopping but not doing the work. I'd be good with that! I'll be sure to check out the local centers once we start. I know there's at least one near here, saw them listing jobs.

Don't feel like you're crazy for thinking those things! I think things like that all the time. I think we all do, so if you're cuckoo, so are we!

Father's Day will be difficult, but we'll get through it. He tries to keep himself busy on days related to his dad (Father's Day, his dad's birthday, the day he died), so I will probably just let him do his thing that day (which is usually veg and play video games!).

Thank you for telling me I seem strong! I try, but I find myself to be so weak sometimes.

Lol Blake does the same things to me, asking where things are that only he uses! I'm like "if you put it back where it was supposed to go you would know where it is."

The people at that urgent care don't seem to know what they're doing at all. I called and asked about the antibiotic and pregnancy, and she said she didn't know what to tell me. Granted, it was a receptionist, but wouldn't you usually put a patient through to the NP if you didn't know? She didn't even ask what rx I had, what it was for... nothing.

Sooooo I stopped at Dollar Tree on the way home because I wasn't going to waste holding my pee alllll day. Got 4 tests, figured I'd use one a day until af was due Thursday. I don't need them.


Used the DT one, used the FRER to make sure I wasn't crazy. I guess I did see a line on the internet cheapie this morning. At 10dpo! How crazy is that! The lines on the DT and the FRER showed up before the time limit, the FRER only a second behind the control.

Now to think of a way to tell Blake without just blurting it out... I think his first reaction is going to be nervous based on past history and stress levels currently (although they are going down), so I want to factor that in...
Lol @ designing and shopping but not doing the work. I'd be good with that! I'll be sure to check out the local centers once we start. I know there's at least one near here, saw them listing jobs.

Don't feel like you're crazy for thinking those things! I think things like that all the time. I think we all do, so if you're cuckoo, so are we!

Father's Day will be difficult, but we'll get through it. He tries to keep himself busy on days related to his dad (Father's Day, his dad's birthday, the day he died), so I will probably just let him do his thing that day (which is usually veg and play video games!).

Thank you for telling me I seem strong! I try, but I find myself to be so weak sometimes.

Lol Blake does the same things to me, asking where things are that only he uses! I'm like "if you put it back where it was supposed to go you would know where it is."

The people at that urgent care don't seem to know what they're doing at all. I called and asked about the antibiotic and pregnancy, and she said she didn't know what to tell me. Granted, it was a receptionist, but wouldn't you usually put a patient through to the NP if you didn't know? She didn't even ask what rx I had, what it was for... nothing.

Sooooo I stopped at Dollar Tree on the way home because I wasn't going to waste holding my pee alllll day. Got 4 tests, figured I'd use one a day until af was due Thursday. I don't need them.


Used the DT one, used the FRER to make sure I wasn't crazy. I guess I did see a line on the internet cheapie this morning. At 10dpo! How crazy is that! The lines on the DT and the FRER showed up before the time limit, the FRER only a second behind the control.

Now to think of a way to tell Blake without just blurting it out... I think his first reaction is going to be nervous based on past history and stress levels currently (although they are going down), so I want to factor that in...




I'm so happy for you!! :wohoo::wohoo::wohoo::wohoo::wohoo::wohoo:


ooooooo, and doesn't this bfp mean that your mother was right with her prediction?!! crazy cool!! Let us know when we can change our siggy to add your BFP to it!!


Get ready...you're next!!!
Stef: Holy crap, you're pregnant!!!!!!!!! :happydance::happydance: Soooooooooooooooooo excited for you. Congrats! I just knew this was going to be your month! That line on the frer is dark, no question about it. As far as how to tell Blake, I have no idea. Personally, I'm a blurter. Let us know how it goes.
Jasmine: OK, so your symptoms are sounding really good. Perhaps all the rest of us need to do is move house so we can get our bfps. Glad you had a nice mother's day. I'm jealous that you are getting snow. I know it is late in the season, but isn't it so pretty coming down? By the way, Eva sounds so much like my Charlotte. At three years old they think they can rule the world.

Meli: Your yard looks beautiful! I know you are happy to have it done, but it looks like it was worth the wait. So now that ff has moved your o date do you feel more confident about this month? I understand about dreading all of the upcoming dates: mother's day, old due dates, father's day. When my due date comes I am going to try to distract myself. Perhaps I should grieve all day, but I think what I want to do is set aside a few minutes to just let my baby know that I really would have loved to have had the opportunity to meet him/her on that day, but that I know one day we will be together. The rest of the day will go on as usual. I cannot change what happened and I cannot let the due date or any other date have too much power over me.

AFM: Friday will be my second of what should be six monthly blood draws. I am planning on ttc in my next cycle so I can get three negative monthly draws. On the other hand we are out of "protection" so if we happen to dtd during my fertile period so be it, but I will most likely try to avoid it since I will be using opks again. Part of me really wants to hold off until June/July since I would prefer a baby born further away from the holidays, but I doubt I can wait that long (yet who knows how long it will take to get pregnant). Arg!
Meli, your post made me lol! Thanks! :) :happydance:

My mom actually said I would tell her I was pg in mid February, so she was close but not spot on!

I'm thinking I'll be comfortable with having it in the sigs by next week. I want to pass when af is due and then a few days, so I figure next Monday.

vegas, he just got home and was going to put a white strip on his teeth and says, "I can't talk for half an hour, so if you have anything to say, say it now," and I ALMOST blurted it out. I want to wait at least until I can take another test and use the digi because he's somehow more inclined to believe the words than the lines! I need to wait at least another hour, but we won't be home and idk if I can hold it past an hour! I might just risk it and test right before we leave, and if it's not concentrated enough to get a digi BFP, just show him the others.

I'm soooooo (cautiously) excited (and nervous)! :cloud9:
I will reply to everyone properly tonight but,

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!! Stef!!!!!!!!!!Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!I am so happy for you!!!!!!!!:hugs::happydance::thumbup::baby::cloud9::dust::bfp::yipee::wohoo::loopy:
YAY!!!!!This one is going to stick, I am sure of it!!!!
In case you ladies don't know, when you are replying on the regular reply page if you scroll down you can see the last ten posts or so. I know that doesn't help when sometimes you lose a post though.

Jasmine, Eva does sound like a diva. Or a teenager, lol. Carter gets pretty stroppy already and he hasn't hit three yet. I hope your backache turns into our next bfp!!! I think if you test at 11dpo, you will likely get a bfp if you are pregnant. I too need to lose a few. I am not necessarily going to diet, but if my appetite goes away, I wouldn't be upset. I am 5'4 and weigh about 162, so I can gain less than the average 25lbs and be okay. :dust:

Meli, I hope you are wrong about a weak o and lots of :dust: to you as well!!! I love your landscape. I really love the pots in the garden and the decorative tiles on the stairs. That is interesting on where you put the cream. I don't really know where I thought you would put it.:wacko:

Vegas, I lived in Memphis less than 3 years ago actually because I gave birth to Carter there. FX for your blood draw Friday! What all did you buy??

Stef, congrats again!! Blake is going to be ecstatic!!
I'll also reply properly in a bit but...

OMG OMG STEEEEEEFFFFFFFFFF, YAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY, :cloud9: I have a lump in my throat and tears in my eyes I'm so happy that another one of our JAB members has a BFP!

That's such a good BFP for 10dpo too, I have a great feeling!

Congratulations lady, I'm so happy for you!

x x x :happydance: :happydance: :happydance:
Good Morning Everyone!


Meli, Ooooh cheeky DH, telling you your bum looks big, doesn’t he know that’s a sin of husbandry? I bet its’ not big and even if it does have a slight curve (lol!) that’s a million times better than a skinny little ass! I know because mine is big and round!

I’m glad you’re feeling more relaxed this time around, I think I am feeling a little disheartened too because I’m starting to think it’s not going to happen for a while so there is no need to get all wound up about it and then get even more disheartened! That’s good chart interpretation from Vegas too, annoying that you have longer to go in the 2ww though! When are you gonna test this month? I’m going to on Friday, I don’t like waiting for af to be late because I actually enjoy POAS! Hopefully, the O pains won’t mean that the o was weak too. Do you normally have strong pains? Hope your ovaries feel very told off now too, they obviously deserve it! I’m not sure what you man about using chains on tyres? So, nope I don’t think I do!
As for my symptoms, I normally have a tiny bit of backache but not this much and my nipples have only been leaking since supposed chemical last month, there was less but now there is quite a lot again.

I’m sorry that you are dreading Mother’s Day, hopefully, it won’t be as bad as your anticipating just like when you went to the mountain, and also I hope you will have your brand new BFP by then too! You can always pull a sickie if you want, it’s totally up to you!

Stef, Congrats again on your BFP, I told you you little horn dogs would have one in no time and you didn’t even use OPKs or chart or anything, I have to say I’m a little envious! Everyone always says the month you relax you’ll get your BFP but I’m too uptight! Can’t wait to update the siggy, won’t it be nice when they’re all flashing proudly and we can move to the pregnancy forums with our mafia! As for symptoms, the crazy weeing sounds like it was a symptom for you, I don’t have that. I still have the af cramps though but I’m sure I always get them anyway! The only other thing to report is I have had a touch of thrush twice in the last few days which is unusual! Ha, I like the name Gadget too! Both cool names! Good new about your rash, that woman sounded like a total dick! I’m just glad it’s healing for you, shame about the scarring, you need to STOP ITCHING! Hehe. Aww shame you pg, you’ll have to leave GLASSCOCK AND DICKHEAD! AHHHAAAAAA Who in their right mind would name a child Richard Head? It’s like Stuart Pid x

Vegas, I’m not sure about my symptoms, I have a rubbish feeling this month, If I am though, clearly a house move is in order for you all! Sod the preseed! Oh, I can so tell your Charlotte is quite the little diva, I bet her and Eva would get along and cause a lot of mischief together! Do you call her Charlie btw? The snow has stopped but it’s not dried up yet! It is pretty but we have had so much of it here lately the novelty has well and truly worn off! We have a wardrobe in our garden atm that was meant to be being collected last week but OH took the back door key to work so they couldn’t and so now it is totally ruined! Very annoying! Grumble grumble! I’m very excited that next cycle you can start ttc again! Are you gonna post a link in your siggy to your chart so we can all spy on you? I wouldn’t be able to hold off until June or July even though I already have a holiday baby! I’ll take any baby now!

Angel, I know Eva is like 3 going on 16 atm, you should see her when she gets together with her little friend Lacey, mental they are! Lacey is coming for tea tonight, god help us! They’re having a pizza party! Ha the stroppiness gets worse I’m afraid, maybe it’s better with boys though! Your weight sounds fine to me but you know what you’re comfortable with don’t you! Are you feeling any less sick now? Good luck with your scan this week and how many weeks and days are you now? X x
Angel, thanks! :) I'm going to be so paranoid about something happening!

Jasmine, I was thinking it was a dark line for 10dpo! Makes me wonder if I could've gotten a BFP at 8 or 9, I restrained and didn't test until 10!

Lots of peeing is definitely a symptom! But I do pee a lot anyway normally, lol, so I kind of discard that usually. Just this time it was hard to because I can't even hold it for a couple hours without feeling like bursting! I woke up again at 3am about to explode and then 4 hours later about to explode again!

Speaking of peeing. I peed 2 1/2 hours ago and started having to again about 30 minutes ago... this day is going to be rough!

I'm so excited for you to test on Friday! I'm almost ready to encourage you to do it earlier, lol! Such an enabler!


Always nice to read the word :haha:

Took that one last night with 3 1/2 hour pee. That's what I showed Blake. He's excited but also extremely nervous. As I expected, he's worried about our current stress levels. He also said, "We need to do something about the cats." He was referring to them jumping on my stomach. He said I need a uterus protector for when I'm sitting on the couch. I couldn't help but laugh, but he was serious! He went into a whole lecture about how much damage a fully grown cat can do when they're jumping at full force, etc etc.

He told me a story about something he did when he was younger. My response was, "You were such a bad kid!" and he rubs my stomach and says, "He's probably not going to be such a peach either."

I gave into my POAS addiction again this morning. Probably wasn't the best idea. The line tests yesterday were with 7 1/2 hour pee, this morning's was 4 hours and totally not as concentrated. I should've just dumped it when I saw it's color but instead I did it anyway and freaked out temporarily because the line was lighter. I guess I should've expected that with how much lighter the pee color was... I'm tempted to test again with more concentrated urine just because, but I'm honestly not sure I'm worried about it. I feel good about this right now!

Oh, another thing Blake said - "We aren't telling anyone for a long, long time. Like until you're 6 months pregnant." I said, "6 months?!" He said, "Ok, 5 months. If you aren't showing by then." Yeah right! Last time I was showing at just over 2 months!

Now to convince him to agree to a midwife instead of a regular OB. He's worried with the 2 mc's about using a midwife...
Jasmine! AHHH! It's funny you say that because at o time I felt twinges on both sides which is unusual, and I thought that with the line showing at 10dpo and with not so concentrated urine and cheapie test and the line still showed.

Blake would have a heart attack!
Stef: that's cute that Blake thinks you need to worry about the cats jumping on you. He will have to take over litter box duty so that's a bonus! Do you have a midwife in mind already? I know you were thinking about a birthing center in the past (that was you, right?). Have you told your mom yet?

Jasmine: don't count yourself out. Can't wait until you start testing. I do think there is something to taking the relaxed approach. Too bad I can't do that! I've never linked my chart before, do you have to set it up in your signature or how is it done? My chart looks like a roller coaster right now.

Angel: so Carter is a Memphian! Just like Justin Timberlake. When do you go back to the doctor? How are you feeling? So on my little shopping spree I bought a bunch of clothes, mainly for work, and I spent too much at Costco as I splurged on some decent bottles of wine. I figure I'm not preggo so I might as well live it up!
Stef: that's cute that Blake thinks you need to worry about the cats jumping on you. He will have to take over litter box duty so that's a bonus! Do you have a midwife in mind already? I know you were thinking about a birthing center in the past (that was you, right?). Have you told your mom yet?

Jasmine: don't count yourself out. Can't wait until you start testing. I do think there is something to taking the relaxed approach. Too bad I can't do that! I've never linked my chart before, do you have to set it up in your signature or how is it done? My chart looks like a roller coaster right now.

Angel: so Carter is a Memphian! Just like Justin Timberlake. When do you go back to the doctor? How are you feeling? So on my little shopping spree I bought a bunch of clothes, mainly for work, and I spent too much at Costco as I splurged on some decent bottles of wine. I figure I'm not preggo so I might as well live it up!
Stef, that would be crazy if you had twins! Don't worry about the lighter line either you have an explanation for it!

Vegas, I'm dreading testing, can't be doing with the disappointment! I might test in the morning though, I'll be 9dpo but only cos it will be my special number 13, 13/03/13 so keep your fingers crossed! Oooh yeah, to share your chart, just go to 'Sharing', second option from the right, then 'get code' I use the simple link and paste it into my siggy! The chart thumbnail is like Melis! Can't wait to spy, be sure to put your bd schedule on too! x x

You make a good point--when Jasmine gets her bfp tomorrow, then we will all contemplate moving homes to get in on the action lol!

Thanks. The yard caused lots of headaches, but it was totally worth it.

I don’t feel confident about having caught the egg this month, I haven’t really noticed a different in the spotting so far, so I guess that’s why I’m thinking it’s not gonna happen this month!

I agree to your points about not being able to change what’s happened. It makes complete sense, logically, to not live my life differently. But I’m an emotional person-I literally cry at the drop of a hat, and the more I tell myself “don’t cry!” or, “stop crying!”, it’s like I give myself permission to cry even more. It’s sooooo annoying. Put it this way, our tradition on Thanksgiving, before we can start eating, is we have to say grace together, and then each person/child has to say what they are grateful for. I literally cannot make it through the first 2 or 3 people before my tears start rolling. And there's at least 40 people to go through. It's torture! Not to mention torture because the food is sitting in front of us but we can't touch it until all have said their piece!

On the one hand, my grandmother is 90 yrs old and I don’t know how much longer she will be around and able to attend family functions, so I don’t want to miss it, but I also don’t want to be a buzzkill and make everybody else sad, esp my mom and godmother. I know once I get in that ‘zone’ then I can’t control myself. And I don’t mean ridiculous sobbing wracking crying, I mean like silent tears coming out…I know myself, I’m not a terribly strong individual, I wish I had the strength to be rational, and logical, but I know myself, and I think I will just take the easy way out and stay home. DH better not try to convince me otherwise, either, or it will not end well lol! Hopefully he will just back off, but knowing him, I’m not sure..it could go either way! You sound very pragmatic and level headed, at least that's how I perceive you from reading all your posts. I wish I could be more pragmatic and level-headed!

As for your ttc plans, wouldn’t that be funny if you get pg while you’re ‘not trying’ in these next few days!!!??!! I’m sure your blood draw will come out perfect this week!!!


Your mom was close enough! I’ll take that prediction lol!

Isn’t that funny how almost right away, the ‘inability to hold the pee’ kicks in??!

Are you guys really going to wait 5 months before telling anyone?

I hope you are able to talk Blake into using a midwife, since that’s what you want.


I hope I was wrong about having a weak o, but I truly felt almost nothing during o, and I normally feel at least a few twinges here and there.

Thanks, the pots are my fave! Originally I bought just one, and wanted to make it work because they are so expensive ($50 each!!!). Well, after I got home and started playing with the placement of it, I realized that I really needed 2 pots to make it work. I knew I had bought the last one at my local Lowe’s, so I had to go to another store the next city over. There ended up being 2 pots there. I paid for one and was walking away from the cashier, when all of a sudden, the handle broke off, and the vase went crashing to the floor, breaking into a million pieces!! I was dumbfounded, standing there, holding the pot handle in my hand and staring at the floor! Thank goodness that 1. It broke at the store and not at my house, or else I would have been out the $54, and 2. that there was one more pot left at the store, so they let me take it instead. WHEW!

Oh yah, about the progesterone cream, I just read a few minutes ago that you’re not supposed to put it on your breasts…oops! I alternate so I’ve only actually put it on my breasts once so far, I’m sure it’ll be ok. I am so tempted to buy some progesterone pills but they have to be prescribed. SO tempted to order them online but I’m afraid I’ll end up with some black market prescription that is fake!

So are you feeling better now? Is the MS starting to go away?


I lol’d at the morning wake-up call from you!

Unfortunately, my booty is big and round, which is why I can’t protest or get mad at DH. He loves my big booty, but even I have to admit that it’s gotten TOO BIG!! FACT. It must shrink.

I don’t plan to test until 12dpo (next Weds), and that’s if my temps haven’t started going down, because my temps have started going down at 11dpo for the last 2 of my 3 most recent cycles. I will only test at 11dpo if I really start to feel definite symptoms, or symptoms that are out of the ordinary.

I can’t wait til you test tomorrow!! You’ve had thrush a couple times during this tww? AWESOME! That’s a strong sign, and together with the leaky nips, I say your babymaking oven is in bizness! :dust:

My ovaries have already been warned, ONE MORE try and if no bfp, it’s soy for them, the soy will make them work overtime so if they don’t want to work overtime, and if they know what's best for them, they’d better toe the line and start to follow the plan!! :growlmad:

GL tonight with your pizza party! Sending some energy over your way lol!


So I finally received in the mail my lab results from all my different dr appts. The following caught my eye regarding the ultrasound report from Feb 8 “The endometrium is somewhat echogenic suggesting possible hemorrhage products”. WTF WTF WTF WTF????

I’m hoping that this was nothing and was due to the cycle day (CD9, and I o'd 3 days later) I was on when the ultrasound was done. I emailed my Dr 24 hours ago to inquire about this, no response from her yet. Hummmmm. I hope she isn’t saying to herself “wtf wtf wtf??!! How did I miss this?!!”


Mr dr. Said it was nothing to worry about. False alarm. WHEW!
Hello Girls :)

First and most importantly I need to say CONGRATS Stef!!!!!! I am so excited for you!!!

I have been MIA for awhile. I have been reading posts on my phone when I can but it seems I have not had the chance to turn my computer on and reply properly. The further behind I get the longer it takes to reply properly. So I just decided it was better to just do a quick reply while I had a minute before I start work. I will have to reply properly later.

Quick update on me. I tested on 9dpo (a Tuesday) just to see if the trigger shot was out of my system (the only time I've ever tested hoping to see a bfn). It was bfn. I was planning to test again on the Saturday at 13dpo. I didn't make it to Saturday because af arrived on Thursday (at cd25). After last month (where my cycle was 54 days and I had to take Provera to induce it) I was pretty shocked that it came so early. I can't ever remember having a 25 day cycle. So obviously things are messed up. They now think I could have a luteal phase deficiency. Since my cycles are usually so long and I often don't ovulate it is really difficult to know when/if ovulation happens so its tough to know how long my lp is typically. I have an appointment with my doctor on April 9 (earliest I could get in) to talk about what I need to change to make taking all this medication more effective. I hate taking it but if I have to I want to at least make sure I am not taking it for nothing!!

I am now on cd 13. I didn't take the clomid this month. We are taking a break for this month from trying. I had some allergy/food intolerance testing done with my naturopath. I confirmed what I have known for awhile that dairy and gluten (plus a few other random things) are terrible for me. Eating things that your body is intolerant to causes inflammation in your body which can affect things like your hormones. So I started a cleanse and have eliminated dairy, wheat, sugar, anything processed, etc. I will do that for at least the next month and hope that it helps (along with whatever changes to the medications my doctor recommends when I see her on April 9). I am a bit discouraged. I am trying to do what I can to give myself the best chances of success. We will see what happens.

I am excited for Meli and Jasmine to test soon!! I hope this is your month. It would be really great if the two of you and Stef all got your bfp's this month. Maybe April or May can be Vegas and my month!!

Anyways, Im sorry that I haven't posted lately. I will try to get on here more often. I really do miss you girls!!

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