June Angel Baby Mommas Hoping for Rainbows!!

Stef: I'm so happy to hear you are doing well. You had me so worried! Hopefully the progesterone is just what you need.

Angel: I like that hair! That is sweet about your neighbor commenting on Carter. Sorry you have to move.

Sweetmomma: what a cute bump!

Afm: I'm going to the doctor's in about an hour. My UTI seems to have returned and I think I'm pregnant. I'm hoping it's that and not cancer. I'll explain more this afternoon. I'm a bit nervous and the nurse was already a bit short with me about everything so I'm a little upset.
Stef: I'm so happy to hear you are doing well. You had me so worried! Hopefully the progesterone is just what you need.

Angel: I like that hair! That is sweet about your neighbor commenting on Carter. Sorry you have to move.

Sweetmomma: what a cute bump!

Afm: I'm going to the doctor's in about an hour. My UTI seems to have returned and I think I'm pregnant. I'm hoping it's that and not cancer. I'll explain more this afternoon. I'm a bit nervous and the nurse was already a bit short with me about everything so I'm a little upset.

Oh my! My heart just started beating faster!!! I will say a prayer for you. Update us right away!!!
Afm: I'm going to the doctor's in about an hour. My UTI seems to have returned and I think I'm pregnant. I'm hoping it's that and not cancer. I'll explain more this afternoon. I'm a bit nervous and the nurse was already a bit short with me about everything so I'm a little upset.


FX. Yes, come back on ASAP!
Stef, I'm sooo glad you're okay and bean seems to be doing fine, the symptoms are very promising, will you have a scan next Friday then?

Angel, I love that hair style, great length, which sounds rude but didn't mean too!

Sweet, awwww your bump is so cute. I think mine is the same size already. Annoying about all the names being taken. My friend just had a girl today called Esti May, I think it's so nice but kind of annoyed because my girls name astrid would be Asti which is too similar especially as she has another girl called eve way similar to Eva :(

Melissa, where are you? We miss you x

Vegas, oh my god, how can this be? I'm keeping you in my thoughts, I sure hope you're okay x will be watching the thread like a hawk x
OK, so I'm back. First, I've been getting positive hpt's for a few days, but didn't want to say anything with Stef having her issues (I was concerned and felt the focus needed to be on you Stef, hope that makes sense). Last month we were NTNP. I figured it wouldn't hurt as it took nine cycles last time. I knew I was o'ing but when we dtd I didn't use any special lube or elevate my hips, in fact, I ran to the restroom after. So the positives have been a bit of a shock, but seven tests can't be wrong, right? Of course I'm not allowed according to what my dr told me after the d&c. I'm not supposed to try until July. Of course you all knew I wasn't going to wait that long, but I figured it would still take a few months or perhaps more. I don't feel at all pregnant. I was really irritable one day last week and that's why I took the first test. Super faint. Friday I took a real (not Internet cheapie) and it was very positive. Told dh that night, but I was scared to even tell him. What if this isn't a baby what if it is the molar tissue coming back? My doctor wasn't in when I went in a while ago for the UTI appointment. She basically said my doctor is going to be pissed at me. I told her I'd done research and consulted with an expert who said I should be ok (I emailed the doctor who is the leading expert on molar pregnancies and he emailed me back to say three months from negative is his recommendation). The new doctor said the test they gave me was very faint positive (I've been guzzling water afterall) and that she wanted to draw blood today and in 48 hours. If all that looks good I go in to see my doctor on the 23rd. New doctor said to bring the letter from the expert doctor to show my usual doctor (did you all follow that?). Currently I'm scared, I don't feel at all pregnant (which worries me), and I'm scared my doctor is going to be pissed off at me. If she is I think I'll switch to a new practice. Is that childish of me? Also, to top things off the nurse calls me when I'm almost back to work to see if I can come back in as she has spilled my urine sample they were going to send to the lab. Are you kidding me! Anyway that sums it up. I'm not sure if I can post a pic from my phone, bit if not I'll do so later.
Firstly, CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:happydance:
Second, wow, what a shitty nurse!!! I would super pissed at her attitude and that she spilled your sample. And if your doctor acts angry or unhelpful when you see him, I would CERTAINLY search for a new doctor. They offer advice, they are not your parents or something. He has no right to be mad. It isn't his body. So what dpo are you now? I am so excited!!!
Oh my god Vegas, this is crazy and BRILLIANT and scary of course but I'm hopeful it will all be okay! I didn't feel pregnant until over 5 weeks so don't worry about that. Deffo switch doctors, they're the ones being childish by the sounds of it! Oh my god, I can't believe it, we're you just waiting for af to show and it didn't?

Oh god, I gotta go Eva has just been sick everywhere, no rest for the pregnant!

I KNEW everything would be ok! Between all of our prayers/positive thoughts, it had to be ok! I’m so glad that the bleeding has stopped and the progesterone shots seem to be working. YAY~!! :happydance:


SURPRISE, SURPRISE! Congratulations!!! :wohoo::wohoo::wohoo::loopy::loopy::loopy:

Just when you least expected it, right??

I can’t believe that they are asking you to bring in the letter from the expert to show your doctor. It feels like you’re in school or something! I would also look into changing doctors if they make you feel uncomfortable. Not cool.


Quick check in because:

My cell phone’s been acting up for the last few weeks, it’s completely dead now, it won’t even turn on.

As if that’s not bad enough, my office desktop took a crap, they had to remove it to fix it. I didn’t mention it last week but we had a water pipe burst on the floor above us and flooded us. It’s been very chaotic at work. Between my stupid phone dying today (I have GOT to get a new phone soon!) and my stupid desktop crapping out on me, I haven’t had access to the internet. I’ve been sitting in the copy room, using a workstation that is used by my student workers. Basically, my screen is visible to all who come in here or walk by, so I haven’t had any privacy. WHAT’S WRONG THESE PEOPLE? DON’T THEY KNOW I HAVE TO GET ON BNB AND CHECK IN WITH MY PEEPS?

I’ll post more stuff tonight using my Nook as I never :growlmad: have any privacy when I use the computer at home.
Melissa, sorry you have been without internet! Have you had your preperiod spotting? Or when does that normally start for you?

Jasmine, sorry about Eva! Hope you don't get sick!
Jasmine, oh I'll definitely be asking for a scan! Benefits of seeing a midwife, they're pretty much willing to scan at every visit (even if it's a low quality one, it's still nice to see!). Poor Eva! Hope you don't catch it!

vegas, well congrats!!! That's so crazy! I'm sure everything is going to be fine. I would switch doctors, as well. No need to be stressed about seeing your doctor when they're supposed to be taking care of you! Also, you didn't have to wait to tell us because what was going on with me, but I really do appreciate the thought <3

Meli, that's so weird about your phone and office flooding. Blake's phone is crapping out, too. He's at the AT&T store right now trying to get it replaced! And for the office - there was flooding in some the offices at the hospital my brother works at today!

And vegas, again :happydance: :happydance: :happydance:
I'm so excited for you! Keep us updated on the doctor situation!
Angel: I'm 15dpo today.

Jasmine: Sorry Eva is sick. Charlotte had a weird little bug on Saturday. She even told me her eyes were wiggling. Who knows what that means!

Meli: Sorry all of your electronic equipment has turned on you. Typical that it would all happen at once. Like Angel, I'm curious to see how your LP is going. Any bleeding? Do you feel like anything is going on? If you're like me the only difference is was that my period didn't show up, I was really tired one night (I'm never the first one to bed) and I was a real B one day last week. Of course this UTI might be masking other signs. I feel guilty getting my bfp before you. You are supposed to be first!

AFM: I think I will talk to dh about the doctor situation tonight. I have another doctor in mind, but it will mean delivering at a new hospital and both of the potential new doctors are really young. My current doctor is only in her early 40's, but there is another doctor in the practice that is older and that I really trust. He was the one who said we would need to take Charlotte by c-section the day after we found out she was breech. Today I either spoke with or met with three separate people at my doctor's office, two were nurses and were both bitchy. The new doctor was nice, but came in with an attitude like I should have known better than to get knocked up and then basically told me my own doctor would be pissed. Do I really need this? The only reason I'm not already out the door is due to the fact they made sure one of my children entered this world safely and that is weighing heavily in their favor.

3.5 hours for a haircut? Yikes! One time I spent 7.5 hours getting highlights, cut and blowout done. Needless to say, DH forbid me from going back to that same place lol!

7 hpt’s?! You’re so cute. I totally understand why you didn’t post your bfp in the meantime Stef had her little scare. I totally get it! But it must have KILLED you to keep it to yourself! What self control~

Aww, don’t feel ‘guilty’ about getting your bfp before me! :nope: Your little bean was obviously meant to be! I’ll get mine when the time is right. But you’re so sweet :hugs:

So, what’s your EDD??

Poor Charlotte and her wriggling eyes lol!!

About your dr situation, you do make some good points for keeping them. How about you see how the next couple of appts go, and make your decision based on that?


Gl with your move! It will be a positive thing for your family.

Such a cute bump pic! I can’t believe you’re already 17 weeks!! Where has the time gone??


The bbq was nice! I still haven’t bought the mosaic bistro set, other things keep getting in the way! This time, I spent $100 to detail my car, so there went my disposable income for this pay period! I only detail my car once a year, so it’s not like it’s an excessive luxury or anything. I’m thinking I may not get the bistro for awhile. I have to buy my dad a bday gift, mother’s day is next month, so will need to buy gifts for my mom, MIL & godmother. Then we’re going to Las Vegas next month, and I like to gamble (not lots, just a little). Then June we’re going to Laughlin (more family time and gambling) then July going to Catalina Island for few days for 4th of July, then August going beach camping with the family…so I need to keep all these things in mind for my budget…

Vincent is a nice name for a boy! I vote for Erica too (I’m partial to it because that’s my middle name, except I spell it with a ‘k’ not a ‘c’). Eric is on my list of names for boys…

How rude of your guests to stay so late? Don’t they know you’re pg? Or they still don’t know? If they don’t know, then that makes sense that they would stay so late.

YAY to your 8 week booking appt this week!!! :happydance:

Be very very careful with poor little Eva so that you don’t catch her bug! That’s the last thing you need!


I’m sure you’re not a cow! Don’t say that! :nope:

Oh, and I love that hairstyle! Go for it!!

Yay to your upcoming scan appt!!


Sorry about the sore butt cheek! but I guess it’s a small price to pay!

And so weird about Blake’s phone crapping out too! I feel lost without it-like I’m going through withdrawal or something! So very weird about your brother’s work flooding last week also (I don’t work at a hospital, I work at a school, but the school has a hospital across the street from me!) So there’s another connection there!


I am 5dpo today. Nothing out of the usual really, except the last 2 days my temps have been kind of flat, which I understand is a good thing, something about that it means that my hormones are stable. Today I had a little pain on right side, pretty sure it was just a cyst because that’s the same way it felt on my left side a couple of months ago.

I’ve had a little spotting a couple days before and couple days after o. I want to stay positive, but also don’t want to get my hopes up until I see my temps on 11dpo. We’ll see soon enough!
Angel- I doubt you look like a cow!!! That was pre bloat...and got to remember I have a funny uterus....the top of my uterus faces my feet so it takes longer for me to show and I am give nine and have a long torso so I don't show till I am around six seven months...thank you everyone and have a great week...will try to post more tomorrow....I have to be at work by six am.....hitchhiker...
vegas, lol eyes wiggling, that's too cute! Also, I would still consider the new doctor, in spite of age. Young doesn't necessarily mean they won't be good doctors, and you can always meet them and decide based on that.

Meli, yep, I'll deal with my bruised butt! Lol. Midwife is now saying she wants to do a blood test after I finish this rx of progesterone to see if I need to stay on it. I'm just wondering how that will work, considering I'll have it in my system from the shots... won't that make it look like I don't need it, even if I do? I'm nervous about stopping it... Last night's shot SUCKED. Not sure what was so different about it, but it hurt a lot more, and right after I got SUPER dizzy and almost blacked out - I've had this happen before at a hospital years ago, visiting my grandfather in the ICU. I think it may have happened this time because I haven't been able to eat as much as I normally do, so my blood sugar was probably low. Drank some juice and ate some crackers and felt better.

Have you gotten a new phone? Luckily Blake's was 6 days out from his 1 year warranty expiring, so they just gave him a new one for free.

Also, do you plan to start testing on 11 dpo?

sweetmomma, lol @ autocorrect! I've seen some straaaange autocorrects. One of the most memorable ones I've typed is the phone correcting this girl's name "Cshila" to "vagina." :haha: Another is when my friend was typing "passive aggressive roommates" and it got changed to "passive aggressive roosters." That cracked us up for some reason.

AFM, I have a massive cucumber craving. That is all!
Oh, and my flatiron broke and my hair is a mess. :dohh:
Sweetmomma: ooh, you're tall! Lucky you! I didn't know (or remember) that you have a tilted uterus.

Meli: your temp sure spiked today. Not to get you excited, but mine did the same thing. Sorry to hear that you've had some spotting this cycle; lord knows you are doing everything possible to fix it. Also, I had my hair highlighted, not just cut so that's another reason it took so long. I can't believe you had an appointment that lasted all day. Wowza!

Stef: so is your hair naturally curly if you don't use the straightening iron? Sorry the shots are making you feel bad. It's for good cause though. At least your mw is proactive.

Afm: I'm waiting to hear from the doctor with the results from my blood test yesterday. I did go back this morning to give them another urine sample. I took yet another hpt using fmu and it was darker than ever before so I guess it's still true. I'm feeling a bit crampy today which I'm taking as a good sign. My edd is December 15. Just what every kid wants, a b-day super close to Christmas!
Ok, just got the call. My hCG at 15dpo was 265. I'll go in again tomorrow to see if it is doubling. Pretty sure the initial number is good.

Being as tall as you are (lucky!) you definitely have lots of extra storage there! I knew someone with your size frame and she said the same thing about having more room in there before her tummy starts popping out lol.


I’d be nervous about stopping the injections, regardless of how much they suck! I think you bring up a valid point to ask the midwife. Who knows, maybe the progesterone shots have a half life of like a day or something, and traces leave the body promptly? I think you are right to question her. I’ve also read that when women are using progesterone, whether it’s injections or pills or pessaries, it’s recommended that they ease off of them and don’t like to abruptly stop taking them as it shocks the system or something?

No new phone yet. I borrowed DH’s personal cell since he has an iphone through his work. My neighbor gave me her old android, but I’m not sure if I should hook up her phone, or bite the bullet and buy a brand new phone. Not to mention her phone has touch pad and I need a keypad for texting. I’m afraid whether or not I buy a new phone, or just connect my neighbor’s phone, sprint will want to change my plan to one less favorable to me and more favorable to them (don’t they always try to do that?!) We’ll see. Lucky Blake that they gave him a new phone!! YAY! :happydance:

I don’t plan to start testing until I see 11dpo temps. If they are down, then I won’t even test, like last month. Why bother!

Cucumber is a great craving to have…so healthy (as long as you don’t dump chili, lemon juice and salt on it, like I’ve been known to do sometimes!)

Sorry your flatiron broke. I’m sure your hair’s not that bad. Just do what I do -- put it in a low ponytail. With as much hair as I have, as thick and long as it is, there is no way that I’m able to style my hair every day. Ha! I wish! My de rigeur style is the pony. Plus side of that is when I do finally wear my hair blown out and styled (about once a quarter) I get lots of compliments. I say it’s cuz people are used to seeing my hair in a pony, so the minute they don’t, they comment lol!


Yah, that was a temp spike alright. Let’s see what happens tomorrow. I’ve definitely had higher temps this cycle, but wondering if it’s due to the fact that I took the soy iso’s and these higher temps are a result. I guess I’ll know soon enough--if Sunday’s temps go down, then it’s a no go!

Well………..I suppose I should mention that the reason WHY my hair took 7 1/2 hours was because I was at a beauty school lol! I read about them in the community newspaper, and thought it would be cool to get a mani and pedi and pay $10 total. So I went. While I was there, the owner walked by, noticed my hair, and begged me to let her students do it, said she would do it at no charge to me. Said it would be excellent training for them. Promised she would supervise, mix the highlighting color, etc etc. So I agreed. I was happy with the results, but spending all day there was not cool. Actually, it felt good (I love when my hair is washed and styled, I LUV LUV head massages lol!) but it was stressful because DH kept calling me. “What time are you coming home?” “How much longer?” “I’m hungry”. ARGH~!!! :growlmad: Anyways, had I been at a real salon, it wouldn’t have taken more than 4- 4.5 hours or so. That’s the longest it’s taken me at a regular salon.

Edd of December 15 isn’t too bad. Since FF confirmed my o last Weds, it changed my edd to Dec 25. At this point, I will be happy with any edd lol!

How’s Charlotte doing?


How are you? How’s Eva diva doing?

Hey, did you guys hear about Halle Berry getting pg at 46 y/o? Says it was all natural. YAH RIGHT! Is what I say to that! Just admit you went to a FS!


I got my desktop back this morning! The IT guy (he’s my bud) told me to stop downloading viruses LOL! whoopps….must be the stupid websurfing I do that’s to do with all things babymaking lol! Fact: must be more careful ..hee hee!

When can we update our siggy with your :bfp: ???!

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