June Angel Baby Mommas Hoping for Rainbows!!

Vegas, I am very sorry about your uti. I thought I once had a kidney stone and the back pain was awful. I could hardly get up. It could be the holding it and no drinking. Lets hope that bfp happens right away so you don't keep dealing with this!!! I want to wait until after my next appointment on 4/15 to tell my parents and the rest of the world. I will be 12+3 then and they are going to find the hb with the doppler. I need at least one more verification that lo is okay. Yay on the positive okp, hopefully today's is negative and your temp is down because you are ovulating. Roll on operation "get knocked up!!!"

Jasmine, You think of the cutest names! I would have never thought of Gus, it reminds me right away of the mouse from Cinderella. So sweet! Can't wait to see the living room. I remember seeing some of your pins and I like your tastes. We also had to buy a new tv, the one in the bedroom was going out (giant old box tv). So we got a 42 or 46 inch for the living room and put the 32 inch in the bedroom. Is it sad that I don't even know how big it is??:blush: I just don't pay attention to things like that. I don't know if it snowed for Stef, but it has been snowing all day for us and we are only a few hours apart. YUCK! I am so ready for warm weather! I think for me, I would pay for an early scan. But I am super anal and like control. I wouldn't worry about the lack of symptoms. I think at 5 weeks only my bbs hurt really. I had tiny bits of nausea through out that week and then at like 5+5or6 I started feeling it regularly. I can't remember about the tiredness though, hopefully you skip that part! I am glad your fil is recuperating well. My mom is only 45 now, so I can't imagine her havind another baby!! She has had her tubes tired for probably 20 years now though. I love Peter August, it sounds so whimsical!

Sweetmomma, I think walking will help too. At the moment though we keep getting snow and I barely have the energy to keep the house up, much less walk. FX though, I have felt more energy today than I have in a while and think I might not be as bloated!! I don't know if this is just an odd day for me, but I am hoping this first tri crap is coming to an end!!! I think I would enjoy your age group the most. Toddlers and babies are exhausting!

Meli and Stef, hope all is well.

AFM, I think we have officially decided to go for an apartment instead of a house. We will be saving money and with a house we would be spending a bit more. I was looking through old pictures and videos of our beach vacation and we had so much fun. We are planning another one this summer and would hate to be so strapped with the new house that we couldn't swing it. So we will probably go tomorrow to put our deposit down and sign a lease. I know I still have time, but I hate all this stress and want to get it over with. I just hope Jeff lands a better paying job after August so that by the new year we came move again into a bigger space without struggling with money. Anyhow, I am 9+2 today and like I told Sweetmomma, feel better today. I hope this is the light at the end of the first trimester tunnel! Also, here is where we are looking at for vacation. BIL and SIL stayed there and highly recommended it.
Meli, how did the sleep study go?

Vegas, we haven't talked about names at all this time, yet. I'm going to be sure I have a few picked out for boy or girl by the time it's time to find out what the baby is so I can start pestering him with them right away! Lol.

Sorry about your UTI coming back! That sucks, I used to get them all the time and they are horrible. sweetmomma is right, though, lots of cranberry juice can help, even with taking the antibiotics.

Don't you hate it when family members use the names you love? Lol. Sophie is one of my ALL TIME favorite girl's names, but that's Blake's niece's name.

angel, I looked up testing info on MTHFR and I think my midwife made a typo when she told me it costs 2000 (she sent it in text) - what I found says around 200. Still, though, I'm just going to do the baby aspirin thing. I honestly don't think I have it.

Yay for the new apartment! I hope this one does end up working out! Also, take me on vacation with you! :flower:

Jasmine, so it turns out I lied about my boobs, lol. They have been a bit sore, and they're a little swollen. It's starting much earlier than last time!

We had a 46 inch in the old house, now that's in our bedroom. Blake has replaced it with a 60 inch that he got as his Christmas present to himself :roll:

I say pester a bit more for an early scan, and if not, pay for the private scan - idk about your private scan place but I've been to both the ones local to me and they were both great, and not very expensive.

I didn't end up calling the job... I don't want to sound desperate, even though I kind of am! I'm thinking about calling tomorrow, but they may not even be open if this weather keeps up!

The snow. It's been snowing ALL day. Doesn't appear to be stopping. We have probably 11+ inches now. I have a feeling I won't have work tomorrow, and even if I do, I might not be able to make it. Apparently the roads are horrible right now.

So I've been thinking. I originally wanted to do the private scan at 9 weeks, but with my appt with the midwife being at 9+1 and being able to use her u/s machine, it almost seems like a waste of money to pay for a private scan the day before, so I started thinking I'd wait until 12 weeks when we could see a lot more. Then I looked up mother's day, and I'll be 12+3 on mother's day, so if I can convince Blake to make telling our parent's a mother's day present, I can go at 12 weeks (or 11+6 since I would need time to mail the print to my mom) for the private scan and make the prints our presents to our moms.

I was told the story of the princess and the pea yesterday. I was laying on my stomach and Blake was all, "Why are you laying on your stomach, there's a baby in there." I explained to him that the baby is currently way below my pelvic bone, and he tells me "Have you ever heard the story of the princess and the pea?" Lol. He's ridiculous.

Wow, I bet you’re glad last week’s over and your schoolagers will be back in school full days! My students were out on spring break last week, so this week it’s back to the same old grind of hectic time lol!

Hey vegas,

Soy is supposed to bring on the o earlier for those who have long cycles and late o. It basically works the same as Clomid. If you take it CD1-5, it churns out more eggs, but they aren’t as mature, and gives you higher chance of multiples. CD3-7 gives most eggs of the best quality, CD5-9 gives fewer, or possibly only 1 egg, but it’s a really good mature egg.

I have heard the same regarding possible links between clomid and breast cancer, and soy and breast cancer, but that’s long term use. You’re not supposed to use clomid or soy for more than 3 mos at a time, then you take a break from it. You’re supposed to take it at night so you don’t feel possible side effects. I figure I have nothing to lose with the soy—especially if I’m looking at IVF as a real possibility in the future. I want to at least give it a go on my own first. My first soy dosage will be tomorrow night. I’m so excited/nervous!

Oo I cant wait to see pix of your yard! Try to make sure that horrid snake doesn’t photo bomb the pic. JK! Well, not really…

Yay to finally getting the positive opk :happydance:!! 3 days earlier is good progress!!

Omg I am so sorry you have a uti. They are the devil. I have never had success treating with otc meds. I always have to go to the dr to get an antibiotic rx, even though I know a uti is what I have! It’s like, I get one at least every 1 ½ to 2 years, I know what they are, I know what they feel like, PLEASE just call in a rx for me to the pharmacy, don’t make me go in for a dr office visit…argh. Now that I think about it, I did buy some cranberry pills from Costco the last time I had a uti, I don’t think I’ve even opened the bottle. Duh!

Interesting link that you found re your uti’s. sounds right on to me! Maybe you could just take the opk’s with you to work? I try to taper off on drinking fluids and holding pee for about 2-3 hours, use the opk around 230pm, and it works for me…then I still test that night to see the progression. Maybe you could try it.


I totally think an apt would work great for y’all. It’s only temporary. You guys can deal with it. Although that house you were considering was in a great area (next to the goat farm), it definitely had a lot more negatives than positives. Sounds like a good idea to get your deposit back and rent that apt instead. FX nobody has snatched it up yet!

Congrats on your lil bro graduating boot camp! I’m sure you guys will have a great mini vacay. BUT, I’m sure your momma will take one look at you and know you’re knocked up lol! Moms seem to know that stuff…I have an auntie that says she can tell just by looking in the eyes, even if the woman isn’t showing or anything she can tell she is pg!

Here the weather has been unseasonably warm…like 80 degrees or so. I can deal with that, it’s when it gets hotter (over 95) that I’m miserable.
Ooo a beach vacation sounds awesome. Something to look forward to!!

I am so glad you are starting to feel better, I know you’ve been having a tough go of it!:hugs: FX this IS the light at the end of the tunnel!!! I hope this is the light at the end of the first trimester tunnel!


Yup, I am dying for a girl. I know what you mean about girls taking away attention, looking back I think I did that between my parents, I have always been a daddy girl and I think now how difficult it may have been for my mom, esp when you don’t have the greatest marriage to begin with. Knowing me, I probably milked it too lol!

Yes, I intend to outsmart snoopy sniffer this time lol!! I’ll have to seduce him extra hard so he won’t know what hit him lol! I’ll leave him with his head spinning.

I suggest you totally keep pushing the midwives for a scan, just totally exaggerate your symptoms! Don’t lie, just exaggerate! Conventional wisdom in the U.S. is to do the following when you have to go to an emergency room or urgent care to see a dr—make sure you tell them one of your symptoms is chest pain, then they will move u up the front of the que! Badness, I know….I’ve never had to do that, but I’ve heard that’s what to do.

I hope FIL keeps getting more stable and progressively better!

I’ve heard the same thing you mentioned—that as women age, they release multiple eggs. Well, I’ma help them out this month and go for the soy lol! The ovaries and eggs won’t know what hit them!

You’re so cute with your ‘hatching an easter egg’ comment. FUNNY! Easter Sunday is in 1 week, and I think that’s the start of my fertile period, so FX you’re right and I DO hatch an easter egg! My mom had her last child at 32, but I know he was an ‘oopsie’! I seem to take after my father’s side of the family, looks wise and healthwise, my paternal grandmother had her last child at 44. I totally look like my grandmother, it’s soooo eerie. I hope I take after her in having strong fertile healthy eggs like she did in her 40’s!

I’m glad you had a nice relaxing weekend. You need your rest too!!
Oo I like both options of Peter August and August Stephen.


Omg that sound like lots of snow! You’ll probably have a snow day tomorrow too!

I think you make very good points for waiting til 12 weeks for your scan!

You’ve never heard the story of the princess of the pea? I guess it’s not as popular of a fairytale as Cinderella or sleeping beauty…

There Blake goes again…..being all adorable and stuff!!

My sleep study went well. We'll see what the report says and the recommendations are. I did go in my pj’s, as I threatened. DH was all, what if you have to get out of the car, or get pulled over or something? I was like, if any of that happens, I have worse things to worry about, than what I’m wearing lol!

The technician was a nice man, he was middle aged and he was from Liverpool! I loved his accent, of course! I was like, tell me some more stories (of his problem/nightmare patients he’s had throughout the years) because I wanted him to keep talking so I could hear his accent lol!

It was hard to sleep in a strange bed, with someone recording and watching you!! I finally fell asleep about 45 min into it, once I was all wired up. Of course, it wasn’t a restful sleep, I kept waking up and tossing and turning because they wanted me to sleep on my back, but I’m a side sleeper.
They woke me up around 5:30am, and by the time they removed the electrodes, it was 6am, so I was home by 630am. Then I crashed for another 4 hours or so. I did end up getting a rash on my neck where they placed the tape, and on my upper chest where the electrodes were placed. My skin is so sensitive it’s ridiculous. I still have those rashes.

The bday dinner was nice, got to spend a few hours with my family and also got a chance to go to Chinatown to buy some herbs for my evening tea.

Ok, just HAD to mention this: there’s a thread where there is a poster who is such a drama queen. I remember when she was ttc, she was so trying hard to get pg, every mo when she didn’t get her bfp, she would pretty much throw a fit like a spoilt kid, I am so not exaggerating. Well, now she’s causing drama because she finally did get her bfp…longer story than that, but just here smh!!
Meli, my mom can tell without seeing me! I haven't seen her since... damn, over a year, and she still knew the last time. I'm just waiting for a phone call asking if I'm pg and then trying to lie to her, lol. Blake likes the idea of getting the u/s at 12 weeks and giving the prints to our moms for Mother's Day, so now I actually want to keep it a secret until then!

We ended up with 14+ inches of snow. Did end up with a snow day yesterday, which sucks because my days off are unpaid :-/

I have heard the princess and the pea, just found it funny Blake decided to reference it!

That sucks about the rashes from the electrodes! I know ALL about sensitive skin. I get rashes from everything... including band aids and gauze!

Also, I didn't get that job :( He never ended up calling me, so I called him yesterday. I'm becoming very discouraged.

And I am so unbelievably exhausted today...
Stef: sorry about the job, but you will find something soon. That is a ton of snow! It's even cold here in Florida which is odd for this time of year. So have you spoken to your mom at all since finding out?

Meli: how is the soy going? Does it make you feel any different? When do you get the results from your sleep study?

Angel: a beach vacation sounds like a lot of fun. Even though we live an hour from the beach we never go. Perhaps we'll try and get away this summer. Have you settled on an apartment yet?

Afm: I'm waiting on FF to confirm ovulation. I'm guessing it happened Sunday. This UTI sucks as it or the meds are making me crampy. Feels like AF could come soon, but it better not as I need my LP to get longer, not shorter.
I have talked to my mom since I found out, but she hasn't asked... yet. She did call me the other night at a time that's pretty late for her and I freaked out, was expecting to answer the phone and hear "Are you pregnant?" Instead I heard "How do you get a drunk person into bed?" and some laughs. Apparently my dad, who rarely drinks, was over the neighbor's house drinking some nasty sounding thing and was hanging half out of the bed. My mom was cracking up.

I hope AF isn't coming yet! I'm sure it's just the UTI still. What antibiotic are you on?

I realized something. My mom had said she thought I was going to tell her I'm pg in mid-Feb. I'm wondering if she got it mixed up, but is still accurate... date of LMP is Feb 14th, which means this pg "started" on Feb 14th, mid-Feb exactly.

Also, they're totally going to find out at work, at least the ladies up front. I'm officially peeing every 30-60 minutes while I'm here! And speaking of work, Blake is going to talk to his boss to see about getting me a job there.

GL trying to keep a secret from your mom!!

Sorry to hear about your snow day..unpaid days off suck!! I hope you at least got lots of rest!

That’s too bad that you still haven’t heard back from the job….if you don’t get it, then just think that it wasn’t a good fit for you….

FX on Blake working some magic and getting you a job at his work!!!!


So far, no side effects from the soy--FX! I started out with 120mg. I will take 120 mg tonight, then 160 the next 2 nights, then end at 200. FX!! I am rethinking taking CD 5-9, next month I will take them CD3-7.

I should get the sleep test results in another week or so.

Gosh..i can’t believe your next cycle will be operation baby making!!!
Jasmine & Angel,

Where are yoooooooooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuuu...........??
Meli, I did hear back from the job (well, actually, I called him). No go :nope:

I do, however, have another interview on Friday at 4 for a job I applied to yesterday, so yay! This job and the driving are stressing me out :wacko:

I've been wondering what's going on lately! Everyone seems to be disappearing. What are you up to, ladies?
Meli, I did hear back from the job (well, actually, I called him). No go :nope:

I do, however, have another interview on Friday at 4 for a job I applied to yesterday, so yay! This job and the driving are stressing me out :wacko:

I've been wondering what's going on lately! Everyone seems to be disappearing. What are you up to, ladies?


Awww, that stinks about the no-go. YAY for the interview Friday! Sending bunch of positive vibes your way! :happydance::happydance:
Stef: fingers crossed for Friday. How much closer would the new job be?

Ladies, where are you all? You can't go and run off on us! Y'all are my entertainment here at work when I have downtime.

Afm: pretty busy at work as we have a public meeting tonight about a new park I'm designing. I have to get up and speak before a group, so that makes me a bit nervous. The weather here is very cold by Florida standards. Hoping it will warm up for the weekend as we have egg hunting to do outdoors. What is everyone planning on doing for Easter?
Sorry for disappearing, I'm soooo tired, work has been hectic and were having guests tomorrow but hopefully I'll get on here after I've put madam to bed and catch up, missing you lovely ladies x
vegas, the job I'm interviewing for is 15 minutes away, currently I drive an hour each way, so that would be a GREAT change.

And lol, this is my entertainment at work, too!

We're just going to Blake's mom's house for Easter. The weather here is finally warming up a bit. Was able to break apart the ice on the steps for the first time!
GL on your meeting tonight! I’m sure you will do great! Personally, I dislike speaking in public. I do well, but I don’t look forward to it. I’m not a ham, iow. DH loves to speak in public and he’s great at it and enjoys it. I also say he’s a ham, so it makes sense I suppose!

We are having Easter celebration at my mom’s house. Not only has it been 80 degrees here for the past 2 weeks, it hasn’t rained in over a month, BUT rain is scheduled for Sunday. BOO!! How are we supposed to have an Easter egg hunt in the rain or in soggy wet grass?


YAY for finally breaking apart the ice on the steps lol
Stef: That would be a big improvement.

Meli: I hope it waits until Sunday evening to rain. That is really bad timing.

The meeting went just fine. Not as many people showed up as we were hoping for, but that made it easier to speak without becoming too intimidated. Btw, my face is breaking out something crazy. Charlotte says I have polka dots. I upped my B6 to 100mg a day from my usual 50mg so maybe it is contributing to the oil slick. Regardless, public speaking and breakouts don't mix very well. Ugh.
So sorry for being mia lately. That lovely day of energy was a one of for me apparently, because exhaustion is back! We did put a deposit on that apartment and it has relieved a ton of stress for me. I know we are covered and at least have something lined up. I am excited for a mini vacation, but not looking forward to 8 hours in the car tomorrow.

Meli, I am glad that the study went well enough. Do you think you have sleep apnea? I hope the soy works to catch your Easter egg!!! I thought about taking it when I started ttc and realized my cycles were 35 days, but decided against it. Had we had a hard time though, I would have went for it. Would you be okay having multiples?

Vegas, sorry about the pimples, I have them too! FX for a longer lp! I am happy your meeting went well.

Stef, waiting until 12 weeks for Mother's day is a great idea!! I hope your interview goes well, but I am sorry about the other job. If the interview doesn't work out, hopefully Blake's boss will.

Jasmine, have fun with your company!

AFM, I was starting to get that negative feeling about this pregnancy for a couple of days and I was really freaking out. I ended up paying for a private scan and guess what...... Little Prince is perfect!!! He is measuring spot on at 9+4 (yesterday btw), heartbeat 155. Because of this, I have decided to go ahead and tell my parents tomorrow. I just don't want to be uncomfortable all weekend trying to hide it. It scares the shit out of me to tell them in case something happens but, what the hell, I am just going with it. We bought a shirt for Carter with the last pregnancy that says "big brother" and I will put it on him in the morning and let them figure it out. I am not sure how much I will be able to get online for the next four days, but I am hoping to at least get on at night to check up on you all. Glad to be back, I missed you all!!

Angel: what a great scan photo; look at those little legs! Can't wait to hear how your parents react. I'm sure they'll be excited. Happy to hear you've got a new place lined up too.
Hello Everyone,

It’s finally quietened down at work so I can catch up with you all! It’s been hectic at work and at home actually, we work on monthly magazine deadlines so it will be manic one week and dead the next!

Vegas, yeah My mum had kids right up until she physically could, she’s an absolute baby machine, she’s been pregnant with 10 babies altogether but she lost 2, one was my brother’s twin and then another miscarriage after her 8th child! I know what you mean, my mum never charted or anything, I know she was using OPKs at one point but that was when she was older but never before that! So DH’s cousin that is called Gus what is his full name? I LOVE August but I’m really nervous to use it I think it might be too out there for the UK, although I have friends who have named their babies with really unusual names and noone seems to bat an eyelid. My friend’s kids are called Cassius and Ophelia, both lovely but very unusual! I’m glad you got your meds sorted for your infection too. Yes, we have to have prescriptions her in the UK in order to get antibiotics. So are you gonna change the way you do OPKs then? Maybe you could get a saliva thingie like Meli? Has FF confirmed your o now? That’s so cute about Charlottle calling your spots polka dots, hehe! Eva’s latest she thought our taxi yesterday was called a pixie, she kept going on about pixies all day I had no idea what she meant until we were waiting again and she said ‘We’re just waiting for our pixie aren’t we mummy!’

Angel, I spend all day pondering different names, I ‘m such a saddo but I love deciding, the possibilities are infinite! I think you managed to clarify my taste there in one word ‘Whimsical’, that’s exactly the style I absolutely love, it’s funny because until you said that I couldn’t pinpoint my style but now I have been looking at lists for whimsical names and am coming across loads that I love so thanks! Thanks also for reassuring me about lack of symptoms, I have a couple more now, my boobs, well my nipples are hurting quite a lot now! Really great news on the apartment Angel, isn’t it funny how many of us are moving house! Do you have a date in mind? Congratulations on the perfect scan for little prince, he looks like a real baby and everything, I bet you must be so happy! I think it’s a great idea to get Carter to wear the big brother tshirt, your folks will be so shocked and happy!

Stef, my boobs are hurting now too, do you have any other symptoms at all yet? How is your energy level, are you still exhausted, I am, yesterday was so tiring it was probably the first day I have felt properly pregnant! I think it’s a great idea to wait for your scan, it will be so exciting announcing it at Mother’s Day! Sorry about the job, and good luck with your next interview, knock them dead!

Meli, your cycle seems to be going fast this time, maybe it isn’t to you but you’re on cycle day 8 already, whoooo! I think I will keep pestering the midwives for a scan, they will just send me to the early pregnancy unit to get one if they are concerned about the pain I am having.
I have a good feeling about you hatching that Easter egg this month! I’m sure you have plenty of healthy strong eggs left just like your nanna! Meli, funny you mention you like the Liverpool accent, OH and I met and lived in Liverpool for 7 years, we love the place and the softer accent is so nice! The Southern Liverpool twang is like how the Beatles speak, North Liverpool it gets a lot stronger! We really miss Liverpool a lot!

Afm, I have been having some negative feeling about my pregnancy like Angel, I just hadn’t felt any symptoms really well none that were all that strong so I phoned my midwife. I told her about the pain I have been having and lack of symptoms and she wanted to refer me to the early pregnancy unit, she rang them but they said they needed a GP referral in order to do it, so I went to my GP and they said as 5 weeks is a little too early for a scan, they would take a blood test to measure my levels, I get the results back at 4pm today so I’ll post them here, I know you guys are experts at this sort of thing! I’m very nervous about it just hope it’s all okay. She said if the pain persisits they will do my levels again next week and send me for an early scan at 6 weeks, so I am gonna push for that. I have since yesterday got a few symptoms my nipples are really sore and I feel wiped out! Slight tiny waves of nausea but nothing major!

FIL has had a CT scan, MIL has been requested to a formal meeting this morning at the hospital to discuss results so I don’t think its good news, FX he will be okay but I have a bad feeling.

We have friends over tonight, their two little girls are staying too, I have made a homemade chicken curry and a lemon cheesecake with a ginger nut base! Hope it will be nice! I had to rush out and buy an airbed last minute as we had nowhere for guests to sleep, it’s got a mains pump and it’s really comfy, we’ll take that and they can have our bed! We’ll probably go for a nice walk tomorrow after a cooked breakfast them we will go to see FIL in hospital. Which is also on the coast so we can blow some more cobwebs off!

Hope you all have a great Easter weekend x x x x
vegas, I'm breaking out a little bit, too. That's too cute, Charlotte saying you have polka dots.

angel, yay for the apartment! The scan pic is too cute! How perfect! Now I'm definitely going to have the midwife use her portable machine at my first appointment, I'll be 9+1 and seeing yours ta 9+4 I want to see mine! :)

Jasmine, Blake's mom kept having lots of kids, too, but I think she's stopped (she's just 47 now and her youngest is 9). Mostly because she wanted a girl, kept trying for a girl, and had 6 boys, so she gave up! She also had a m/c or two.

Aww, that's too cute, Eva calling taxis pixies!

My energy level sucks most of the time. Not too bad today, but most days I'm ready for bed super early, and I get home from work and don't want to do ANYTHING. I thought I might have my first bought of m/s this morning because I would have swore I was about to start getting the pukey feeling, but it went away. I've been lucky enough to never really be a puker, though.

Do let us know when your lab results are back! I'm sure everything is fine :)

AFM, damn you bloating. Took a tummy pic this morning and comparing to two weeks ago, I can see a difference. It was first thing this morning before I ate or drank anything, so the bloat is worse than last time! Going to have to wear something bulky on Easter to hide it because it's noticeable first thing and only gets worse throughout the day...
Wanted to mention, I recommend the Baby Center "Your Pregnancy This Week" newsletter. I think they also have a TTC newsletter, but I'm not sure. The This Week email tells you what's going on with the baby's development that week, his/her size, "Your Body This Week," etc. I received it the whole time last time and just signed back up for it, I like it.

This cartoon was in my 6 week edition --


Try more like 7 or 8 positive tests. :haha:

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