June Angel Baby Mommas Hoping for Rainbows!!

So my friend totally knows I'm pg! We talk on AIM every day, this is what just happened:

ME: I'm so ready to go home. I feel like poo
HER: Aww. I'm sorry. What's wrong?
ME: felt sick on and off for about a week, kind of feel like I have a fever
HER: Wow, you need some rest. When was your last period? lol Are we sure there's no bun?
ME: lol I think I caught something from Kim at work, she's been sick for awhile. The woman I interviewed with on Friday was sick too
HER: ah ok, makes sense, just checking. lol

Totally avoided the question! She definitely knows... lol.

Hey, maybe the fact that you have a neutral feeling about the job is a good sign?!

BTW, do you have a portfolio of some type that you provide the interviewer when you go for your interviews (besides a resume)?

Keep being positive and just hold out and stick to your plans to get the scan done closer to mother’s day, like you planned. You have some more patience left in you, right?

Blake is so lucky he didn’t have more serious damage, esp on his head! I hope he gets some rest and heals quickly. At least with a hairline fracture, there shouldn’t be a need for surgery.

You’ll have to let us know how the AngelSounds works, and if you recommend it, once you start using it!

Not sure if your friend knows your're pg...it sounds to me like you totally played it off really well. Good job!
Stef: So sorry to hear about the bleeding. Even though they say bleeding in the first trimester is pretty common it would still freak me out too. I'm guessing it has stopped by now. I'll say some prayers for you. I'll also say a prayer for Blake's leg. Men! Do they ever grow up? Hopefully now he will be more careful. Tell him dad's have to set a good example. Hope you get that job.

Meli: Glad to hear that you had a nice Easter. I'm sure your ds will be very happy to have a boy his age in the neighborhood. It will be good that you and your dh can keep an eye on them too as those teenage years can be trying (that's the part of parenting I fear most). Remember, you don't need to fill up the whole syringe full of pre-seed. Just a little bit will do, you don't want to drown the swimmers, just give them a nice channel to swim.

AFM: I forgot my phone at home today. I felt slightly panicked all day without it. Just went to a going away party for my neighbors across the street. A couple our age is moving in and they are expecting their first child in August. Tomorrow they find out the gender. Sure makes me broody. Easter went well. Charlotte found all 48 eggs. I have gained four pounds since Thursday. It is time for me to put down the fork!
I am glad everyone had a great Easter. Mine was alright. I enjoyed seeing my brother. I am so proud of him and actually cried twice during the ceremony. My brother and I have always been very close and dh says I think my brother can do no wrong. He did do wrong though. His unit passed around a tummy bug and he gave it to Carter and my mom. Carter puked twice last night. I felt so bad for him. He thought I was going to get mad because he made a mess on the carpet. I attempted to let him sleep in the bed with me. He fell asleep right away because he didn't feel good, but then he was ALL over the place, I had to have Jeff put him back in his bed. He was fine all night and was fine all day so I guess it has already passed.
So anyway, when my parents got to my house to pick us up I sent Carter outside in his shirt. My mom noticed right away and I guess mom and dad had some whispering outside. Mom came in and asked if it was for real. I said yes and she gave me an obligatory hug. My dad walked right past me and didn't say anything. I am not surprised about their reactions. That is how they are.

Vegas, your dream interpretation sounds right to me. I am sure you will find how well you work very soon!

Sweetmomma, I don't think 16 weeks is too early at all!

Jasmine, glad I could help with the name situation. I love the name Ophelia. It would be very unusual here too. If we didn't have a name picked out, I think it would be a top choice. I have lots of sex dreams too and between 5-6.5 weeks I was in the mood a ton! I hope your fil gets moved and I hope you can get a scan!! Did you post your first test result or did I miss that?

Meli, FX for a cd 14-15 o date! Awesome news about your neighbors. I am glad the hunt went well for your family. Good luck on the daily BDing!!

Stef, I am so sorry to hear about Blake! Hope his leg isn't fractured! I am also sorry to hear about that bleeding episode. I know how scary it is! I am sure it was a one off though!

Yes, I totally agree. My plan is to make our house the ‘cool hang out’ house so that we can keep an eye on them. I can imagine that the neighbors are kind of cramped in their 4 bedroom house, and this boy is the oldest of the 3 kids, so I picture him wanting somewhere to hang out to ‘get away’ from the madhouse that may be his new reality! FX~

Thanks for the preseed tip. DH jumped on me before I got the chance to insert the preseed, and I didn’t want to lose the momentum (or have him comment that I’ve turned this so scientific-he made that comment once last cycle so I’m totally aware of it now) so, we didn’t get a chance to use it last night. I will def use it tonight. I wonder how early I can insert it? I need to re-read the instructions when I get home.

I can just imagine the ‘slightly panicked’ feeling you felt without your phone. That’s happened to me a couple of times, but luckily realized it before I was more than a couple of blocks away. I just turned back to pick it up. Since I commute, and sometimes there are issues with the train, I need to stay in contact with DH to let him knows if something comes up. My luck, the day I don’t have a phone, is the day that I would need it! I’m sure you know how that goes…

When is the new couple moving in? FX you will be pg by then and maybe that will make you a little less broody….

48 eggs??!! Go Charlotte!!! I bet she was in heaven.

4lbs is nothing! Don’t worry about it, you can lose that really quick if you really wanted to.


Poor Carter with his tummy bug…at least it seemed to have passed pretty quickly.Thank God you didn’t catch it! Can you imagine? <shudders>

Where will your brother be stationed? Which is he in (army, navy, coast guard, etc)?

Wow…if I had the same reaction from my parents, it would hurt my feelings. I hope your feelings weren’t hurt. I’m sure your parents will come around!!! :hugs:


Today is CD13 and I had my first positive opk last night. It was also positive this morning. I will prob o sometime between tomorrow and Thursday. I’m loving the saliva tester!! It started giving me partial ferning on Saturday morning--that’s 3 days notice before the opk’s started getting any color at all. My opk’s went from completely negative yesterday morning, to a positive last night. No in between…The partial ferning is why I kicked the BD up a notch and we’ve BD everyday since then.

So, if I o as scheduled, then I will definitely count myself as one of the lucky few whose cycle/o wasn’t pushed out by the soy. Unless, that means that the soy didn’t work for me?? Oh well, I guess we’ll see soon enough. I’ll use the soy for 2 more cycles, and will up the dosage a bit, if this cycle results in a bfn.
Meli, My feeling were hurt, by I am used to that with my parents. After this weekend, I told Jeff that I don't want them watching Carter for a while. I am so sick of them! I have a hang up with what Carter eats. He has never had candy or chocolate. Well my mom just HAD to give him the nuts and raisins out of her trail mix and she accidentally left 2 m&ms in there. I was so upset. I didn't want him to eat candy number one, second- I at least wanted to see his face on the first taste and I didn't because he was in his car seat rear facing! Also, I have told them that I am not okay with them spanking Carter. I have given him the occasional bottom tap, but it isn't something we do often and something I would rather not do. While we were in the hotel room, he was messing with the tv cabinet. We asked him to stop and he wasn't listening (has been very defiant). Well she got up and popped his bottom!!!!! I about shit my pants and said "I told you not to spank him and we are sitting right here! If we thought he needed a spanking we would have done it!". I couldn't believe she did that!!! And she did it so easily that it makes me wonder how often she has done that. Okay I need to take a breather from talking about this, I am getting mad all over!!!!

I think you can put the preseed in 15 minutes ahead of time. I am glad you like the saliva tests so much! A three day notice is amazing!!!!

I’m sorry your feelings were hurt :hug: ! I don’t see why they wouldn’t be happy for you. It’s not like you guys go to them to bail you out of sh*t, right? Jeff is very close to graduating with his mba…they’re acting like you guys are just out of high school or something!

Sorry your parents pissed you off. What you described your mom did would piss me off too!! :growlmad: Parents bring a lot of stuff into this raising kids business, don’t they? Many times good, but with the good comes the bad…

Anyways, I’ll stop mentioning that. I don’t want you to revisit the whole episode again!!
Angel: sorry your parents are being all around jerks. You are a grown-up and are entitled to do whatever you want without asking them first. Sometimes it is hard for parents to let go and old habits (like spanking or giving a child what you consider to be a treat) die hard.

Meli: the "cool house" made me laugh. I suppose there is something to having to cool house, but it will mean feeding and cleaning up after a lot of teenage boys, so be careful what you wish! Hooray on the positive opk and the heads up from ferning. I may have to look into it. Glad dh was happy to play along last night. Make sure you get him again tonight!

I'm having a crap day. I rear ended a car on my way to work this morning. No damage other than the world's smallest scratch, but I'm sure he'll sue me for some bs back pain (hopefully not, but I have little faith in the common decency of other people). A cop was running a red so we all had to slam on our brakes and my car just didn't stop fast enough. Luckily we have good insurance, but if he files a claim it'll ruin my perfect record. At least no one was visibly hurt.

You make a good point about the negatives of being the ‘cool house’ lol! I think I can handle it for 2 teens, but you’re right, if it really becomes a ‘cool house’ there may be more than 2 teens hanging out!

Omg I am so sorry you rear-ended someone!! It’s salt to the wound when it wasn’t even your fault because of the police car running a red light. I HOPE this man has some common decency and just lets it go, but like you, I would totally be nervous, and worried that he will be an ass and sue you because the insurance companies will pay him a couple thousand just to go away. I hope you took pictures of the practically non-existent damage.
Oh man Vegas, I am so sorry!! Damage or not, it is still scary when it happens. In all my car accidents I black out, even if for just a couple of seconds. I can never remember the actually impact, it has happened three times to me. Only once when I was driving and it wasn't my fault, someone rear ended me.

Yes, we will be taking a break from my parents. We do have to see them this weekend, because I already promised we would come for a late Easter dinner but then I need a few weeks for a break. Then they will helping us move. And Meli, the only real time we asked for help was when we moved here from Memphis. We lived in their basement for 8 months. We paid rent to them, bought over half the groceries and helped around the house and yard. They feel we should not have another child because there are times when money does get tight for us. We are not poor by any means, but sometimes I say "we can't afford that right now" even with small things like eating out or when shopping at Walmart. When I say it, it isn't that I only have $5 in my bank, it is because it is unnecessary and it will take away form something else in the budget. I believe that even if we had less money, we would find a way, because that is what people do. Love is all that matters and we have plenty of that. My child doesn't want for anything and I would even call him spoiled. We take family vacations every year so that he will always have good memories and we always take to jump houses, and parks and stuff. OMG!!! I am getting mad again and need to stop. While I finish ranting about my parents, I forgot to say that she also said in the car on the ride "Carter has been about a month behind on all his milestones". How offensive!!!!! I am a member of a mommy group and I KNOW he sat up, rolled, crawled and walked right at average time. He speaks and understands way better that most of the kids his age in the group. The only thing he was delayed in, was getting teeth and that wasn't in his control! Okay, must step away....

Sounds like a little ‘parent break’ will do you lots of good! Maybe they’ll straighten up in the absence! I’m sure they mean well and don’t realize how it ‘sounds’ to you. I would be annoyed also.

So last night, DH’s daughter (my stepdaughter) asked him for a ‘favor’. First off, let me just say she is a huge Michael Jackson fan (she’s only 20, so I think that’s kind of weird, but cute, but anywho!). She’s a sophomore in college (studying pre-med) and asked if we would accompany/take her and her college roommate to Las Vegas to see the new Cirque de Soleil Michael Jackson show (which opens May 23). He asked if I wanted to go. I said “Sure, but we need to go for at least 3 days to make it worth it”. He checked with her availability, and she said she was available the weekend of May 24, and in middle of July. I’m like, “May 24 weekend is a HORRIBLE choice. First, it’s the Memorial Day weekend, so you know Vegas will be so CROWDED for everything! Not just the drive there, but the restaurants will be crowded, so will walking on the strip”…and I/we HATE crowds! Not to mention, the hotel rooms will be very expensive, blah blah blah. I finally told him “Do what you want. I don’t care-it’s your money anyways. I’m just along for the ride”. I did say “ I don’t care if they have to play hooky from school for ONE day (Fri May 24). I AM NOT driving to las vegas on the Friday of a holiday weekend. Nor am I driving back home any later than the crack of dawn on Sunday morning (to avoid the traffic). I don’t care if we leave late Thursday night and we’re on the road at 10pm! It’s better than Friday!” Well, he ended up making reservations at Mandalay Bay-- 2 rooms (we’re getting the girls their own room) and the total is $1,400! And that’s not including the daily resort fees and taxes! I’m like, “you’re crazy”. I am SO not looking forward to that trip. I hate crowds and I’m so impatient!! I wish I could change my mind and say I don’t want to go, you go ahead without me, but he would not be happy. So, I guess we’re going to Vegas next month!
Meli, I don't have a portfolio, but I'm not really applying to jobs that need to see my web work (except the work from home jobs, which I do send examples to when they want).

Patience? What's that? Lol. Oh I'm still waiting until just before Mother's Day for the high quality scan, for sure. I'm super excited about it!

It turns out Blake didn't fracture his leg, no breaks at all. The doctor just wants him to wait a few days now to see if the pain decreases, and if not, he'll be getting an MRI.

And I can pretty much guarantee this particular friend knows! She's the type to know things well before you tell her, like my mom. I'm pretty sure that's why she even mentioned it, to see if I'd say anything. But she also knows when to stop pestering, unlike my mom! Surprised my mom hasn't said anything yet... *knock on wood*

Yay for the positive OPK! Do you know if you've o'd yet?

And I'm sure you'll have fun in Vegas anyway, even though it will be busy!

vegas, yeah I was freaked out by the bleeding. It wasn't much and it didn't last long, but it was bright red. Just hoping it was nothing, and considering there hasn't been any more and no weird cramping, I'm sure it was.

Nope, I don't think men ever do grow up! We were watching a show, I can't remember what show, and a wife said to her husband, "Repeat after me - 'I am too important to do dumb and dangerous things.'" I laughed and looked at Blake, lol.

That sucks about rear ending someone. I hope the guy isn't a jerk about it since there was almost no damage!

angel, I'm sorry your parents have a stick up their butts! That's all I'll say about that because I don't want you getting upset again!

Poor Carter with the stomach bug! I think I caught the same one. I was up all night Monday night into Tuesday throwing up. Stayed home yesterday and did nothing but sleep and watch TV. Throwing up stopped but... TMI... other bathroom activities didn't. Today I'm home again feeling seriously drained, but no more puking, so that's good. Apparently Blake's brother and 1 and 4 year old nieces caught it, too.

AFM, yep, stomach bug here. At first I thought the throwing up might be morning sickness until I talked to Blake's mom and found out his brother and nieces were throwing up, too. Damn, I was actually excited for ms, lol.

So I'm pretty sure I have bv, again. This is ridiculous. My vagina hates me, seriously. Because of it, I'm going to the midwife tomorrow instead of the 19th. So I'll be having an u/s tomorrow on her portable (was really hoping for 9 weeks because last pg the baby stopped growing around 8... now it's a thing in my head... I'll be 7 weeks tomorrow). At least I'll get to see that the spotting was nothing and have that reassurance. Then the next time I'd see her would be 11 weeks, probably, then the high quality scan at 12.

I'm feeling very discouraged. Hopefully tomorrow with the midwife changes the way this week has been going because it's just sucked. First, the spotting and Blake hurting himself. Monday I felt crappy, think it was this bug starting. Monday night into Tuesday and all day Tuesday - sick. Got an email from the woman I interviewed with yesterday also telling me I didn't get the job.

Anyway, hope everyone is doing well!
Angel: glad to hear you will be taking a breather from your family after this weekend.

Meli: the drive between LA and Vegas is always bad and even worse during a holiday weekend. On the other hand, Mandalay Bay is great. I've always liked that property. You'll have fun, regardless. So how are your opk's looking today? Pretty sure if you conceive today you would have a Christmas day due date. How awesome a Christmas present would that be!

Afm: I became an aunt again today. Pretty sure the baby is 3-4 weeks early as we were five or six weeks apart (I should be 31 weeks now). Anyway, baby Leo weighed in at 5lbs so he is a little guy. Hope he gets big quickly as he had three older siblings to deal with. I'm waiting on AF. Today I'm 10dpo and hoping I will make it to 12dpo before I start. I'm going to be at a conference for the next two days so I'm sure with my luck it'll start there.
Stef: just saw your post. Sorry about the bv. My body hates me too as I have a yeast infection (damn antibiotics!). I think it's great you are getting an early scan. Enjoy seeing your little bean! Sucks about the job, but you'll find something. As much as you hate the drive, at least you do have a job.

I asked about a portfolio because when I was interviewing for jobs years ago, I had a portfolio/nice folder. It contained my resume, along with letters of recommendation from a couple of college professors, and a previous employer. In my cover letter, I quoted from old performance reviews. It really set me apart from other candidates, and I actually received more than a few compliments about it from the interviewers. I interviewed for a job with the Mayor of LA’s office, to work directly with him in an administrative coordinator role, and his Chief of Staff was very impressed with it. I didn’t accept that job offer, I had a competing offer from my current job so I ended up where I’m at, but I’m SO GLAD I didn’t accept the job with the mayor!!

Maybe you’re already doing this, but, just in case you’re not, just a suggestion for you to consider. AND, even if you’re not applying for a social media job, per se, I would still include examples of your work. I think this would really set you apart from the crowd. Even if it may feel corny and cheesy, I think the interviewers will appreciate it. It’s kind of like when you were in school and turned in assignments in class. I would always include the assignment in a nice folder, etc etc. It’s all about the presentation, and sometimes that can give you the edge over all the other contenders! I’m sure you KWIM. Anyways, just a thought.

That’s awesome that so far, Blake's diagnosis doesn't include breaks or fractures! FX it stays that way and no need for an MRI!.

Ouch, that stomach bug sounds nasty. I’m glad you’re starting to feel better from that, but hate to hear that you have bv again!! But, YAY to the u/s tomorrow!!!

vegas makes a good point-yes, you hate the long drive to work, as you rightly should. But, at least you have a job, right? How discouraged/stressed would you be if you didn’t have a job right now?! You’ll get a new job when it’s a perfect fit for you. Having a job right now gives you some leverage when you look at new jobs, meaning, you’re not desperate to just accept any job offer. You’ll accept an offer when it’s the right fit. And, the weather should be getting better soon, so it will be safer to make the long drive. I know it’s hard, but don’t give up. Be patient and keep trying! Again, I know, easy for me to say, but hard to do...


I know…I HATE the drive to Vegas, and have always said that I will NEVER go during a holiday weekend. But here we are. The following is something that I will have to work on NOT saying the whole weekend: “I TOLD YOU SO”. :growlmad:

We’ve never stayed at Mandalay Bay, the last time we went to vegas was Dec 2011, and we stayed at the Palazzo for the first time. Loved it!

Oooo, I didn’t know that if I conceive this month, I’ll have a xmas baby. I had a feeling of that, but wasn’t completely sure. Just checked right now and based on LMP, EDD would be 12/26/13. That WOULD be totally awesome!!! I don’t even dare hope lol! I guess I will wait to see how ‘strong’, or not, my o is this month. So far, not really seeing any real difference, but I am still hopeful.

Ohhh, a new nephew!! How cute!! 5 lbs is tiny…hopefully he’ll start chunking up soon lol!

DH’s co-worker became a dad for the first time on Sunday. Had a little boy, 8 lbs and something oz…I was like “The Easter bunny made a special delivery!” I also shared with him Jasmine’s comment about me hatching an Easter egg lol! He got a good laugh from that one.

FX that AF stays away for a couple more days!! Where is your conference? Do you have to travel?


I’m sure you’re doing well but just wanted to say “hola”!


My opk was negative with FMU today (but was still positive last night), so I think I will o today or tomorrow. I guess I’ll know once I see tomorrow’s and Friday’s temps. I want a break of at least one day from BD’ing lol!!!
Meli: you can do it! Keep up the boinking you're almost there! I used to work for the Venetian/Palazzo when I lived in Vegas. I had a ton of fun working there, the property is so pretty.

Stef: Meli makes a good point. Since I'm a designer I have a portfolio. I also had to do a PowerPoint presentation for my current job and was told I got it because they liked mine best. I hated having to do yet another graphic presentation (since I had the portfolio), but it did pay off. Also, sorry about the tummy bug. Forgot to mention ghat above.

Jasmine/Sweetmomma: we miss you!

Ok, so I'm already bloated and cramping, AF needs to hold off just a little while longer. I upped my b6 too 100mg and I had high hopes it would add a day or so.
Vegas, congrats on becoming an aunt again!! FX for two more days adding to your lp!

Stef, sorry about the bv and the stomach bug, but great news about Blake's leg!

Meli, I went to Vegas when I was 16, so I couldn't do anything. I would love to go back, but when I am not pregnant or trying so I can drink and have a really good time. Those are some great tips about your portfolio, I passed them along to Jeff. Hope they work for him to get that six figure job after he graduates.....:haha:
I had to share this little girl outfit I found on pinterest. I am in love, but $50! If it were $15, I would buy it just in case and give it away if I didn't get a girl.

vegas, sorry about the yeast infection! Those suck too. I'll probably get one in the next week if I get prescribed antibiotics today, bleh! Antibiotics always give them to me. Has AF come yet? Hope it stays away for a bit longer! Congrats on becoming on aunt again!

Meli, ahh ok. That portfolio idea does sound like a good one! Blake told me his leg is feeling worse today, unfortunately. Hopefully it does start feeling better. Today I'm feeling pretty crappy. Haven't been able to eat much, scared of eating! Being hungry makes me nauseous, which makes me not want to eat, eating certain things makes me nauseous. Ugh! FX for a BFP this cycle!

angel, we're hoping it's good news about his leg, but so far, it isn't getting any better. He really isn't taking it easy on it, though.

AFM, still feeling crappy. Had to come into work today, though. Unpaid sick days SUCK. On the plus side... u/s today in less than 4 hours! FX!!! I can't wait to get out of here and get over there. And then go home and do nothing because I feel like death warmed over. Come onnnnn weekend!

Yah, LV is cool. There are so many more ‘family friendly’ things to do nowadays. When our parents took us as kids, the only hotel kids were allowed to stay in was “Circus Circus”. If you ever get a chance to go to LV, make sure that you don’t go on a holiday weekend! And you can take Carter with you, but take a babysitter too, so you and Jeff can check out the nightlife!

FX Jeff gets that 6 figure job this summer!

That little girl outfit is so cute, but expensive. I don’t think I would spend $50 for it--but that’s just me! It is expensive being green, isn’t it?


I hope the stupid witch hasn't come yet and your LP has lengthened.

Check out this link. It lists “24 signs you went to Catholic School”. I thought you’d get a kick out of it like I did.



So excited for your U/S!!!! :happydance::happydance:

I hope you (and Blake!) start feeling better soon. It's bad enough to feel like crap, but then to have to be at work BLOWS! :hugs:


I am pretty sure that I o’d on Tuesday (although FF hasn’t yet confirmed it), making me 2dpo today. I have to say that thus far, I haven’t really felt any real difference in having taken the soy. I haven’t gotten any out of the ordinary “ovarian twinges” or anything. The only thing different I can see so far is that the day that I o’d, I had a heavy uterine feeling, which I normally don’t get. I also had a weird stomach that day--you know, bloating and *ahem*gastric issues? I hope that was due to an overload of hormones/eggs popping lol! I am still staying positive, if I caught the egg, EDD is 12/24! That would be so awesome. Anyways, trying to stay positive until at least 11dpo, and we’ll see what my temps do then.

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