June Angel Baby Mommas Hoping for Rainbows!!

Vegas, he gets worried about everything. Last time he even questioned the seat belt, and leaning a bit into the shopping cart, and running, lol. I do have a midwife in mind, and you're right, it's at the birthing center! We now live 10 minutes from it. I haven't told my mom yet. I have to convince him we should at least tell both of our moms, since we would be telling them if something happened anyway. Drink some wine for me!

Jasmine, not worried about the lighter line! I did give in and test again after waiting all day like I did on Monday - the line was darker than it was on Monday, so yay! If you tested today I wouldn't be too worried if it's a BFN, it's still early!

Meli, I'm not sure why the pee urge starts so early! I'd imagine it's way too soon for my bladder to be at all squished, although the cramps that came with uterus stretching last time did start early this time... And omg I was SO bloated the other night, you could actually already see the bloating. I'm pretty tiny, though, so any bloating is really noticeable. I HIGHLY doubt we're going to wait that long to tell anyone, I can almost guarantee we wouldn't be able to even if we wanted to - I KNOW I'll be showing before then. As for a big booty - there is nothing wrong with that! Mine's pretty big for my size, and I love it! So does Blake :haha: I lol'd at you warning your ovaries! And glad your dr. said there's nothing to worry about with your test results!

Jenk, hi stranger! Sorry af got you this time! I hope that everything straightens out with your cycles and that your new diet helps out. A friend of mine is doing a cleanse similar to that - she's stopping dairy, meat and caffeine to try and help reduce inflammation.

AFM, nothing else new. It's going to be tough hiding this pregnancy for awhile. I went to a friend's house for just under 2 hours yesterday. Walked in the door, started snacking on the sunflower seeds he had out, ate a big piece of cobbler, dug into a bag of Chex mix, went back to the sunflower seeds. They're going to catch on! One of my friends will know for sure if I tell him I quit coffee again... Wondering if work is questioning anything, too. I usually bring in a coffee and either a donut or Pop Tarts (so healthy, right?!). They noticed the no coffee, and this morning when I was eating fruit, one of them says, "Fruit? You're creeping me out Stefanie." Lol.

OH! I do have one update! I have a job interview closer to home at 3:30 today! FX!

So nice to hear from you!! I know it’s crazy, but I worry when people fall off the radar. I right away start thinking “I hope everything is ok”. I’m such a worrywart, it’s ridiculous!! I know JennC was having some issues when she last posted, and I’m really trying hard not to worry about her and just trust that she is doing well. Same with Sweetmomma-I worry but then I remember that she’s already got 2 LO’s, and she works a crazy physically demanding job, so I imagine her just collapsing in bed at the end of the day and the last thing she wants to do is post!

Sorry to hear of all the roadblocks you’re running into, but it seems like you’re in good hands with your naturopath, and have a great plan in place to get it all straightened out and give you the best chance of success! What does the cleanse entail? Is it a specific drink or juice? Or just by the fact of eliminating all the nasty dairy/wheat/sugar, etc, is that in and of itself, a cleanse?


Blake sounds so cute. Ya gotta love him! That’s great that you live even closer to the birthing center now. I agree that you need to convince him to tell your moms soon-NOT because you would be telling them if something happened anyway, but because it’s great news and how can you keep something like that just to the two of you ? I’m not saying to tell the whole world-not at all-but at least tell the Nanas! Yah yah, you tell him (egging you on like a lil devil leaning in your ear) lol.

I know what you mean about the urge to pee starting early. I had the same thing--by the time I was 5 weeks along, I had to pee constantly and it was so annoying. I totally don’t miss that part lol!

Omg sounds so funny, you and your new appetite. It totally sounds like your friends are catching on, and quick lol!

FX FX FX FX for your new job interview!! I have a great feeling about it!!!


Where are you? I know it's still early, but I think you said you were going to test today??!! :dust::dust:
Jenk: I had been thinking about you and I was really hoping you were going to get your BFP. Sorry your cycle is screwed up, but I understand as m
Let me try this again! Posting on the iPhone sucks!

Jenk: my cycle is crazy too. I'm trying supplements to get it straightened out, but I swear my body is in control of me not the other way round. Let us knows how the new diet works.

Meli: so glad to hear there is nothing to worry about. Have you heard anything back on your boob?

Jasmine: speaking of boobs, did you test?

Stef: I'd tell the people at work that you have acid reflux and your doctor said to cut out caffeine, fatty foods and alcohol. I've had this problem and that was the advice I was given. This also gives you a pass if you get morning sickness.

Nothing to report here. Just waiting for something to happen.
Vegas, Thanks for passing on the acid reflux excuse, I may have to use that one. Yep, Carter is a Memphian and Jeff won't ever let him forget it since he graduated from University of Memphis. And drink some wine for me too!

Jenk, sorry you were out last month. It is awesome that you have the discipline to cut out all those things out of your diet. It would be killer for me. You will feel so much better though!

Meli, I am glad your doctor was worried. I too am curious about your boob though. I recently went through my medicine cabinet and came across my old progesterone from last pregnancy and thought of you.... I have a new prescription now.

Stef, Yay again!!! Good luck on your interview. And like Meli said, you do make Blake seem very cute!

Jasmine, FX for tomorrow!!!!!! How did your pizza party go?

AFM, I am 7+4 today. For the past couple of days I have been feeling a little better energy wise. I got the entire house cleaned, swept, mopped, vacuumed, dusted, laundry and even cleaned both bathrooms! I did throw up my new prenatals yesterday.:nope: I will take what I can get. I have my ultrasound tomorrow, so fx my sac looks good and Little Prince (the name I have given him) looks good. Also on other news, we got a letter today saying the owner of our house want to sell. So we have to be out of this house by 4/30. We have been wanting a bigger house and to buy, but we have been waiting. Jeff graduates with his masters in August and we were planning to see where he got a job before moving. Now, we will have to move and sign a year lease, only to likely move again next year.:dohh:

My dr called tda and said my boob is fine! Whew........

Ps, i like ur segue from jasmines boob to mine lol. Ooo i like ur acid reflux excuse. Ur quite the crafty thinker lol! Good to know.....


I am like u, i dont think i could give up all that stuff like jenk!! Talk abt discipline...!

I am glad ur starting to feel a lil better, sounds like lots better actually, u got so much housework done!
Sorry to hear u have to move soon.....but at least jeff will be done with his masters before u know it! Thats quite the accomplishment. Dh got his mba around ten years ago. I always said i wanted to get my masters too, but i have been dragging my feet. But i thinki am ok with myself if i dont ever get it. I love my job, and there is really not much further to move up unless i become a physical therapist, and thats not gonna happen. I am happy in my administrative role and working directly with students. Its very gratifying, so i am good where
where i am at!
Hello guys,

Don’t worry I’m still here lurking around! I was having a stressful day yesterday so I decided to lie low! I took a couple of cheapies yesterday in the morning and was getting extremely faint lines then I tried my little water test and there was no line at all so I was hoping it was something but it was literally so faint, I didn’t think it was worth telling about incase it turned out to be nothing! :wacko:

So I went out to Superdrug and bought some FRERS, did one and a cheapie this morning and a faint line on both! It’s so faint though, I’m not getting excited, see if you can see anything and let me know! The FRER line is much more noticeable in real life, I don't think you can even see it in this piccy but trust me it's there! Last night I was exhausted beyond belief, and terrible lower back ache! Fx if there is something there it BURROWS! Please please stick! I'll have to keep testing every morning, it's gonna be stressful!

Meli, I’m so glad about your test and your boob, both fine that’s great! :thumbup: I bet you feel like a guinea pig atm! Thanks for the concern to my whereabouts, hehe! I’m fine just stressed!

Nice to hear from you Jen, I’m so glad you’re back! Sorry about the BFN, I hope next month will definitely be your and Vegas’s month that would be soo exciting!

Stef, bless Blake he is just too adorable, you guys are gonna be the cutest mum and dad! Congrats on the job interview! :cloud9:

Angel, good luck for your scan today, hope all is well with little prince! Hehe! Cute name! Another house move, omg! The pizza party went well, I was dreading it but they were really good! I had both Lacey and Eva cuddled under each arm reading a book on the ipad when here mum came in and she didn’t want to go home! Her mum was a bit annoyed as she had been away the night and not seen here for ages, lol! :haha:

Vegas, secretly hoping you catch the eggy this month!

X x x
The squinter! See post above for the text just put this on a separate post!


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Slightly more visable...


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Jasmine: it's very light, but there does appear to be something there. What dpo are you? The play date sounds like it was a lot of fun.

Angel: perhaps you could find a place that allows a six-month lease? Even on places that require a year you can always ask. Most of the time they will allow it if you give them a few more bucks. GL with the scan today, I'm sure it will go well and by now you should be able to get a good reading on the hb. Btw, my parents both went to U of Memphis, but it was called Memphis State back then.

Meli: super happy to hear your boob is OK. Now we can all concentrate on your uterus.

Stef: how did the interview go?

Still nothing going on here. Hate to disappoint anyone, but there is no way I am accidentally getting pregnant this month. I tried NTNP last time and found out that doesn't work. I'm just hoping I will get a BFP before the end of 2013. TTC is a lot of work as you all know (or at least it is for me). Also, dh is still sick so he's not really in the mood for love. Regardless, only one more week until I ovulate and then I can really concentrate on next cycle. I just fear that the molar tissue could grow back and I think I would feel safer if I got that third month blood draw in. I'd only blame myself if it happens all over and I don't know if I could handle that.

Okay, I will try to contain my excitement now until you are ready to be excited too. But congrats!!!

Edit: not sure what happened with that wohoo. lol!
Blake is adorable with his worrying, but it does get annoying sometimes, lol! I HATE fish and he keeps trying to convince me to eat it because it's healthy. His thing yesterday - "Well if you don't want to be healthy for the baby..." That got him the look!

Meli, I figured I'd give him a few more days on the telling our moms thing, see if he can keep it to himself that long because he couldn't either time before. A friend of his is supposed to come this weekend to help him move the TV to the other wall and his brother is coming on Sunday to help him install the new windows, so I'd be surprised if someone doesn't find out by Monday.

Speaking of peeing a lot... there's finally a bathroom at work again! That means I can drink as much water as I want!

Vegas, I lol'd at your boob segway! And your acid reflux response is great! I definitely have to remember that.

angel, wow! I barely have enough energy to do all that stuff not pg! Can't wait to hear the results of your ultrasound. FX! That sucks about having to move so quickly! Maybe there IS something to this pg and moving thing... even though you're doing it the other way around, but still!

Jasmine, I totally see the line!!!!!! FX!!!!! :dust:
So I just got so excited about Jasmine's test I totally forgot to tell you all how the interview went.

I'm one of 60 applicants, so my hopes aren't too high, but the interview did go very well. I do have a step up on other applicants - the position isn't for social media and web development, but they could use help with that, so in addition to the tasks of the job, I can help out with that. I'm writing a follow up email with references (he didn't ask for any before) this morning, so hopefully that will help, too. He said he'll be calling me Friday evening, so FX!

So I'm at 4 weeks today, af would've been due today or tomorrow. I don't feel pg at all yet... except for the hunger, every time I'm not full I feel sick, which sucks! And the bloat at night, bleh! But I really want to FEEL pg, would reduce my worrying!
One quick question before I reply later! Do you see the line on both tests? I'm getting paranoid now! Does it matter that it's so faint? x x x
I definitely see it on the cheapie, possibly the FRER but I'm not sure. I wouldn't worry about it being faint, it's still early! I would just wait and test again tomorrow.

Ooohhhh CONGRATULATIONS! I KNOW the lines will keep getting darker everyday. You’re still really early, no wonder the lines are faint. Just stay positive!!! :dance::dance::dance::headspin::headspin::wohoo::wohoo::wohoo:

Sounds like the pizza party was a blast and you had it all under control. I bet her mom was a lil jealous lol!

Like you, I was secretly hoping vegas caught the egg this month. That’s such a good way to put it! But, she does make good points about waiting one more month…that practical, pragmatic vegas lol!


Hey, that was a good suggestion you gave Angel regarding a 6 month lease.

I like that comment “now we can all concentrate on your uterus” lol!

yah, you disappointed me (like it matters!) with NTNP this month…BUT you are 100% right for waiting. And you’re right, next cycle will be here before you know it!


Yah…I guess you have to take the good with the bad. Sounds like Blake can kind of take it a little too far, but you seem to have him under control with ‘the look’ lol! Do you not like any type of fish at all? I LOVE salmon, but I know it’s also not healthy to eat too much fish when pg. when I was pg, I took Expecta Lipil DHA supplements, in addition to my prenatals. The supplements contain omega-3 fatty acid, which plays a role in development of baby’s brain and eyes. They are like $10 for a month’s supply. The last time I went to Walmart, I bought some new prenatals because I am almost out. These prenatals contain the DHA in them. Anywho, just a thought, perhaps taking these supplements would put Blake’s (and your) mind at ease since you’re not a big fish eater.

We should take bets to see who believes that Blake will or will not spill the beans by the end of this weekend. Anyone in? I say that he WILL spill the beans lol!

Oooo it sounds like you’re definitely a serious contender for the job. You sound overqualified, I’m sure they would appreciate someone who could fulfill the tasks of the job and plus, take on more responsibilties!! Who wouldn’t?? I say the job is yours. It’s all falling into place….the new house, a sticky bean, now a new job!!! YAY YAY YAY YAY!! I cant wait till Friday! :happydance::happydance:

Sorry to hear of that hunger, you described it as everytime you’re not full, you feel sick..that’s exactly how I felt when I was pg!!! And I thought it was just me, because I never have heard anyone else describe it that way….it does totally stink, doesn’t it? But, like you said, bring on the pg symptoms!!!


I am relieved that my boob is ok. DH was so excited with the news that he wanted to go out to dinner to celebrate! I’m like, I didn’t know you were that worried about it! We didn’t go out to dinner as I had bought steaks on sale the day before. We never eat fancy stuff like steaks on weekdays, we stick to chicken usually, but it’s been so warm (80 degrees) the past few days, it's been perfect outdoor grilling weather, and I was craving meat, so I thought, what the heck! Asparagus (our fave veggie!) was also on sale, so that and rice pilaf rounded out the menu.

Today is the 5th day of using the progesterone cream, and I think it may be working a little. I am still spotting, but it’s more of a different, lighter color of spotting, not as brown, more of a creamy light yellow color. Yesterday contained a hint of brown, but totally different/less brown spotting than before. Also, today I am feeling *weird*, like pg symptoms, can’t describe it but I just don’t feel ‘right’. Yesterday, I did double up on the cream lol, so I know it’s what’s causing the ‘not feeling right’ symptoms.

You know, I was thinking this morning, how scary it is that all the stuff we handle/cleaning products we use/creams and lotions and soaps and shampoos and conditioners we use, how it all is in our bodies! I mean, if using the progesterone cream is as simple as just applying it to our skin, what the heck is all that other stuff we use, doing to us/me? When I was pg, I was really conscious when using cleaning agents--e.g. always used gloves when I cleaned the sink, etc etc but perhaps I should seriously consider cutting down on the products I use, or at least use more natural items. Problem with me is that I love the ‘fruity’ smells..I grew up using Caress Bath soap, so now as an adult I HAVE to use the same soap, love for my skin and hair to smell good….when I use other soaps, my skin feels dry and doesn’t smell the same. Anyways, I think I will start to think about it.
Jasmine: I see both, but more clearly on the cheapie.

Stef: I think the interview sounds like it went very well and it's not like they chose to interview all 60 applicants.

Angel: sorry you can't keep the vitamins down, would it help if you took it after dinner?

Meli: so do you spot throughout your cycle or just after you ovulate? That "off" feeling very well could be your BFP. I had a metallic taste all day one day about five days before I got my last BFP. It was my only symptom (as opposed to Charlotte where all sorts of stuff was going on). FX'd for you too!
Jasmine: I see both, but more clearly on the cheapie.

Stef: I think the interview sounds like it went very well and it's not like they chose to interview all 60 applicants.

Angel: sorry you can't keep the vitamins down, would it help if you took it after dinner?

Meli: so do you spot throughout your cycle or just after you ovulate? That "off" feeling very well could be your BFP. I had a metallic taste all day one day about five days before I got my last BFP. It was my only symptom (as opposed to Charlotte where all sorts of stuff was going on). FX'd for you too!

Thanks for the pma!

I normally spot after I ovulate, until af comes. I'm just 6dpo, so I really doubt I'm feeling pg symptoms. I have had no twinges or anything! I WISH I was feeling pg symptoms, but I really believe it's the progesterone kicking in, I heard progesterone can cause pg like symptoms...
Meli, yeah Blake has a way of getting what he wants, lol, so when he has a worry about something he pesters me about it constantly. I dislike ALL fish. He said "You haven't tried ALL fish!" Well every one I've tried, I hate, so idk. Hmm I got my prenatals at Walmart, too, so I'll have to check if they have the DHA in them like yours.

Lol @ betting on him spilling the beans! He is SOOO bad at keeping secrets that are exciting!

I'm excited to hear back about the job, I did shoot over the "thank you for the interview" blah blah email. Just included that I thought what he told me about the history of the company, etc was very interesting, and the references.

I had the hunger thing the first two times, also, so you're definitely not the only one!

Yum, steak! We eat that way too much because he became obsessed with it when he realized he could cook it really well, lol.

I worry about the chemicals and all that, too, but I try to tell myself that women have been pregnant and having healthy babies without paying any attention to that stuff (because they don't know any better), so we should be fine knowing what we do know and paying attention to it.

Vegas, you're right, so it's not really a 1 in 60 chance, that makes me feel better!

So one symptom I'm having totally made me forget to tell you guys I'm having it - baby brain. BAD. Yesterday I walked out of the house without my laptop bag... I can't work at work without it. Last night I put food in the freezer that doesn't even go in the fridge, much less the freezer (one thing was Combos... you know those little pretzel snacks? Yeah). I've been doing stuff like this and spacing and generally being stupid the last few days. Like just now on this post. I was typing in the middle of a sentence, got distracted and completely forgot... 20 minutes later, I'm back! :wacko:

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