June Angel Baby Mommas Hoping for Rainbows!!

Meli: I agree about FF. I've looked at all of my old charts and really there is not pattern other than confirming ovulation.

Sweetmomma: Good to see you on here and doing well (other than the ms that is).

Jasmine: I just have a small spiral notebook where I write down the stuff Charlotte says. I keep it in a drawer in the kitchen so it is always handy. I love reading over it and I know I will really appreciate it when she's older and driving me crazy.

Stef: How are you feeling?

Nothing to report here. I haven't ovulated yet, but it is still a bit early for me (CD19 right now). Today we are heading off to a couple of festivals going on in our town. The weather is perfect.
sweetmomma, sorry about your ms not improving and having to move! Glad you've found a place you can rent to own! That's a great option to have.

Jasmine, yayyyy for the digi! Isn't it great to read that word over seeing the lines?! I'm going to go add your BFP to my siggy in a moment. I guess at this point I'm ok with everyone adding mine, as well!

As if a UK 12 is big... lol. I looked up the conversions, 12 is still a great size. I'm about a UK 8 now. As for breast feeding, Blake was talking about that yesterday and how it's better and giving me reasons why, so I'm guessing he's going to pester me about it lol. And if we decide on the midwife, she will, too, I'm sure! I'll be taking another morning pic on Thursday, but I felt like this morning I had serious bloating. As for symptoms - the bloating, gas - the basics. Feeling sick when my stomach isn't full, getting full fast and then hungry again fast, that "full stomach" feeling started this morning. I'm not sure if I might be having the super sensitive smell, I've had a really stuffy nose lately, but every time it clears up everything smells strong. I'm not sure if it's because I've adjusted to being stuffy so when I smell it all seems stronger, or if it's a symptom!

vegas, feeling good, thanks :) Except for the bloating, gassy, hungry, I wouldn't even know I was pg! That and I haven't much cared for anything sugary, fatty at all! Normally I have a sweet tooth but the last week I haven't cared for it, and every time I eat anything fatty, I get an upset stomach. I've had a thing for pasta and veggies.

AFM, we might be headed down to Blake's mom's house today. His friend wasn't able to come up this weekend because he's sick, and his brother can't help install the windows today because it's snowing. If we head to his mom's I'm wondering if he'll be able to keep the secret...

Still no news on the job. :wacko:
Stef: Based on your current cravings I am going to predict that you are going to have a boy.
Stef- my symptoms started out with food adversions then turned into cravings, mine are starches (bread) and fruit lol.... Ms of course, headaches, bloating, fatigue, headaches, and the most resent nose bleeds.... Had to take a zofran this morning for the morning sickness so I will definitely be getting a bad headache today :( but I would not change a thing no matter how much I complain. The end result is worth every second of, sorry, misery.... I still find it hard to believe I am pregnant, I think it will become really real to me when I start to show and I can feel the baby move. I started out wearing a us size 8 now down to a size 5... I don't show til later in my pregnancy though because I have a tilted uterus but mine is more than tilted it is completely flipped backwards so I have to wait for it to get large enough to flip back up right and then it will start to go out which is about the 16-18 week mark... Right when I should be feeling the baby move :)
Sweetmomma: Those were my cravings with Charlotte so I'm predicting a girl for you. It will be interesting to see what everyone will have.

Angel: You've already predicted a boy for yourself so no need for me to predict.

Jasmine: Are you craving anything yet? I want to make a guess!
Sweetmomma: Those were my cravings with Charlotte so I'm predicting a girl for you. It will be interesting to see what everyone will have.

Angel: You've already predicted a boy for yourself so no need for me to predict.

Jasmine: Are you craving anything yet? I want to make a guess!

We think its another girl as well :) already have a name picked out! :) with Izzy it was fruits and veggies Abby was steak and potatoes now fruit and breads lol... Emmalynn Rose will be her name well that's if she is a girl :) so excited!
Sweetmomma: what a pretty name! Have you even thought about boys names?
We have a few ideas... Not sure which one but as of right now we are thinking of Zechariah Olen Russell.... All we know is the middle names are set but not sure of first... How about you???

That sounds like you’ve got your moving plans all set up! I’m so glad you wont be doing any strenuous movement! Rent to own contract rocks!!


YAYYYYY to the positive digi!!! :happydance::happydance:

I didn’t know you used to be a smoker. Good for you to quit!!!

I do agree with you and angel==a mucus plug prob would beat a nip pic!


You had a good suggestion for Jasmine about writing stuff down. I did that for my nephews and niece. My last entry was about 6 mos ago for my niece. I also love reading through it and remembering funny things they said and the situations.

I hope you guys had fun at the festivals yesterday! FX you ovulate really soon!

We should start a lottery pool on your gender predictions. I think you’re right on! I was the same as Stef when I was pg--I usually have a sweet tooth, but it totally went away the day I found out I was pg-it was weird, like magic, like a snap of the fingers or something. All I wanted was salads and veggies and fruits. I always felt my angel was a boy, too.

It’s funny you mentioned that you thought Charlotte was a boy, until she was placed in your arms! How did that happen? What made you think you were having a boy?


SO, DO TELL! Did Blake spill the beans, or not?? I bet he did!!

Today will be the day that you hear from the job, and I know it WILL be good news!


My temps have started dropping today 10dpo. I was expecting it. This cycle, I’ve been lots more relaxed throughout the whole process--(except for the few days I was trying to confirm the o). I was ok with BD 3x before, didn’t have a heart attack over it. I have been more relaxed temping after the o. I am going to keep trying to continue this ‘relaxed’ frame of mind. Perhaps the :wine: I had on Friday night and Saturday night helped induce this relaxed frame of mind lol!

We had a great weekend-and got lots of stuff done around the house. I washed our windows with DS' help (both inside and outside windows) and DH added a brick border to the new garden. A few of the flowers have started blooming already! YAY!!

I’m a little freaked out about a little ‘accident’ I had while cleaning the outside of the windows. Our water is very hard (I HATE IT!!!). The sprinkler overspray hits our front yard window when it’s windy. It’s impossible to remove the hard water stains without using white vinegar and elbow grease. It seems that the white vinegar spray bottle fell over and spilled on the new step :growlmad: …it removed the glaze DH had done 2 days prior!! :oops::oops: YIKES YIKES YIKES!! He has not noticed it yet, but of course it’s on a very noticeable part of the stairs. I’m sure he will notice it today or tomorrow and I am so scared to tell him that I CAUSED IT! I’ve decided to play stupid and not fess up to anything. I hope that if he reglazes/seals that section, it will be like nothing happened. Vegas, can you help me out here? do you think that will work? Do you have any hope to offer me??

I’ve updated my siggy now to reflect the new bfp’s!
Meli: just scrub it good and re-seal and you should be fine. I need to wash my windows, thanks for the reminder. The reason why I thought inwas having a boy with Charlotte is because I was in denial. I wanted a girl so badly that I just knew I was having a boy (does that make sense). Looking back it was obvious she would be a girl: aversions to meat, fruit cravings, nausea, my nose spread out, no pregnancy glow at all, etc. Pretty sure my mc was a boy as I craved meat and felt great. Let's see what your chart looks like tomorrow, it ain't over til the witch shows her ugly face!

Stef: any news on the job? I'm betting Blake spilled the beans too.

Our weekend was very nice. Today we are getting sod laid in our yard. Woohoo! My opk's are still negative, but I was cramping on one side about an hour ago. I'll test for today when I get home. Perhaps it is just wishful thinking that my cycles have returned to "normal". I just want to move on to the next cycle already!

Thanks for the reassurance about the yard. WHEW! I feel so relieved!!!

Yes, your explanation of why you thought Charlotte was a boy makes complete sense. I’ve never heard of the nose getting ‘spread out’. That’s interesting!

New sod, huh? I’m sure it will look nice!! We are thinking of letting our backyard lawn completely dye out (well, it’s halfway on it’s way there, ha!) and installing artificial grass. My auntie did that to her yard a couple of years ago and it looks great, completely natural, and has held up well so far. I’m not sure how soon we can do it, because it’s pretty pricey, we got a quote for $9,000 and that doesn’t include installation. It’s on our wish list. Maybe in the next year or two.

That cramping sounds interesting. Maybe you are o’ing earlier this month!! FX FX FX!! I also want the next cycle to hurry up and start already!!!

Did I mention that earlier this month I bought a saliva fertility monitor? I think I finally got the hang of it after using it a couple of weeks. I was getting ready to return it and get my money back!!
Meli: I was going to ask you about ferning since I noticed it on your chart. How reliable is it? If you are interested in a synthetic lawn you should check with your local water authority to see if they offer any rebates for converting lawn to xeriscape. In Vegas you got like $2/sf, but the water company first has to come measure your property and then confirm once the work is complete. Synlawn offers a nice product and they can sometimes be found at Lowe's or Home Depot (just an FYI).

Oooh that’s a good idea. I ran to our water co website and at the moment, the only rebates they are offering are for sprinkler nozzles and dishwashers. I will keep my eye on that though-you never know! Thanks for the info about Synlawn. We got the quote from Costco, it’s the Pregra brand, do you know anything about that brand?

Regarding the ferning, it seems to be reliable. I say ‘seems’ because when I received it in the mail, I was already on CD9 or so, so I didn’t really have a good idea of what my ‘non ovulatory’ phase looked like. The instructions had pix, but it wasn’t very clear for me when I was looking into the thingie. Another thing that threw me off was that I wasn’t putting enough saliva on the glass. The instructions said “make sure not there aren’t any ‘bubbles’ in the specimen”. Well, when I put enough saliva, it looked like there were bubbles, so I would wipe most of it off. It seemed like I was getting partial ferning like one week before the o, and it continued for a few days after. I got frustrated after a few days so I put it aside. I used it again a couple of days ago, put more saliva on it (even though it looked like it contained ‘bubbles’) and read it, and it was a very clear non-ovulatory phase reading. I think the key is putting enough saliva on the glass, and learning what the pre ovulatory phase looks like, which one does after using it for one cycle. I recommend it, especially for someone with longer cycles, like you. I bought mine from earlypregnancy tests website, and found a promo code online for 10%off or something, and the site had free shipping. The item cost $27.95, so that’s pretty much what I paid because of the promo code and the free shipping.
I am sorry I haven't been posting much. I will try to post tonight, but I might not. I am so stressed about this house deal, I am ready to cry. I have spent at least an hour in the car a day looking at houses. Sometimes more and most of the time poor Carter is with me. We looked at an apartment today and although it was big enough for us, the outside looked icky to me with low quality tenants (hope you all know what I mean). The house we wanted to look at only takes dogs under 10lbs. The manager is going to ask the owner about our 25lb dog but I don't know. I still barely have any energy and what energy I have is spent looking at houses. The laundry sat in the laundry room all weekend and the sink has been full of dishes since last night.:cry:
Hello everyone!

Vegas, any sign of that eggy yet? Hope you had fun at the festivals, I'm jealous of the nice weather, it's been so miserable here! Today, we have sign of spring though, it's still cold but bright and at least it's not raining or snowing anymore! Vegas, I'm sorry to report I'm not really having any cravings atm, just all food in general, I'm very greedy! As soon as i do I'll let you know so you can make your prediction! I reckon me and Stef will have boys and angel and sweetmomma will have girls!

Sweetmomma, at this moment in time, I'm actually hoping for morning sickness, I know Ill change my mind when it arrives though! I love your girl's name that is very sweet! The boy's is nice too, is Olen after someone special? I obsess over names, I love them! It's taken me since before even ttc to come up with our final names. I literally looked at thousands and thought I would choose something unique but actually it's fairly common and classic! Our boy's name will be Peter and girl's name will be Astrid. I am name crushing hard on Peter, OH suggested it, at first I though no becuase it's not unusual but it's all the associations I love, Secret Seven, Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe, Peter Pan, Peter Rabbit, Peter and the wolf, I also LOVE Peter Blake and have met him and we also like Pete Doherty! We're quite into vintage and retro things so we felt like it fitted, it has a vintage charm I think but I'm nervous about using it as everyone will expect us to pick something unusual! Astrid is a name we have loved for years after astrid kirchherr, We would call her 'Asti pasty!' I'm sure she'll love it!

Stef, I never planned on breastfeeding, they are very pro breast feeding in Yorkshire and at my antenatal class I was the only one in a class of 20 that was planning on bottle feeding! I just decided to give it a go when she was born and she took to it like a natural so I just carried on, it was very difficult at times but I'm glad I did it! It's not for everyone though, Eva was a snack feeder too, she was literally on the boob every hour, it was exhausting and I managed 3 months which I'm proud of! Any news of the job yet? Are you still POAS? I am and still charting, had a bit of a dip today which worried me so I might stop now!

Meli, thanks! I was really nervous about the digi and so relieved when it came up! It's good that you are feeling more relaxed about this cycle, it's not healthy to get in a massive state about it! I'm still keeping my FX though, are you gonna test today? OOh, good luck, hope OH doesn't find out about the accident, lol! That's exactly the way I would have handled it too! Say nadda!

Angel, sorry you are feeling tired and crappy! The housework can surely wait, it's not easy being pg with a toddler in toe! Today, we have to wait in all day for a furniture delivery, it's a challenge keeping Eva entertained! Try not to get too stressed out with the house move, you know when you'll find 'The One!'

afm, just waiting for our new sofa to come, yipeeeee! Our old one was collected this morning so it's quite weird being sat in a bare living room! Shane is away in London on business and not back until 9pm! Have been having nose bleeds and backache but not much else, lines on the test are getting darker so should be okay, I've officially missed my period now though! x x x

Sorry to hear of your stresses. Yah, I think I know what you mean about the tenants. Go with your gut-if you don’t like it, then don’t take it. You don’t want to be miserable somewhere or feel unsafe in your own place! FX the house owner agrees to accept your dog (Peepers? That name still brings a smile to my face! Or is Peepers your cat?)

I hate it when the housework piles up, but sometimes its unavoidable. I find when that happens to me, I stress out even more about it, so I just end up doing it to get it over with and not worry anymore about it! Because if I can’t relax or get rest, then why do that? I know, I know, I’m cuckoo lol! so I guess what I’m trying to say is, just let it go, don’t stress about it. just do what you can in little pieces/sections at a time. Just yesterday I told DS: give me 1 load of clothes that you want washed this week” and I washed them last night. I won’t do the rest of his hamper until this weekend lol!

I hope your housing situation resolves ASAP because you certainly don’t need the stress right now!! :hugs:

I like the name Peter, it is a classic strong name. I also like Astrid. Is that a common name over in the UK? I have only met one person with the name Astrid in my whole life-and actually never met her-she was a friend of a friend so I just knew her name lol!

Nope, not gonna test today and waste an IC, temps are still going down.

DH still hasn’t noticed the stain in the front steps. I am shocked because he has eagle eyes! He had meetings yesterday so he probably didn’t notice when he got home. Sometimes I feel like Lucy Ricardo when I try to do stuff around the house. Like only Lucy would do something stupid like spill a caustic liquid on a BRAND NEW floor. Well, only Lucy, and myself would do such a stupid thing. Funny you say that you would have handled the situation the same-say nada! I’m not afraid of DH, I just don’t want to hear him b*tch and moan and complain (as he rightly should-that was a stupid bonehead move on my end).

Yesterday he had me email him my fertile periods for the next few months because he has a couple of overnight business trips he has to schedule, and wanted to make sure that he wasn’t gone during that time. I think he’s getting the hang of it lol!

How exciting to have your new furniture arriving today! YAY to officially missing AF today!!! :wohoo::wohoo::loopy::loopy:


I love all your name selections, especially the girl’s name. It is beautiful and very unique!


What did your poas reveal yesterday??
Hey Meli,

You're so good, I wouldn't be able to not test, your temp is up slightly today isn't it?

Astrid is not a common name here but we love it!

That's so cute of OH, bless him! x x
Vegas, Blake would LOVE your prediction of boy. I strongly felt boy the last time, this time I don't have strong feelings either way, yet, but he's already referring to the baby as "him" and "he." Positive OPK yet?

sweetmomma, I haven't really had any food aversions, just foods I want more than others. I'm kind of glad I'm not craving sweets, I eat way too much junk and not craving the junk is so helpful! No need to rely on my own willpower, lol. I'm sorry you're feeling miserable! But you're right, the end result is definitely worth it. I'm also having the same feeling - hard to believe I'm pg!

Meli, I think it would be fun to have some sort of gender prediction thing! Did you decide not to test today because of your temps? EDIT - NVM, saw your post after I posted!

Blake hasn't spilled the beans yet, but we didn't end up seeing anyone this weekend! He's still dead set on telling no one, or at least that's what he's saying for now. I said, "So what do I tell my mom when she inevitably asks, because you know she will, considering that she knew the exact date and time I got the BFP last time!" He said, "Tell her we're working on it, or better yet, tell her we're trying to get settled in the house, that way you aren't lying." I said, "Her response will be, 'You didn't answer the question.'" I can't lie to my mom! I can't lie at all, I'm horrible at it. The only other person that will probably ask is a good friend of mine who knew we were trying.

Vegas is right, it's not over until af comes!

angel, so sorry about the house troubles! I know what you mean about low quality tenants - you don't want to live somewhere where your neighbors make you uncomfortable in any way. House / apartment hunting can be soooo stressful, make sure you get as much rest as you can.

Jasmine, I didn't used to like the name Peter, but it's recently started growing on me! A lot of the "classic" names have been growing on me lately. A coworker of mine has a son named Henry, and that name's been growing on me lately, too. I'm very iffy on the breastfeeding thing. I guess I have some time to think about it, huh? I'm not still POAS, it helps that I had no tests left, and I managed to have good willpower and not buy any more! This one is sticky so you don't need to POAS any more!

AFM, got in touch with the birthing center to make an appt with the midwife. Unfortunately they are SO backed up I can't be seen until April 19th! I'll be 9+1 then. REALLY wanted to be seen ASAP for labs, so she called in lab orders for me to get done and I'll be getting those this afternoon, including progesterone test. That will make me feel a little better. Now it seems almost pointless to get the u/s I wanted done on the 18th... but I still sort of want to. After the last m/c I decided the next pg I wanted an u/s right at 9 weeks, and it just happens that 9 weeks lands on our anniversary, so it's pretty much perfect.

Moodiness kicked in BIG time on Sunday. And today I am EXHAUSTED, that kicked in a bit Sunday night and really kicked in last night. I was SO tempted to stay home from work today, I'm just that tired.

No news on the job yet! I did get impatient and nervous yesterday and called to check. He said he was still going through resumes and over interviews and would try to call me by last night - he didn't, but I'm glad to know it's not that I didn't get the job, it's that he's busy. Hopefully he'll be able to give me a call today... I'm a wreck waiting!

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