June Angel Baby Mommas Hoping for Rainbows!!


Glad to hear the meeting went well. I knew it would!

Funny about the polka dots! I’ve also started breaking out slightly…teeny tiny pimples. I think it’s due to the soy.


Luv the scan of Little Prince! It’s amazing the detail that can be seen so early!!

I’m glad you’ve confirmed the apt so now you can offload that stress!

I would also dread 8 hours in the car. I can barely do 4 hours to Vegas or Laughlin! It takes us 6 hours to get to Yosemite, and that's the longest drive we've ever undertaken. GL with Carter and the drive….

I don’t think I have sleep apnea, but I do know that I snore.

Yikes about the possibility of multiples~ DH would be fine with it, but supposedly the days I took it don’t result in multiple eggs, it just results in 1 strong mature egg. If it happens, it happens. I would be happy with one healthy baby, but of course I would welcome a bonus lol!

Hee hee, wonder how long before your family catches on to Carter’s t-shirt! You have to let us know about that when you get back!


Too cute about Eva’s pixie comment!

FX I hatch a healthy egg next week! Acually, FF predicted my fertile period to start Monday April 1 with o on Thurs April 4, but I’ve heard that soy can delay the o a few days, so we’ll see. I hope it’s not delayed too long! I started using the saliva test thingie 2 days ago, I definitely can see that it’s totally negative for ferning, I think I’m getting the hang of using that little sucker!

Yah, I never would have guessed this guy was from England, I would have guessed Scotland or Ireland, but he mentioned something about having been in the army for ten years and guarding the royal family for a stint, so that gave me the hint. I said “oh, so you’re British” and he said, “yes, I’m English”. Ha! Shows my ignorance and once he said that, I realized there must a difference between “British” and “English”. I mentioned you, my internet friend, was living in York and he went on and on about how York is so beautiful, shared some history about Liverpool and how the Romans and Constantine invaded and conquered it, I think, and that’s why the Liverpool accent is different and closer to a Scottish/Irish accent? Anywhooo, he was very pleasant and entertaining while he wired me up lol!

I’m sure your blood test results will be, how do you say across the pond, “ace”?!! 6 weeks will be here before you know it and you can HARASS them for the scan!! I definitely think that you need to return for the follow up blood tests next week, because how else to compare them to make sure that the HCG is rising, correct?

You mention your nips are sore, are they still leaking?

Sorry to hear about your FIL!!! That’s so sad. My grandfather had a stroke in 1995 and he survived for 6 years after, in pretty much a paralyzed state--couldn’t walk, couldn’t talk. FX FX FX the news isn’t as bad as you suspect…

Lemon cheesecake sounds great! NOM NOM NOM NOM. Indulge and don’t feel guilty!


Post the new bloating pic!!

I also was subscribed to the email newsletter you mentioned. Actually, I think I was subscribed to two different ones. It was a nightmare to remove myself from their weekly emails when I mc. I remember having to submit numerous requests to be removed once the mc happened. I was so irritated at those reminders--like I needed anymore!!:growlmad::growlmad:

But, I will sign up for them again when I get pg.

Loved the cartoon. It’s so true, isn’t it??!!
The cartoon is definitely true! I didn't tell you guys... I totally tested again at the end of last week, lol. Was so happy to see the test line darker than the control!

Here's the comparison so far

I show every little bit of bloat, and others can see it, and knowing we were trying before... if I don't hide it, they'll know!

Wow, what a difference with the bloating. You’re not kidding!

Looks like you’re also growing a bootay there too lol~ I hope you don’t get offended--it’s not a criticism, it’s an observation! And methinks it looks nice :thumbup:
I literally lol'd at your booty comment! That's always been there, just not as noticeable in the first pic because of the angle. And no offense taken, I love my booty! ;)
I literally lol'd at your booty comment! That's always been there, just not as noticeable in the first pic because of the angle. And no offense taken, I love my booty! ;)

Ok good, i am glad i didnt offend u :blush: and hope i didnt offend anybody else. After iposted it, i was like, i hope they dont think im weird lol!
Meli, lol. You worry too much! :)

So I put in a request at work for an estimate for a gutter cleaner and gutter screens (I work social media / web development for a home improvement company). My boss just told me today that they're going to do it for me for free. Yay! But now... if that interview goes well this afternoon and I get the job... I'm going to feel soooo bad...
Stef: don't feel too bad, think of it as a bonus for having to work in an office that didn't have plumbing for a period of time (do you even have it now?). GL this afternoon!

Jasmine: hope you are enjoying your company.

Angel: hope you have a safe trip.

Meli: when are you getting geared up for SMEPing? Personally, I don't think we have the energy or desire to SMEP. I'm going to have to come up with something this next month.

Afm: I'm at work while DD and DH are at home (daycare is out for Good Friday). Work is super quiet today and I wish I were home, but I still haven't accrued many vacation hours so here I am! Roll on 5pm! I'm taking 100mg of the B6 during my LP as opposed to the usual 50mg as I'm hoping it will help add another day. Just found out a lady in my office had surgery for her endometrisis last week and that her doctor isn't giving her a good chance of being able to conceive. So sad. I told her she should check out bnb for support.

Yes, I’ve been told that I am a worry wart. But I can't help it. It's so annoying :growlmad:

I really like vegas’ slant on looking at the free gutter job as a bonus!

GL for today’s interview!!!! FX FX FX!!! Let us know how it went!


af just ended for me a couple of days ago. I’ve ‘taken care of him’ :blush: a couple of times but we haven’t BD’d for about 1 week. I probably was cleared for BD since Weds nite, but he was up late working on a work presentation, by the time he came to bed around 10pm, I was knocked out! Last night was the same story. I didn’t freak out because my ferning thing still says negative, and I think soy can possibly push my o date out farther, BUT I think tonight we will start DTD every night. I don’t have the energy to BD every night either--trust me! But, I don’t want to have taken the soy for nothing, which is how I’ll feel if we don’t maximize the chances by DTD every night….

I totally think you should just bite the bullet and try the ferning thing. I’m curious to see how long it will start showing ferning, how many extra days notice I will get. I’ll let you know.

Sorry you’re stuck at work :growlmad: while DH and Charlotte are having fun at home. They are closing our office early today, @3pm, since I get here early I get to leave in 30 min.

Your poor co-worker..how sad..I’m sure she will find bnb helpful, I know I have
Vegas, I really should think of it that way... but, like Meli, I'm a worry wart! Yeah, we have plumbing. It's a barely put together bathroom and there's no hot water, but at least I can pee at work (considering I'm peeing every 30-60 minutes!).

Meli, I'm a worry wart, too, it's ok! I'm a HUGE worrier... about absolutely everything! It's very annoying!

The interview went well. I wish she would have talked to me more about me so I could've sold myself a little better, but she obviously wasn't feeling well, she looked and sounded miserable, so I can understand wanting to be done more quickly. When she told me they were casual... I wouldn't have expected what I saw! It's a law office, so I was expecting semi-casual, she was in flip flops, sunglasses on her head, jeans and a shirt with baby spit up on the shoulder, lol. I don't think they get many walk-in clients.

She told me she'll let me know no later than Wednesday, she has a few more interviews to do on Monday.

I thought yesterday's bloat was bad... holy hell. I just tried putting on a pair of pants that fit me not too long ago, and I couldn't even get the zipper to go up. The other pair I have on now fit me perfectly when I bought them in December, now they won't fit if there's ANY more bloat. And the boobs... I'm expecting a bra shopping trip in my future soon. Bigger than tiny A cup boobs, yay! :haha:

Jasmine and Angel, how are you two feeling?

Wow....that sounds like an awesomely casual office. Maybe fridays are really casual fridays. I really really hope that u get this job!!! Hopefully u have a true chance and they arenot just going thru the motions for legal reasons,and having plans to hire someone already (like a friend or relative). That happens alot of times, unfortunately.

Yay to a b cup!! I used to be a b cup in high school......i miss them. That was the perfect size,,,a full b cup......
It might be a boy or the embellical cord! Will find out next month 21st...
Sweetmomma: Did you get another scan? I can't believe you are already 16 weeks along. That went fast! How are you feeling?

Stef: I'm glad the lady told you when she will make her decision, that makes it less stressful for you. There is nothing wrong with small boobs. Before Charlotte I was a small B and now I'm a medium B. I was hoping for more boobage, to balance out my big but, but that hasn't happened yet. Oh well!

Heading out to an Easter Egg hunt this morning at a friend's house. Tomorrow the Easter Bunny will hide eggs for her here. So last night I stuffed five dozen plastic eggs. I think I may have gone overboard as only one dozen goes to the group hunt today. Did I mention my weird dream the other night? In my dream I kept trying to get dh to fix something (can't remember what) and he kept looking at it and telling me that it wasn't broken. I have a feeling that perhaps in real life I feel broken, but he was trying to reassure me that I'm not. I guess time will tell.
Vegas- yes during my exam on Wednesday I asked if they were going to check the size of my uterus because with the girls they checked that every visit, different places, she said no but let's go do an ultrasound really fast and I said ok and we went in and she kept saying no way and I'm like what? She said no way it's too soon it had to be an embillical cord, do she looks at us and says it's really early but that might be a boy! We are once again undecided on a boys name...it's hard, names are a big responsibility! And it it's especially hard with the last name Ripp!!!!!!
It's hit and miss on how I feel...I have a cold right now so I think allot of what I feel it's because of that...
Sweet: My friend went in for an early gender scan at 16 weeks and found out she is having a girl. She's 34 weeks now and it is still a girl. So if they saw something that they think is a penis then it is probably a penis. Can't wait until you find out for sure! Very exciting! Sorry about the cold as if you needed that on top of everything else.
Hello everyone,

Sorry for lack of posting again, my energy level is so low! It’s a struggle to do things and my computer connection is terrible here in the new house, I have been using my packet data on the ipad but I find it impossible to type on the thing! Hope everyone is having a lovely Easter? I’ve eaten so much today it’s not even funny! I wouldn’t dare post a picky of my bloat I look 8 months gone!

Stef, I go on the UK version of that site, baby centre, that cartoon is funny, I think I’ve done around 20 tests now, even did another this morning! Apparently, at 6 weeks the baby is the size of a lentil, cute! Little lentil baby! Yayyyy for bigger boobs, mine are bigger too, I noticed the most today, I was like well hello there cleavage! Unfortunately you don’t get one without the other so it’s bigger boobs and belly, I’m wearing a new lycra dress from H&M it doesn’t hide a thing so it’s out of the question for work, they’ll guess in a second! Hope you get this new job, it would ne nice to work somewhere a bit more casual whilst being pregnant, relaxed is good! I’m glad to have an office job whilst being pregnant it means I can work right up til the end and have more time with the baby!

Meli, cd 11 already, whooo! Hope the soy doesn’t delay things too much but I have a really good feeling about this month for you! Are you gonna get some preseed to try and outfox snoopy sniffer? Thanks for mentioning me to the English guy! I suppose people do tend to consider themselves English or welsh before British, there is actually a little rivalry between England and Wales for some reason, it obviously doesn’t bother me considering I’m welsh living in England! He’s right York is an amazingly beautiful and historic place, we were there just yesterday soaking it all up, you should google the York Minster that is one beautiful building and it takes your breathe away in real life, it’s soooo big and was made way before we had machinery, it’s a mystery how it was made! As for my nips! (what a contrast) They are still leaking yes, not as much but probably cos I don’t wanna squeeze them too much as they as well as my boobs hurt now! So your gonna DTD every night now them, ooh good luck and have fun! Oh I forgot to say I liked your girls name choices, Eva obviously and Sophia is another one I like as well as Loretta which was my grandma’s middle name but Shane wouldn’t let me have that one

Sweet, exciting news about the potential boy! We found out we were having a girl at 16 weeks with Eva I don’t think it’s too early. You’ll really have to knuckle down and think of this boy’s name if it is! With a name like Ripp I guess just don’t choose Jack! Are you waiting until your 20 week scan to find out for sure?

Vegas, hope you had fun on your easter hunt! Sounds fun! Is it all outdoors? It’s absolutely freezing here still in this country, we just got back from a half an hour walk and I could hardly even type! Your dream sounds weird but it makes sense how you have interpreted it. I had a dream the other night that me and OH had swapped bodies! Other than that I have a really raunchy sex dream every single night, I think it’s a pg symptom for me. That or I have turned into a horn dog!

Angel, hope you’re okay x

Afm, I have to wait until Tuesday for my blood tests results as they weren't ready on Thursday and now it’s the double bank holiday weekend! It’s a long wait but I’ll probably go again on Wednesday and get them checked again! So I can make sure they are rising like they should be like you say Meli! I’m having a few more symptoms now which is good, slight nausea at times, tirdness, sore boobs, sex dreams, constipation, backache nice! We went to York for the day yesterday then went and did our food shopping, I had my tea and then passed out at 7.30pm and didn’t get up again today until 9am! Today, we had a lovely lie in then a pork dinner for lunch and a walk, now just chilling out will maybe watch a film! Shane is away for work all next week, he leaves tomorrow so I’ll be home alone all week, I’m planning all of my meals already! FIL is slightly better, we went to see him the other day, the meeting was about whether he could come home or not and they want to keep him in for now. As he is having trouble swallowing and MIL won’t be able to manovere him on her own as he has lost a lot of strength. They are thinking of moving him to a closer hospital which would be good as MIL insists on going every day and relies on us (oh and his brother and sister) to take her and she’s 75 herself so it’s a big ask as the hospital is an hour and a quarters drive away from her house and we live a further hour away from that, not that we mind helping but she only gets to go for an hour! X x x
Meli, I hope I have a real chance at the job, too, but I get the feeling that if it comes down to me and someone who can start right away (and doesn't need to give notice at a current job), she will choose them because the woman she's replacing is leaving next Friday, so with my two weeks notice, she would be out someone for that position for a few days.

Vegas, I don't mind my boobs at all, they're just super tiny, which is kind of annoying for finding a bra that fits! They're fitting into my bras now, yay! This bra used to fit, then my boobs slowly shrunk, but now they're back, woo hoo!

Sweetmomma, I definitely don't think it's too early to tell if it's a boy!

Jasmine, lol @ you and your testing! I'll be honest, I've been tempted to test again to make sure the line is still nice and dark, especially after yesterday, but I'll get into that later in the post. And I know all about not wearing certain clothes because they show everything! I wore a sweater over a tank top to Blake's mom's yesterday to hide the very obvious bloat belly and boobs, and nearly sweat to death because it was super nice outside. Glad your FIL is doing better!

So I had an interesting Easter. Started off well, then we were on our way to his mom's house, stopped at a gas station so I could pee, and there was blood. Not much, but it was bright red and there was a tiny little clot. I freaked out. I came back to the car and told him, he says, "No. Shut up." He told me if it was continuing into the night to call the midwife, then spent the rest of the ride trying to get my mind off of it. He showed me a list in his phone notes that he's been working on titled "Possible boys names," aww. FYI, one of them is West, so it'd be West Wolz. He says it sounds like a superhero name. His next argument for that name was making his middle name Oliver, so his initials would be WOW. I think he only tried swaying me with that because he knows I love the name Oliver, lol. Anyway, the bleeding stopped, I think it was just spotting, but it freaked me out. The midwife said if I have any more trouble to get ahold of her and we'll figure out a way for me to come in earlier.

The other thing that happened that made Easter very interesting was something Blake did at his mom's. His 9 year old brother got a dirt bike for Christmas. All the older brothers end up riding it, despite it being made for the size of a 9 year old. Well, Blake ended up wrecking. Smacked his head, scraped up his hip and his arm pretty bad, screwed up his leg. He's having a hard time moving it and can't walk without pain. He stayed home from work today and is going to the doctor / possibly hospital. I'm waiting to hear back from him on what's wrong with his leg, we know it isn't broken but he definitely did some sort of damage. :wacko:

So that was our Easter. I'm still tempted to ask the midwife if we could find a way I can come in early, but it's just out of my paranoia. If I ever win the lotto I'm getting my own portable ultrasound machine!

How was everyone else's Easter?

A BOY?!!? Awesome. Will keep my FX!


Yah, I think 4 dozen plastic eggs for just Charlotte is a little overboard lol! That’s ok, I’m sure she will enjoy it. It’s only once a year, right?

I think you interpreted your dream RIGHT ON!

Oh, I’m loving the saliva monitor! I started getting partial ferning on Saturday morning..I’ve been using opk’s for the last 2 evenings and they are still negative….I will keep using the opk’s at night until I start getting some color, then will start testing 3x/day. I don’t want to jinx myself, but based on my temps and prior month temps, I think I may have a normal o, CD 14-15. We’ll see.


I have some preseed left from the first month I used it. I have like 4 applicators left. I plan on using the preseed starting today and outfox the snoopy sniffer lol!

I looked up the York Minister, it is sooooo beautiful!! Omg!

The explanation about the rivalry between England and Wales makes sense, now that you’ve explained it. Thanks for the history lesson!

I like the name Loretta! Too bad Shane doesn’t like it. It would be a great homage to your grandma.

I lol’d at your comment about Sweet not naming her boy “Jack” with the last name of “Ripp”.

YAY to more pg symptoms!!! :happydance:

Sorry to hear you’ll be alone for the next week..I hope it passes quickly! I know we’ve discussed both of us enjoying when the OH travels for a couple of days, but I have a feeling now that you’re pg, you’ll miss him, more than enjoy his absence lol!

Don’t worry about having to wait longer for the blood test results. You know they will be just perfect, it’s just a formality!!

I hope they do move FIL to a hospital closer to you, and soon. These situations are so difficult. Please try not to stress out about it.


Your analysis of the potential job sounds about right, BUT, hopefully she will look at the bigger picture, bite the bullet, and wait for you to be available. She can get by for a few days without help!

Wow…your Easter sounded interesting!

First of all, I’m sure the spotting was nothing, but I can imagine your concern!!

West Wolz would be an interesting name. That’s for sure!

Poor Blake. Please tell me he was wearing a helmet?!? It could have been much, much worse. I hope he just has a sprain and no fractures or breaks. FX FX!!

A portable ultrasound machine would be awesome, wouldn’t it?? I’ve already decided that when I get pg, I will buy a Doppler to hear the heartbeat. I hear they are not too terribly expensive, like less than $40 or so.


My Easter was nice. It was raining at my house, and throughout the one hour drive to my mother’s house. It was cloudy where she lives, but no rain, so the Easter egg hunt went on without a hitch! That worked out well, thankfully.

This year was DS’ turn to be with his mom on Easter, and his spring break is this week, so we have a little ‘break’ from him for 1 week. I completely forgot what it’s like to BD without having to worry about someone else in the house! It’s so liberating. I so wanted to call in sick and play hooky to stay home with DH (he works from home). I dragged myself out of bed and told myself that when I get pg, I will have many, many more days of wanting to call in sick, so I will just keep saving up my sick time. Not to mention it would look kind of weird to call out sick the day after a holiday lol!

We just met our new neighbors across the street, one house over. An older widower lives there, and I guess she’s getting a little on in her years, so her daughter, the husband, and the 3 kids moved in with her (They actually lived 5 min away, so now they are just renting out their house). They have a son who is one year older than DS. He’s a freshman in high school. These kids are so friendly and polite, I love it! I’m so excited for DS to meet him. I hope they become good friends and hang out together, seeing as they live so close by. Plus, it will be awesome for him to have a friendly upperclassman face in high school!
Meli, I know she can get by for a few days! She told me about vacation and sick time and mentioned it'd be ok to take vacation time, it would suck for her but she'd get by, lol.

I'm so tempted to call the midwife and try to get in earlier, but I know it'll only ease my mind temporarily and I'll want to keep my other appt anyway, so I'm TRYING to stick it out.

And nope, Blake wasn't wearing a helmet! It was a lesson for the young ones. I just texted him and he's at the dr. right now so when I found out anything, I'll post it.

I actually got a doppler last pg, the AngelSounds. Wasn't able to use it so I can't tell you if it's good, but I've seen good reviews. I got mine for $30, I think from eBay.

Glad your new neighbors are nice, and yes! Save up those sick days! If I had paid sick days I wouldn't be here right now, lol. Feeling miserable! Oh, paid sick days - the job I interviewed for has them, yay! I hope I get it, but my hopes aren't too high because I don't have a positive feeling about it... no negative feeling either, just neutral.
Just got a call from Blake. Doctor gave him 4 prescriptions, thinks he has a hairline fracture so he's sending him for an X-ray. We'll know if that's the case this afternoon, he might just wait until I get home to take him so he can just go home from the doctor and take his pain meds and rest.

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