June Angel Baby Mommas Hoping for Rainbows!!


Vino sounds good to me too! It’s funny because for the past couple of months I have not been craving any alcohol. I think I may have overdone it during the holidays and burnt myself out lol!

I like your prediction of a girl! And I hope to prove both you and that psychic wrong and get my bfp now, not later lol!

Isn’t it the best when you know the phlebotomist is awesome? The one that I’ve had to see for multiple draws since my mc happened is horribly inconsistent, somedays hurt more than others, but usually they all hurt. Yet,in the past, I’ve had blood draws by others that I don’t even feel! It really has a lot to do with their technique…or lack thereof!

FX FX FX you ovulate before CD29 and your cycles start behaving! Although, I did read somewhere that states most dr’s believe that when a woman has a longer cycle, she is more fertile. Have you read that b4?

Stef, I think I will test everyday now too, I just went out and bought two proper FRERS cos I read a thread on the internet about false positives on those Superdrug tests so I started shitting myself but I also got a pink line on a cheapie, faint but deffo pink so I think I should be fine but until I do more I'll probably not even believe it! When will you stop testing, when will your first scan be do you think? Looking forward to laughing at your baby brain, ha! Awww, just like everyone else agrees Blake is just the cutest ever! Shane would never ask me for my test, then we are married old farts so that's fine!

Meli, that's right, noone can compete with my minging leaky nipple, there's a challenge and I'm sure as everyone gets their BFPs we can have competitions in postings the most grotesque pictures of all that comes with pregnancy! We have been to the chippy, you know my boring little routine off by heart now, lol! New chippy today as we have moved house but I'm happy to report it was tasty! Yes, post a piccy of your bistro set, I'm sure we're talking about the same thing, I think I'll deffo get one around the same time! I can't wait to sit outside in our new garden! Having a bbq, woooooo! So, I actually had to cancel my friends due to lack of money, they will come again in a few weeks, but I am gonna try and keep it to myself for now! Last time I told more people that I'd lost it than I told that I had it if you get me, so maybe I'll tell a few, they know me too well, not drinking? They'll guess! Especially as they all know how broody I am! Soooo, when do you think you will start testing? I started from 9dpo but was so stressful getting very very faint almost nothings! Good luck!

Vegas, funny that you say that about Charlotte, when I told Eva she just got mad and said that she had a baby in her belly and not me! I'll deffo wait a bit, it's not as long for her to have to wait then! It will confuse her and she doesn't understand the passing of time yet! Absolutely fantastic news that it looks like you may o early! It's so close for you to try now isn't it! I can't wait for you!

Angel, THANKS! x x x



I’m glad to hear that you cancelled your outing. You need your rest!! And glad to hear the chippy was good!!

The soonest I will test is 11dpo, by 11dpo my temps start falling, so if they DON’T fall on 11dpo, then I will test!

Thanks for the encouragement, but I’m not feeling it, I don’t feel like this is my month, and I don’t want to let any of you down lol~! Heck, at this point, I’m happy that at least 2 of us got their bfp this month--I’m fine to get my bfp next month, or the following month, with vegas! :happydance: I’ll keep her company lol!
vegas, ok, I'll put up some pics at the end of this post! My tummy is not as nice as it used to be, but it's nothing to complain about right now. I'd be very happy if it went back to how it is now or close to it. We've talked about getting married soon, but we haven't decided yet!

Jasmine, I'm trying super hard not to buy any more tests as I'm officially out now! My POAS addiction is probably going to cause me to go buy more anyway! I'm not sure when my first scan will be. If I can convince Blake to agree to the midwife, she only has an older portable u/s machine, so I won't get any high quality scans unless I go to the private scan place (which I want to do at 9 weeks and again between 16 and 20 for a gender scan). If I DO go to the midwife, though, I can get her to do a scan whenever I want, they would just be lower quality, no sound, no prints.

Meli, so if your temps don't fall, you'll be testing on Tuesday?

Here's the pics -

Yesterday, at 4 weeks, 1st thing in the morning

Today, mid-afternoon bloat, I'm sure it'll be worse tonight! I'm so gassy right now. :-#
vegas, ok, I'll put up some pics at the end of this post! My tummy is not as nice as it used to be, but it's nothing to complain about right now. I'd be very happy if it went back to how it is now or close to it. We've talked about getting married soon, but we haven't decided yet!

Jasmine, I'm trying super hard not to buy any more tests as I'm officially out now! My POAS addiction is probably going to cause me to go buy more anyway! I'm not sure when my first scan will be. If I can convince Blake to agree to the midwife, she only has an older portable u/s machine, so I won't get any high quality scans unless I go to the private scan place (which I want to do at 9 weeks and again between 16 and 20 for a gender scan). If I DO go to the midwife, though, I can get her to do a scan whenever I want, they would just be lower quality, no sound, no prints.

Meli, so if your temps don't fall, you'll be testing on Tuesday?

Here's the pics -

Yesterday, at 4 weeks, 1st thing in the morning

Today, mid-afternoon bloat, I'm sure it'll be worse tonight! I'm so gassy right now. :-#

Wow--that's a huge difference in your tummy! You're not kidding when you say you're tiny!

Yup, that's correct, Tuesday is 11dpo, if my temps haven't started falling, then I'll test. BUT I doubt that I'll have to test!
Meli: Wish I could see a few days into your future via your chart, but all I can say is I think it looks good so far, I'm even liking the dip. No need for you to wait for me! I too took some time off the wine after Christmas, but now I'm back into my nightly glass. Gotta enjoy it while I can!

Jasmine: That's cute that Eva said she had a baby in her tummy. Kids are so funny. I hope you write down all the cute things she says.

Stef: Your afternoon tummy looks like my normal tummy! I'm way jealous of your morning tummy. I don't know what to say about the midwife. Are you on Groupon? They always seem to have ultrasound packages for cheap, especially the 3-d type. You may also want to look into buying a doppler of your own if her machine doesn't have sound (or does she have a separate doppler?).
Jasmine, Congrats again! I know all these beans are going to stick for us!! As for gross pics, maybe one of us will be able to post a nice pic of our mucus plug or something:wacko: I agree with Meli, the dining chairs were a much better purchase, especially since you will be in maternity pants soon enough!!!

Stef, Jeff hardly even wants to touch my tests because he might touch peee. There is no way in hell he would ever hold on to one! Hopefully you can convince Blake to go with the midwife, private scans are nice and midwives are so much more involved. That is some nice bloat. I had bad bloating immediately with all three pregnancies. Mine is so bad now at 8+1 that if I don't suck in, I look 20 weeks!

Meli, that drink sounds amazing!! I have been wanting a drink so bad. The other night dh was holding a sprite and for a second I thought it was a budlight. I thought I was about to drool. And don't you even worry about disappointing us. You couldn't do that ever!

Vegas, I hope o comes soon so don't have a long cycle! Also, isn't it so nice when they do good on your blood draws. The same girl always takes my blood and it always hurts. Thursday, a different nurse did it and I barely felt it and barely bled. I may start asking for her! Also, I meant to tell you a while ago, We got married on the beach at St. Pete Beach last August and really loved the gulf there. We are hoping to vacation in either Florida (gulf again) or Gulf Shores.

AFM, we finally heard back from the owner and she is not accepting our offer. So the search will continue. We have a viewing scheduled in the morning, but I am not optimistic. We drove past it and it is only "eh". We are seriously considering an apartment now. The rental house market is not looking good and it would be pretty awesome to live by a pool for Carter. It will be a hassle to have to walk Peepers all the time but we did it for a year while we lived in Memphis. Haven't decided 100% yet, but I am pretty sure I am leaning toward an apartment. Is that crazy? To go from a house to an apartment? I wish we were in a position to buy, but after Jeff graduates we are hoping he can land an amazing job possible somewhere closer to the ocean, or maybe even abroad. Either way, we don't want to tie ourselves here. I feel so rushed about it and don't know what the best decision is.:wacko:
And as for Miscarriage dates, mine is more that two weeks past my due date and since I am hoping for a vbac, my ob likely won't let me go over 41 weeks. It would be really awesome to give birth on the same day you lost one, like fate.
Congrats Jasmine!!!! I am so excited for you!! I can't believe you and Stef are so close. Four babies on the way now. We are half way there!!
Meli, believe it or not, I used to be tinier! Into my early 20s I ate A LOT and stayed super tiny. Got it from my dad, even now he can eat enough for 3 people and is still skinny as hell.

vegas, I do use Groupon! The private ultrasounds aren't too terribly expensive (although they would get that way if I went as much as I really want to!). The place down the street from me has a $10 off coupon on The Bump (at least they did when I went back in November, it didn't have an expiration date so I assume it's still there). I just really want the prints from the first one, the gender one, and maybe a 3d one much later (I'm pretty sure I've seen these on Groupon like you said). The other scans I'm fine with the midwife's older machine, just for a peek. She also does have a separate doppler, and I have an Angelsounds that I bought and didn't get to use last time.

angel, I had to lol @ Jeff not wanting to touch the tests. I was almost surprised Blake didn't do the same thing, but he's not easily grossed out by those types of things. Yeah he's not opposed to the midwife in general, I know the last time he researched them and was telling me everything he learned. He's just worried because of the two mc's that something will happen and we'll end up either with an OB or at the hospital anyway. Last time by 8 weeks only the pants that were already too big on me fit! I had already bought a belly band and was using it all the time, so I'm guessing I'll be in the same position again this time that you are now! Also, I don't think it's crazy to go to an apartment, especially since you want to buy when Jeff is out of school. I actually think it's a smart idea, might even help you save some money toward buying a house.

My first mc date was August 14th, second one I found out on November 28th and actually miscarried on December 1st.

So the guy I interviewed with didn't call last night. That could be good or bad, I suppose. Either he chose someone else (although he did say he WOULD call, not that he would call if he chooses me), or he chose me and was calling others to turn them down. I hope it's the second. I'm soooo tired of the 2 hours of driving every day... yesterday it was 72 out when I left work and my car was HOT with the busted ac. I can't handle doing that very long for 2 hours a day... especially pg.

Baby brain moment - Blake asked me to plug in a surge protector in the bedroom. The outlet I was going to plug it into had two things plugged into it already. I questioned where I would plug it in... completely disregarding that those two plugs would be re-plugged into the surge protector...
Wow!!!! Sorry ladies it as been so long! Lots going on here.... I am so happy!!!! There are 4 of us preggers now!!! Congrats Angel, Stef, and Jasmine!!!! Baby dust for you Meli!!!! :dust:
Afm: lots going on... Work changed my schedual to 9-6 which is only an hour longer but boy it seems like so much more... Morning sickness is still not improving, and now accompanied by severe headaches :'(..... we are getting ready to move... Our move in date is April 14th... Lots of things happening at once... Really nervous but suprisingly really happy and excited.... I think I have caught every cold/flu that went through my daycare :( it wasn't fun at all...
Hey vegas,

I have learned that charting works for me in only two ways...to confirm the o, and to tell me that af is coming when temps start dropping 11dpo. Ive had nice looking charts before, and then NADA. My charts have been all talk, no ACTION lol!

Something tells me that I will be the last of the bfp's here, but thats ok! As long as i get it before the end of this year!

At first glance, your plan to move from house to apt sounds backwards, but ur explanation makes so much sense for ur situation. As a matter of fact, i dont see any other plan that makes sense for u at this stage of ur life. U def dont want to be tied to a house right now, and im sure carter will enjoy the pool. Im sure u and jeff will too!
Stef, so jealous of u and ur skinny genes!!! Lucky!!

Keeping my fx that u get the call on monday. I know it will be great news!!


Sorry to hear ur ms isnt getting better, and now on top of that are headaches! :hug:

So ur moving also? How exciting! Now i am really starting to think thereis something in the water when one moves. I hope not, cuz i dont think we are ever moving from here lol!
Meli- we are but ours is different... We just can't afford this place anymore... We have tried.... 3 months after moving in all the problems started.... Thing after thing, issue after issue... But what was the last straw is at the end of December we paid the remaing 900 off on our roof we had done this summer, January a heating element went out in our furnace cost us over 500 to fix ourselves, stove went out, February the furnace went out completely 1200 to fix that, less than a week after that our uv disenfecting bulb wire completely fried, system outdated and no one carries it anymore and just over a 1000 for the parts not the installation, they said that our blower is outdated as well and parts for that cost more than the uv part... We don't have that kind of money so we started tossing ideas around, then we looked at one of the spots where there was some water damage there was mold starting to grow through it... Black mold... So needless to say we decided to give our mortgage company a deed in lieu of and get out of here... :( sad but needs to be done
We have lived in this house for over 6 yrs! We've fixed thongs year after yr... We have paid close to or more in repairs than we have living here in mortgage.... It is a lemon and we have to know when to throw in the towel if that makes since...
We have lived in this house for over 6 yrs! We've fixed thongs year after yr... We have paid close to or more in repairs than we have living here in mortgage.... It is a lemon and we have to know when to throw in the towel if that makes since...


Wow....that house does sound like a lemon!! Sorry u went through all those problems, sounds like u did all u could, but were throwing good money after bad. Im glad your mortgage co is working with u and let u walk away.

Try not to stress anymore about it! What's done is done. Stay positive and stress free for the rainbow ur baking lol! And dont be moving any heavy stuff!!! :nope::nope:
We are having some family and friends come over and help us move :) we are marking them with specific labels and they will put them in the areas and me and another friend that is preggers will unpack while they do the rest :) she is one of the 2 that were preggers with me with my lil Angel. It is a scary process but I have to say it is actually taking stress away because the constant problems were stressing me out even more and now it is relief... We found a great place and we like and know the owner and if we like it he is willing to do a rent to own contract :) really excited!!!!
Morning guys,

I got my digi this morning, yipee! :cloud9: So I'm totally fine with you adding my BFP to the siggy now! Still can't believe it!

Meli, as if you will let any of us down if you don't get your BFP this month. Good luck for Tuesday, I hope your temps stay up and that you get your BFP but if not you will very soon I am sure of it, you have had the all clear with your tests, it won't be long now. You need to prove Suzy Rayne wrong! It's very stressful, I always fine around 9dpo to af absolutely horrible but I think it's good that you are being patient and waiting until 11dpo as getting very very faint results can make you feel worse! Hang on in there! :hugs:

Stef, I agree with everyone else you are tiny! I used to be once upon a time!:haha: I used to be a UK 8 but now I'm a UK 12, sorry I don't know what they are in USA sizes! Anyway, after having Eva and quitting smoking in 2009 I never could get back to the size I was before! I had the best figure I've ever had whilst breast-feeding though, I totally recommend it, huge boobies and a flat stomach! I don't think your bloating is bad at all, I look 6 months pregnant by the afternoon! Fx you here back good news from your interview! How you feeling now, any symptoms?

Vegas, I didn't even think to write down the cute things that Eva says down! That's a lovely idea, I'm going to do that! She's hilarious atm and very cute aswell as driving us bonkers with her tantrums! Do you write stuff down, do you have a nice book or something? Are you ovulating now then?

Angel, thanks! Hey, yeah I think a mucus plug photo would win hands down, that is some seriously disgusting shit! :wacko: I don't think an apartment with a pool is a crazy idea at all! We were also considering some larger flats when we were looking to move to York! Also, when you're renting you have to try to be as economical as possible! We are currently on a 5 year debt plan and then we intend to save for a house deposit which is why we choose a cheaper town to rent in and not York! I say go for it! I'm really happy that you are feeling good about little prince now too! :cloud9:

Sweetmomma, thanks for the congrats! :happydance: I know it's exciting isn't it! Sorry that you are having to work extra and are feeling sick, yuk! When did your ms start btw? Hope the move goes well, sounds like you have a good team of helpers with you!

afm, nothing new to report really, just really happy to have the BFP in writing! The news is sinking in slowly! Not having any symptoms really yet but I'm sure they will come really soon! x x x


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