That sounds like youve got your moving plans all set up! Im so glad you wont be doing any strenuous movement! Rent to own contract rocks!!
YAYYYYY to the positive digi!!!

I didnt know you used to be a smoker. Good for you to quit!!!
I do agree with you and angel==a mucus plug prob would beat a nip pic!
You had a good suggestion for Jasmine about writing stuff down. I did that for my nephews and niece. My last entry was about 6 mos ago for my niece. I also love reading through it and remembering funny things they said and the situations.
I hope you guys had fun at the festivals yesterday! FX you ovulate really soon!
We should start a lottery pool on your gender predictions. I think youre right on! I was the same as Stef when I was pg--I usually have a sweet tooth, but it totally went away the day I found out I was pg-it was weird, like magic, like a snap of the fingers or something. All I wanted was salads and veggies and fruits. I always felt my angel was a boy, too.
Its funny you mentioned that you thought Charlotte was a boy, until she was placed in your arms! How did that happen? What made you think you were having a boy?
SO, DO TELL! Did Blake spill the beans, or not?? I bet he did!!
Today will be the day that you hear from the job, and I know it WILL be good news!
My temps have started dropping today 10dpo. I was expecting it. This cycle, Ive been lots more relaxed throughout the whole process--(except for the few days I was trying to confirm the o). I was ok with BD 3x before, didnt have a heart attack over it. I have been more relaxed temping after the o. I am going to keep trying to continue this relaxed frame of mind. Perhaps the

I had on Friday night and Saturday night helped induce this relaxed frame of mind lol!
We had a great weekend-and got lots of stuff done around the house. I washed our windows with DS' help (both inside and outside windows) and DH added a brick border to the new garden. A few of the flowers have started blooming already! YAY!!
Im a little freaked out about a little accident I had while cleaning the outside of the windows. Our water is very hard (I HATE IT!!!). The sprinkler overspray hits our front yard window when its windy. Its impossible to remove the hard water stains without using white vinegar and elbow grease. It seems that the white vinegar spray bottle fell over and spilled on the new step

it removed the glaze DH had done 2 days prior!!

YIKES YIKES YIKES!! He has not noticed it yet, but of course its on a very noticeable part of the stairs. Im sure he will notice it today or tomorrow and I am so scared to tell him that I CAUSED IT! Ive decided to play stupid and not fess up to anything. I hope that if he reglazes/seals that section, it will be like nothing happened.
Vegas, can you help me out here? do you think that will work? Do you have any hope to offer me??
Ive updated my siggy now to reflect the new bfps!