June Angel Baby Mommas Hoping for Rainbows!!


I’m pretty sure that the prenatals I am referring to are the Walmart/Equate brand.

Omg sounds like you already have a bad case of baby brain! I’ve heard of that before, but when I was pg, I don’t recall ever having that?? But who knows…

I know, I love steak also..well, actually, I love most meat. I’m totally a carnivore! I try to stick to mostly chicken and not have beef more than twice a week. DH doesn’t do well when he has beef more than that. He actually refuses to eat pork, but DS and I love to eat pork, so that makes it difficult to cook sometimes.
He is my Little Prince!!! The sac looked great, the hb was 148 and I even measured a couple of days ahead by scan!!! The scan put me at 8 weeks, but he is going to keep it at 7+6 based on my o dates (I thought the 1st or 2nd and had previously gone with the 2nd to be safe). So he put me due on October 25th. I was so happy in there I couldn't stop talking!!
Vegas, we are hoping that if we offer another 6-8 month lease here at a higher rate that they may be tempted to hold off selling. We haven't heard anything though. With the prenatals, if I eat part of my breakfast then take them and then eat the rest, I am usually okay. I am taking 7 pills a day, in the morning: folate, baby asprin, progesterone and two prenatals (one is dha); and in the evening: progesterone and thyroid. I can't take anything or eat anything with calcium with in two hours of my thyroid meds, otherwise I would take them at night before going to bed. I don't blame you for waiting, I would do the same.

Jasmine, I can totally see a line on all the tests. I hope tomorrow's is darker! I am sorry you were feeling stressed yesterday. I am happy that the pizza party went well though. How did Mr. Jasmine take you buying those jeans by the way?

Stef, FX for that job. It sounds like you may have a heads up on the competition and sounds like you are doing everything right. Very few of those 60 will send a thank you letter and employers like that. By the way, I sure do know what you mean about that baby brain!! Half way through my above part to Vegas I realized I ran out of thyroid meds last night and had to stop to go pick up my prescription. I have been telling myself everyday this week to do it! Then when I came out of the grocery store Carter and I were walking down the parking lot aisle I thought I parked on. I didn't see my car and almost cried, but finally realized I parked on the row over!

Meli, hope you steak is good. I LOVE a good steak and beef is my favorite meat. I would rather eat it than any other, but of course we don't and can't afford good beef everyday.

Thats great news!!! Thats such a clear pic of ur little beanie prince!! :happydance::happydance:
Angel and vegas,

Speaking of ur fellow Memphian JT, did u catch him on SNL last weekend? He rocked it! Luv luv him and his dance moves. And he is yum yum YUMMY!!!!
Jasmine: I see both, but more clearly on the cheapie.

Stef: I think the interview sounds like it went very well and it's not like they chose to interview all 60 applicants.

Angel: sorry you can't keep the vitamins down, would it help if you took it after dinner?

Meli: so do you spot throughout your cycle or just after you ovulate? That "off" feeling very well could be your BFP. I had a metallic taste all day one day about five days before I got my last BFP. It was my only symptom (as opposed to Charlotte where all sorts of stuff was going on). FX'd for you too!


So when i woke up from my nap on the way home tda, i could have sworn that i had a weird taste in my mouth. Sigh.....the power of suggestion!!
Yes, I love JT too! All the way back to his Nsync days!! I was 11-14 then so, in love with all the boy bands. Even saw 98 Degrees and Backstreet Boys and Spice Girls in concert:blush:

I love that he is so down to earth and funny, and he rocked that Memphis shirt!
Morning girlies!

Sooooooooo, it's REAL! :happydance: :happydance: :happydance:


I'm so happy and nervous and scared all rolled into one but it's just nice to see a darker line, that I'm not doubting! You know it's barely even showing up on the cheapie either, the test I have is from Superdrug, it's a copy of FRER, it's the exact same test I used with Eva, which I still have, have never used them before or since, Eva was conceived in the exact same month, when we were moving house and this one is due 25th November, two weeks before her which means if all goes to plan all our babies have been Sagittarius! Symptoms: lower backache, thrush, exhaustion and taste of blood in my mouth!

Stef, I still think you have a great chance with your new job that you went for! Fingers crossed! Bless Blake, trying to make you eat Fish when you don't like it, :haha:! Baby brain sounds funny, I hope I don't get it, I'm blonde enough as it is!

Meli, aww I'm also so happy about your boob (that sounds weird!) bless your OH too, I'm so jealous that you have had steak, asparagus and warm weather! It's been so miserable here for such a long time! When it does get hotter here we're going to get some outside furniture, I can't wait! Do you have some nice outdoor furniture and a bbq set up? Good news that the cream seems to be working too! I have had the same 'not right' feeling as you too and the weird taste in my mouth, it sounds really promising! :dust::dust::dust: your chart looks great too! FX FX FX

Vegas, thanks for reassuring me yesterday, I was getting really stressed about it! :hugs: I don't blame you for wanting to wait until next month so that you know you did everything right! Last time, I would have the odd glass of wine or half a lager if I fancied it but I won't this time, I haven't even had a cup of caffeine tea for weeks! Really miss my coffee!

Angel, :happydance: :happydance::happydance::happydance: GOOOO LITTTTLLLEEEE PRINNNCCCEEEEEE! Your scan sounds and looks totally fab! Well done you, I'm so happy all was well and you can finally relax a bit! In this country we only get a scan at 12 weeks, I'll be a nervous wreck by then but I think ladies who have had a mc previously can request an early one, well I will be! Oh Mr Jasmine never found out about the jeans, as when they arrived they had sent me the complete wrong pair with the wrong label on, that's ebay for you so I sent them back and we bought some dining chairs in the local charity shop, they were a real bargain too!

Still feeling nervous, I hope I don't have a chemical! x x


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So, I thought I'd jump the gun and get a little ticker, if I have a chemical at least I got to dream for a little while! x
Will respond properly later but



You're November 25th, I'm November 21st. Bump buddies!

I'm sooooooo excited for you!!!
I know, how crazy is that! So exciting! Think I'm still in shock, I was NOT expecting it at all! Stef, your due the day I had my miscarriage (I had the op the next day) if all goes well, can't help thinking mine will arrive that day too!! x x x


I finally see the line (I never saw it in your previous posts).

Congratulations!! I’m so happy for you!! YAY YAY YAY YAYYYY!!

That is too coincidental that both pg’s happened during a move. I guess that’s all you seem to need!

So what did Mr. Jasmine say when you told him? Have you told Eva yet? When can we update our siggy?? Luv your ticker, btw!!

HEY, vegas was right! Didn’t she predict your bfp would come this month? Hey vegas, maybe you should set up shop, an internet website, and start charging for conception predictions lol!!

Sorry to hear your jeans were the wrong size, glad you were able to return them, BUT I think that the dining chairs were a better, more practical purchase... Are you an ebay fanatic also?? I love it and have had to step away from my addiction, but it’s my ‘go to’ place, especially when I want/need something that is no longer sold in stores!

We do have a beautiful propane bbq grill we bought from Costco about 5 yrs ago, it has extra grilling space for veggies. We don’t have a nice outdoor dining set, I have resisted buying one all these years because 1. It gets too hot out my way, there is no way I am going to be sitting outside and eating, I don’t care if we’re in the covered patio!, and 2. There are so many creepy crawlies that would set up residence in the cushions, like black widows and other assorted spiders, NO THANK YOU! So, DH bbq’s, and then we eat indoors. It works for us! I plan to buy a nice mosaic bistro set, a little round table with 2 chairs, for our front patio. It has to be wrought iron to match our house accents. My neighbor comes over, we sit outside and we have our ‘adult’ drinks --fresh squeezed lemonade spiced up with pineapple flavored vodka-yum! That’s our spring and summer ritual. The men are lucky if we invite them to join us lol!
Meli, of course I forgot to check my prenatals! We love steak, too, Blake makes amazing steaks. Also, I'm sorry to tell you, but you won't be fulfilling your summer ritual with your neighbor, at least not the adult drinks part... because you'll be pg. :thumbup:

Angel, soooo happy the scan went well! Baby brain can be so annoying, right?

Jasmine, yayyyyyy I'm so happy for you! I know all about wanting to see the darker line. I tested AGAIN this morning, lol! And the line was much darker :) That's crazy about all the comparisons with your pg with Eva! Must be signs :) I think moving IS the trick for us. I'll be sure to share my instances of baby brain so everyone can have some good laughs, lol. And I worry too, about a chemical, but with our lines showing up so early and getting darker, I just KNOW we don't have to worry about it! Wouldn't that be crazy if we both gave birth the same day? Would be awesome!

So I've been managing to eat healthier, mostly because I'm really not craving sweets much at all. Fruit and Carnation instant breakfast this morning, Nutri Grain bars for snacks, fiber brownies, brocolli sauteed in garlic and olive oil over vegetable rotini for dinner last night, mostly water and juice to drink...

I found the digital pg test in a drawer yesterday. It was dead by now, of course. Asked Blake why he wanted to keep it and he said, "Because it shows that you're pregnant with the baby that's going to make it." Awwww. Guess he didn't realize the test was dead. So I pulled out the FRER and gave it to him.

I took a "before" picture of my tummy yesterday morning. Was so tempted to take an "evening bloat" pic last night, lol. I have a feeling if the mild cramping is any sign, my uterus is stretching faster than last time, it started within a few days of o. Get the feeling I'll start showing pretty early...
Thanks Meli!

Well, I called him into the bathroom this morning and showed him the test, he gave me a sleepy hug and said 'That's great babe!' I haven't told Eva yet as last time when we lost it I felt really bad on her as I had been getting her exciting it, so I'm gonna tell her after the first scan I think! You can update the siggy once I get my digital result, gonna wait till monday for that, fx, I feel really nervous about doing the digi!

I know, weird about the house moves isn't it, the lady at the chemist also said that's what worked for her after 2 years of trying! They say your mind isn't on it as much but mine certainly was! I'm not that cool!

Wow, that drink sounds AMAZING and even more so now I probably can't have it! Shme for the men, eh! How horrible do those creepy crawlies sound too, yuk! Funnily enough, I've always wanted a bistro set like that too, once you can leave out in all weathers! x x
Hey Stef,

Thanks for the pma! I hope you’re right and that I won’t be able to drink any 'adult' drinks soon enough!

DH is also a good steak griller. I’m impatient so I refuse to grill. His job is to grill outside in the heat and my job is to get the rest of the food ready inside lol!

Sounds like you’re starting to eat healthier. Good job! Keep it up!

I didn’t think you could make Blake sound any cuter, but you’ve succeeded!!!! How cute that he wanted to save the test!! Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww!

I would be interested in seeing your morning tummy and evening bloat! I don’t think anybody would mind! Heck, we’ve seen other things, right :haha:


ok, will wait til you give the all clear to update the siggy.

That is funny that you want the same mosaic set. I will post a pic when I finally get it. I’ve seen a brand new set on Craigslist for $100, but I have other things I want to/need to buy before I buy the set (priorities, esp after blowing all that money on the garden!) but I hope to get it sooner, rather than later! maybe before the end of May!

So I imagine y’all will go to your amazing chippy place to celebrate tonight! And that’s awesome that you found out in time to not drink when you get together with your uni friends!!!! :happydance::happydance: Are you gonna keep the great news to yourself?


GL with your scan today! I'm sure all is well, but it's a good idea to follow through on the protocol for peace of mind.


No symptoms at all! Not any (except the slight rash I’ve been getting on my inner arms where I put the progesterone cream)! I have a few pimples slightly earlier than usual, but I also blame that on the cream.
Meli, lol I knew you would find that cute, him wanting to keep the test! I did, too. He almost looked disappointed when I showed him that the digi was dead, so I ran and grabbed the FRER and brought it out to him.

Ok I'll try to get an evening bloat pic tonight, lol, funny you want to see! At least I grabbed a good before pic on a skinny day, hahaha, I have a feeling I will never look like that again!

And you totally made me think of Jasmine's nipple when you said "we've seen other things, right" lol! :haha:

How many dpo are you today?

So Monday's the day to add Jasmine's and my BFPs to the sigs... I should feel safe enough then, too!

yes ma'am...that's exactly what I was referring to: Jasmine's nips! :haha::haha:

I'm 7dpo today.

cant wait to update my siggy on Monday!!!
OMG!!!! I can't wait to add two more BFPs to my siggy!!!!!!!! Congrats Jasmine!!!!!
Jasmine: that is a super-positive test today. Woo hoo! I've decided that if/when I get preggo again I'm going to wait until the 20 week scan to tell Charlotte. That way she will see my tummy is growing and might be able to understand the scan photo. I told her last time and it went in one ear and out the other. How did Eva take the news last time?

Angel: what a perfect sonogram image! I'm so happy for you!

Stef: let's see your tummy! Take a lot of photos now as it will never be the same again (oh, how I miss my taut tummy). That is sweet about keeping the tests. Blake loves you so much. Btw, do you think you'll get married before baby arrives?

Meli: cocktails on the front lanai sounds so relaxing. I think I'll pour myself a glass of vino when I get home and sit outside. Our weather is cool today, only the high 60's, but it is so beautiful and no humidity. Won't last much longer. For some reason I believe July is your month. I'm also thinking girl. Prove me wrong and get that BFP now! No pressure or anything.

As for me, things went easily at the doctor's office. I never see the doctor, just the nurse and she is the best at taking blood as I never feel a thing. Although I know it is only cd17, I think I might be getting ready to ovulate based on cm. Guess I better start testing. Fingers crossed it happens before day 29 like last month.

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