June Angel Baby Mommas Hoping for Rainbows!!

Hey Jasmine,

It’s not that I’m “so good”! It’s that in my twisted head, I feel like not testing is like a big FU to my body. Kinda like, by not giving in and wasting a test, I *won* -- I won because I didn’t let my body *trick* me. My body is pissing me off, and the only control I have over it in the luteal phase is not giving in to test, and not getting my hopes up. Hope that makes sense..?

My temp is up just a smidge, but I was tossing and turning before I took my temp.

And Stef made a good point, this is a sticky bean: stop poas!!! “Put your hands in the air, and step away from the toilet, slowly…..drop the test….drop the test..I said drop the test….very good. Now just step away from the test, slowly…..yes…just like that….” LOL!


Oooh I’m starting to feel anxiety over the whole “tell, or don’t tell people” about the pg thingie that you mention. DH and I had that conversation again a couple of weeks ago. He is of the mind that he doesn’t want to tell anyone until the end of the first trimester-maybe just our parents. My thing is like, I CAN’T LIE about something like that. There are certain people in my life who know I am trying to get pg and if they ask me directly, I can’t lie-or if I try to lie, they can tell that I’m lying!! I also feel like if I keep the news to myself purposely, I’m jinxing the pregnancy and am already being pessimistic about the outcome. It’s not like I would tell acquaintances, but I would tell people that are in my life that I’m close to--a few cousins, my brothers, my sil, couple of the ladies here in the office, a couple of my friends…He said “why would you tell people that you’re pg b4 first tri is over? Do you want them to feel sorry for you if something happens?” and I’m like, let’s just end this conversation right now because it’s not going well. How dare he say that?? He should know by now that the last thing I want is pity, but it’s kind of hard to mourn the loss of an angel, when people around you are close to you, and don’t know what’s going on. MEN! Why are they so pragmatic and logical lol! Anyways, I hope you and Blake come to a compromise!

Sorry to hear that you have to wait so long for an u/s, but at least you can get some labs done. Let us know what your progesterone numbers are…I’m curious.

No news is good news, right!! FX he calls today to give you the good news. It is nerve-wracking, and I’m not you lol!!
Meli: Your temp is still above the coverline so that is good. I'm like you, I feel if I resist testing then I'm telling my body who is in control (yeah, right). As far as telling people when you are pregnant I say it is entirely up to you. With Charlotte we didn't tell anyone, parents included, until 12 weeks. With this last one we started telling family and some friends at eight weeks and I feel like it bit me in the butt. I really do feel like it was bad karma telling people so early, but I know logically that can't be true.

Jasmine: I like your names too. I've never met anyone named Peter that I did not like and I like the fact that Astrid is an unusual name. Happy to hear that your furniture is arriving. Woo hoo!

Angel: Looking for a new place to live sucks. I wouldn't move anywhere you don't feel safe. Sorry that you aren't feeling well during this process as it makes it all the more difficult (especially with a toddler in tow).

Stef: You've got balls calling the company and asking them if they had made their decision. I like it! Hopefully this will put you over the edge as their number one choice. Fingers X'd for you. Sorry the birthing center can't get you in sooner, but I know the labs will help put you at ease. Just think, you will be able to see a whole lot at your first ultrasound.

AFM: Busy day at work (for a change) so just now reading everyone's posts. Very little to report. I've had a week straight of negative OPKs. I'd like to just stop testing for a while, but I'm using the opks as my warning to stop dtd'ing (can't say bd'ing just yet) as I'm still trying to avoid getting pregnant. I'm tired of seeing negatives. Why can't my cycle just return to normal already! I'm trying to do the right thing and be patient, but this whole thing just pisses me off. I've had a whopping two periods since my mc and I just know these long cycles are going to make it where it takes me longer to get pregnant as I have fewer chances that most women. I'd talk to my doctor about it, but she won't care as I'm not even supposed to be thinking about trying until July so I'm sure she won't help me until then. And to be honest I doubt there is much they can do.
I will NEVER wait this long to reply again. It has taken me forever to write this!!

Stef, I have been off the sweet this time too. Last time and normally I love chocolate. This time I don't even think about it. I actually want fruit and today I had a craving for a Popsicle. I know what you mean about the ultrasound seeming pointless after the labs, but it is still fun to actually see LO. I am sorry the tiredness hit you hard. I am still struggling with it. FX for that job still!!!

Sweetmomma, I am sorry you are having to work longer and sorry you have had to deal with so much with that house. I love the name Emmalynn Rose. It sounds so sweet!! Jeff wanted us to name Carter Zachery but it wasn't my favorite. But I do really like Olen!

Meli, My charts were only about to confirm o and give me a heads up about af. I am pretty certain that ff was off a day or two on o on several of my charts too. We need a picture of the garden after everything blooms! Sorry about the vinegar mishap! Deny, deny, deny!! Artificial grass sounds amazing! Little maintenance and my dog not running tracks in it! The ferning ovulation tests have always sounded so confusing to me. Good luck with it, I suppose once you have it all figured out it may be better than peeing on everything! Peepers is our dog, Bugs is the cat. They never called me back about the dog so I called them today and they said the left a message with the owner. I will try to call them again tomorrow morning, but it isn't looking good. I was able to wash the dishes and put the laundry away. I am like you, I don't feel I can rest with a mess all around so I figured I better finish it so I can. How sweet of your dh to consider your fertile windows!!! Good for you on not testing. Try to stay strong! That was not very nice of dh to say what he did, of cousre you don't want people to feel sorry for you!

Vegas, I like the notebook idea, I really need to do that!! I have predicted boy for myself, but would love your input! I have craved orange juice, fruit, popsicles and donuts. I also had a placenta on the right at my early scan. It is interesting that you say you had meat aversions with Charlotte. I had meat aversions last time and as you know, I felt she was a girl. I am sorry about your long cycles. I know they suck, trust me!! FX for a pos opk soon!

Jasmine, Yay on your digi!! I used to smoke too and stopped in 2010. After stopping I got in the 180's.:nope: I am really hoping bf helps out with losing some after LO is born. I like your girl prediction for me, hope you are right! I love your name choices, very unusual with Astrid. When I think of Peter, I think of Peter Brady, but how romantic to name him after some fairy tale names!!!! Hope your sofa made it today, no fun sitting on the floor. Carter would love all the open space though.

Afm, we have two apartments to look at tomorrow, so fx I like one of them. I went to a miscarriage meeting today. It was put on my the Friends of Missouri Midwives group, whom I follow on facebook. They talked about causes and signs and stuff. It was nice to talk about it a little bit. They made me want a homebirth again. I was resigned to the fact that I would have a hospital birth next time, but oh how I dream of a home water birth!! I have had some cramping today, not all day, but the worse cramps I have felt with this pregnancy. I am going to worry, I will think of them as growing pains. The name we have chosen for a girl is Kinsley Monroe and for a boy either Alexander Lane or Lucas Alexander. Last night I had a mini break down. When we got pregnant last time, I told Jeff by giving him a little digital due date countdown thing. I was putting the clothes away and saw he had taken the batteries out. Sometimes I would take it out and see how many days we had left. I started crying right away. I guess I felt like it was erasing her. Also I felt lots of other stress added to that so I am sure all of it contributed to my crying fit. Anyhow, not much else going on.

Stef, I never thought in a million years that I would have gone for the name Peter but tastes change and it feels right now, I love it! Do you have any favourite names at all or does Blake? You said he hated his own name which makes me wonder what name he would give to a son! We also love the name blake, we considered it for our boy's name, OH especially likes it, he thinks it's preppy, then we may have a different idea to what defines preppy than you do, it's a complement here! I know what you mean about finding it hard to not say anything or to lie, I'm exactly the same! I just don't wanna jinx things! My moodiness has kicked in too, I think OH would say it never kicked out, lol!

Meli, Haha that made me giggle! I still POAS today though and took a temp, I'm obbssesed! Totally get what you mean about not testing too, I would have done the same but I have no willpower! Well either way you'll win I guess! Good luck! Do you use preseed btw?

Vegas, sorry you still haven't had a positive OPK, how annoying! It can't be much longer now but I understand why you are frustrated! Would clomid make you ovulate quicker? I know nothing about it btw!

Angel, good luck for apartment hunting tomorrow! I hope you find 'The one'. I'm glad you managed to get some release and talk about the mc at the group, it must have been really nice being able to openly talk about it and not be made to feel it's a dirty word. I love your name choices, my OH loves the name Lane btw, but it's so uncommon here, I roadtested it with a few people and it didn't go down well! He liked it from mad men! I love Lucas that's my favourite of the two and the girl's name is just perfect hope you get to use it! Will you find out the gender btw? Sorry you had a meltdown, it's still really hard I know!

x x x

Have you gotten your blood draw results yet from last Friday?
Also, can you believe DH still hasn’t noticed the splotchy step??!!

About your long cycles, I know you’re not supposed to be thinking about ttc yet, but since you plan to start soon, maybe you could start taking soy isoflavones in conservative dosages? I heard that they help move up the o date. They don’t recommend them for women with regular cycles (like me) but they do recommend them for those with long cycles. Just putting it out there!


I will definitely post a pic once the flowers start to bloom and fill in more! I wake up every morning excited to see what’s new. I’m such a big nerd!

Sorry to hear of your breakdown last night, but hopefully you feel better today!!


No, I have not used preseed the last 2 cycles. DH doesn’t like how it smells or feels, I didn’t use much but he’s very sensitive. I think I may sneak some in when we dtd 2-3 days before 0, but not the day of o. I want to have a girl!


Temps still dropping, af will be here Friday or Saturday. Oh well. I was expecting it.
Meli, I agree about not being able to lie. He wouldn't be able to lie either, but no one is going to come out and ask him!

Still no news on the job. Ugh!

My progesterone is at 40 ng/ml, perfectly healthy (double the average at this point, according to Dr. Google)!

Vegas, I'm tempted to call about the job AGAIN, but I know that would be overkill! Sorry you haven't o'd yet, that has to be frustrating.

Angel, oh I still want an u/s soon for sure! I'm just thinking the private u/s may be pointless because I'll be getting one with the midwife the day after I planned the private one. Difference is, at the private one I'll be able to hear the heartbeat, it's high quality, and I can get prints, so I'm still thinking about it (although saving the extra money is on my mind, too...)

Any luck with the apartments?

Jasmine, I have a whole list of names I love, most of which Blake doesn't! Lol. His favorite boy name is Lincoln, but I've already gave him the big fat no on that one. He also likes Trent and Trey, and I've said no and no! His favorite girl's name is Claire, which is cute, but I have a lot that I like better. I just don't have any that I LOVE. I really like Ada and Eden for a girl, though. Aiden I liked for a boy, but he's shot that down already.

AFM, nothing new except the blood results back. Midwife didn't tell me what my CBC was, so I assume it's normal. She did say I can take a baby aspirin a day + extra folic acid in case I have a clotting disorder causing the mc's, but the test to find out if I do have it is $2000. No way! I'm going to do the aspirin and extra folic acid just in case, it won't hurt if I don't have the disorder and will help if I do.
Thought you guys might get a kick out of this. Blake is making us steaks for dinner. Just asked him if he needs any help and he says, "No, I got this, sit your pregnant ass down." Lol.
Hey everyone!

Meli, I used preseed for the first time last cycle, luckily OH likes it so I was able to use it everytime, I used about 2g. Hopefully, you won't get to use it next month though fx! I didn't know you were trying for a girl! This time we dtd 2 days before o and day of o so it could easily be a boy or a girl! Obviously, I would be extremely happy either way but I would absolutely love a son.

Stef, I like Aiden I think you should keep trying Blake on that one! My OH likes the following boy's names: Leonard (like but can't stand nn of Len), Sonny and Miles. We both like Peter and for a girl he likes Astrid and I also like Elfrida (nn Elfie) and Willow. I like your girl's names too, Ada is nice, you don't hear that very often! Great news about the progesterone! I wish I could have some levels checked or something, they do nothing here apart from scan you at 12 weeks, I just don't want to go through that heartbreak again at the scan! Are your boobs sore at all? Mine aren't. I have no real symptoms to speak of, I'm wishing for them! Hehe, Blake is hilarious and yayyy for steak!

Angel, how you feeling now? Any luck with those apartments?

Vegas, did you get your blood draws back, any sign of egg?

Afm, not much happening really! OHs dad is in hospital with a suspected stroke, his parents are quite old, late 70s, he was a nice little surprise for his mum when she was in her 40s! So we're helping her out tonight, driving quite a long way to take her to see him and bring her home, we'll probably stay over too. The living room is slowly coming together, we're picking up a cabinet today which was an ebay bargain! It's freezing here, forecast snow again, just wishing for spring now! x x
Super short responses before I go to work:

Jasmine: Hope your FIL is doing better. Seeing as you have a lack of symptoms I think that is a sign of a boy. Did you have symptoms early with Eva?

Stef: I like the name Aiden, but as I recall it is quite popular. Are you OK with a popular name (meaning more than one kid in his class would have the same name)? Just something to think about.

Meli: My DH is the same with preseed. He claimed it numbed him. I stopped using it and still got a bfp (never used it the first time either). I just hate wasting money and I have a tube that's almost full! Have you given in and tested or have you seen any sign of the witch? My fingers are still crossed for you.

Angel: How's the house/apartment hunting going? Hope you've found something you love.

AFM: The nurse called and said I was negative. Speaking of negative, I'm still getting negative OPK's. It's got to happen soon, right?
Hey Vegas,

That's great news about the blood draws! So happy for you, just hope you get a positive OPK soon, it CAN'T be far off now!

About pre-seed I didn't use it with Eva or the angel, I used egg whites with Eva as you know, and nothing with the angel and pre-seed with this one, so who knows if it helps or not!

I didn't realise lack of symptoms was sign of a boy, yes I had symptoms with Eva early on and with the angel I think! I have some cravings to report now though: meat and fresh warm bakery bread, mmmmmmm! Really craving meat badly, gone off fruit and sweet things. Made some carrot and cumin soup today to get some veggies seen as though I've gone off the fruit! x
Jasmine, I like Aiden, too, but Vegas is right, it is VERY popular here right now. Blake has already COMPLETELY shot it down, also. There's some names I might be able to convince him of but I can all but guarantee Aiden isn't one of them! I love the name Willow, it was on my favorite names for girls, but putting it with Blake's last name... initials would be WW, lol. Willow Wolz (pronounced "walls"). I really like Ava, too, but it's super popular here as well. That's where Ada came from, but Blake also didn't like Ava, so Ada is probably out! Forgot to mention, Eva is also on my favorite name list! :) Sophie and Sophia are also favorites, but Sophie is his niece's name. He did say Miles before, but Miles also sounds funny with Wolz, lol. I'm not sure he considers the two together when thinking of names! I'm keeping a list of my favorite names on babynames.com

If I were going to a regular OB I'd only be getting 2 scans and probably no levels done. We still aren't settled on a midwife (well, Blake isn't), but I got him to agree to at least a first appt, so I think I'll be able to convince him to go with her through the whole pg.

Nope, no sore boobs! Well, not entirely true. They were sore when I took my bra off last night but that was it. The sore boobs started probably around 6 1/2-7 weeks last time. No real symptoms to speak of here either! Outside of peeing, not wanting sweets, tired.

You should take a pic of the living room! We still have so much to do in the house... have 3 new windows and a storm door we need installed but every time his brother can come up to help us with it, it's snowing or raining. Predicted 3-5 inches of snow for this Sunday, when he was supposed to come up again!

I hope OHs dad is ok! And isn't craving meat a sign of a boy?

Vegas, I wasn't too upset that Blake shot down Aiden because of it's popularity. I really DON'T want a name that popular. Every name I go to add to my list I check popularity first. Kind of annoying, all these people stealing the good names, lol.

Ugh to negative OPKs still... hope you get a positive soon!

STILL no news from the job. I'm calling him again today.

My account on the lab's website was also update with my full blood test results. It shows the normal ranges for CBC tests, including the ranges for progesterone throughout a cycle and pregnancy, so I thought you guys might find it interesting.


YAY to the great lab numbers!! :happydance::happydance::happydance:

I like Sophia and Eva for girl names.

FX FX FX you get the phone call today that you've been waiting for!!


Like you, I would totally be happy with a healthy baby boy, but yes, I would totally LOVE a girly girl. I’m afraid I would baby a boy too much. When my nephew was crawling, I seriously wanted to put knee pads on him. My brother was like “get out of here with your kneepads”!!

Yup, DH hated preseed. I think he hated the smell more than anything. He’s got a really sensitive nose (I call him snoopy sniffer lol!) and the preseed throws him off. From now on, I think I will just use it when we dtd 2-3 days before o to make sure the swimmers last! I’ll just have to be careful to use a tiny amount. Interesting that this was your first time using it and you got pg!!!

I can’t believe that in the UK they don’t do anything until scan you at 12 weeks! I would be a basket case!! I am sending buckets and buckets of pma to you over the pond! Oh, also sending you serenity and calmness….

Sorry to hear about your fil. Is he recovering? What is the prognosis? Are you going to share the news with them? It may help fil to hear such great news!!

Be safe on your long drive tonight!!

Vegas,YAY to the negative blood draw!! :happydance::happydance:
UGHH to the negative opk!!! :growlmad:

I never tested, because my temps started dropping. I even stopped using the progesterone cream, I think 11dpo was the last day I used it. Didn’t want to waste it since I knew the stupid witch was on her way! I think I used about half of the tiny container this month-leaves me the rest for next month. I’ll have to order another container after that. It seemed to be working, enough for me to see a small, albeit noticeable difference in the amount of spotting.


I am scheduled to do a sleep study tonight for my snoring. I have to be there at 10pm. I’ll go out to dinner with DH, take a shower, and go. I even think I’ll go dressed in my pj’s, who cares right?? I hate changing clothes in public places, I think I’ll feel more comfortable being clean and showered with clean pj’s and just jump into the bed with my fav pillow!

Tomorrow is my nephew’s bday dinner. I am going to leave my house early to run a few errands before his dinner. One of the things I want to do is stop at Chinatown/downtown LA and buy some Chinese herbs and teas that I can’t find in regular stores.

Soooooooooooooooo…..I’ve been doing lots of research on low progesterone. It seems there are some experts who believe that low progesterone means that a low quality egg was produced/released. It makes sense to me, because I am of advanced maternal age (40 1/2) remember? I’ve been thinking that DH and I should go see a FS, because although my numbers are good, the woman’s age is a better determining factor than the hormone levels.

I’ve learned that if I was to go to see a FS, pretty much the protocol would be is to overstimulate my ovaries (clomid) so that multiple eggs are produced, which ups the chance of getting a good egg. Then they would do IVF, which costs around $15,000 per cycle. I’m not sure if I’m ready to go that route at the moment, not quite yet.

So, I’m kicking around the idea of starting to use the soy isoflavones now, this cycle. I’ve been taking CoQ10 for 2 months, I will continue to do that and this morning I bought a bunch more vitamins for helping eggs get healthier--fish oil, spirulina, & royal jelly. I also want to buy wheatgrass pills. They say it takes 90 days for vitamins and stuff to be fully absorbed and ‘working’ in the body. I figure that I will keep taking these vits to help my eggs get healthier, but in the meantime, I will try the soy for a couple cycles. Then, if no success, I will go to see the FS to see what they tell me.

Anyways, I will do a little more research today before I make up my mind about the soy, because if I do take the soy, it has to be soon, either starting CD3 or something like that. So I have to make up my mind quick! Oh and I can’t tell DH-I’m sure he will not agree and would kill me if he knew I was self diagnosing & treating myself lol !

I hope everyone has a great day!
ok, just decided that I will start taking the soy 80mg CD5-9. Wish me luck!!
Ok sorry beveryone this has taking me so long.... My schoolagers had half days all this week so I was busy busy this week. Olen is my husband and his dads middle name and Russell is my families middle name for boys... So we are set on both those for middle names... Still pretty undecided for the first name.... I LOVE your names jasmine!!! I love unique names and those definitely are :) meli- I am sorry your temps are not cooperating with you :( definitely praying for a sticky bean for you! Stef- I don't know much about progesterone levels but glad they are great!
I don't believe craving meats make it a boy as my second Abby is a girl and i craved steak. And she had a low heartbeat... Meli I really hope the soy helps!!!:)
Meli: I see you are on a new cycle. Boo! So tell me, what is the soy that you are taking supposed to do? I'm afraid of using soy as I've heard there is a link between soy and breast cancer. Of course that isn't solid data, so who knows. How did your sleep study go last night? Could you even sleep in a strange bed? My dh is a snorer so if they had any good advice on how to make it stop I'd love to hear it.

Stef: I don't know why it is so hard to agree on names with men. Ben certainly had different ideas than I did, but my name won out in the end. If you have a name you like, just keep bringing it up or let him choose a middle name. Glad all your levels are looking good, like Sweetmomma, I'm not sure where the levels should be, but if you know they are good then that's all that counts!

Sweetmomma: Sounds like you've been busy and you are already a pretty busy lady. I like both Olen and Russell. Olen is unusual, so I like that and Russell is a good strong name too. Is there no way you would consider using one of those as a first name?

AFM: I've been busy working in the yard again. Part of me loves having a large yard, but mostly I hate spending so much time working on it that I've been neglecting the inside of the house (like the mountain of laundry). One of these days I'll post a before and after photo of the yard so you can see what we've been doing these last few months. I finally got a positive OPK. Temps were still down today so no ovulation just yet. Regardless, I think I'll ovulate about three days earlier than last month. I was hoping for 5-7 days earlier, but oh well. I'm ready to move on to operation "get knocked up" already! Hope you are all having a great weekend.
Meli, sorry af came. Good luck with the soy this cycle hopefully it works and you don't even have to think about ivf anymore. Like Mr. Jasmine, Jeff loved the preseed. We will finish up our tube just for fun (once my libido comes back that is!!). I used it with all three of my BFPs. Yeah, not getting a scan until 12 weeks would kill me too! How did you sleep study go? I would have went in PJs too.

Stef, your report looks really good. The clotting thing your dr is talking about is what I have. I also take baby asprin. There is not a lot of info out there about MTHFR, but if you look into it, many doctors tend to prescribe a mega dose of folic acid, when in actuality our bodies (people with mthfr) have a hard time using folic acid and we need the base of it, Folate instead. Anyway, hopefully you don't have it anyway. I am sorry you haven't heard about the job. If they don't call, it is THEIR loss!

Vegas, sorry about your negative opks! Damn your long cycle!!! Awesome about you negative blood test though!!!! Roll on next cycle!

Jasmine, I am sorry to hear about your fil, hopefully he is recovering well. Your does sound like it will be a boy. How exciting!!!

Sweetmomma, hope next week you get back to normal. I am sure running a daycare must be super stressful! I only watch one child and I get stressed.

AFM, we looked at one apartment that could work. It was clean and updated and in a nice complex. We had another showing scheduled Wed, but we got their and there was a sign one the door saying "office closed due to staff illness". Thanks for the call! Anyhow if there are that unprofessional, we decided we probably didn't want to rent there. We also looked at a house last night that looked very promising, we even went as far as giving them a deposit contingent upon seeing it. It had three bedrooms, 2 baths, a nice fenced yard and a basement play area. All of which would be awesome. It was also next to a little goat farm that Carter would have loved!! Unfortunately we were very disappointed after viewing it. The current tenants haven't moved out yet, but were in the process of moving and there was stuff EVERYWHERE!! So I gave you all the positives, hear are the negatives:
One of the bathrooms was in the laundry room
I don't think our sectional will even fit in the living room
Our refrigerator won't fit in the designated space
The three bedrooms were NOT on the upper floor like I was told
The rooms were very small
We weren't able to see the closets bc there was stuff everywhere
Carter would have to have a downstairs bedroom all alone after the baby came
And there is some kind of electric sewage pump in the backyard, we couldn't see it thanks to all the stinking snow. We were told if the power went out that we couldn't put anything down the drain as it might cause the pump to flood and run back in the house.
Needless to say, we both agreed that we won't be taking it and will get our deposit back. I will still do some looking in the next couple of days, but I feel rushed. The apartment complex has only one unit available and if someone takes it, then that option is out too. Other than that, not much going on here. We will be going to IL next weekend to see my little brother graduate boot camp and have a mini vacation (but with my parents:wacko:). I am sure it won't be bad, but my belly is so big with bloating! I don't want to tell them yet, but I am not sure I can even wear my regular jeans. I haven't in a while already. Luckily it will be cold, so it won't be weird to be wearing sweatshirts and jackets. Come on twelve weeks!!
Angel: Isn't house hunting a pain? Sorry you haven't found the right spot already. So you haven't told your parents yet? Are you not planning on telling them until 12 weeks or just until you've had your first ultrasound? I hated all that bloating, but it's for a good reason. If the weather gets better you could try walking some, that always helped my bloating.

AFM: It is 4am here and I am up because my UTI is back with a vengeance. I just took some of the pain pills they gave me last time and noticed it was a month to the day since I went to the doctor. Guess I'll go back this morning for more antibiotics. Have any of you ever had a UTI that you just treated at home without antibiotics? I really just don't want to spend my Sunday at the clinic with a bunch of sick people. Ugh!
Hello everyone,

Stef, oh I didn't realise Aiden was so popular! The popular boys names here are Harry and Oliver at least one in every class! Amelia is really popular for girl's here! It reassures me that you are feeling lack of symptoms too, maybe it will take a couple of weeks for them to properly come. I'm 5 weeks tomorrow, already it's going so slowly! Once we have got the living room looking more complete, I promise I will take pictures! I know exactly what we're doing with it but I have to wait and just do it bit by bit each month when we get paid. This month we're getting a new tv, it will be a joint birthday present for myself and OH and we have sold our old one! The problem was that we bought a new tv last March but it was to fit in our tiny living room and now we have a big living room it looks lost, so we are getting a 42 inch one, I don't think we'll ever leave the house once that badboy gets here! Has it snowed there like predicted? It has been here although it's brighter today and looks to be thawing, we totally sick of it now though! Did you call again about the job in the end?

Meli, oh for some reason I had you down as wanting a boy, I'm not sure why! It is great having a little girl but obviously I don't know any different. They do tend to take your OHs attention off you though, I'm always getting jealous of Eva and Shane! I'll get him back when I get my son! ha! Yeah, try and sneak a bit of preseed in hopefully you can outsmart snoopy sniffer, haha! Yeah, I pretty much will be a basketcase by 12 weeks, I did request an early scan but they said no! I guess it's because it's the NHS and it would be too expensive, I could always pay for a private scan with a company such as babybond, I'm very tempted to do this around 9 weeks. Would you guys do that? Or keep pushing the midwives? I have been having a sharp pain I’m worried about and lack of symptoms so maybe if I tell the that?

About FIl, he is stable but they are in the process of running tests, hopefully we can find out soon what is wrong and how it will affect him. We have told MIL the news but FIL doesn't really know what's going on half of the time so it may confuse him! How did the sleep study go? That's interesting! Did you go in your PJ's in the end? I would have done! How was the birthday dinner? I hope you don't have to go down the IVF route, I bet you have plenty of really good eggs left, just keep bonking like crazy for the next few months, on the day of O and day after too. The reason for this, is as women get older sometimes they will double drop eggs (which is why twins are greater chance after 40) so the second egg comes within 24 hours of the first, therefore, you may not ctach the first but if you keep BD’ing you will at least ctach the second one if there is one! I bet you will get your BFP without any assistance, remember what I said about my mum, having twins at 44 then went on to have my little brother at 48! Shane's mum was 44 when she had him, you’re a spring chicken, hopefull you’ll hatch an easter egg this month!

Sweetmomma, interesting what you say about the meat cravings, only time will tell with me I suppose! I love the name Olen!

Vegas ,I'm so excited about your postiive OPK, whooooo! How many have you used this cycle now to get it, crazy egg took her time but now it's onto baby making, or operation get knocked up, loves it! SOOOO exciting! Sorry about the UTI, sounds awful, I always just treat them at home with antibiotics myself but guess it depends how bad it is! Hope you don’t have to stay in hospital too long if you do go!

Angel, oh apartment hunting sounds stressful but you did the right thing refusing the first one if that's how courteous they are! It must have been really frustrating that you couldn't view the other apartment properly because of the current tenants stuff everywhere, how rude is that! Isn't it normal to tidy up before you have house viewers? Don't rush into anything, the right one is just around the corner you'll see! How many weeks are you now? 12 weeks isn't too much farther off now, bet it doesn't feel like it to you! With my angel I was sooo bloated at 9 weeks too, it was getting hard to hide! Hopefully your parents will be tactful though!

Afm, just chilling at home today. Have had a nice relaxing weekend, we are having quite a few visitors over the next few weeks to see the new house so it’s been nice to have a quiet one this weekend! I made some carrot and cumin soup and we have eaten a lot in general! Nothing new there! We have been cleaning the house today, getting rid of all the card from the new stuff and the move it’s been good to have a sort out! I’ve been thinking some more about boy’s names, I ADORE the name August too, nn Augie or Gus, it’s VERY uncommon here though only 7 boys were named this last year in the UK! I like it because my dad was born in August too and I love it’s old fashioned charm. So I was thinking if we have a boy it will definitely be called ‘Peter August’ or ‘August Stephen’ I need to get OH to like it more, he thinks it’s too unusual for a first name but he loves it as a middle name, but we would mainly use the nicknmaes anyway which don’t sound too out there! Either way I’ll be happy because I love all three names Peter, Stephen (dad’s name) and August! Our surname is Gladstone, I think Gus Gladstone sounds ace! Also look at this JaShanEvAugust cool huh!

X x
I am pretty set on those being middle names. I tossed the idea of olen being a first name and half the people in our families kept saying Owen.... :( my daycare has 4 age groups, toddler 12-36 months, preschool 2-4yrs, pre-k 4-5 yrs but not enrolled in kindergarten, then my age group schoolagers which is kindergarten on up to the age of 13. I love my class and all the kids even the real difficult ones lol...
Jasmine I absolutely love the name Peter August!!!!
Angel- I'm sorry house hunting is hard there... Hope you all get the apartment you like! Bloating.... I walk to help that and I drink some sprite...
Vegas- drink cranberry juice lots and lots of cranberry juice lol but it does help... Also I want to say in the girly section of your local store in the section with yeast infection stuff there are two meds one regular strength the other extra that helps with uti's... Hope this helps
Jasmine: Wow, you're mom had children at 44 and 48! My mom was 43 when my youngest brother was born and he was not at all planned. It is so funny that we go to these measures to have children when I know my mom didn't do anything to even stay healthy much less take supplements, chart, etc. Pretty sure the reason it took me so long to conceive last time was because I drove myself mental. I took 10 OPK's to get a positive. I need to test again today as my temp has yet to rise. I even took it after I had been up for almost an hour and it was still down. I love, love, love the name Gus. Our last name starts with a "G" as well so I'd like to have an alliterative name as well. Unfortunately, one of DH's cousins has already used the name Gus even though he has a different last name and another cousin used Gavin which I also like. You are going to love your new TV when you get it. Oh, and no worries, I didn't need to go to the hospital, I just visited a clinic that is open on weekends so they could test my pee and get a prescription written for antibiotics. Do you not need a prescription for antibiotics in the UK? I thought they were required everywhere.

Sweetmomma: Funny you mention the name Owen. That is on my short list for boys. It sort of rhymes with our last name so I'm not sure, but I still like it. I can see where people would confuse it with Olen. I have used the UTI stuff from the drugstore, but it only masks the symptoms as opposed to treating the real problem. Regardless, I use the otc stuff until the antibiotics kick in.

AFM: Yep, UTI #2 exactly one month from the first one was confirmed this morning. The doc thinks I should talk to my OB about it. He suggested that perhaps I'm not peeing after sex, but I always do. He said that I need to drink more water and actually go pee when I feel the urge. So here might be the issue. Seeing as I don't do the OPKs until I get home this means I don't pee, or drink any water from about 12:30pm until I test around 5:30 or 6:00pm. Seeing as this is the second month in a row I've been doing opks since I've been working and the second UTI, I think I may have found my link. Oops! He also said it could be my laundry detergent which I also change a few months ago. Anyway I've got yet another round of antibiotics to take. Super fun. No temp rise yet, so I guess I still haven't ovulated. My body hates it.

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