June Angel Baby Mommas Hoping for Rainbows!!

Hey guys,

Omg, I’m so sorry for the lack of posting yet again, I can’t even explain to you how tired I feel, it’s so much harder this time around with Eva to look after, she’s so full on and OH has been away so I’ve literally been non stop, when I do finally stop I eat loads of food and go straight to bed! What a barrel of laughs I’ve become!

Stef, I’m sorry to hear that you had a bleed that must have been awfully scary for you, I’m sure it was nothing to worry about and you have your scan real soon so that will put your mind at rest! Stef, I have an angelsounds Doppler too, I’m a bit scared ti use it this time though as last time I obviously couldn’t find a heartbeat and now I know why, but it worried me, I should have acted on it I guess but it leaves sad memories for me as that’s the only time I ever used one and I tried SO hard, I put all the gel on and sat there every night for like an hour, I said to my friends I’m so worried about it but I didn’t do anything about it! Anyway, your experience will be different to this but that’s just why I probably won’t be using mine again. Hope Blake gets well soon and you too with the stomach bug, and the BV, nightmare! Sorry you didn’t get that job and are feeling discouraged the only way is up now, hang on in there if you can!

Meli, I have missed OH but he came back today which is good, well it would be if he didn’t still have so much work to do! He hasn’t stopped and I have still had to do nearly everything on my own while he finishes off, grrrrr! Meli, I’m so impressed with your BD schedule this month, WHOOAAAA! Well done! I'll be annoyed if you're Easter egg doesn't hatch this month, I'll literally fall out with your ovaries, I mean it! Funny that you told someone about that too, hehe!

Vegas, thanks for missing me, I’m useless on here lately! I keep reading all of the posts but have no energy to reply! I’m not complaining of course but it does make things tricky! My house is like a tip! I’m so glad Charlotte had a good easter! Eva did too! Sorry about your car, did anything come of it? I clipped my windscreen yesterday and knocked it right off! Congrats on being an Aunty too! My nephew Archie was also born last week, he was 8 pounds exactly!

Angel, oh gosh sorry you sound like you’ve been having a rough time what with the sickness bug and your parents, I don’t wanna get you started again so that’s all I’ll say too! Hey, glad I’m not the only one having all of these raunchy dreams! Are yours very vivid? Mine are, it’s very weird! Luckily I never get a chance to have much REM sleep, so I can’t remember a lot of them but there is at least one every night! We DTD when I first got pg and omg it was AMAZING, pg sex is the best, OH was really squeamish last time but he seems to have gotten over that now which is FAB, although we have only done it twice both times have been great!

AFM, I FINALLY got my blood results back! Turns out they went to my old doctors by accident, someone finally did there job properly on reception and dug a little deeper to figure out why 8 days later and about 50 phonecalls from me they still weren’t back! Anyway, I digress, the HCG was 5350 that was at 5 weeks 2 days and they’re not sure what happened to the prosgesterone result so I have to do them again! I’m having lots more symptoms now at least, and I’m absolutely STARVING all of the time, from what research I've done that HCG is okay, does anyone else know?! X x

woohoo to the ms symptoms!!:thumbup:

regarding your ? if yout HCG numbers were good, I have no idea..sorry :nope:
BUT I'm sure they are, or else you would have been told something! So no dr. google for you, my dear! Don't do it !! :nope::nope:

I'm glad DH is back to help you with Eva. Get some rest!! :hugs::hugs:
Meli: I'm not even sure how you've had time to be on BnB with all the :sex: you've been having. Totally lol'd at the Catholic school thing. All true. There is another on I saw that was about going to an all girls school and it was also accurate. Did you go to an all girls school? I can't remember.

Jasmine: So glad to see you on here. Glad DH is back, it's hard being a single parent! I'm flying solo tonight as my dh is out of town. There is nothing wrong with being tired, eating and then going to bed. Sounds ideal to me! I can't believe they lost your blood tests and that you have to do one of them again. Boo! Hopefully they will be more careful this time.

Stef: How did your doctor's appointment go?

Angel: That is a cute outfit, but the price, yikes! Look on Etsy and see if you can find something similar for a better price. Of course you might want to wait until you find out if you're having a girl before you start buying clothes :haha:

Nothing to report here. The conference was a bit boring and I have another day of it tomorrow. Still it's better than being at work.
U/s went well. She saw h/b at about 130 (had to count since the portable machine has no sound). Got prescribed Metro for bv.

She spent a good ten minutes just staring at the ultrasound. Said, "Has anyone ever mentioned to you the possibility of a septum in your uterus?" I said, "No, would that be a problem?" and she says, "No, I'm just looking to make sure this isn't another sac I'm seeing." And then she spent another while looking at the sac she did see to make sure there wasn't two babies in there... I drank a lot of water before coming in but apparently it hadn't all made it to my bladder and combined with the old machine the pic was grainy. She said she'd be surprised if there were two after staring at it forever, but adding that and the fact that I had a feeling had me wondering big time.

4 hours later I started bleeding. Texted midwife, told her I was spotting. Right after I texted I felt something and ran to the bathroom, gush of blood. Freaked out. It happened on and off until it started slowing down about an hour and a half later. There was also a pain in my lower left side... would have been worried about an ectopic but she would have seen that in the u/s, so I don't know what that was about. Midwife called in progesterone shots in case, so we ran to pick those up at 10 last night. Think Blake got a kick out of shooting me in the butt :dohh: This morning it was dark brown blood, figured it was old and leftover, but I just got to work and there's some new blood again. I'm scared :confused:

I really wanted to come on with nothing but good news, but I just don't know. What's odd is I still feel like something good is going on in there, but the bleed was bad enough where it has me scared... possibility my feeling of twins was right and we just lost one? Idk... I have another appt in 2 weeks but I don't know how to wait that long :(

Sorry for lack of proper responses yet, I just needed to get that all out, only have Blake to talk to in person since no one else knows yet.
Stef, im so sorry that sounds horrible, I'm not surprised you're scared but you have a good instinct and that's not to be overlooked, for some reason I have been worrying about you all day since 6am, as you hadn't updated us on the ultrasound straightaway I hoped it wasn't bad news, the good thing is you have seen a lovely strong heartbeat just 4 hours prior. The twins theory could be a possibility given all you said. Is there anyway you can get another scan or blood work done, have you told the midwife? Massive hugs sweetie, it doesn't mean the worst x
Sorry you said the midwife already got you some progesterone shots, can they not see you sooner? X
Stef: big hugs to you. I'm so happy you got to see a hb yesterday, but I'm so sorry about the bleed. I know lots if people who've bleed in their first tri and everything has been fine. If you can find someone who can give you a better quality scan I think I'd go for it asap just for a second opinion and clarification. Was the us transvaginal? Maybe they just irritated your cervix. Again, big hugs.
Jasmine, I'm not sure if she'd want to see me sooner, I haven't talked to her yet today about the new bleeding, but I was talking with her last night (she also talked Blake through the shot). I'm not sure going in to see her earlier with all that's already been done will do anything but either ease my mind just a little or let me know something negative earlier. I want the peace of mind, but I don't think it would last me long, you know what I mean? I'd be worried again very quickly, especially if this bleeding / spotting continues.

vegas, I'm thinking about the higher quality scan, but I'm not sure what I should do. I want the peace of mind, but like I said above, it won't last me long even if I see everything is ok. I'll be worried again quickly! I'm debating if I should wait until my next appt or if I should get a private hq scan soon... either way it's not going to change the outcome, it will just let me know what's going on one way or the other. The u/s wasn't transvaginal.

Thanks ladies :hugs:
If this was a twin I would think they could see that and at this point tv is way clearer than a traditional us. Perhaps they won't be able to provide you with any more insight, but I'd want to know. Of course I am a highly paranoid person so that's just how I would handle it, do whatever your guy tells you needs to be done.
I understand what you're saying hun, it's a tough call but I think I'd opt for the higher quality scan too, good luck with the decision and hope the bleeding stops, i think if something was wrong with bean the heartbeart wouldnt have been as strong, i think thats a good sign x x
vegas, my gut is telling me there's still a heart beating in there, which makes it weird for me to try and decide what to do at this point because if I truly feel everything is ok, I shouldn't need to see it, yet I'm super paranoid, too, so I really WANT to see it. I can't do it today, anyway, because the private scan office closes right around the time I get home (and before Blake gets home, and I want him to go if I go), so I have at least tonight to think about it.

Jasmine, I would think that, too, about the h/b being strong, except that makes me think of last time, when we saw and heard the h/b at 156 and then the baby stopped growing 2-3 days later.

I think I'm going to think about it, at least for tonight. Just FX that the bleeding stops today. It's not heavy now, it's definitely back to "spotting," so hopefully that's a good sign. Part of me wants the scan just to see if there WAS a twin in there, I know if I wait very long they might not be able to tell, and how she was staring at the screen yesterday, an hq scan might see something she was having a hard time seeing.
Meli, FX your gassiness and heaviness were signs of a stronger o.

Stef, hopefully Blake will take it easier and his leg can heal up fine! I am very sorry about your bleeding as well all know how scary it is. It is a great sign that you saw the heartbeat and 130 is a good one! Your theory of a twin could be. I think if it were me, I would want another one to verify what is going on. I can’t stand not knowing and it would consume me with worry. But of course it won’t change nature’s plans so if you are still feeling positive, I say go with it. I think our instincts are a lot more reliable than we give them credit for.

Jasmine, yes- my dreams were pretty raunchy. Some were with people I didn’t know, like I couldn’t see their faces. Then there were others with Jeff and in the ones with Jeff, we were never actually able to finish the deed and I would get so frustrated with my “need”. I would always wake up horribly unsatisfied! Don’t worry about not posting a bunch, I feel like for a good month I only posted every four days or so because like you I couldn’t find the energy to reply. Also, based on the chart I use, your hcg is perfect!

Vegas, did you get af yet? You are 12 dpo today if not, right?

Not much going on here. I ended up with the stupid tummy bug around 3:30am Thursday morning and practically slept all day yesterday. I feel tons better, but Charlie (the boy I babysit) started throwing up last night so I don’t have him today. And while I love a day off, I sure don’t want a 2yo to feel as bad as I did. I tend to get a tummy bug once a year, so hopefully I done this year! No more news on the house stuff either. I have been continuing to look for houses online just in case. I told Jeff if we don’t find a house we like by Monday, that I won’t be looking anymore and we will go with our apartment decision and run with it. Now we will need to start packing stuff up. We have to get a storage unit because it won’t have the space or garage that we have now. Oh yeah, and I am 11 weeks today!!! The size of a 2 inch lime! 2 more weeks and we will announce to the rest of the world.

I don’t know what to say, except that I agree with Jasmine and vegas and Angel. My mom is one of those women who bled throughout her last pregnancy and my brother was born happy and healthy! And Angel makes a good point-our instincts are a lot more reliable than we give them credit for.

Keep thinking positive, as you’ve been. Keep the faith. Everything will work out fine. This is just a bump in the road. :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Yes, HS was all girls, elementary school was co-ed. No, I hadn’t seen that all girl school list, but just found it and omg! It is so true! We had a summer and winter uniform. I swear the first picture was my elementary school skirt and I recognize the print of the second picture! And the comment about the hallways being lined with old pix-that was totally us! The HS I went to has been around for like, forever. As a matter of fact, when I graduated, I was part of the centennial graduating class! And #22, that was totally us also. We didn’t wear graduation gowns, we had to wear the same white formal dresses that we had to vote on (we looked like we were getting married!). AND we had to hold yellow roses! That’s funny, I truly thought we were the only school with this tradition!!

I personally hate conferences, but you’re right, it IS better than being at work!


You say not much going on there, but a stupid tummy bug sounds like a lot to me! Like you needed this, right?

A LIME, huh? Awesome! :happydance::happydance:


Looks like FF will confirm o day as Wednesday, once I enter tomorrow’s temps. I am WIPED OUT from DTD. I never used to be this way (kinda dreading BD) but once I’m on a mission (to get pg) I guess it’s hard for me to step back and be the way I was before…DTD for pleasure lol!
With doing it 15 times last cycle, I sure know what you mean Melissa!!

edit- is it okay if I call you that?

You said you're starving all the time. Had any more fish and chippies lately? I can live vicariously through you! :haha:
With doing it 15 times last cycle, I sure know what you mean Melissa!!

edit- is it okay if I call you that?

Of course you can! Some people call me Meli, others Melissa. I have no preference!

And DTD 15 times last cycle? Now, THAT'S impressive!
Hey, isn't this one of our former ladies? Look at the third comment down:

Meli: I'm glad I'm not alone in the weirdness that was the experience of going to an all-girls school. We did wear a cap and gown (white) to graduation, but we had something called baccalaureate where we all had to have dresses made out of the same material (that we chose). We would toss tampons to one another in the middle of class and if a boy came anywhere near the school it was huge news. My dh actually went to our brother school. Yeah, we're those people.

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