Morning girlies!
Sooooooooo, it's REAL!
I'm so happy and nervous and scared all rolled into one but it's just nice to see a darker line, that I'm not doubting! You know it's barely even showing up on the cheapie either, the test I have is from Superdrug, it's a copy of FRER, it's the exact same test I used with Eva, which I still have, have never used them before or since, Eva was conceived in the exact same month, when we were moving house and this one is due 25th November, two weeks before her which means if all goes to plan all our babies have been Sagittarius! Symptoms: lower backache, thrush, exhaustion and taste of blood in my mouth!
Stef, I still think you have a great chance with your new job that you went for! Fingers crossed! Bless Blake, trying to make you eat Fish when you don't like it,

! Baby brain sounds funny, I hope I don't get it, I'm blonde enough as it is!
Meli, aww I'm also so happy about your boob (that sounds weird!) bless your OH too, I'm so jealous that you have had steak, asparagus and warm weather! It's been so miserable here for such a long time! When it does get hotter here we're going to get some outside furniture, I can't wait! Do you have some nice outdoor furniture and a bbq set up? Good news that the cream seems to be working too! I have had the same 'not right' feeling as you too and the weird taste in my mouth, it sounds really promising!

your chart looks great too! FX FX FX
Vegas, thanks for reassuring me yesterday, I was getting really stressed about it!

I don't blame you for wanting to wait until next month so that you know you did everything right! Last time, I would have the odd glass of wine or half a lager if I fancied it but I won't this time, I haven't even had a cup of caffeine tea for weeks! Really miss my coffee!

GOOOO LITTTTLLLEEEE PRINNNCCCEEEEEE! Your scan sounds and looks totally fab! Well done you, I'm so happy all was well and you can finally relax a bit! In this country we only get a scan at 12 weeks, I'll be a nervous wreck by then but I think ladies who have had a mc previously can request an early one, well I will be! Oh Mr Jasmine never found out about the jeans, as when they arrived they had sent me the complete wrong pair with the wrong label on, that's ebay for you so I sent them back and we bought some dining chairs in the local charity shop, they were a real bargain too!
Still feeling nervous, I hope I don't have a chemical! x x